"God Morning Krishna  does the stupendous statue has a story behind it Krishna?"

"Of course  actually the Vengadesar statue was travelling all the way from France πŸ‡«πŸ‡· to Britain by an air conditioned beautiful blue bus precariously packed and K. Soul kept with him without leaving with the baggages   ".

"What is the hight and weight of this golden deity Krishna ".

"In fact,  it's about one foot high and 12 centimeters width but being boxed

"Pardon Krishna?"

"We can't easily ignore why our tutor often calls us "

"Say it again Krishna?"

"Dosen't he call us Divine Embodiments great πŸ’• hearts πŸ’•"

" Yeah for sure he does we wonder why Krishna why do you know?!"

"Good let you know and demonstrate why he does so Christina ".

"With... with the above Vengadesh Krishna?"

"Absolutely any one watched Sri Ragavender film of Rajani?"

"If not please open up the violet veil please Peter "

"Unbelievable indeed splendid Krishna so Moksha means emerging with Lord Krishna?"

"Unmistakably Mary ".

"Right cool could you see how the Vengadesar has been boxed in a transparent box?".

"Yes Krishna yes !!"

"Which is one and a half foot hight and sixteen centimeters width ".

"Really Krishna?"

"Is there any correlation of this glass box and our tutor's unique way of calling us Divine Embodiments Krishna?

"Hundred percent Peter ".

"What's that Krishna please ?".

"The status had been boxed can we see?"

"Of course...of course tell us why K.Soul calling us Divine Embodiments Krishna?"

"We all ...I mean each of us boxed by Krishna "

"Oh God!!! You mean our bodies are only the boxes the Truth is Him !Lord Krishna?"

"Unchakablly like the statue is being boxed ,we are embodied by our Original engineer but in different , different bodies eternally great hearts πŸ’•!"

Oh God ! We got it Krishna our souls always our's  it's depends on our hands having heavenly bodies. or dogs hogs and cat's bodies!

"In other words, Krishna?"

"Sorry πŸ™ Sam say it again?".

"K .equals Krishna and Soul equals Krishna's eternal living Sacred Soul ?"

Certainly in other words we all  we belongs to Krishna unless we are aware and act in favour to Father, we won't stop mixing up and muddled up in the cycle of repeated births!"

"Fantastic applause πŸ‘ pretty brilliant Retna give me high five you are the best WiFi  ha...ha..."

"This is why, our tutor calls us embodiment as we are embodied by Lord Krishna when we do not realise the fact, we are deserved to be the beast I mean animals sweet hearts πŸ’•" 

" We... we don't want  to be the and living in animal  Kingdom by being atheists like Ragu's gangsters Krishna " 

"Sure our guru saying the egotism will fade away by  engage in Maha Mandra .

"Otherwise Krishna?"

"Do much charities Babas suggesting it too" 

"Look...look... what is happening in the football ground". 

"Where... where is it  Krishna?!"

"I am  talking about the front college football ground players sir?"

" look at them please Krishna" 

"Oh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees!!! We wonder why Krishna?"

"Pardon Meera?" 

" I am pretty curious that why do the boys on this side of the field and those in  other kicking the ball up and down Krishna?"


"Are... are they angry at the poor  ball Krishna?"


" Its a fantastic example of our real life line or outlook."


 "We have to suffer like the bloated ball in the football ground ".

 "Pardon Krishna?"

"The ground is our life".

"OK Krishna" 

"The bloated ball like  each of us"

"OK it's metaphysical isn't it  Krishna?"

" Ye.And the players in each side are our bad qualities and good qualities" 

" Wooooooow!!!!OK"

"Such as:


2) peace,

3) love are on one side


 "And...and... bad qualities like:


2) pride and

3) hatred are on the other".

"OKay Krishna"

"Both parties kick the ball and try to secure a goal aren't they?"

"YES Krishna"

"The poor ball must suffer these kicks so long as it has the air of egotism in it".

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees!" 


"But once the air is gone, the kicks also stop".

"Why Krishna?"

"Because our subject  matter is achieving only the material "

"So you mean they are not bothered of the  object matter as a result, increasing the Karma and increasing the number of rebirths"

" Yeah Baba said, 

"stop the mystery which involves us into all the miseries" 

"How Krishna?"

"Mantra Meditation 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️ ✨ and if possible 

engaging in humble service, enhancing in the torch of knowledge".

"By the way, we are still  in Rajesh Kanna's happy home  🏑." 

"We love πŸ’˜ him Krishna".

" Good !Finally his mind returned home after many many sunny thoughts of the tremendous trip."

"The beauty  was, all the plants in his garden he got from Sam's garden". 

"Oh it's  makes his house so nicer and wiser with fantastic perfume sir ".

"Certainly  ...he thoughtfully glanced at the sapphire sky and spying the Divine handsomely after having his shower 🚿and prayer".


"Straightaway he glanced at the wall clock hearing...". Ding…ding…ding…ding…ding…ding…ding" ! 7 O'o clock! 

He had a big glass of mineral water and had his morning duties and said the Mantra eyes closed in his small sweet pray room  he began to serve the meals to the deity of Lord Krisna ever since he  visited Sam's home when he was out to meet Marina".

"He determined noticing how sincere and faithful whilst  seeing Benz  was observing the prayer in humongous honour and submissive in Sam's absence ". 

"Then  he switched on his beautiful black computer !" 

 "An E-mail from his girlfriend. Asking her  pictures back from the brown album!?"

"His mind was in a day watching at  the picture where both were eating ice cream in a restaurant".

"He was looking at the pictures of his girl friend which he couldn't  destroy or forget  yet such a decent and disciplined person".

"He smiled sadly ,thinking and watching her at the pictures one by one which reminds the past times with her":

"You were a beautiful girl with soft manners and  rosy seeks very, very sorry to close this chapter of glory story book ".

"His tummy was shaking like Lord of the Lords' tummy was shaking"

"When was it Krishna?"

 "While witnessing Athi-Yogi?, Shiva was challenging unknowingly who is the Supreme who is the Sustainer of the entire universe" 

"How Krishna ?"

"He was sending a robot of several suns  personified such highest  energised robot to kill our Originator ,Lord of the Lord Krishna"

"Oh my goodness"

"What happened then Krishna?" 

"The robot himself surrendered on to Lord Krishna and  describing the desaster of Shiva" 

"Oh yeee ...we learned  earlier"!

 "Thanks let me tell you what Rajeshkanna's mind speaks":

 "To be fair, Kama you were so fair with sparkling brown eyes and flying fragrant hair. Once upon a time we loved each other very dearly. Words can never describe such relationship Kama. " 

 " He then shook his head with a saddened smile!".

"He thought in pain as all his love has turned to vain" 

"No wonder which causing him stain cannot be removed from his  heart❤ he was unhappy as though there is no rain for many months in his green gardens". 


 "His saddened face suddenly darkened like the golden Sun light hidden by the grey ☁️ πŸŒ₯ 🌦 ⛅ 🌧 🌨 ☁️ ☁️ clouds and his mind speaks nonstop:" 

"Oh Krisna!!! See my situation! Seeing even her pictures are prohibited and forbidden to me!!!!"

"All of the stains from his heart was displayed in his eyes he  was worried  thinking of his lover who left him suffer for ever"

"It was unfair Krishna".

"Sure! Where he is going to meet her Krishna ?"

"She is going to be there in the Library to collect her properties. She is going to take her photos the only thing which was culminating his hurtful heart from time to time". 

" Certainly! So sad for him Krishna".

"He gazed in her photos again and thought the look she gave in those pretty pictures hooked him hundred of times." 

"He stood up and walked slowly wearing black trousers and pink shirt as it's her favourite colours".


 "How could she had changed her mind in a short term! Who is going to understand the reality!  Can I find a life partner in this life with someone's name on the hand of his lover?"

"Oh my goodness! He unknowingly wiped his tears thinking Sam who consoled compassionately. Why  still I am with  overwhelming sorrow over the limit?!" 


"Unexpectedly his grandpa interrupted in calling  for his nutritional breakfast left in the middle".

"I'm coming Dad!" that is how he calls him. He was kind of an orphan".

"He lost his parent during the war Krishna !"


"Sure sure Sarah !!!"

"His life became a drying pond with lots of fragrant flowers, lotus flowers?"

 "Is this is a human life or animal life?!"

"Why should we need to take birth after birth upon death?"

"Unknowingly he cried loudly in the bathroom as there is no room any more in Kama's heart for this πŸ’” orphan. But she doesn't know that he is a friend of  the greatest greatest Originator !" 

"Nevertheless could not control his monkey mind...

... Most of his friends know his story as a history?"


"He feels quite guilty. She did not under

stand  his generosity in being a donor of his whole body to her .

Sgain...his conscience speaks:

"In this life just giving one of the organs is extremely extra ordinary act."

Ye this is how his mind was speaking on and off,

" In this state, offering my whole organs to the only person is a graceful thing does any one thinks of it?".

..."Isn't it animality of course the humanity derived from animals bodies in evolution without doubt about it?"

 "He asked looking at the picture of Supreme Divine. His mind did not stop":

" Instead of appreciating the gratitude of my  attitude, why she is finding a substitute! ?"

"What is substitute Krishna?"

"Replacement Rudra" 

"I feel so sad for him Krishna:

Sure when she was  in  destitute he helped her".

"What is destitute Krishna?"

"Poor and homelessness" 

Appreciate it Rudra πŸ™ 

"RajeshKanna had wiped away  his tears which were writing ✍ poems on the pages of his cheeks"


"He then glanced at the brown beautiful wooden table where the golden framed! A gladdened baby Krishna was there with a sweetest smile"...


 "This is why the HIV institutes are increasing in multitude!"

 "Has he been still thinking Krishna?"

"Sure ...Sarah is because this kind of attitudes will obviously  constitute many  HIV patients without doubt!  What a destiny!" 

 "What a  filthy fate for him sir??" 

"Unmistakably Mary"

What is constitute Krishna?

"Part of a whole Pamitta

"Sam, I am dying.Of course, every one has been dying in every second, but I have been dying every nano second. Nonetheless, I am  pretending that I don't care of her." 

"Some times I hate my life. She was  my  work mate ; my class mate and  she refused to be my life mate... how" 

"Can I hate her Krishna?"

"Oh my God!!!

"What's ...What's... What's wrong with it Subathra?"

It called Karma in the form of kama sir??"

"Oh yes sir here we have to highlight about the three aspects of thief hiding in our heart   ❤?"

"Pardon Peter?"

"Sir, (1) the Kama (desire)

(2)the Lobha (greedy) and 

(3)the Krodha  (anger ) "

"Exactly please  some applause πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘  πŸ‘ for Ruby". 

 "Filthy fate ...certainly some of the times I hate her, but I am unable to forget her totally".

He thought angrily. 

"!See sir now he is in anger and hatred of his achievements as he couldn't obtain what he wanted!!

Certainly he has to overcome  this overflowing anger. Could anyone answer and help RajeshKanna?" 

"We can sir by surrendering to the Lord of the lords sir?"

"Thank you sweet honey hearted Meera"

He wiped away his tears by  both of his  bare pink palms pathetically it was some thing like receiving death penalty to him. 

He shouted hurtfully and broken heartedly πŸ’”so  badly πŸ’”  ye his heart has been broken".

"Please listen the whole world! ...

 Be honest in your love matters; please do not think it is as a game. I feel shame on me although Sam taught me of the three thieves .I am stolen by them I feel shame on my relationship with my pretty unfair lover as we were a  pair in the hope of lovers for ever. "

"Sure he is in the process taking of success as he focuse on Sam path of Papa sir"

"Exactly Mary let's listen him!"

"Actually, I don't want her to be in despair , following the ignorance class after constructing the class of ignorance. It's dangerous instructor of destructor through terrible passioned and madded mindset association". 

He closed his eyes to 🧘‍♀️ meditate, but it was over the limit .

"His mind speaks again and again:"

"I certainly wish that I was Sam in following the class of Goodness in respecting the Divine restrictions."

" However it's a living lesson to the general population????

" Please my  loving  lovers my heart is bleeding "! 


 "Who ever you could be.... wherever you would be...   definitely you sympathies of seeing someone  on this situation if you are in the pathetic path of self-realition".

"He washed his face "

 "I am weeping in keeping her photos and  my heart is hurting I am hearing my heart is pounding, but meanwhile my lover is enjoying... isn't it an

"Ignorance Class?"…

"Suddenly he reminded Sam's smile, he prayed to the Lord again now seriously and sincerely... tears heating his enchanting red eyes".

 "Lord please God !Let me forget her. Help me to overcome this tragedy let me forget her Divine Dad" . 

"Of course, giving and forgiving is Sam's charm qualities, but getting and forgetting Ignorance quality Kama doesn't realise it ". 

"When one door is closed many more are πŸšͺ πŸšͺ  open sir why he is being so so sorrowful?"

"Ha...ha... proverb is not the prove pudding  of past karma Peter".

"However, he feels very,very sorry for her future life as her substitute is a kind of a play boy"

"How he knows Krishna?"

 "Because his attitudes are already bad to worsen which Rajesh heard from his institute where he studied." 

"Pardon Krishna?"

 "He is simply a play boy means girls friendship is just a sense gratification for him"

"Like Lord Krishna sir?"

Ha...ha... after all,we are 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 , ants. How we compare us with the 🐘 🐘 🐘 🐘 🐘 🐘 🐘 🐘 elephants Siva???

"Do  do not attempt to do this kind of unimaginable argument like some unwanted citizens as it is simply childish and rubbish it is simply atheist be theistic Siva" 

"I do apologize me krisna"

"We all are  simply fulfilling our  sensual pleasures like the animals because we had been taking thousands of animals births Siva. Our... our minds sets are reminding the characters of filthy animals minds sets which we had been embodied"

 "Understand Krishna"

"In his heart, where his soul lives with Divine soul like a love birds (Athmaand Paramathma)"

"Does It Krishna ?"

"Yeah the individual soul enjoys whereas the Super soul watches,watches and watches didn't we learnt Subathra?."

"We did Krishna"

"Thanks "

"Meanwhile,  again and  again  his pain tears writings passed poems on the pages of his cheeks repeatedly".

"After all, for such an awfully filthiest fellow Krishna?"

"Yap such a karmic 🌹soul Rosy 🌹 🌹"

"Even... even though  he is a friend of yogic, Sam Krishna?"

Certainly !Because we cannot get out of the three thieves easily .

Can we Sarah?"


"Why the Super soul doesn't contribute His compassion in his compassionate condition sir and only sitting in our hearts !?"

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeees !!!"

 "What... what is the point sir He remains in our hearts  and He doesn't care?"

"Ha...ha...!We are condition souls we are conditioned to over come all these cruel πŸ’” contamination to get out of Covid 19 vigorous virus dearest divine embodiments"

 " He is there to monitor our desires Pamitta and do not disturb our freedom  "

"Why sir why?"  

"That is what we wanted Meera we even dislike to be disturbed by our own parents Pamitta "

"Totally and utterly understandable Krishna"

 "At the same time, knowing our Vedic way and Yogic actions ,He gives us opportunities to be associated with adequate associations such our Mission associated with graceful Hare Krishna Association"

"What for Krishna?"

 "To be Self-Realised Rata"


"Then only we can find the greatest green light towards Papa's  Royal road because although we heard God is great we don't know who is Him.

"Do we?"

"Do we know   how great He is?".

"So sweet of the Supreme Science sir ,but so so complicated!"


" Sir the Knowledge is the perfect passport GOD'S perfect knowledge to be liberated and find the present peace life path as well?"

"Absolutely we have to understand the Absolute Truth and the untruth"

"Then, why we keep getting body after body upon the dead body sir?"

"Ha...ha..Another body upon the dead body as He is generous He is πŸ“š  reading  our desires diaries and allowing us adequate body."

"That is to say, she *Kama* is going to pay an immense  consequences Krishna?

  "Exiting ,excellent effort Rosy it is the Divine's Word in the Gita knowingly Bhagawadgita As It Is Krishna?. "

"Prove Krishna?"

"The sunken kingdom has the flooded evidences is the DNA of the Divine's words of 5000 years old".


 "She found a partnership to buy HIV ... every one considers we are free and we can do what we like to do"

"What is HIV Krishna?"

"Human Immunodeficiency Virus."

"What was it like Covid 19 ?"

"This is different only attack the people being play boys life style Sudah and of course it affect the people addicted in drugs πŸ’‰ too"

"So sir the mother nature is a dangerous woman?"

"Yes she doesn't stop us entertaining and enjoying only attack at the end"

 "Why sir why we don't listen to the law of the Lord?

 "Ha...ha...!Because it is Human Rights Rudra the mother nature like our biological mothers allowing us towards almost all of our attractions."

"Arent they?".

"Oh goodness so we are like the moths attracted by the light  assuming be delighted and meeting the dead penalty in plight Krishna?"

"Undoubtedly Sam"

 "But unfortunately we expect unexpected  plights following this types of short terms delights". 

"Correct Christina" 

 "This is not a love for her  life....It's a knife for her life. It's just like the negative charge attracted by the positive charge of material atoms in the battery life"

Smiled Rajesh angrily.

"Divine  atoms are distinguished".

All of a sudden Grandpa took the prasadam  and feeding him in saying,

 "Within the soul and  Super Soul there are  Divined nucleus son,  smaller to the material nucleus.This enchanting element electrifying the material atoms like electrons."

 "Besides the fact, the electrons has practically no mass even-though...even though, it is the cause of all causes of the energy action of an atom of any  material element. 

 "Son be brave I know everything waits and watches what is what and who is who go ahead God a head."

"Sir in fact, we learned the mass matter in science of course it has no visibility although capacity of carry out the construction of consciousness although we cannot explain in man made Microscope  ?" 

"Let's listen what his grandpa says OK Sam?"

"Sure sure Krishna"

 " Rajesh !

"listen  carefully this current of the spirit is felt all over the body called God Consciousness son"God's "people are  not mad people Rajesh Kanna" .


"Rajeshkanna quickly washed up and  dressed up in white and white , finishing his compassionate prayer".

"Straightaway rushed kissing grandad hurriedly and had his delicious meal and ran...ran...and dashing to the library with a fresh feeling". 

"Prayer made him feel extremely courageous wonderfully discouraging  his  weakness. His innocent face was luminous now ,bestowed blessing from Father".


 "He was bearing a divine smile which was only caring others welfare cannot be put in to words". 

"His ex- girl was eagerly looking forward for her  photos out side of  the library ". 

" He gave her photos happily and regrettably. He wished her to have a wonderful happy married  life -honestly as a gentle man".


 "Rajesh-Kanna suddenly alarmed hurtfully in gazing at her swelled slim stomach!".

 "Oh Goooood! She seemed to be a pregnant woman".

 "Poor Rajeskanna...poor Rajesh. She was going to disappear from his sight perhaps for ever".


 "He stared fearfully and friendly at her!".

"It was the last thing he expected to happened to his girl friend "

"He felt a breathless pity and also guilty in thinking, if someone happened to see them in this state.

"She was so panicked.Ye Kama was so silent and swallowed a sudden infusion. Her odour was adorable though". 


 "She was uncomfortable with the feeling of his closeness".

"He was someone loved nothing better than her good future like Sam does .Her eyes were shining like diamonds with tiny bit of pearls" .


 "Oh supreme powered Father?" 

"Why ?"

"My God?" 


"I feel my heart is bleeding again in pain Dad why Dad again and again such pain ?".

He suddenly  felt his heart is bleeding

" Dad why Dad again and again such pain ?". He remebered: 

"What Sam used to say ,

"my heart is bleeding", 

"I never ever realized it, dear Sam?  But ...but now I feel it  Sam!!! "

He thought the song once Sam performed in his Primary school competition".

"What was it Krishna?"

"Good let's watch".

"Please open the blue curtain".

 ..."I really ,really regret Sam. Now I understand you are my best friend Sam and understand πŸ’• your past pain and stains following Marina's  separation". 

"He was silent, but not his mind he just wanted to see someone who realized the Super soul who can certainly  console his suffering soul ."

"I need to meet Sam!"

He shouted silently.


 "Please Divine if you live in me, you should share my suffering ... I certainly do not want to go to her funeral. Please save her  my kind Divine Master Krishna".


 "He was worried with welling flood through out his double πŸ’§ 🚰 πŸ’§ 🚰 pipes as he was unable to bear his dear's future is  going to be ruined he can see the danger and horrible fears showing in the form of her facts". 

"Pardon Krishna?"

"Yes…  She has been carrying an

animal fetus in her angelic stomach!!! This is simply too much for him ".


 "His hurtful heart was broken down in to pieces...his peace has been ripped in to pieces he had a hope that she might be realizing her error and  eventually returning to him one day like Sam's separation, but bad luck lost her to the devil from divine"


 "Accidentally he remembered Sam's Maha Mantra  

...his kind words were sounded as good as  gold"

"Rajeskanna breathed long  several time in remembering the Maha Mantra  Meditation which somehow calming him down mesmerizingly "

"His miraculous  mind was miraculously chanting the mantra with lots of pain and stain in his bleeding heart"

"His mind spoke regrettably none-stop though...

"Sooner he said his  last goodbye with lots of regrets and broken down his golden  πŸ’” heart  !".

"Sooner  he heard a honey violin 🎻 voice

"Good moooooorning RajeshKanna!!!"


 "A honey voice which was healing voice for him! It was from far !.

"Was...was it  Renuga Krishna?!"

"Sure Sarah good guess"


"When the moon set,  the  sun 🌹 🌹 Roses 🌹 Krishna!" 

"Enchanting wording Meera"

 "Her divine smile was extremely enchanting supremely superb".

" Enlightened him instantly". 

"To be honest we have a guess sir, but not in this adequate atmosphere sir"

"Wasn't it  Extra ordinarily Sweetest πŸ’•♥️πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ§‘ ❤ πŸ’• πŸ’• hearts?"

 "Yes sir!!! Is it so called miraculous medicine to heal his wounded hurtful ❤?" 

"Why not?

 Its a green light "

 "Meeting Rajesh , she was gracefully thoughtful .Such a sick pearl. 

"She recalled  what her Mum Gayathri said in the flight about him":


"Darling how on earth he is so affectionate of you?"

"He was the one who was enthusiastically and compassionately  and even whole heatedly begging the Divine for a Miracle for your medical condition"...

 "Poor Rajeskanna was praying tearfully and helplessly and hopefully to Lord in Thiruparhy Vengadesor for a miracle of your kidney troubles". 

"For her bitter surprise, he was still in reddened eyes and swelled pink face!!!"


However smiled... smiled at her pretending to be a happy man with her Vengadesh Vow not to break out the nasty news

"All because he had recalled her generous vow for his lost lover to be reunited".

"That made him cry like a baby boy in front of his mighty pretty Mummy".

"She was near very ,very near to her blood tears. She hugged him like a mother in noticing his tears ".

"She had forgot her mother's culture of keeping distance and the customs did not allow her attitudes, but she follows the scripture that's allows it and her father's UK culture is allowing it".

" That was a sweetest shock of the shocks for him and his emotional  state was an exceptional expression for her to understand the reality". 

 She wiped away his tears looking at him with affection and devotion 

"Mantra has such mighty divinity."  

"Nevertheless, he was bravely brightened seeing some one like her...  seemed to him as though having the Divine Devi or God mother"

 "The vision of  the Deva or Devi in the form of  the Goddess, Durga therefrom Rajeskanna learned that everything happens for a reason and that reason of course  ,causes  changes positively or negatively. 

"It hurts and heartbroken πŸ’” Krishna"  

"But..but in the end it's proves that's all for the good.

"Why Krishna?"

"It's God's plan πŸ™ to design our destiny decently as long as we are submissive Krishna?". 

 "Certainly Christina". 

"He tried the best to hide the privacy ,nevertheless, couldn't".

"Even we wouldn't Krishna"

"On the other hand,  the atmosphere was magnificently loving and  significantly colorful 🐦 πŸ¦ƒ πŸ¦‰ birds🐦 🐦 🐦 🐦 flying above them." 

"It was just in front of the tremendous white Public  library".


"The fresh air and the rays of the remarkable yellow sun shined tenderly  touched them lovingly. She was so beautiful and anyone's heart could be immediately captured completely ".

"They had not known such happiness. Each of their  odour was adorable to each other ; the air outside was infused with smell of roses near the statue of Saraswathy !.


 "She was comfortable with the feeling of his closeness.Within a short term her sadness has been converted in to happiness, readiness of helping and keenness of calling someone to help him ".

"She was so fragile and resembled the fragrant flower to him. As soft as silk with her milk white teeth." 

"Renuga was wearing white and white for his astonishment".  

"She was one of many people whose lives are at threat from kidney disease in Srilanka to search for a better treatments or even a cure ".


"Luckily her kidney was OK  for the moment and she didn't need to spend many hours on dialysis machines while she has been waiting for a transplant like other serious cases...that may never come, but her Dad decided to be her donor straight away.".

 "Her father was someone genuinely the greatest one...he did not marry any one and had been searching for his lost one."

"She used every kindest words in the world to calm Rajesh down".


"Her kindness and

greatness illuminated everything around him. He marvelously moistened his

brownish lips as it was terribly dried as a  fallen yellow leaf. He appreciated her approach and understanding "



"Her fearless bold determination was unbelievable.Her readiness, keenness, genuine eagerness of helping hand with God consciousness were unbelievable". 

 "Surprised to see tears on her baby blue πŸ’™ eyes!!! Within the shortest time he was attached to her as though she was his long term blood related."

"In fact, it had taken him a good ten minutes to be able to talk with her calmly and consciously".


"I was fortunate of having a formidable friend like you... I feel as though I met my best friend again!!!"

"RajeshKanna told her genuinely". 


"At the same time some of the people in the library were emotional although unaware of this pair,   they were in  absent-mind even though admiring their attractive attitudes and affectionate appearance". 

"They appreciated the pleasure in the culture of the Great Britain greatest godly girl's bravest  action with glory which can write a history. As Romeo and Juliet which was written by a Britain best writer William Shakespear!"


" Sir she  left the Divine and joined the devil" 

"Well what ?"

"I mean Rajesh Kanna's ex.... sorry for mix up the meaning." 

"Sure Sarah!".


 "She glanced again and again on his hand so sadly, but...but...but for her  splendor surprise,the name was almost disappeared on his hand!...

"A right person to solve his  problem is Sam."

..."Sam is someone unbound by material attractions. The bound people or in other word attached person cannot be helped by the bound/attached person". 

"Rajesh needs an unbound person to liberate him".

"Factually Rajeskanna is similar to him".

"However, Sam is Sam.....his twin brother only equal to him sir."

"Correct Christina" 

When Sam advices, our: 





 levels increase lovingly  and sadness vanish rapidly such a  magic advice ✨ thereby divinity increasing in ourselves" .


"We don't know the meanings of the words sir!" 

"Yeee !!!Where we can get them and how we can improve our life style sir please?"

"In... in many ways "endophine "we can enhance while saying the Mahamaha Mantra simultaneously dancing  delightfully"

"Dopamine Krishna?"

"It's when we are  successfully achieving a goal. For example, being interested in Supreme Science thereby becoming skillful in several directions like qualifications in Mission by waking up early in the πŸŒ„πŸŒ…."

"Serotonin please?"

"Being great towards all the soul  in sharing our Krisna Science, saving the environment; being in the Sunny having, shower and active sportive etc"  

"Oxytocin Krishna?"

"Being kind, happy, hugging each other , making sure of cleanliness and God  consciousness taking prasadam. Meera" 

"Normally every  man bound by the hands and feet by materially maddened therefore he or she cannot free himself."


 "We must be helped by a person who is unbound."

Sam is trying to release all of us from the contaminated condition of material madness lack of God consciousness"

"Why Krishna?" 

"  all the materials  are belongs to the Lord we cannot have them that is Maya sweethearts". 

" Ha...ha...we spend all our times in search of materials and teaching the same to our children, but Sam?"

"Teaching the  Suprem Science Krishna"

 reality  of our identity is the only eternity as it is the divinity rest are Maya...Maya...




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