"Hi Krishna hurry up what happened to Rajesh Kanna please πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™?"

"First of all, God evening everyone"

"Prior to commence, little prayer please Krishna " 

"One second  please krisna one second please Krishna!!?"

"What's wrong with you stopping the prayer Rudra ?,,"

...An important question Meera calm down it's a crown question like the crown of a King knowing the answer,  is a tremendous treasure"

"Go on Rudra go on "

"Is it true when we get married,  we have to checkup weather we matchup with our astrology in Hinduism?"

"Yes...yes...yes but...but...but... it's dosen't work for everyone as no one has the accurate account of timing even we happened to miss out a nano second,  the astrologer cannot workout. "

"Does it fair that  our  grandparent's negative conducts connecting in to our own destiny Krishna? "

"We don't get that Rudra could... you simplify it?"

"If our parents had married more than once due to  the force of mother nature or Karma Krishna ?"

"You mean force of circumstances due to karmic  actions Rudra?"

"Absolutely Krishna" 

"Sure in that case , it is certain Rudra "

"Oh my God !!!!Krishna , it's not fair, because my sister went to visit  India for wedding shopping".

"Good news are you going to be married  🎊 congratulations 🎊!!!"

" Ha...ha... I wish I was married instead my sister going to be married Krisna".

 "Oh really our advance congratulations 🎊 Rudra ".

"However, there is a bad news  Krisna !!?".

"Why are  you panicking Rudra your voice is shaking?"

"Because meanwhile my parents met someone  who can read their charts..."

"Have they joined her too  Rudra?"

"Certainly Christina" 

"Oh goodness are you home alone Rudra?"

"Sure I'm going to marry the next door  neighbor girl Krishna "

"What we thought you are an honest person waiting to your girl friend "

"Of course, but parents don't allow  me to  go anywhere Krishna !"




"Come on hurry up Rudra before they return from India Rudra you must be married"




"And then Rudra ?"

"Run away  like Lord Krishna with Rugmani ha...ha..."

 "Just for   fun Krisna I'm sad Krishna ".

"We know why you're sad Rudra "

"Because no-one wouldn't be there on your sudden  weddings day Rudra?"

" Noo my... my parents were  told my   sister's fiancΓ©'s  grandparents's multiple marriages may  affect ". 

"We ...we don't catch up hurry up Rudra!?" 

"They were told that specially the women side can be victimised Krishna".

"Really why you worry Rudra?" 

"As long as we respect ritual regulations, we have to worry Krishna don't we Krisna?" ".

 " you deserve your name Krishna what kind of unkind question Krishna?".

"What does ritual stand for Krishna ?"

"A set of actions performed in a regular way often as part of a religious ceremony Mary ".

"Why does it  is so important to you Rudra "

"Because in my case, there were some hidden criminal charges I mean not  legally but illegally I did some naughty activities".  

"What are you talking about Rudra ?"

"I' m talking of my naughtiness krisna lack of Krishna consciousness". 

"We had an impression that you might have been mischievous "

My apology Mary.In addition, in my father's life, there are a few errors mirrors which are considered to be kind of irresponsibly idiotic  errors krishna". 

"What was it Rudra we can sort it out  why you discuss this disgusting matter with Krishna do you know how many audiences will be reading it Rudra?".

"Why don't you answer Rudra ?"

"Suuuuuu...suuuu ... he he is saddened and he is   emotional students !!?"

"Krishna. ..Krishna Rudra is crying !!?"

"Leave him alone please students "

"Now you carry on Rudra if you want and when you want okay?!"

"His... his Grandpa had to marry a few times because of his richness powerfulness and also  reckless life style and  ..."

"You mean  kind of helplessness... Lack of parental assistance Rudra?"

"Exactly Siva"

"Hadn't he got parents Rudra?"

"He had ,but bad luck passed away in their early ages Krishna "

"Exactly like K.Soul Nava 's father's father  had died in his early fortis Krishna and his mother  passed away even earlier age when he was a toddler may be? "

"So sorry to ask a personal question of K.Soul's parents Krishna  "

"Please proceed Siva Mr K.Soul  cannot hide anything ".

"However, certain,  certain information  about  him are shocking Krishna!!

"Don't worry his life time line teaches in line of Divine guide line ".

"What kind of incomprehensible story line Krishna!?"

"Sure great hearts πŸ’• πŸ’• "

"Pardon Krishna?" 

"From time to time ,we talk about the hiden truths of him sacred students because it's impossible to hide his famous family's faults , failures and also faith in demigods leaving the full God in ignorance".

"Oh Goodness had  Mr Soul  experienced  some issues as well as Rudra Krishna ?"

"Listen lovely students listen...

"" you're sure Krishna?"

.... why not our tutor's father had some irresponsibly issues as well ".

"Oh goodness so it is the worst chapter ever Krishna?"

"Krishna πŸ’ž πŸ™!We keep it secret Krishna as a secret between  two is a secret of God but a  secret between three is everyone's secret  settlement Krishna".




"So  it doesn't affect K Soul Krishna please?"

" That doesn't affect the persons who are under our Originator's care chocolates".

"Wooooooow !!!!Evidence Krishna please !!!!"

In Chapter 9 Text 30 Lord's words:

"Even if one commit the most abominable action,  if he is engaged in devotional service ,  he is to be considered saintly because he is properly situated in his determination. "

"Thank you soooo much Krishna sorry Mr K. Soul's life line is our on line and it's in  line of Divine glory  and assisting assisting us as guide line Krishna ?" 

"Absolutely even Rama's father had been married three times Krishna"

"Krishna , so Rama was Gowsalya's son who was the first wife?"

"Absolutely !!.Similarly K.Soul's story line has some  grace of wealthy and healthy generation's hidden history of forbidden footsteps still being πŸ™ forgiven .".

"Oh my God he is a pretending person Krishna!"

"However ,his history is  with godly guidelines our tutor converting it to Goodness class to close the door of demoniac directions sweet πŸ’• hearts "

"How does it deliver guidance and make difference in our lives Krishna are you stupid he is a lier Krishna he never even spoke this kind of unkind attitudes in advance in any of the chapters Krishna?"

"That's the reason why, tutor worries why we all are not eradicated from  eternal evil and ego  errors by being with the same demigods and the same minds sets".

"What does it mean ERADICATED Krishna does it mean mad in materials Krishna? 


"Definitely Durga ".

"Supporting proof please krisna ".

"Hold don't !!!!Although Bramah and Shiva are greatly elevated and are almost on the same level of Vishnu, it is not possible for such incarnations of( Rajo-Guna) passion class and (Tamo-guna ) Ignorance Class to   release the Conditioned souls from the clutches   of Maya ".

"Ohhhhhhh!!!  Bramah and Shiva are also under the influence of Maya Krishna exactly like irresponsible individual ,K.Soul???????.

"Hold don't !!!!! Only Vishnu is the master of Maya".

"Are you crazy Krishna?"

"Yes...yes.....but not hypocrisy like some gurus I'm mad in Lord Krishna!!!?"

"Why Krishna why ????"

"He alone can give release to the  conditioned souls great hearts πŸ’• ".

"So freedom is possible only by understanding Krishna?. 

"As an everlasting evident even...even Lord Shiva affirms and confirms that liberation can be achieved only by the mercy of Vishnu great guys ".

"Evidence Krishna evidence??,,"

"Text 14 Chapter seven in Bhagavad-Gita As It Is"

"OK krishna... let's learn divine dance delightfully to celebrate it Krishna!"

"Please proceed by opening the Vedic vibrant video to celibate this !!!:"

"Thanks Krishna tremendous teaching of stunning dance ".

 "Thanks shall we continue Krishna?"

"With pleasure guys" 

"Hi every one!!! "HASTE MAKES WASTE",

"Said Rajesh Kanna while noticing Sam's  facial
language...he preferred calming him down earlier 
than later... before it would be too late".

"As a matter of fact, he recalled an unforgetable 
"In real life , Rajesh Kanna  and Sam had  fought with 
many students in  single handedly - it was again just  a few years 
Most unforgettable of pudding prove was the 
teachers witnessed that incident and straight away informed to the 
Head Department." 
"Pardon Krishna πŸ’žπŸ™?".
"One of the teachers reported to the Headteacher 
that she had seen surprusingly watching the battle while Sam 
and Rajesh- were beating them up although 
there were numerous students  against them

"Why! Was... was it true Krishna?".
 "The same girl 's matter Rudra "

"Now he didn't want to pronounce her full name !"
"Why not Krishna?"
"The fact was, her name was Gayatry Kama .Such a 
name of fame of holy."

" Nonetheless, while listening the CD, he became more and more 
warmer  and  better even fresher in comparison to Marina's memories"
"What was it Krishna?"
"Better just listen what Marina shared to smiling Sam"
"Ohhhhhhh goodness even the actress so called Sobana is well known to the world grace of the same  film Krishna". 
"Was it Rudra ?"
"Hundred percent Krishna". 
"How Krishna we, too listening the same  video and we don't have any sort of reaction Krishna?"
"Kidding Krishna ha...ha... "
"Which in turn causing Rajesh Kanna charm he was  calm as it has 
been  deleting the disgusting anger in remembering her and
realising the three gunas".
"Krishna, what are the three guns or in other words 
characters defects "
"Sorry ?
The three thieves that treats the pretty people and transform 
 them pretty pity people Krishna?."
"Oh ... excellent question they are:
 1) the love πŸ’˜ 
2) the greedy and 
3) the anger".
"Sam understood the matter clearly when he had 
shown his hand .Then Rajesh Kanna told 
"What was it Krishna?"
the file was closed by returning her photos 
yesterday. "

"He felt Rajesh Kanna's 
regrettable rain falls on his own eyes ".
"Rain falls Krishna!!!!???".
"The heated and burning pearls dripping out of their eyes ,but not dripping"  
"You mean their emotional  tears didn't drop still stood 
in  both of their rose  eyes without their knowledge Krishna?". 
"Exactly excellent effect Tulsy". 
"How Krishna?"
"Their faces too were  frozen in harsh Krishna?". 
"We understand  Krishna !".
"We're saddened,  reading the poem in the eyes of these ever-loving 
 golden Men's friend ship Krishna."

"We couldn't  catch  up Krishna!" 
"When he got angry he always had the 
strength of many people ."
"Really krisna like my mum whenever she gets angry,  ten houses of neighbours complain ha...ha...!"

"In fact, that is not the same,  but this is science.His 
Dad, a scientist often says that although we wouldn't 
able to run or jump above a certain levels or hight, when 
we are in a danger, or anger,we would do more 
than that grace of the homeostasis which is responsible of 
controlling the interior atmosphere including the 
blood pressure and temperature ".
"What Krishna?"
"Rajesh Kanna's worries  had been written not by a pen on the 
paper,but in red blood on his enchanting eyes!!!
 "How worries gripped his greatest heart extremely painful 
and  bitterly stressful... it was seriously  hardest 
moment ever in his life Krishna how Sam going to calm him down Krishna?".
 "Sam went near him and sat next to him again". 
"That situation would put any one mad of 
them Krishna" 
"But...but he clearly read his facial emotions grace of his Divined 
"It would have expressed a sort of relief...Krishna? "
"Sure believe it or not Rajes-kanna felt as  the pollution of 
atmosphere such as nitrogen dioxide or NO 2 has been completely  diminished by 
zero concentration while seated with a hero".
"Pardon Krishna?"
"It's true he thinks likes a chemist. Some times we 
don't understand him Krishna"
" Certainly he is a mystery in the chemistry of the compounds in the body 
of his girlfriend ha...ha...!!!".

"Oh Goodness the character it was counted. Sam 
reached in to the  pocket of Rajesh kanna and drew out his handkerchief which was 
visible and wiped his tears as he was unable to do so" .
"Reached into Rajesh pocket Krishna we feel how they would have been reacted Krishna..?"
 "Believe it or not, he got many hearts'  ❤ 🀍 πŸ’™ 🧑 πŸ–€ Krishna". 
"Kind of a mother's heart Krishna", 
"No sort of a fatherly heart Krishna"

"No type of a siblings,( brother 's or sister's heart Krishna". 

"Yes Krishna he is  an auspicious person in conscious of 
the gracious Divine Krishna?"
"Undoubtedly Subathra ".
"It was an absolutely fascinating scene Krishna ".
"Certainly fabulously  fantastic and sincerely sympathetic based 
on divinity Krishna"
"His fatherly actions gradually had been healing 
Rajesh Kanna's hurtful  heart ❤with happy hormons happily".  
"Sam was watching Rajesh Kanna's brilliant eyes 
glittered in tears repeatedly forgetting his own enchanting eyes!"

"How good looking he was he didn't have the courage to 
say a word because his words were blocked in the 
throat ". 

"Krishna, they both were travelling in the same 
boat beautifully and it's a blanket of fragrant flowres for us".
"Absolutely  Ruby!" 
"They honestly did not find a remedy!!!! It was 
indeed worrying them". 
"Really krisna?"
"Although he could not say a word, he shook his head in a 
negative way seemingly he was not going to forgive the 
girl at all ".

"So sad for Rajesh Krishna".  
"SureOnce she was thought to be pearl. Now considered to 
be  pebble Krishna!".
"Absolutely Retna "
"What is a pebble Krishna?"

"small stone made smooth 
and round by the action of the water or  the 
"Suddenly he had cleared his Vedic voice and gathered the 
cutest courage to say something, but 
lovely  puppy had brought his absolutely cute flowery the right person at the right time".

"Seeing the scene,Rajeskanna eyed him friendly to play 
the greatest flute, with a bit beautiful smile on his dried 
 brownish  lips ".
"It sounded like he was sweetly expecting a heal 
heavenly heal to feel better due to his humongous 
"We got that Krishna "
"Sam studied his silence and his alarming appearance,
God presence as Athma and Paramathma in everyone πŸ™. 
When we realise it, Lord's attraction πŸ™ enhance 
elegantly attracting his senses with scent of heavenly Krishna such a 
sensational scent of Lord Krishna" .
"His phenomenally heroic look was yogic and 
divinic to remove the demoniac affect" 
 "Does it PACKTHY-YOGA 🧘‍♀️ Krisna?
"Yeah such a magic Krishna?"

"Sure !It was a magnificent magnetic Rudra"
"Why should we worry when our Father 
is there Rajesh Kanna?"
 "Thought Sam still he was silver silence....
the atmosphere  was so fair seemingly sweetest πŸ’• 
situation.... he had handled the flute as formidable fragrant 
"Interning Krishna ,exciting and confusing Krishna ".
"Wow even the brown puppy was sooooooo happy, he 
barked beautifully ".
in sharing his happiness by shaking his 
rolled up tail "

"Sam please play...I know you 
are a specialist in playing the  flute...more 
over,my wife met me yesterday, who is with 
Marina now."

"Pardon Krishna!!!the pretty parrot talks like human??????

" Correct further he said, 
"my wife promised not to be together before you both 
settled down as a husband and wife".
"Ha...ha....hilarious πŸ˜‚!". 

"Suddenly Sam had realized that he had seen his pair 
parrot in Marina's home when he had paid a visit,but 
he did not think it would be the same beautiful bird which had left the cage a 
while ago !"

"So you are greater than the people!?"
"Sam  consciously considered but regrettably 
in looking at the proudest pretty parrot thankfully!"

"Rajesh  extremely exclaimed in smiling 
at the perfect parrot with an  exclamation marks on his 
wider eyes"
"Pretty compassionate story Krishna ".
"Sure !Then he eagerly eyeing but elegantly  at Sam  to play the fantastic 
flute sensationally" .
"We wish we were with them Krishna ".
"When he took the flute,Rajesh smiled,
 it resembled a ruby rain river leading towards  the Originator's auspecious ocean πŸ’™ ❤ "
"Really krisna?"
"πŸ’• Rajesh face was as 
happy as a beautiful  baby, it was indeed a phenomenal seed  of  splendid."
"We wish we were with them Krishna "

"Ha...ha...!!!He already insisted him to play the glorious flute 
when they were on the way back home 🏑  in the blue 🚌 
pilgrimage, but he couldn't play as good as  
he had played earlier because his Marina  was not there". 

 "Smiling Sam prayed Vishnu vibrantly and  played the Maha Mantra stupendously and..
and then he decided to play the favorite song of Renuga",

"What is it Krisna?"

"It was sang by a famous British musician. Still being 
very popular song of the young generation across the 

"however,for some reasons he had 
commenced in the middle of the song because his mind too was 
muddled up in expecting the unexpected "

 This is how it read:

"I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do. My gift 
is my song and this one's for you....

 And you can tell every body this is your song 
it's may be quite simple,but now that it's done. 
I hope you don't mind!!!! 

hope you don't mind!!!!! That I put down in  
words how wonderful life is while you are in the world 🌎...

....I sat on the root and kicked off the moss well a 
few of the verse well they have got me quite... 

"The sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song. It's for 
people like you that keep it turned on".

" At the ending of the middle started 
fabulous flute enchanting of  an English song made him 
strong again."

"Rajesh Kanna had rose from the chair! He was  
gladdened like golden roses in the garden of golden 

He said,

"How magnificent life while 
you are in the world".

"Unexpectedly next door Silva came to visit 
hearing the news through Benz,his daughter because 
she takes class with Renuga  as her mother was 
educated in Britain πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§, obviously her daughter, 
Renuga's English is elegant".
"How Krishna?".

"Hearing the unbelievable information, Silva 
 yelled echoing the whole 🏠house ...

"what the hell...we should not allow this kind arrogant 
attitudes... tell me a word I will meet her parents". 

"Rajesh Kanna told him,
Thank you, but it's too late Mr Silva. In fact,the latter 
choice is like digging a well when the home is on  fire to get water 
to put off the fire."

"We have to stop it as it is not fair. However, Silva did 
not stop Shouting".

"Sam was calm now ,worried 
in thinking intelligently , 
definitely Rajesh kanna's
worries  will certainly affect her life in the future 

"People especially the young pupils are 
taking the  πŸ’˜ 
love just for fulfilling their feelings as the poems  being written on the beach sand, 
are being removed by the waves of the ocean  Krishna .
"Sure !Unmistakably unreasonable of being ignorance students".

 "On one hand, they are  destroying the greatest 
relationship; on the other hand, 
leaving their names on their lover's  hands Krishna"

"Why Krishna?"
"As they are in the grip of the  
Ignorance Class. Certainly ! Passion class 
too with the demigods guys.".

"A real love is not like the poem on the beach sand 
which obviously could be vanished by the water 
waves Krishna"....

"Actually love is God. God is love. Sexual attraction is 
not called love...that is just to satisfy the sense 
gratification. just  like the satisfaction of thirst or 
hunger Krishna  "

 "This cannot be compared to a loyal,lovely love students. "

"Now a days teens of colleges or universities gathering 
their opposite partners in cinema theaters, night club 
and ...and   and Krishna".  

 "That is simply sinful ; we think it is an act of human 
and normal,  but definitely abnormal...Remember to 
remember the divinity has been watching from our 
own hearts to sort out the accounts in order to decide 
our future body"

"Any body Cares Krishna?"

"The tragedy is, what is the next body students?"
Unexpected Benz  apologised 
and asked Sam an unexpected question .
As every one knows, she is clever at managing  the 
difficult dealing ".

"Especially such mysterious situations in
manipulation, but mesmerisingly and intellectually". 

"Obsering the scenario, she wanted to help them to calm them down however 

"May be according to her, the best 
way to distract them is , being provocative 
at the same time productive Krishna". 

"Undoubtedly !Being a creative student, 
asked a question on Vedas, Ramayana ," 

"Excuse me Sam is Ramayana is real heavenly historical 

Sam suddenly saddened!!!

"Listen Benz! For real,  the Ramayana which has been 
shown on TV as  episode was in the 
modern age, written by Valmigy, the greatest  Saint or Muni who 
meditated towards Lord Sri Krishna for 60,000 years during 

"Wow was concentrating carefully he 
wants the warming Vedic news like this because he adores 
Ramayana ❤ and his role model was Rama".
"Meanwhile Benz was beautifully 
πŸ‘ ✨ clapping πŸ‘ πŸ™Œ πŸ‘Œ ❤ in her mind smilingly". 

"She straightaway served them some fresh water πŸ’§ πŸ’§ 
and seated in front of them like a guardian angel"  
"That's pretty pretty pretty clever Krishna ".

"Sure Sam thanked her and said:

"Those time people used to live 100,000 years" 

"When was it Krishna?"

'In Sathya Yuga Ruby'

"I mean after many thousand years of meditation,  Valmigy 
was enable to recognize the Divine history".

"How Sam?"

"Benz smiled sensationally"

"In Divine grace and divinely  empowered he got the 
vision of comprehension Benz".

"He then took the πŸ’§ πŸ’§ water and while keeping in his left
hand explained elaborately ":
"Best of all, the name, Gayatri was the foundation of 
the Ramayana". 

"Wow! This was a climax Krishna !!!"

"How...How...How.. . ????"

"Rajesh asked astonishingly". 

"That is to say, the writer,Valmigy 
Muni firstly wrote 24000 devotional chanting 
following each letter based on Gayatri 

Benz was observing Rajesh Kanna on Renuga's 

 "Then from which, with his divine vision, he fulfilled 
the story of glories. Basically,  on the basis of Gayatri Mantra only 
Ramayana was appeared.

Above all, this is the Mandra 
Lord Krishna was saying when he was living in 
Dwarka city presently discovered under the ocean"

" Rajesh  Kanna had been biting his brown 
lips till they turn to  rose lips thoughtfully".As he started smoking 🚬

Sam smelled it and saw him the out come on the packet of cigarettes and asked him whether he would like to follow up the mind set of Ignorance Class People 

"Seeing his affectionately thoughtful 
mindsets of their friendship, Benz was melting as the butter left on the hot plate". 

"Wow well done she decided to calm them down with 
God grace, she found the trace of calmness with God consciousness in enhancing 
the Vedic torch of knowledge, they all were encouraged" 

"Any way, grace of the pets' help,things were much better 
now  both looked relaxed and realized". 

" On the  other hand, Mr Silva was worried about Rajesh , thinking his 
generosity actually he adores  him especially remembering  of his 
generous actions" :

" What was it Krishna ?"

"When he was a student his bank charged him a few 
thousands rupees of an accidental breaching of his 
over draft limit."
"What Krishna when was Krishna?"
" It had happened  years 
ago. As a consequence,his debt accumulated more and more with additional additional intrest following up his long term education as 
he attended three different universities -training to become a barrister"..

"each time a customer go over draft limits,they have been charged so badly and  
unlawfully Krishna?". 
"Absolutely ".
"Moreover,so far no one wouldn't have ever got a bank in to court 
to justify its bank charges Krishna...".
 "Certainly Christina" 

"No wonder,he had  filed the case as soon as he had completed his saying,
"if  I succeeded, it will mean all customers in the country will be benefited". 
"He would  have much more support from his friends and families Krishna ?"
"Yeah ! In this case, he had received overwhelming 
"That's challenging Krishna!" 
"Plus had cheered him up  by dozens 
of his best friends such as Sam, Shankar 
ganesh,Silva,krishna Menan, James and... and... and."
"Didn't the bank try to manipulate him Krishna with bribery ?"
" The bank came forward for a secret settlement in offering him 
250,000 rupees, but he had  denied." 

"All because of his generosity of thinking entire 
population. Such a man has got such a girlfriend Krishna!".

"Meanwhile, distinguished daughter, of Silva ,Benze was 
watching everything carefully and sorrowfully. "
"We love her  Krishna" 
"Suddenly she tucked her hair behind her beautiful 
ears which fell over her forehead following the fair 
air....Moon light shone brilliantly through the shiny door and 
brightening the tiles in marbles on the floor through 
the opened  door".
"Such an amazing atmosphere and cutest country Krishna". 

"She straightaway brought something to eat for them 
as her Mum called and informed her that Sam's  
parents were out till late to night.

As soon as her Dad left, she had announced a secret  
to the boys, her cheerful cheeks were prettier were 
stained with tears and her eyes swollen with recent 

"She glanced at Rageskanna and said,

"the softest song which Sam Anna sang in the flute was the song Renuga 
Akkah was singing in looking atvyour picture from her 
mobile phone which I recoded while you were 
whispering and praying for a miracle of her medical 

"In fact, I am not allowed to say that, but 
when one door is closed many more are open".

"On the other hand, Sam nodded his head positively 
and said with a broken, golden voice,

" The reason why I played that song because I know her 
love for you. She had told me if any thing happened to 
her life during her kidney transplantation, you need to 
carry her body to the chemistry."

"Rajes kanna's belly was shaking so fastly was 
weeping in thinking to the Divine 

Because he had been seeking 
for a pebble, but ended 
up finding a jewel".

"Benz saw them emotionally an enchanting video 
similar of Renuga's delighted dance with her 
 Supreme white  dress  exactly the same garment 
on the day she met Rajesh Kanna in the 
library :"

If you wish ,please open the yellow curtain ".

"Now  Rajesh Kanna realised the reaction 
of her reddened eyes with affectionate tears in the 



Hare Krishna 

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