Animal Instinct  Residents in Human Mind...

Our Gurus can Remove Them From Our Minds, But
Who is a genuine Guru Dear Students?

"God πŸ™ Morning !

... How are You Doing Krishna Anna πŸ’ž!"?

"Well, How are Yooooooou Doing Chocolates 🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫?"

"We are fine, but the topic confused us Krishna".

"Animals Minds sets  Remaining As Resident in Us???..."

"Oh Jesus ?? "

"Can...can we remove them Krishna?"

" Yeah"

"How Krishna?"

  "That's what Krishna has mentioned Rudra in the topics subject matters"

 "A genuine Guru!"

"Does...does he Krishna?"

" Definitely "

"Very well said Krishna Anna! "

"We can , but how can we say something that we are unable to do it Krishna?"

"What is it Sarah?"

"We went throughout many animals life Krishna...."

 "Haven't we Krishna?".

"What is the prove Krishna?"

"We have the characters of animals".


"Brilliant... animals blood flooding in our bodies"

"How could we prove them Krishna?"

"We are what we eat Krishna!" 

"Am I correct Krishna"


"When we get angry we display who we are in real and how we have been evolved exactly ha...ha".

"We all  involved of evolution, but not you Krishna ? ".

''Pardon Pammitta?

"Because you are Krishna".



"Rest of us?".

 Involved in revolution that's how we have our reserved original characters of evolution?"

"True Sam !Why can't we set up  all of our minds sets to  build up or top up our disciplines decently Krishna Anna?".

"Very easy  to say ,but  it's being already set up sweetest toffees".

"Was it  preset Krishna Anna?".

 "Sure it's being preset which we called destiny".

"How we identify it easily Krishna?"

 "Which is  exactly like scary scars of wounds, but  in our minds sets Krishna Anna".

"Brilliant πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘!!!".


"Excellent effort MaryπŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ™Œ

" Example Evidence please Krishna πŸ™"

" For instance, Ukraine and Russian put all of us in this disgustingly dangerous situation".

" We are talking about our own country Retna".

"Of course ,we too crucially caused cancerous sickness which is still under treatment Krishna Anna". 

"Wait...Wait...Wait!!! Talk only our own actions ? 

"Ye up to now we are  under treatment of cancer Krishna ?"

"What are you talking about?" 

"Where are the disappeared people Krishna ?"

" Sure! What is the death toll during the war Krisna ?"

"Was it our mistake Krishna?"

"If we think Russian and Ukrain war are affecting  our economics problem, so do  our own war Krishna".

"It   was worse much more worse than Ukraine Krishna."


"Why Ukraine fights Retna ?"

"Russian disagrees Ukraine's request Krishna"

"Why we had fought Krishna?"

"Our government disagreed our request ".

"Ohhhhhhh goodness." 

"What was it Krishna?"

"13 Pact Act has the details" .

"What does mean Pact Krishna Anna?"

"A formal agreements". 

"Why do we disagree the present preparation.... 

 what is it call Krishna?".

"No Confidence Motion Krishna  ?".

 "Thanks !Is it  because still we did not change our mind sets Krishna?"

"Yeah we have some disagreements till present following the past Pact  Act and present Pact Act ". 

"When was it?"

"In 2019 Anna following the 19th Pact modification"

"As a prove, our minds sets are shockingly  showing  our original characters whenever we are facing difficulties like this" 

"What is it?"

"The present government's Pact Act Krisna ?"

Is it again all about the 13th Pact Peter?"

"No the present,  20th   Pact Act rectification of the previous "

"You mean there must be some correction on 

the government policy Krisna ?".


"Does our President prepared to rectify the errors now Krishna?"

"Yes he is preparing" 

"So whare is the problem now Krishna?"

"We wait and watch when our angery and hungry are going to be ended Krisna ".

 "Overall, we too are being part of the  serious problems to our neighbourhood KRISHNA?" 

"Definitely Durga". 

"We... we are crazy Krishna" 

"Pardon Rudra?"

"We are  being hypocrisy Krishna!".

"You mean pretending and proclaiming that we are nice individuals? ".

"Obviously originally we have our hidden hypocrisy Krishna".

"However, when we are in  our Originator's, Mission it's like the rain drops falls on the ocean Krishna  "

"Pardon   what does Sarah 's talk mean Krrishna?"

"He  means when the rain drops falls on the ocean, straight away it gets a new mind set". 

"Brilliant πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ !". 

"Was it preset Krishna?". 


"Once we are under a genuine guru's guidance πŸ™,It's makes difference like a drop of water dropped in the ocean, we become one the same one  as the original ONE"

"It was set up in preset Krishna?". 

" So once we all fall on the ocean of devotion,we become different Krishna?" 

"Ye as the rain transformed as the same name, the same fame,the same charm and the same quality and beauty  of the beautiful blue ocean". 

" Ha...ha... philosophical wording Krishna  !Elegant effort to be honest Krishna πŸ’ž πŸ‘Œ" 

"Thanks "

 "So too when a person involves in "Backti-Yoga" or "Puthy-Yoga",he or she  gets Divine mind set although it was preset pretty badly Krishna?"

"Without doubt about it Tulsy ".


 "We would love to see the Avatars of the evolutionary human history as a glory ,Krishna Anna!".


"Please πŸ™open the violet curtain Balaraman".

"Thanks Krishna !!!"

"So too when a person involves in "Backti-Yoga" (Devotionally associated) KRISHNA?".

"Puthy-Yoga",(Intellectually associated) she/he  gets Divine mind set although it was preset pretty badly Krishna ?"

 "Ye he can be changed the quality because he is distinguished diamond, it was said by Baba,too".

"Did he Krishna?"

"Yes he did Durga".

" For instance, Rajesh Kanna became a purified person after the amazing advices of an adorable man of principles who is enlightened Krishna."

"That's right Meera".

"But what we have been doing when we get angry Krishna?"

"At that point, do we think that we all are behaving as same  as Sam Krishna?"

"Sorry Sarah?"

 "Are we always behaving like saints Krishna?"

"We are  not clear of it Krishna  Anna?"

"What is happening in our country Krishna?"

"Do we think what Lord of the Lord said Krishna?"

"What was it Krisna?"

"All life is one my dear son ! Behave alike to everyone" 

"Lord  of the Lords said to whom Pamitta?".

"To Jesus Didn't He Krishna?"

"Absolutely He did".

"Unfortunately ultimate truth have been buried by Five Kosas".

"I eat more than five dosas Krishna Anna"

" !!!"

"I meant Kosas ,representing  illusion ,Maya; kind of cover which are hiding our reality ;kind of mirage".

"Mirage Krishna?"

"Yeah an action caused by the hot weather".

"What are the five items why they are preventing us not to be able to overcome them Krishna?".

First let us know which  they are :

1) Material

2) Mental

3) Intellectual 

4) Vital 

5) Spiritual".

"What is VITAL Krishna Anna?"

"Absolutely necessary Rosy ".


"So  Sam is out of these five fearful covers Krishna?

"Not totally!"

"Then, he is not  enlightened like Buddha Krishna?"

"Who said Rudra that  he does?" 

"Grandpa I mean Rajesh Kanna's Grandpa Krishna"

"Sure... sure... Sam's advice due to  God's grace  means he speaks what his guru spoke in turn his guru speaks what Lord Krishna πŸ™  had spoken".

"However, he is Sam not guru".

" Nevertheless he has been  enlightening due to his 

punniyas,( pious in the past )and learned knowledge grace of our guru, Swami A. C Bhadivedatha Prabhupada Krishna" 

"Oh Who ? "

"Are you talking of our Bona-fide spiritual master"

"Surely !".

"Does he is the one in the picture KRISHNA ?"

"Ye he is from the disciples succession (number 32).

"Is he descending from Lord Krishna?"

"Exactly he is the Bona- fide spiritual Master Rata."

"What is Bona-fide Krisna ?"

"We meant Genuine no fraudulent"

"Genuine Guru". 

"Oh I seeeeeeee"

"So there are some who have been misinterpreting the messages on their own opinions Krishna  Anna?"

"Absolutely there are thousands fraudulent destroyed in misinterpreting and manipulating  the truth of reality and divinity Mary" 


"Isn't  he like the diamond Krishna ?" 

 "Excuuuuuse meeee Krishna!"

"Because sir  only taught us that the diamonds are made of carbon"

"Didn't he ?"

"He did Krishna"

"What he meant was, the πŸ’Ž  diamond has been created from the ordinary carbon right Krishna?"

"Certainly Christina!"

"Besides it is having extra ordinary value and beauty like Sam and his companionship"

"Isn't it  the diamond πŸ’Ž made of carbon Krishna?"

" Ha.,.ha...are you stupid?"



"How carbon turns diamond Krishna?"

"We got the prettiest point  Meera we understand what you really mean"

"What is it Krishna?"

"Ha...ha... could you mind your language Meera?

"Ye you  missed Krishna  Meera!"

"Ha...ha...Meera doesn't call Anna, but Krishna...ha...ha..."




"Does it raining?

 Have a Look!"




"You are trying to change our subject matter Krishna !"

"What to do?"

"One by one you all are showing  your hidden instincts".

"What is instinct Krishna ?".

"Another name of our genetic mind set Meera"

"We don't get it Krishna?."

"We can able identify our inborn impulse or motivation of action"

"Ha...ha....!!!You meant different flavour of fragrance like incense which we use in our pray rooms Krishna Anna?"


"Krishna, we are doing it for fun!!"

"We are so sorry Krishna".

"Ha...ha...Could we continue our conversation Krisna ... we are not adamant or suborn  like Ragu rowdy?"


  " Alright !You mean,  in comparison 

to the ordinary carbon,  the πŸ’Ž is being  extra ordinary  although made of the same elements Krishna!"

"Finally you got the right answer Rudra?"

"Ha...ha... in Sam's  case, it is  grace of the position and his preparation of developing  devotion Christina we can do the same as good as Sam Krishna".

" Can we Krishna?'


 'Thank you sooo much Krishna Anna" 

"Similarly the people who have the greatest πŸ’• ♥️ πŸ’œ πŸ’™hearts 🧑 ❤  representing the πŸ’Ž πŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž πŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž diamonds values whereas  the ordinary peoples who are representing the 

"carbon, ordinary carbon Krishna  " 

"Definitely Durga definitely!"

" πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ !"


"Thanks God bless you πŸ™Krishna Anna 

'Why people are being like that Krishna ?"

"What is it?"

"Ignorance like ordinary carbon Krishna?"

"Simply..simply  due to our ignorance  characters and interested in pretty passion, passion and passion automatically goodness gone students".

"So better we be in the  ignorance class and not put us in risks of being busy  as bee in our Session of Mission Krisna "

"Ha...ha...!Still the ordinary carbon have to work harder and harder because they have to work and  travel everywhere such as materially motivated population take birth after birth only...only to chew the chewed just like Ragu rowdy sweet hearts Krishna".

"Sir...sir...sir...what carbon?"

 "What is it Krisna ?" 

"What is travelling you are confusing us of our material science with Krisna Science!?"

1) troposphere,

2) atmosphere and 

3) hydrosphere ...

exactly like the ordinary human beings taking birth after birth only..only to suffer for ever...this is the real status of the ignorance people Rudra".

"Excellent effort Krishna !"

"Ragu was so rude Krisna "

"Why "

 "He was the one who had told Sam that he will die like Gandhi, Martin Luther King  Kennedy and ...and and KRISHNA ?"

 "Yes Meera"

"Krishna, so there are layers  of networks in the atmosphere just like peoples are in the levels of different ,different classes according to our torch of knowledge due to our past preparation called Karma due ot Kama, (deep desire)?"

"Excellent...! Excellent effort  Meera!"

 "Just a minutes ! Can we  see the  flock of 

 colorful birds 🐦  🐦 🐦 🐦 🐦 🐦  over their Students ?"


..."We can see them Krisna "

  "we wonder how they are flying together I know it's a difficult question for you Krishna !"

" Ha..,ha...It's Grace of the soul ✨ within them Rata"

"Ohhhhhhhh my Goooood you are correct Christina how did you know it?!" 

 " To be honest , listening our intellectual conversations, we feel that we are already enlightened by the wisdom thus it will enhance us to be liberated from the animal  kingdom and establish in the heavenly human kingdom and being disconnected form the birth chains Christina".

"Oh so you are reminding that we are animals unless we are self realised  Krisna "


"Exactly πŸ’― Meera!"

"However, such as  uninvited Ragu rowdyism is fearful I am afraid of Marina Akka because it's going to be a difficult and dangerous of Sam's  travelling  to abroad Krishna "

"Why you say so Christina?"

" For  example, Mom's favourite French girl  was in a tragedy and tragic because of her unexpected  growth in wealth I mean fame and riches "

The problem is within the society of hatred and ego and jealousness sir"

"Who was it Christina?"

" I don't even know much I think that she was a daughter of Srilankan refugee woman married to a French man". 


"The musician young lady was their daughter whom I am talking about Krisna ".

"However,  at her early twenties 

her fate left her singing in the tube stations (under ground rail way stations) for her living. It was in her early twenty". 

"Who was she?"

"I don't know much only  little little detail Krisna "

 "So she was your Mom's favourite musician  Christina?"


"Fortunately she was met by a big music producer and publisher  of music who was seeking a character to play in a new album with Jean Jackque Goldman".

"Why you are talking about her now ?"

" There is a relativity  of our Great Hearts' main   characters"

"In addition,  she is a Srilankan origin Krisna  ?"

"Srilankan origin??!"

"Promise the music was so so successful"

"Are you sure Sudah?"

"Yes Krishna ".

"Nevertheless unfortunately the jealous individuals like Ragu..."

"What happened Christina ?"

"Better we watch together to see the similarity and connectivity of Sam and Marina in the music Krisna   "

"Nonetheless actually I didn't know much about her as your mother knows".  

"Krishna  it was a  tragic story could we publish that music  on line for the on line students after watching it and if we approve and appreciate it?"

"Where was it Christina again?"

"In France πŸ‡«πŸ‡· siiiiiirrrrrrr"

"When was it?"

"In 1987 may be".

"Excuse me Sir  , you know that Christina is native French girl?"

"You too is a French nationality sir"

"Aren't you?"

"Of course, without a doubt about it".

" Why don't you speak to her in French?"

" speak French with those who do not speak French Peter"


"Ha...ha...Because I speak the nicest french not like native French people ?"

"Isn't it implying the opposite sir?"

" No. Wouldn't they find it  difficult to understand my french Mary?"

"Ha...ha... sir you cannot have a French passport unless you speak French "

"That is the illusion can you remember your degree subjects when you are out of the field??"

"We think better we watch thd Srilankan girl's successful song  as Christina is eagerly expecting it sir?"

"No worries open the blue curtain please πŸ’™"

"It is indeed lovely and linking with the story Krishna !"

"So we will share it happy?" 

"Thaaaaank yoooou!!"

"Welcome πŸ™ We will do it."

 "Can you remind me the title of the French song Christina?"

"Hummm it's ...I think it's  "LA BA" Sir.

"Christina loves it Krisna ?"

"Why Christina?"

"It is exactly like Marina and Sam for me  sir she was exactly 23 when this first album was released successfully". 

"Was it?"

"Basically she was born  to a Srilankan woman who had  fled from violence civil war.And   and she was acting as she was trying to stop her lover, (Sam)  from fleeing the country during the war"

"Is it the theme of the song "LA BA" ? ISN'T IT MEAN "THERE" Christina?"

"Certainly Krishna "

"Sir you know French and you are kidding "

"Sure, I know French, but in what degree of French I know is a matter Meera"

"Are you going to share the music sir at the weekend?"

" OK Yes...yes...yes... the one you just watched.... happy Christina?"


"No worries".

" Now it's time to get started our NARRATION  sweet  πŸ’• πŸ’•!



"In fact, Ragu rowdy is a hurdle  he dislike Krisna. He is egoistic,demoniac disgustingly talking against Lord of the  Lords, Krishna with his gang members".

"Sir doesn't he reminds Hiranyaksha?"

"You mean Hiranyakasipu Sudah??"

"Who Krisna ?"

"The Father of Prahalatha".

"For me Ragu reminds and resembling Ravana Krishna !"

"Why Rudra?"

"Because he knows that Marina had fell in love with Sam. Still he has been plotting to kidnap Marina "

"Reasonable answer Ruby"

What is plot Krisna ?

"Here its means planning to do harm illegally to someone"

"For me, he resembled Kumbhakarna Krishna ".

"Why Siva?"

"Ha...ha...because these people had undergone severe ascetic .

"Deep discipline and earned therefrom many skills and attainments, but they were ruined because of their ego, the evil of ego brings about the fall of man". 

"Appreciate it Sam".

"What is ASCETIC sir?"

"Strictly disciplined avoiding any pleasures or luxurious Meera kind of fearful fasting in torturing our bodies"

"So the Hare Krisna angels singing on the streets are in ASCETIC  ?"

"No. Once we do something which we dislike still doing for material motivation  is called stress , but enthusiastically doing with   Lord's love ,called enchanting chanting ,expresses not stress, but progress of bless πŸ™"

"Have we remarked when the egoism is absent in Smiling Sam, we can see his amazing Atman illuminating in him allowing to beautify him?".

"How ?" 

"Could you give an example Pamitta?"

"The grace  shines on his face that is the native splendor 

"Enchanting Peter anyone else please πŸ™?" 

"We can see the visible Atman is bliss on him on Rajesh  Grandpa's opinion too Krishna ".

"Brilliant πŸ‘ πŸ‘!" 

Perfectly predicted,  it is expressing Sam's beauty and wisdom have the capability of enlightening others with whom he associates". 

"Why Shara?" 

" He is following the fantastic fact of Athma/soul and Paraprama/Super Soul Krishna "

"Thanks πŸ‘ πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘!" 

If you have a bit more time please watch the below to be bestow with blessing.




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