"Good morning Krishna!"

 "Dosen't it Sri Rangan Krishna?"

"Sure Sri we use as an honour to Gods Goddesses".

So   Rangan mean krishna? "

"Absolutely "


"What a colourful Vengadesan Krishna!!!!!!!!!!".

"Yeah. ..Good morning !!!

Listen guys in our  hands  grips   the glory is there, but it's... it's unfair and unfortunate some stubborn are being  adamant like rock minded rowdy ,Ragu prone to be wicket. " the way, there are so many Sri Rangans seeking Sri Rangan and unable to recognise the Sri Rangan is in them  ."

"Such as Uncle Sri Rangan Krishna?"

"You mean the Srilankan or Sri Rangan Krishna?"

"Oh goodness !"

"Who is Sri Rangan Krishna?".

"I know him he is in France 🇫🇷 Krishna ha...ha... !"

"Could ...could we hear what Rajesh Kanna sang Krishna about Sri Rangan Krishna or Srinivasan ?"!"

"No problem please proceed by opening the violet veil!"

"We understand why Rajesh Kanna calls Him Srinivasa because he doesn't recognise that  Sri Rangan in everything and everyone like Canada nephew ".

 "Ha...ha...ha... like our Sri Rangan Uncle ha...ha..."

"Suuuuuu too much of anything good for nothing alright!!!"

''We are , pretty optimistic Krishna"

"Of course, of course... previously we used to be pessimistic, but now a days there is no way to deny his scientific facts of Farther Krishna ''.

"However still there are some cricket  people critics of Krishna  why?"

"You mean wicked people Rudra ?"

"Yes like Ragu  rowdy in the story Krishna".
"Yes it is all about our minds, intelligence and egos are not derived directly  from parents, but from our past beautiful bodies such as dogs, cats and hogs minds sets great 💕 hearts 💕 ".

"Excuse me Krishna would you  mind telling us why you often call us respectfully?"

"Respect is respect students. When we noticed your arguments are unbelievably amazing ; intelligently inspiring , diligent and decent argumentative and also productive who would refuse to be respectful ha...ha..?"

"Thanks Krishna !"

"Krishna ,when we  watched the Vedic vibrant video,  we thought of Sri Rangan Uncle did you ?."
"Why not?
We... we use him to teach not to abuse him sweet hearts 💕 he is a person of humour he is considering Amirtha Amma is his Mystic guru not like tutor's nephew who is arrogantly being adamant".

"Krishna, in terms of balanced argument, we are not quite satisfied because Sri Rangan Uncle also had his evidence our conclusion must be balanced stating the opinion based on a weighing up of the evidence he has provided  Krishna".
"What was his evidence please Meera ?"

Where is the evidence Meera?"

"Look....look this is the evidence don't compare him with wicked people who are  behaving like witches!!!"

"What does mean wicked people Krisna ?"

"Evil or morally wrong individuals thinking just dening divine deliberately will allow them not to be punished  like some criminals refusing their charges such as Presidents Putin ,Drum ,Sadam, but sooner or a bit later they are going to be punished with penalties""

"Krishna.!!Krishna,  the dogs ,cats and hogs are not evil as we think because we saw a video footage in which two compassionate dogs, one is black and other one is white."

"Stop  watching and wasting time in animals footages"
"Krishna we  are derived from them Undoubtedly"

"Of course please proceed"

 "They were sorrowfully barking and weeping 
badly  while witnessing their master accidentally dropped from the rope into the deep pond and rescued him on the spot !!?"

"Thanks this is how we have to recognise that there are people who are fond of their families beside adamant, stubborn and idiots in Self-Realization". 

"Here you can read the prove of Sri Rangan Krishna" 

*षडंगादिवेदो मुखे शास्त्रविद्या ।*
*कवित्वादि गद्यं सुपद्यं करोति ।।*
*मनश्चेन्न लग्नं गुरोरंघ्रिपद्मे ।*
*ततः किं ततः किं ततः किं ततः किम् ।।३।।*

The Vedas with their six limbs and the knowledge of all the sciences may be on one’s lips; one may have been born with the poetic gift and may compose fine prose and poetry;
But if their mind is not fixed upon the lotus feet of their Guru, what’s the use, what’s the use, what’s the use of it all.

"Thanks we know this saintly person.
 However , the question is who 
said it Meera?"

"It's being clearly written, it's from  vadas Krishna !"

"Who wrote it?"

"Viyasadeva Krishna "

"Why people are denying it Krishna?"

"Dogs can't understand God our guru words Krishna"

"But...but the dogs are fond of families Krishna !!!

" That is because our minds ,intelligence and egos derived from different animals ".

"So Krishna, who is an actual guru that is our fundamental question?"

"Why not Krishna  there are hundreds of people claiming that they are gods and gurus aren't they Krishna?"

"Sure Subathra !"

 "Why you are being jealous dear Krishna ?"

 "Sure !!!Stop it Krishna why you are being jealous of Sri Rangan Uncle or the Canadian nephew ?"

"Can I answer Krishna?"

"Sure Sarah "

"The only reason  K. Soul shocked was that there is no evidences that her devotees understand the  God or bother to comprehend God".


"Of course , we are caring the   demigods more than anything else and it sounds our necessity it's our duties Vedically Krishna"


" Amirtha 's action seems like a living demigod or goddess grace of her , there are sacred services around the world have been fulfilled Krishna 💞". 


"Yes Krishna 💞 her popular prescriptions enchanted and enhanced every one fantastically. In addition, she is acting like 
Lord Jesus,Baba and madam Teresa "

"Krishna ...Krisna!!!!.and...and she is the devotee of Lord Krisna we have the  footages  she is acting as though her  acts only  in LOVE TO God to GET US OUT OF KARMA BY TAXING THE DEVOTEES IN MANY ,MEASURES AND FIXING UP THE POOR DEVOTEES PROBLEMS LIKE MOTHER TERESA  IN A COMPASSIONATE WAY ".

"Our worry is,  it's not the end for the innocent population because life doesn't disconnected it's carry on and on does she going to support them all  life after life?"

"Oh goodness eventually 
that is a default means failure  to  fulfil ourselves I mean our own self knowledge".  

"Ha...say again please ?"

"No one inspires to read Vedas although our tutor had offered a Bhagavad-Gita to Sri Rangan Uncle, there is no sign that  they are   in knowledge just being as  an average person like Canadian nephew".

"K.Soul says that Sri Rangan Uncle was informed not to be bothered about Vedas which is like an a unmeasurable river and cannot be comprehended ,".  

" Ha..ha...Aum Nama Shivaya only?" 

"Why on earth there  are people  being so so strange krishna ?"

"Pardon Peter ?"

"When we are witnessing the whole Hindus are in corporation with 33 millions of demigods, you discouraging us  Krishna?"

"Alright we talk the issue as the new topic of an  argument purpose okey ...happy?"

"Are we in Sathiya Yoga?"
"No Krishna "
"Are we on Treta Yuga?"

"No Krishna "

"Are we on Dwapra Yuga?"

"Shout up we are in Kali-Yuga Krishna ha...ha...for fun Krishna !?"

"According to the  Vedas,  what is our process of success to access Appah?

"Maha Mantra Meditation 🧘‍♂️ Krishna? ".

"Surely as it may be advantage in our exam preparation Krishna ".

"To be honest, once we water to the root, automatically leaves stems, buds ,flowers, trunks and branches will, be are happy. 
Is it my own opinion or the fact?"

"Are we in the position of a covered bud treasures?"

"No Krishna !"
Are we in a shrunken position of a flower sacred souls?"

"No Krishna"

"Are we in a beautiful budding position stupendous students?"

"No Krishna we are in a blooming status of lotus and knowing the purpose of our human boon bodies are the boats towards Krishna". 

"Thank you divine embodiments God bless bless you all ".

"Do you still want to challenge?"

"Yes  Krishna to be fair, an argument must not be presented as our own opinion, but as an objective facts Krishna ".

"You you are hundred percent correct Balaraman ".

"So let's get started Krishna "

"Thanks that's what we're doing great hearts 💕" 

"Then we begin each paragraph presented in a logical order Krishna?". 

"Excellent effort!Each paragraph should present a point students ".

"Oh supporting the argument Krishna ?"

"Correct with or without  evidence and examples?"

"Certainly with   evidence and examples Krishna ".

"Why ?"

"That...that strengthen the case Krishna "

"Meanwhile, we must maintain language features to make the readers pleasures and satisfy examiners expectations Krishna "

"Sure we use connectives, e.g therefore, Meanwhile, moreover, furthermore,  in fact, etc...

"Use correct present tense or future and past Krishna?.

"Correct!We often use passive voice to avoid provocation:

"Example Krishna?"

"Write about general participants Krishna?"
"Example Krishna?"

"It is believed, that the Vedas wording cannot be corrected or manipulated". 

"Can be said that it was said by our man made up gurus like some people  putting their favourite fellows and sharing ".

 "Oh it's a manipulation Krishna like some peoples using Siva's picture in Swarupa Krishna ".

" it right students?".

"No Krishna "

" Another example  Krishna?" 

"All dogs, teenagers, police officers rather than any particular one"

"But we used particular participants like Sri Rangan Uncle Canada nephew etc...etc...?"

"My apology it is because unless we fail to  mentioned their names, the subject matter would be sounding empty okay".

"Just for a joke Krishna ha...ha... "

"Now listen lovely submissive souls!"

"Krishna !
... To hear about Krishna from Vedic literature, or hear from Him directly through the Bhagavad-Gita is Bhakthy-Yoga, is it self righteous activity?." 

"To hear about Krishna from Vedic literature, or hear from Him directly through the Bhagavad-Gita,  is Bhakthy-Yoga, is  it self is certainly the righteous activity Meera". 

"Why Krishna?"

"As it is our goal of the goals because He is dwelling in everyone's heart 

"What how does it work Krishna?"

"Because lord being within us ,easy to bless us and He  acts as a best wishing friend"

"Krishna , when and how  we can be expected ourselves to be purified?"

"Krishna, what you think of different directions of devotees and their devotional service?"

"In the first six chapters of Bhagavad-Gita, the living entity has  described as nonmaterial sprit soul capable of elevating himself to self realization by different types of yoga.
At the end  of the sixth chapter, it has been clearly stated that the steady concentration of the mind upon  Krishna, is the highest form of the Yoga." 

"Then why there are multiple manipulation Krishna?"



"Why's it wrong  Krisna?"

"That's why we are obliged to mention particular people's pathetic pandemic such as tutor's nephew and cousin ".

"We  got it Krishna is it totally a failure or partially failure?".

 "Which is a matter of stepping stones to Lord Krishna, but not going home so not totally lost ".

"Wow ha....ha... we cannot totally purify ourselves Krishna?"

"The one who purifies is the one who is the devotee who  constantly engages in hearing of Him". 

"Is it the only way Krishna?"

"True this  way,  a devotee naturally develops his dormant transcendental knowledge". 

"What how does it work Krishna?"

"As he hears more about Krishna from the  Bhagavad-Gita and from the devotees, he becomes fixed in the  devotional service of the Lord." 

"For what Krishna?"

"By development of the devotional service one becomes freed from the modes of passion and ignorance". 

"When these impurities are wiped away Krishna?"

"Pardon Peter?"

"Such as K.Soul's cousin's confusion and nephew's ignorance Krishna?"

 "Only the the submissive  candidate remains steady in his position of pure goodness." 

"Thus becomes enlivened by devotional service and understand the science of God perfectly Krishna?

"True !Thus Bhakthy-Yoga serves the hard knot of material affection and enables us to be liberated with prosperity and happiness in Krishna consciousness ".

"Thanks Krishna fantastic persuasion Krishna evidence please Krishna" 
"Chapter Seven text 1 and 2 of the Knowledge of the Absolute "

"Could we have a brief break hearing a Vedic vibrant video Krishna?"

" we are as long as we adhere Dharma, we can get out of karma guys.

"Thanks 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Krishna".

"Can we listen how Rajesh Kanna as he was really really in a saddened circumstances Krishna 💞".

"No worries one ...two.. three just listen what  regrettable circumference for Rajesh Kanna and he was talking to God like a weeping and worried child who complaints to his parents". 

"What was it Krishna ?"

"Listen please listen to him how he talks to Vengadesan in thirupathy'. 

"Please Lord safe Renuga's life. I don't bothered of my  unreliably ,awful girl, she was a broken piece of a glass  looked like real diamond to my unfortunate time." 
"Why not Krishna?"

"She was a nasty woman with dirty character Krishna "
"Why Mary?"
"Krishna her character doesn't deserve  respect she was shocking so shocking sir"
"Cool down Rudra!"

"What else Rajesh Kanna said Krishna  he is an honorable gentle man when we heard he is an orphan, we realized and  regretted what happened to his innocent parents was unbearable?"

"Kind of you Rosy"
Further he said:

"Because of my past karma I was penalised/ punished. However, now I totally dislike her disgusting qualities. I realized her dishonesty personality too God 🙏💗🙏"
"I would have done the same thing Krishna  then Krishna ?".

"No worries one two three Krishna ":

"Rajesh Kanna took a big breath ,  painfully and faithfully."..

"I wonder why he still couldn't forget the demoniac girl Krishna who cheated him so badly she is an untrustworthy , insincere and dishonest demoniac Krishna!" 
 He unexpectedly wiped away his  heart felt emotional silver  pears dripping sympathetically .

"Please our genius father! I am telling wholeheartedly  that each and every  cell's nucleus in my blood feel it when I say it ... believe it Lord !We realized our identities". 

"Then he wiped away his sweat together with his tears".

"We are your children...we are your DNA ;we  realized that we all came from your nucleus! Best of all, you activate every single atom! It is  the Stupendous Supreme Science we learned from Vedas"

"And then he was silent for a moment again he smiled  angrily ,

"Vengkadesa! It's  not a question of religion. Its a question of relationship our lost original partnership Papa"

 " Next he thought in his mind only, calling Him Dad!' 

"Dad! There is nothing we expect to experience like a solar system with perfectly mathematical calculation. "Even a little wrong movement of any planets of the solar system,will result a disaster for the entire system".

He kept wiping his welling  warm water 💦💦💧💦💧💦💧💦 when he reminded his suicide attempt by taking sleeping tablets" 
"He couldn't stop his mountenious complaints in compassion".

"I am wise enough to realize the reality of your divinity! Otherwise, there is no choice of being a humanity. Daddy! I refused  Your  Supreme,the Divined Super Science book in the first place ".
"He again stopped with  much more pain"

"But his mind doesn't want to stop!:

"Where was him Krishna?"

"Was he still carrying on Krishna?" 

"He was inside the temple  finally he declared:

"you are the omnipotent,omniscient,Omani-benevolent and omnipresent".

"This was how he was praying to Thirupathy Vengadesher sweetest 💕♥️💜💙🧡❤!"
"So sorry for him sir!"

Yeah he is a garden of  gems 💎💎💎💎 sir God will bless 🙏🙏 him soon very soon sir"

"Correct Christina 💕"

"Today was Sunday they all went again to thank to the unimaginable black shiny riddle idol which muddled every one!"

"Unexpectedly reddened Renuga gladly glanced at a  gentle man in the crowd with an elegant look with a book blue book in his hand!"

"He was wearing an expensive sunglasses and following the queue a few meters in front of her!!!",  .

"For some peculiar reasons, her  heart melted and her body was shaking some thing was happening in her beautiful inner self  where Divine  Daddy lives, her back born shone divinely!"

"What  was it Krishna?"

"It was impressively  interesting !Quite, quite confusing though he then seems like wearing like an ordinary Indian like a devotee with black beard yellow top  and blue bottom bare foot! Oh it's a miracle!". 
"We don't get anything Krishna!"

"He resembled like the greatest scientist who invented a miracle gadget called a television". 

"Pardon Krishna what are you talking  Krishna?"

"For some reason,each time she compares her Dad's photo to the inventor of TV, he looked exactly like her Dad, Jonathan".

"She was cutely curious in staring at him standing on her toes or tiptoeing by wiping away her crystal clear sweat softly, the surface he was standing was downhill !"

"Unexpectedly she said to herself by curiosity,

"The TV   inventor wouldn't be there !!!Was...wasn't long time ago no!"

 Then she recalled about his amazing act of the scientist: 

"out of an old tea chest,some bits of cardboard and string. The scientist had made a miracle! Factually it was postcard sized screen which sows live,moving images sent from a camera nearby."

"Yeah…  he looked like the cattiest inventor,

"Was he  John Logie Baird  Krishna?"

"Yes who had caused amazement to the entire population Retna."

Grace of his hard work,we all are enjoying the TV Krishna!".
"Surely !".

"All of a sudden,she began to realize that he was not the scientist who resembled her Dad, but he was her own Dad, Jonathan himself!"

"You are joking Krishna!"

"No in real Peter! Her tears tremendously heated up her ocean blue 💙 eyes! Oh my God! Her body goosebumps!!!" 
"She was in heaven resembled like praying 🙏 Vengadesan with hundreds of devotees wearing like angels princesses:

"Please 🙏🙏🙏open the black half curtain if you want to see  them".

"I had been searching for you Dad!".

"She was extremely emotional; supremely  sensational so sweetest! She was unable to control her unbelievable senses! so,so sensational and it was astonishingly amazing!"

"We couldn't believe our ears Krishna what is going on?" 

"An unbearable situation, she was over exited and over the  moon, adorably uncontrollable tears soon overflowing all the family members moon grace ❤ ♥ 💖 🙎‍♀️  faces unmistakably it was an overwhelming situation!"

"Was it her father in real Krishna?"
"Suuuuuu stop talking let him take his own time to describe Durga" 

"Unavoidable emotion; loving emotion. Her throat went dry. wordless ...helpless... shockingly looked up in the snow white phenomenal tremendous tower of the Thirupathi 

"Wow what a vow Krishna?"

"Her eyes in rain flowing like waterfalls constantly! Suddenly she looked at others!They were a bit far! Her voice was blocked! Throat went dry ,heart ❤ was a garden of fragrance flowers 💐 💐 🌹 🌸 💐 💐 !!!"

"Then with a sweetened sympathetic manner, she managed to call him,

"Dad I  am Renuga Dad  !"

"With lots of long long term loyal love. He immediately turned towards the musical angel !

"Tears terrifically flowing through his sky  blue eyes!"

"What a speed!He was the seed provider  of this angelic pretty plant which was drying and dying, forget to bloom so long began to bloom beautifully and fragrantly while witnessing her sacred soul provider, Papah"

For her amazement,others, too shared her Ruby rainy.

In addition, they knew it earlier! Her pilgrimage greatest group did the arrangement; they were informed in advanced that he was coming, but they kept the sacred secret to give her softest surprise shock!"

"He was wiping her pink pearls fatherly; her happy head was landed on his cheerful chest,he was wearing  traditional softest silk soft clothes". 

"However he felt uncomfortable; he wears this kind of things, on her Mom's request".Nevertheless, it suited to him marvelously. It was as white as milk." 

"She suddenly studied his white face tearfully.He kissed her repeatedly by his white pretty palms and embracing her warningly and welcomingly.'"

"She kissed him kindly, affectionately and repeatedly on his cheeks like a baby daughter received her dad returned from the war  victoriously ."

"People were wondering astonishingly in wiping their tears unknowingly".

"She was wearing a kind of both  European style and Eastern style, but we can recognise that she is western young woman ".

"Can any one imagine this scene?"

" What a vow the family made it was a smelling scents  of divine flowers 🌸🌷🌻🌹🌻🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌻🌹🌹!"

" His Divine daughter's pleasure expressed the divine treasures abnormally ! He carried her in crying loudly",

" Darling when I read the article, I could not sleep;I could not eat and obviously I could not work...."

"He couldn't find words in the world ;he couldn't talk but his mind doesn't stop":

"Darling I had been searching you all around the world.I could not die without seeing you all I realized the souls and the Supreme Soul, too"

".Darling! We never ever die dear...prove even if  I happened to passed away,you would be still there.The same thing to every  living beings for instant,the banana tree, the soul carry on living in different,different trees based on the same  root"

"Yeah it's true Dad I,too did the same" 

"Did she answer reading her dad's mind Krishna?"

"Why not Siva?"

"Suddenly he was unable to stop talking ,but what he spoke was a prove of everlasting life and never ending soul only thing, he is being a science teacher,telling the fact except the fact of the facts of the soul which is the cause of the root".

 "This is how the general scientists are talking interpreting by Nature means man can't make it was already made logically they are agreeing the divinity is an eternity in the form of banana root".

 "True Krishna! We all have the souls why we are in tears why Krishna ?"

"Pardon Peter?"

" simply by hearing their out standing outline story,  we don't know why we are wiping our ❤own hearts  broken tears Krishna?" 
"True 💗❤️ Renuga is a ruby mountain  Krishna"

"Every body should approve and  improve the eternity  in divinity within our body as our original identity"
"What is it Meera?"

"The sacred souls Krishna".

"Thank you ....thank you and thank you  you are right all  the sum total of all the souls 🙏 equals Supreme Sacred Soul"

"Why People complaint in saying,how on Earth older people are still interested in material such as properties or prosperity Krishna?".
"Pardon why you asked unrelated question Meera?" 

"Why not Krishna?" 
"All because they only know that still their roots are there, to carry on living in this Earth to realize the divine and worth of considering their futures".

"Exactly life is miraculously mesmerising isn't it very very difficult to protect the sacred soul?"
"The same thing with the environment Krishna!"

"Pardon Peter?!"

'Meera means  it's similar thing of being environmentally friendly to save the future generations this is called generous and divine qualities Krishna"
"Excellent effort 👍👌👍," 

"Great Britain King,Charles for example,claimed that the grand children going to be in danger because of the pollution !"

"Did he Sam?"

'Yes Krishna!"

"Seeeeeeee the  greatest quality and the mentality of a quality King!."

 "Indeed Krishna !"

"Definitely Rata"

"We all should respect at least the words of the Kings'.

"Earlier in India Kings were introducing the Divined knowledge through the education system sweet hearts 💓💓❣️❣️🥰"

"But bad  luck,that had been discontinued cause of time and the Gita was ignored consequently consecutive brutalities  taking place".

"Thanks Krishna devoting  your time see for instant,the GOD can be written DOG just a question of changing the position of the same letters like we used to be before the Veda knowledge changed us from so bad to Supreme good". 
"Ha...ha... happy we are not poppies any more Rudra "

"However,without teaching the divine knowledge,leaving the innocent population with wealthy, is kind of unkind be because money is a good servant and a bad master Krishna ". 

 "Correct Christina 💕great of you ❣️ applause 👏🙌🙌🙌please 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌" 

"It would be worse of being unworthy which will lead them unhealthy style of life".  

"Certainly Balaraman"

"Result Karma will carry on cruel birth cycles will continue on and on". 

"Of course, the life is not permanent still, it is helping us to achieve the permanent in following service either the  devotional service,( Pakti Yoga) or Karma-Yoga ".

The Divined father of every body renounced the whole Earth to his children Krishna!".
"Definitely Durga such as Buddha!" 

"If we love Him, he will love us. Result we will be offered proper place and proper body to get rid of improper living style in temporary measures and get rid of long term suffer for short term living".  
"Appreciate it Krishna"

"In fact,her father was a British man and mother originally from Srilanka  both Britain best educated. His grand parent were searching them to leave their properties and prosperity to their grand children".

"Ohhhhhhh My Gooood!!!!! What a beautiful relationship of the Lordship Krishna?"

"They have no other children than Jonathan.So his children are their children,too".

"Out standing Krishna!!!!"

 "It was really, really lovely to see the young jewel with out any gold jewels".

"She was seriously and sincerely praying her Divined Dad to find her biological living  Dad".

"Now she has everything her grandparents going to offer her all of their savings Krishna?!?!?!

"This is miraculous Krishna!"

"Her colour was neither English nor Srilankan.Two in one, but Divine one. As Sam had been proving that the Divine lives in everyone,her activities were attractive expressed the reality in her personality" 

"Somehow she looks more and more prettier in her skin  colour rather than her Dad's only milk white colour or her Mum's  only brown chocolate colour."
" Sure Krishna we can imagine it kind of golden colour!" 
"Her eyes had been designed by her dad's genius genes genuinely greatest kind of baby blue beautifully matching to her sky-blue  jeans and her  snow white silk blouse together with her cotton white teeth with two small teeth either sides of her middle two big teeth looked more attractive especially while she smile or cry. It was a joy to see her either smiling or crying!"

 "O goodness Sam found this  amazing moments ! His conscience convinced the Lord's consciousness considerably !It winked up like a Supreme Scientist magnificent mind"

"He was just watching the tremendous temple curiously and carefully."

 "Renuga's  hair was left down today after having  a happy head bath using herbal medication shampoo of naturally fragrance not let her beauty down ". 

Like her fantastic friend ,Marina, she too often left her hair down, but when both of them put make pony tails, they looked loveliest ". 

"Her dark brown fair hair wind blown softly; her shy smile together with a emotional cry was replaced the goddess with a diamond crown".

 "Rajesh Kanna was wordless,too happily watching  her. Whenever she would cry, she looks cute for him,too." 

 "Sam found her father and her beautiful bond of diamond nucleus affection reminded him the compound of elements based in Super Nature"

"He often thinks as a scientist, yeah how in each an every item has been engineered and structured  that's what it !

 It seemed naturally showing  factual evidences of the relationship of the  Father's fixation ".

"Sam compared their heavenly  heart touching golden ship shaped relationship or their bond, to the water molecule while drinking a glass of cold water in the hot weather !" 

"Could any one think in this way as Sam thinks?"

 "He is genius genuinely greatest individual even some times he happened to cut a plant, in his backyard or garden to clean up and tidy up ,he would be saying the Mantra to make sure that soul shouldn't be land in to a filthy body and he is 100% sure that while he happened to uproot a plant in his garden only  by saying the Krishna mantra".
"Why Krishna"

"They will certainly liberated or at least have a chance of  having human birth as the humans have tremendous chances of self realization and achieving  liberation."  
 "True Krishna tremendous true"

"Now he compares father and the children's relationship or Jonathan and his children's relationship Just like a single molecule of water." 

"Why Krishna?"

"To be frank, two hydrogen and one oxygen bound together to make this divined relation of water molecule"

" "Yeeee Ohhhhh he means that the relationship cannot be divided as it is science Krishna!"

Yeee! His head always thinks of the Headmaster Krishna"

"I mean Lord Krishn Yeee! His head always thinks of the Headmaster sir"

 "No doubts at all. 

"On the other hand, James kept kissing his Dad and hugging constantly. 

Mother was weeping in keeping his hand in her hand grip".

"What a bond it sounded some thing interesting to think in Sam's impressive biological and physical and chemical engineering mind set Krishna?" 

 "Certainly because Sam knows that is how the  Divine lives in every-one?"  

"This is how Supreme lives in everyone and separated from every one  Krishna?. 

"What Siva?"

"The Soul who is joining all the souls is simply an amazing air,but "Eternally shares Krishna".
"Sure Sarah" 

"Smiling sam went closer and closer to read  their affections clearer and clearer and study them  better and better...O  Goodness" 

 "What a pearly pair,father and daughter! They couldn't be separated; they shouldn't be separated ;they didn't separate this is simply the  science  !"
"We understand Krishna we wonder if everyone thinks the way Sam thinks, the world become a marvelous place at least to the future  generation " 
"He analyzed and realized that, the divine is exactly like the one oxygen atom out of the three atoms in the water molecule".

"Was a divined connection of compassion which cutely connected to dad and daughter and son Krishna"

 " Of course it is biology Peter !It is showing as Divine in their relationships. Similarly, considering the compounds, they cannot be separated".

 "When some parents having designer babies, is it a right action of leaving the children without their father's relationship Krishna  it is stupidity Sudah" 

" Sure !When the people have some money behaving like monkeys! 

"Can they?"
"We can't help it each has been left free nonetheless even a tree is not free all are controlled " 

"This is Supreme Sciences Krishna?".

Certainly!To stop the divorce rate rise,divine science study support a lot Krishna"

"Exactly Meera" 

"Only a fewer couple bother with marriage.As a matter of fact, while we  are in our lesson, ,some in the united state supposed , two couple get married and another will get divorced".

"Whaaaaaat Krishna?" 
"Are you certain Christina?"

"That is not the end, one in three American children now live with only one parent".

 It is not only in America all over the world according to their populations Krishna".

" Isn't it ????
 As  as a matter of fact, I know in real, 33% of the population  ending up in divorce in Britain 🇬🇧 Pamitta" 

"So Divined Science is not only leading to the eternity by realizing the identity of humanity, but also helping the families to be cooperative and supportive is this an  authoritative information Krishna?".  

" Absolutely! the elements found in the compound are fixed and  disconnect- able,  while watching Renuga and Jonathan stood next to next, Sam thought scientifically 
"What was  it Krishna?"

"Means they are designed to beloved! which Supreme Science  proposal". 

"We don't understand Krishna!"

" For instant, why a daughter and father or a child and mother  unable to be separated ?"

Oh it is exactly like  the material compound cannot be separated Krishna?"

"Pardon Peter?"

"See for example, if the water molecule's elements happened to be separated, it is not going to be O2 anymore Krishna." 
"Correct when the water 💧 💧 💧 💧 💧 💧 💧 💧in hot weather evaporated , but they are reunited as rain ha...ha...ha..."

"Sure Sam is super in comparing the chemical aspects with the physical aspects Krishna".

"Correct Christina he still was watching their actions and reactions  because it indicated that they both made in Divine love.!!!"

"Soooooo interesting in thinking in this way like Sam does Krishna".

"Certainly he  watched carefully!! Obviously some of the times no one can't predict what he thinks.How it links with the Supreme King!!! 
"He is different like Grandma declared Krishna"

"Factually, the Divine declared authoritatively and authentically 5000 years ago that  the entire element  are  His  production"
"Oh yeah as Lord said that He is the creation"

"What does it mean Krishna?"
 "Ha....ha...ha.... is the  protector of these five kinds of main divine elements knowingly EARTH,SKY,FIRE,AIR,AND WATER".
"What about the other elements sir there are over hundreds?"  

"Are you talking of periodic-table?"

"Yes Krishna"

"From which the brilliant material scientists discovered intelligently more than 100 elements such as gold iron,silver,diamonds etc all grace of Sacred souls students"
 "That is to say,each element contains a different atoms Krishna?"

"Yes each element has a different number of electrons, neutrons and protons in the nucleus" 
" What a wonderful world with wonderful people who claim  the proprietorship of the wonderful world?

" long?" 

"Isn't it absolutely awful and unlawful Krishna?"

" Awful of what Sarah?"

"Of not realizing the proprietor of all proprietors or Land lord of all the lands?".

Ha...ha...ha....!!!In stead of agreeing Super Nature's Supreme engineering ,people are discriminating the people who are devotional and transcendental  by misinterpreting them believers and none-believers that is absolutely unintelligent Krishna"

"The pilgrimage were still there!" 

"No wonder,For Renuga, she could not move away from her Dad...she was telling".

 "All her life story to her Dad... breathlessly…  Not allowing her marvelous Mum or brother a chance to hold his hand of his  golden hair shining to the banana
yellow sun light."

"Finally Jonathan Renuga’s dream comes true!
Below she suggested to watch the video take care :"

"Thanks Krishna"

Please find enclosed what Sri Rangan had shared in our previous conversation, episode 15 D 

*भज गोविन्दं भज गोविन्दं*
*गोविन्दं भज मूढमते ।*
*सम्प्राप्ते सन्निहिते काले*
*नहि नहि रक्षति डुकृङ्करणे ॥ १॥*

Worship Govinda, worship Govinda, worship Govinda, Oh fool !
Rules of grammar will not save you at the time of your death.

Continue. ..


Hare Krishna 

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