"Hey Hare Krishna  happy are you gardening or
   the pilgrimage still at Renuga's home garden Krishna?"


"Good evening everyone we are still at James parents' home garden gate way ...Imagine each and everyone prepared to pick up their life style,  we can easily return to our  normal condition of our economic crisis"

Sure krishna! Good evening Krishna?"

"Krishna, we are weak; we need to be divinely  recharged ;we are loosing our energy of glory and to progress, you need to impress us"

"Pardon Peter?".
"We would like to have Some tonic  Krishna; we would  like to have some divine energy to wake up our happy hormones Krishna "!

"I don't catch up Peter keep quiet !"
 "Come on Krishna wake up and make  up  your  mind set don't be up set Krishna where are they?" 

"Who are they Peter?"

"Sam and Marina Krishna as simple as a piece of cake of Whygunda Krishna ha...ha...?".

"Ohhhhhhh goodness my apology sure Sam met my friend in the morning and asked him to share a few words with us on his behalf with his kind regards great guys".

"Really krisna hooray!!!
What... what a cutest coincidence Krishna 💞!!!?"

"Yeah! He said what his guru said ".

"What was it Krishna?"

"Lord is the refuge of all who seek refuge unfortunately misfortune people misunderstanding Him and fortunate following Him ".

"That's outstanding Krishna nothing else Krishna?!"

  " He is the saviour of all who have to be saved".

"What a relaxing relief Krishna !".

  "He is the Embodiment of Sath-Chith-Ananda, (being - awareness-bliss).
The effluent  Emperor of Truth, goodness and beauty if Brahma Yothy". 

"Wasn't it Baba's wordings Krishna ,".

"Certainly  Christina from Vedas mean from all the genuine gurus "

"Sure he too confirms it to Marina 
...didn’t he Krishna 💞?"


"Really krisna?"

"That's  all Krishna anything else!?".

"Life sustained by food is the shortest ; life sustained by Atman is eternal everest."

"Fantastic tonic that we need urgently Krishna by the way...
 what does the word SUSTAIN mean Krishna?!"

"It mean keep up or prolong great hearts  💕 ".

"Further he added, do not lay claim to long life ,but claim to Divine life."

"Amazing Krishna indeed our divine batteries allergies incredibly increasing and energising us Krishna!"

Further he said ,

Do not pine for more years on earth, but for virtues in the heart." 

"What does it mean the word VIRTUE Krishna?"

"Manliness or moral excellence guys "

"It's makes difference Krishna wow what a wonderful wording of   Prabhupada similar to Baba's wordings Krishna are they  both from Vedas Krishna?"

"Absolutely Sarah ".

"Certainly Krishna "

"Now we are energetic krishna what happened to the 🥥 coconut 🥥 of Mr Jonathan Krishna ha...ha...?".

What does it mean pine we know only a tree called pine Krishna?".

"To feel great longing or desire;yearn".
"Now we are energetic krishna what happened to the 🥥 coconut 🥥 of Mr Jonathan Krishna ha...ha...?".

"As soon as the big green heavy ball shaped coconut fell down on the brown land, Mr Jonathan was pretty happy and pretty thirsty and wanted to drink the whole tastiest coconut milk on the spot as it was reallya hot day.  In addition,  beinga western,  he almostbathed in sweat".

"Ha...ha...Was he so excited Krishna poor Jonathan Krishna?"

"Was he expecting the milk in the coconut straightaway being prepared and ready to drink Krishna ha...ha...?"

Mr  Jonathan would  like the coconut milk to be opened on the spot and he was looking forward to drink and taste the delicious drink as he was terribly curious thinking what kind of milk of a tall tree took time to a man  to climb up all the way from land to the top of the long long leaves dancing in shining seemed like waving and inviting him Krishna?."

"Ha...ha...Sure Sarah!" 

"But it was a riddle for him Krishna!!!.

"We understand we understand Krishna!" 

"Mrs  Jonathan took him all the way  around the backyard of the happy white washed home". 

" Really krisna?"

"There, Mrs Jonathan was even  over joyed, watching and listening her husband's over  joy!!!.

" His  jaw was dropping such a  piece of acting" ,

 You mean Mr Jonathan's mouth was opened Krishna?! 

"Yeah everything he touched; everything he saw and everything Gayatry was doing was a riddle for him Krishna!!".

"Ha...ha...we wish that we were there Krishna!"

"He was watching the way Mrs Jonathan removed the green outter layer  of the coconut and bin it!!"

"Was was he saddened Krishna?"

"Why Krishna?".

"Was he was thinking that was eatables aspects or filled in marvelous milk ha...ha... Krishna?"

"Only...only to discover a small brown hairy nut ,he was saddened and shocked".

" Ha...ha...Poor man Krishna"

"Definitely Durga ha...ha...Krishna"

 "Was..,wasn't it a thrilled for him Krishna like Bhagavad-Gitafor the nondevotees??"

"Of course, because he thought the entire green coconut is a fantastic fruit ha....ha...". 

"As soon as Renuga opened the broken brown nut and pouring the water out, he was again worried and despairing!"

"Ha...ha...poor man he couldn't have  either  green aspects  nor  milk ha...ha...neither food nor drink all lost !".

"Was he wondering where was the snow white milk he was anxiously awaiting has gone Krishna like a babyboy?!"

"Undoubtedly Meera ha...ha...". 

" On the other  hand,  Studying Daddy's sadden face, Ruby Renuga was laughing lovingly ha....ha...

"Poor papah    ha....ha...  Daddy you are so cute ".

and she hugged him like a baby boy lost his lovely dream ice-cream ".

 "Rajesh-kanna's  heart was in heaven, he was behind the beauty . 

It sounded like a funfair . 
Jonathan asked Renuga,

Darling, where is Dad's coconut milk it'sunfair of leaving me helplessly ?"
"Meanwhile.,the rest of the group  gathered together hearing happy laughters of laughing!. 

"Then Renuga described him ,

Ha...ha...Dad,we have to use coconut scrapers to scrape the coconut ".

"Then darling?"

"Once we got the  extract , then we have the  coconut milk by squeezing them manually". 

"Dad was listening like a muddled up maths work "

"At the same  time, sympathised Sam was smiling with friends Rajesh and others awesomely. 

"Really Rajesh was laughing nonstop for a good moment. Renuga's reaction was amazing at him. It was the very first time she saw him happy grace of  her foreign father ".

"Father hugged both of them fatherly and fantastically. Meanwhile the rest of the friends were relaxed and smiling sweetly ".

" Days rolled up.  Besides, Rajesh was unable to forget them such a charming moments with charming tean unable to forget of their faces such a grace of his  past few days".

"Some time he felt fed up and feeling 

"What does mean  feeble Krishna?"

" lacking strength Subathra".

He didn't forget the Tamil New Year celebrations of Mrs Jonathan especially Renuga's tuition children with their families and friends:

"Could we watch a video similar of Mrs Jonathan and her daughter how they had celebrated the new year  please?"
"Every one ready?

... please open the brown curtain !

"Thanks so amazing!!!!" 
Indeed splendid it is the life style we would love to have; it is the life style our
parents experiended and it is the life of healthy,wealthy and  happiness with God consciousness 

"All of a sudden, he felt loving ,but lonely. As though he was the only person in the whole world ".

"In spite of being a strong young man,he was weakened. Everyone had been separated after an entire week holidays!"

 "It's not that easy to restart the daily routine as nothing had happened Krishna".
"Could we Krishna?"

"No Krishna"

"Can he Krishna?"

"No ...
on the one hand, he is an orphan on the other hand, he is in a hardship Krishna".
 "Oh goodness!!!!

So many things happened unexpectedly; it is unbelievable,unbearable and unforgettable for him". 

"Can any one could tolerate it Krishna?"
"How he would forgive Kama still he did not remove her memory as a prove,  he didn't exchange her pink bed cover Krishna?"

"At the same time, how he would ignore Renuga Krishna?"

"Besides, he tried, tried and tried  as he would, but...but...but...he could not do it students."

"Oh ! We think his previous mate reminding in every aspects in each and every corner Such as bed spread ;her gifts on the table; her cuddles talks in the mind; her pretty pictures in his brown album Krishna."

 "Nevertheless it was certainly not an ordinary holidays Krishna". 

"Absolutely, it was the happiest  Holy days, witnessing mighty miracles after miracle with pretty puzzles grace of God guideline, he is changing charmingly".

"What does he think Krishna ?"

"Accidentally, he was talking to himself staring at the yellow Sun light like Sam did in the milk white bus":
"Oh goodness Krishna!" 

"Have you ever woken up at night to hear the strong sound of boxing?"

"Have you ever been beating hard against the windows in the middle of the night?" 

"No Krishna". 

"That's what he experienced last night due to a dammit  rain there Krishna?! 

 "After he couldn't sleep for a while ".

"Why Krishna?".

" one sleep in peace , thinking of Kama Krishna?"

"Sure you mean the desire kama Rudra?"

"Yes Krishna ".

"Unexpectedly he heard his neighbor a  young mother was shouting at her little son, he is actually his Grandpa's gold friend "

"Why did you swallowed the money Ramana?"

" The boy responded,

"Because you said it was my lunch money Mom!"

" He smiled shaking his bushy head with messy hair what a childish !."

"Then he recalled what Sam responded to his class teacher when he was year one:"

The class teacher asked,

"can you tell me which month has 28 days?"

"all of the months teacher!"

 Sam said,




"Rajesh kanna again smiled softly meanwhile there was a teen school girl on the charcoal street,  looked at him accidentally but astonishingly, with the similar dress like Renuga!!!.

"It reminded him Renuga's medical condition Krishna?!"

" Was he was standing in his balcony facing to the shiny black street, he was clearly see the roads Krishna?"

"Correct ".

"No wonder, he wasn't meant to do it... as he has already in  a tragedy someone is hiding to steal his gem from his heart called Kama...but she was caught in red handed with her substitute mate in near by institute.

Then he walked away from there wondering and remembering the splendor days were surrounded within the best air-conditioned cool bus with Renuga.

 "I feel extremely sad and feeling bad of leaving them after one week devotionally inspirational life style."

"Did he say that Krishna?"

"Yes he did Ruby" 

"No wonder! it would  have  been supremely superb and extremely exceptional  and so,so sweet of being with the same characteristics companionship Krishna.

 "Sure what a golden ship?!"

Unexpectedly some thing put a sweet  smile again on his lovely long brownish and  pinkish lips when he was standing smartly, planting his handsome hands in his smart slim hip and widen super solders like Sam looks like.

"Pardon Krishna why does he is in a mixed mood of happy and unhappy Krishna?".?"

 "When he  glanced  at the glamorously green garden with beautifully blooming, colorful fresh flowers where his Grandpa was watering with an orange baket to the lovably and pretty plants and vegetables". 

His Grandpa always seemed to be busy, busy and busy as a bee , looking after the enjoyable jolly plants and vegetables like his children. 

 Above all, he knows the Gita by heart because his Dad often would teach him from the childhood... he is a simple minded good and great person who has got his specific personality".

Accidentally his eyes smiled , seeing the way his next door neighbor had been passing a cup of warm delicious drink to him.

He smiled again how fond he was with his neighbor a little breath taking boy.  

He didn't know how old, but he was a gold. O goodness! Each time when  Grandpa was in the garden,  he would be happily appearing with a cutest smile and a blue ball.

No one wouldn't believe that Grandpa plays football with him equally and enjoyably!
Rajeskanna's Grandpa  looks younger to his age and quite active,  sportive and dynamic similar to Marina's Grandma undoubtedly unbelievable!".

 Such a man of responsibility and has an exceptional personality with his sugar white beard which gives him a look  like a great minded, knowledgeable Scientist or a researcher or a kind of writer. 

More over, he was kind. Dynamically positive ! No surprise he just jumped over the fence to pick up the cup of drink delightfully within a blink of an eye.

Rajesh Kanna smiled watching him sitting smartly in his wooden  garden bench and had a sip with a broad smile showing his milk white teeth where couple of them on both upper and lower jaws are golden, reflecting to the sun shin!" 

Rajeshkanna was amused with a broad smile at his  golden face! He is his mother; he is his father; he is his brother ,sister and.,,and...and.  But if anything could happened to him, Rajesh Kanna wouldn't cope with it with his broken 💔💔 heart.  

"Renuga knew it from the beginning". 

"Can you sing the song what we learned last night?"

Suddenly seeing his white beautiful  cat, smiling  sugar beard grandpa asked the neighbourhood boy enthusiastically,

"Why not uncle?"

Cheerful golden boy was watching the wow cat  smilingly and started to  sing . 

"Pussy cat...
 pussy cat...
 where have you been?"

"Grandpa began to sing encouraging the joyful boy friend",

" Ha..,ha..,
I have been to London ..
to visit the Queen"

 "Then the boy", 

"Pussy cat...
 pussy cat...
...what did you there ?"

"Ha.,,ha... Grandpa:

"I have frighten a little mouse...
 under her chair."

"The happiest boy was pleased ...

he suddenly pinched grandpa's cheek cheerfully".
Rajesh Kanna was watching them smiled ...they are his television ye!
 He was entertaining his living TV, laughing programmes!" 

"So sad for Rajesh Kanna  Krishna" 

On contrary, the boy astonished and exclaimed because he thought his cheeks might be as soft as jelly like older people usually have, but it was not the case !

"He was wondering why?!"

 "Why Krishna?"

 "Because he massages with oil all over his body not weekly, not daily but frequently!". 

"And keep his body as tied as a young man".
"My father's  chest already hanging Krishna"

"He is only in his late forties Krishna"
"Better ask him to  practice press-up in the morning Rudra 👍"

"Thanks Krishna"

"Suuuu Subathra let Krishna carry on his narration"

"The cute, little, beautiful boy was wearing a ruby red  shirt with a navy blue trousers and bearing graceful smile like the sun ray he was carrying the cup in  a silver tray"

"Whaaaat Krishna?"

"Like the sun rays carrying a silver tray Krishna?"
"Sure... sure!"

Such an honour and humongous humorous !

It was amazing aroma .Yeah… the tastiest smell transformed in to fragrant with the roses really odorous. 

"Actually often he takes care of him his health and safety". 

"How Krishna?"

"He never drinks tea or coffee he says it is drugs and addictive and prevent the active life style". 

"So krisna whoever follows the Father's facts, behaves beautifully?"

 "Why Siva?"

"Because he acts like Smiling Sam and Rajesh- kanna,  too Krishna dosen'the Krishna?" 

"Even our Gurus do the same students"

 "We wonder why Krishna?"

"No wonder they do not manufacture anything only follow Father's facts,word deed and talk what Krishna spoke Sam had learned Marcel Art he can use a strong stick and fight invisibly that is one of Lord Krishna's Vedic fight".
"Could we leave the diamond 💎 in an ordinary box?"
"No Krishna"

"The same we have valued diamonds 💎 💎 💎 💎 in our body boxed permanently, that is our Papa like Renuga described in desperately searched for him until discovered him Krishna". 

"Sure as she had respected  her lost and missed father, we have been searching our Supreme Father ".

"Certainly Krishna ?"

"Grandpa had stopped his friends from  drinking alcohol, informing them the importance of human existence" 

"Was he Krishna?".

"Absolutely !!!Hearing grandpa's advice, all his friends  reads Gita not the Bhagavad-Gitawhic were misinterpreting for the motivationofmoney but The genuine translation the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is"

" He says reading always increasing the humour and increasing the knowledge at any age and keep up the mindset as sunset of an enchanting evening atmosphere like today for instant".

"Indeed Krishna aging is an amazing aspect as long as we invest our times in investication on devotion othewise highly likely to have some peculiar diseases such as forgetfulness ,stroke namely parkinson."

"True Krishna" 

"Grandpa often helps in school works of his neighbors like Mr Charm does to pretty Benz".

"Does he Krishna?"

"But he often refused to accept any money"

 "Ohhhhhhh so their parents consider him as their family member Krishna?."

"He brought half cup of drink 🥤 to his grand -son ,Rajesh-Kanna and returned to his neighbor's table"

" The drink was nutritiously delicious with fantastic flavor to his white washed welcoming warmly  sweet happy house young man".

"Unknowingly Rajesh Kanna's  musical eyes found fond of him. Thanked him like a little grand-son who is  still in Primary School ye such an obedience."

Then his eyes watchfully watching the fondest,   cheerful cherry red roses blooming beautifully beside his bed room then little bit further there were a group of great white roses next to them, banana yellow roses!!!" 

"Best of all, they all were welcoming him with superb smiles". 

"Meanwhile some of them were looking at him like a group of angels  dancing and helping him by diffusing dazzling  of the fragrant fresh air".

"What a wonder of the wonders in the 🌎 ?"

" By thinking many things, his attention passed towards the golden Sun which was glamorously illuminating the butter flies!"

"It was  sincerely sensational... so sweet. What a beauty of the enchanting 🌎earth!"

 "It's true he was similar to Sam. He was a Sam in terms of his mentality, Sam in terms of his personality,Sam in term of his  activity ,divinity, capacity, beauty and prosperity"...
"His curiosity was how on 🌎 earth the supreme white rays giving the cute  colours to the cute butterflies and his second surprise was the butterfly takes its different bodies in one birth !"

"Which puzzled him and when he spoke to Sam about this ,he smiled and asked him,"

 "What about the frog Rajesh-kanna?"

"Then he described they are the living proves of different bodies from  the same soul."  

"Souls are eternal such a dazzlingly divined rays of the Divine and it is dangerous too,".

"Then he asked his Grandpa on his return from his gold friend" 

"Grandpa ! What do you think about Sam?" 

"He smiled and said," Sam talks "Supreme Science"in connection with material science not like the material scientists who have a limited capacity and limited mentality. Never accept the credit of the creator"
"Then he adjusted his throat... 

and then he restarted smilingly,

"He is always in sincere sacredness and serious about the beauty of the Super Nature".
"Rajeskanna appreciated smilingly" 

"The plus point is, he knows how to prove the Sun energy is linked with the cosmetic energy and how it's works with every material energy and also how they are interconnected"
Rajesh nodded nicely and pretty promptly.

"He understands the universal or the Super nature naturally that is the nicest nectar we can have unlimitedly from him". 

"When you went on pilgrimage I was not encouraged, but hearing you are with Sam, I was in peace". 

"Why Grandpa?" 

"Factually, when Sam smilingly describes, things, it would be sensational to hear. As he had born to be  shone  divinity. Overall , when he said that the bones of the earth is the rocks,I realized my back born injected by the divinity interestingly!"

"Rajesh-kanna's head keeps on nodding hearing his Grandpa". 

"Where is him I missed him a lot son".
"Why Dad?"

"He is a transcendentalist. A better boy, born to be a teacher. All because of his previous pious
 (Passed Punniyas)....

 "In fact, the Bhakthy-Yoga cannot be taught or cannot be bought. "
"So how these people are going to be upgraded grandpa?"
"It has to come up by blessing blood by  their parents past pregnancy "

"Pardon papa!?"

 "The immune systems has some records in the nucleus,genes and DNA. In other words, it can be only achieved  by inheritance they need to have influence of godly activities in several births to be enlightened."

"How did you recognize it Dad?"

"As a matter of fact, as we can easily spot out the rich peoples from their activities,we can also recognize the liberated souls who realized the Supreme Soul in their activities son".

"On top of that, I discovered in discussing with some money motivated men. They are unfortunately  in unconsciousness and insulting Lord Krishna without consulting the Vedas they are classified as Asuras".

 "To be honest, fortunately all the of us are not totally Asuras.  Some of the individuals are pretty faithful in Supreme-Power". 

"Pardon grandpa!"

The Asura  called Impersonal means they somehow accept the concept of God only as a power"

"Why papa?"

"Ha...ha... lack of Punniya in their past lives...

If... if they carry on being in blind believe in numerous  demigods thinking the spirit is a matter of power and it  can be achieved through their poojas, , thinking  the deities as the agents to their sense gratification, they would end up returning to the cycle of Supreme Nature like recycling bins due their sins" 

"I wonder why some are against the Supreme Personality of GodHead Dad?"

"Ha...ha... it is simply due to their  lack of torch  knowledge?"

"Grandpa,does   insulting mean  lack of consulting of Vedas, wouldn't they are facing danger?"

 "Correct,  resulting impose by irreplaceable impacts as such an  irresponsibly talking of nonsense individuals, thinking they are empowered with merely mastering of material books ". 

"You mean the bachelors Dad?" 

"Yeah so called degree holders are like batteries energies. "

"Pardon  Papa?"

"Their merely mastering in material books are matter of car battery"

"The 12 voltage will run out lack of usage". 

"Is it dad?"
"Suppose you degreed in medical field, working in paddy field, could you remember what you learned?"

"No! Not at all  Dad''

"Whereas Divine Power is like Sun Energy will not run out cannot be removed from the sacred souls. That is above sun energy too because sun can be renewed not spirit the sacred soul💗🤣"

"Thank you Dad"

"Then what would happen to the ego educated egoist?"

"They can be degraded from the upgraded positions as a human form of life"

"How can we save them from ruining Papa?"
"They have to be taking attention in devotion by distinguishing the reality of Supreme Personality".

"He handsomely and happily smiled...isn't it sweet of being friend of Sam Rajesh?"

"Rajesh-kanna's eyes were shining ✨  his lips were welcoming the smile and pretty promptly nodded his head happily".

 " Then he smiled,

"Sam is an example he is a super guy glad to speak about  Supreme Karisna Science  or Superior personality ,means he is a liberated lily leave or lotus leave... although he is in the material world, he does not much interested in material above his needs it's exactly like lily leave or lotus leaves ,does not touch the water besides of being in water". 

"Rajesh smiled as he ,too would like to become a kind of Sam, but some times he could not completely  dismiss the none-vegetarian way of living style"

"Factually, he had been keen in admiring the Nature with pleasure. His mind was often talking to him which he learnt from his best boy brilliantly".

"Rajesh Kanna recalled what Sam told last night while seeing the gardens on the way home it was simply the science,but when he saw the evidences of animal activities in comparison of human activities ,it was awesome indeed handsome ".
"He straight away remembered what Sam said":

"See the way with the stupendous of the Nature! Entire flowers had been scattered rain bow colours  by the Supreme white pretty 🖊pen of the Divine Sun rays!" 

"No way Rajesh-kanna's was welcoming his words as worship-able!"

"Why...   why on earth no-one cares the cutest creations apart from entertaining and benefiting the beauty of Supreme Personality's creativity?" .

"All of a sudden,Rajesh Kanna resembled an angry, but awesome,and auspiciously mighty man, carefully hearing the animals shouting sounds."

"He lives in the country side.As long as he was living in the country side, he had been hearing the creatures sounds from his childhood and caring for them carefully". 

"According to him,it was his transcendental vibration like the Aum  Mantra sound."

"As a matter of fact,  the  AUM mandtra sound is the  original Supreme sound or the vibration of creation".

" True it is the vibration of creation... for others it might seem like natural selection..."

"Alright, in stead of agreeing it is the  Divine 's selections, why on Earth the scientist are saying Natural selection?"

"It was James asked Sam to change his sister's mind in medical condition and fears in the bus ".

"Sam responded  reasonably and responsibly":

"As they wanted to see them through their weakened microscopes".

"Can they agree their eyes sights are faulty?"

"Yes, their vision is very ,very weak including Arjuna's eyes ....  

"The reasons why Krishna had to transform his vision before displaying His Swarupa"...

"However, technically they are agreeing the divinity, but indirectly as they are  IMPERSONALISTS ?"
They don't know the person of the creation is Krishna "

"Besides, they purposely interpreting differently  in disobeying the Divinity"


"Ha...ha... Renuga  asked forgetting her faulty kidney". 

"Sam smiled at his friends " 
Then said,

"They have a limited knowledge ignorance of the  Vedas's verdicts ".

 "So Sam's preoccupation is the scientists' disagreements is directly, but accepting indirectly any way".

"Rajesh Kanna was carefully hearing all the sounds calmly such as  bellowing,
 buzzing cackling 
 chattering and croaking,   

"The animals existence have  some important reasons why they had been created like the microorganism..
 Without them,there is no chance of photo synthesis!"

"Without photosynthesis,there is no question of surviving as there is no route to feed the plant's roots by nitrate".

"He smiled in reminding what he heard:

"It was on Sam's birthday,

When Mr Charm had asked Benz to cut her finger nails to be hygienic, she asked him if  the bacteria organism is harmful,then why it had been created was the Divined father was unintelligent?"

"As a response he said, 

"they are the helpers to the photosynthesis with lots of examples to make sure she had understood." , 

"He smiled in saying we too learned the science, but we did not think as he thinks! "

"Such a father such a son we must be born to be divined?"  

"Unexpectedly, he noticed things so thrilled!
His eyes had seen extremely exciting scene and thinking like a saintly minded marvelous man..."

glanced  at the green grass in realizing 
the way they were fondly feeding the generous cows which in turn producing milk to feed the  people and how they are killed and eaten? "

Then he noticed the greatest grape fresh fruits  in thinking how generously they are offering tasteful and energetic cutely colorful fruits to us?"

"His conscience was talking often auspiciously now a days after spending days of talking Supreme Science with Sunny Sam".

"See the greatness of the Earth! Providing nutrients, foods for every lovely living beings grace of Sun shine!

"The surprise was they all are co-operative if the rain stops lack of evaporation,the crops will fail to feed the entire living beings!"

"Did we distinguish  the ocean steady level in spite of the consecutive raining especially during the rainy season the rivers are following the whole water into the oceans! Regardless, the miraculous ocean being still! Did we make any of the arrangements of engineering ?"

"They are naturally being collective not divisive like humans. They all are responsible of fertilizing the Earth to inject the nutrition to the plants and trees!" 

"O goodness! Without them the soil is just broken grains of sand namely shiny sand or broken stones without any ingredients to feed the plants or trees."

"So these animals are fertilizers of the Earth! In turn the grasses gorgeously feeding the animals and humans! Super Soul working in  supporting the living entities" .

"Unexpectedly, he stared at the vegetable garden of his greatest grandpa with lots of lovely vegetables!"

Isn't it unbelievable to imagine the way the  Divine sun rays contains  phenomenal packets of powerful photons to make their photosynthesis!".

 "Which is the root for the entire food of the complete living entities to make the  healthy blood?"

"Again and again he amazingly recalled what Sam was talking about while he was sitting next to him in the  bus couple of days ago...seemed like today!!!

"It's true! Sam was telling him lots of unimaginable miraculous things which have
been taking places in order to maintain the weather, food chains or everything based on krisna science".

"The beauty was, while they were admiring the admiration of the  atmosphere on
the way home,Sam was saying things which were awesome!

"Once Sam exclaimed",
"How pretty! Look at the best birds helping the Lord to spread the seeds to grow the trees every where evenly?"

 "Didn't we learn the plant reproduction a process called germination?"

 "However,when we learnt in our early age,we couldn't recognize the divinity's technicalities." 

Can you remark the birds carrying the seeds to avoid competing for the same light,water and and soil nutrients as their parents plants". 

"So each and every creation have been created  for some importantly important and reasonable reasons and the reaction !" .

"Meanwhile, the ocean's waves were waving wonderfully...

He exclaimed in saying.... "See the fish beautifully swimming!"

"How many people are interested to feed on them?"

"In turn,the fishes too feeding themselves on small, small living beings!"

  "So what is the different between the people and the animals if they carry on and on ?"

"Have a Look at  the 

elephants and giraffes... 

although being one of 

the biggest animals like ,


pretty vegetarians ! 

Look at the best birds helping 

the Lord to spread the 

seeds to grow the trees every 

where evenly to make the 

oxygen and clean the carbon 

dioxide and most 

importantly protecting us 

from the heatwaves ?"

"Didn't we learn?"

"We learn the plant 

reproduction a process called 


''Haven't we?"

"Can you remark the birds 

carrying the 

seeds? "

"He repeated repeatedly to 

make it significant. Because 

he only knows it should not 

be considered as an

insignificant action of the 


"While they all were having a picnic meals under the shade of a gigantic tree, the entire pilgrimages were appreciating amazingly in understanding his saintly characters with his divinely

"Krishna a secret please".

"How can I help you Rudra?"

"Could you me whisper in my ears ,what to do for constipation please?"

"We are  running out of time better watch this quickest video will be fine remedy Rudra 



Hare Krishna!

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