"Hi Heavenly Embodiments! I'm the Vishnu;I'm the Vedas; I'm the Universal Father ;I'm the Mother; I'm the Creator;I'm the Administrator;I'm the ancestors and...and...and ...I' m the world means I'm the Creation.  In other words, I'm Krishna,  I'm the Potter;I'm the Clay and I'm the Pot...

"This is not like the Private Pension Pot.Which is an alternative to the state pension which is like a little dot.  Ultimately God is Appah/ Father, is the worthiest Permanent pension pot of Papa ...

"Dear Sacred Souls !we have been campaigning compassionately, devotionally and trying to teach the Truth to get rid of blind believe Sweet 💕 💕 hearts  "

Lord said," I consider you all are My Own Self".
"However whatever we do ,remember to remember there are three classes of people, standardised by the Mother Nature on My  control by following people's Pious and impious activities ( Punniya and Pavam) in numerous births. "

 "As a consequence, the unfotunate and ignorance people have an impression that  devotees are under the Influence of alcohol not under the influence of Supreme Soul."

 In other words, Atman ,Paramathman and Phahawan, equal ? Visnu ,Krishna this is the object matter otherwise our entire subjects have no object like playing football not targeting goal"

"Prayer please "

"Hi how are you doing Krishna ? Is it the form of the Father in the temples?"

"Exactly by the way, students we heard hurtful ,awful and even sorrowful information when hearing a young nurse refuse to pay private pension plan whicn eveyone else pays as a compulsory although it is sky high private pension pay compared to her salary what was it ?"

"What was it Krishna again?".

She said  'I'm struggling to pay my bills, should I opt out of my NHS pension?' 

"Krishna , we understand the government pension solution is like a little dot in comparison to smart private pension pot especially in London."  

"But...but our tuition mission is much  more hard than the UK private pension solution Krishna ha...ha... ".

"Sam have you heard anything about it?"

"Now only I'm reading it Krishna can you explain it Krishna here the link Krishna there are serious strikes around the world it's ground breaking and obviously across the UK is worsining Krishna?"

"Excuse me Krishna,  my sister is seriously struggling to understand the UK Private  Pension Pot and the mountenious amount which have been contributed from her payslip mysteriously Krishna ".

"Oh are you talking  about employees and employers contributions towards the workplace pension scheme Pammitta?"

"Exactly Krishna how did you know it Krishna?"

"Not only that, I know further more benefits also Pammitta it's not good idea of cancelling it  like the NHS nurses are doing at the moment".

"What was it  Krishna?"

"Such as government  tax reduction from the contributions  plus inflation calculation National Insurance contribution deduction... and ...and "

"If we opt out the pension, our take home pay after tax might not go up by very much as we expect Krishna?"

"Sure  it's even reduce the other National Insurance Contribution or any student loan payments Pamitta .
"Certainly Sam"

"In the event, we opt out Krishna?".

 .They can go back up, cutting down any gain we have made Pamitta ".

"Now we woooow!!!   Hearing Lord Krishna's science "

Ha...ha... that's for Pretty Permanent Pension  Pot not for head  spinning pension after seventy ha...ha... meanwhile French people Protesting because of   increasing the pension age from 62 to 64 Krishna. "

"What the UK pension age at the moment Pamitta?"

"67 Krishna and government going to increase another 2 years soon Krishna "

"What about Mr K.Soul?"

"He is one year less than hundred ha....ha...."

"In fact, he says that he is many millions years old Krishna "

"Indeed appreciate it as his name is K.Soul obviously many millions years old but younger than   Lord Krisna ha...ha....".

"To be honest , it would be lot better of having Lord's Pot  Pension scheme Krishna ".

"Shut up idiots what kind of pension preparation are you talking about all are nonsense?"
"We all are pretty puzzled Rudra and  missing many pieces to fix up the puzzling of  private  pension schemes Rudra".

" In addition, now witnessing around the world missile strikes, employees strikes and  Krishna cycles are, hearts  stopping  ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ "

"Correct at least missile strikes and employees strikes can be stopped... but ...but ..but bad luck Krisna's birth cycle doesn't do any strike keep on  going on and on Krishna Anna ha...ha..."

" are speaking it in a metaphorical way of our necessity of the devotional development and educating the entire world to be enlightened students?"

"That's why Rudra is being frustrated Krishna what's wrong with you Rudra?"

"Thanks at last Ruby voiced on my behalf , it was on Sunday afternoon I was watching my neighbours'  home Krishna "

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness !!! You haven't married yet Rudra ha...ha?"

"Listen please it was on Sunday afternoon I was watching my neighbours' home Krishna 
She was reading in the brown wooden bed which almost filled her pink nice bed room with blooming beautiful flowers around her house and I was enjoying the fabulous fragrance." 

"Ohhhhhhhh have you married Rudra  ha...ha?"

"Suuuuuu let him talk Mary "

"She was reading a beautiful blue book and her hand and her legs were in the air .Now and then she shifted  pretty position"

"So Ruda you have nothing to do at home ?"

"Krishna did you ask Lord Krisna when he was with the Goppies?"

 ha....ha..... "ha....ha..... "
ha....ha..... "
ha....ha..... "

"Please proceed Rudra this is the defect in human communities comparing the ant sized atoms man with the elephant. Doesn't it seem like the story of  five blind boys talking about an elephant by tauching and feeling and even simelling it  ha...ha...what a pity!!!!

You... you carry on Rudra you only know your feeling ha ..ha...!!?"

" Thanks Krishna  ...she was licking a finger to her pink lips and turning the pages of the blue book while I was watching lovingly"

"What book Rudra?"
"I already said it was a blue  book pretty similar to The great Hearts 💕 Peter "

....ha..... "ha....ha..... "
ha....ha..... "
ha....ha.... "
"I was standing by the wooden brown painted window , pretending that I was gazing out in to the back garden" .

"By the way, your parents are in India no?"

"Rudra why you wait ha...ha..?"

"I agree so that's why I was carefully noting her mother who was by the low wire fence which divided the boring bungalow where I live Krishna". 

....ha..... "ha....ha..... "
ha....ha..... "
ha....ha..... "

"Her mother was  talking to the people next door ".

"Sooooo Krishna better we continue our narration Krishna he is going little bit deeper".

"Listen the  Mother Nature is controlling us in dividing us in three classes what are they?"

2) PASSION Class 

"Good...good... after a series of serious animals births , we have been boon to have our blessing bodies to get out of the tragedy"

 "However, no body understands my tragedy Krishna, like the scary scars of the healed wounds,  our minds sets magnetised with our  past lives mind memories .  Is it easy to get out of it on the spot Krishna let's take some times Krishna entertainment and also enlightenment Krishna 💞🙏?"

"Very well sweet hearts with Vedic Vibration of Vishnu it's possible great hearts 💕 💕". 

"Excuse me Krishna ....we would like to have a living evidence how Lord Vishnu's Power  influence  us like alcohol   empowering us Krishna?".

"What's wrong with you Peter are you still doubtful like Radha with little Krishna?"

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeees! What sorts of wordings how to get out of it?" 

"You mean with the  topic Papa's picture words?"

"Yes Krishna yes you become deaf lacking the power of hearing Krishna ".

"What Lord  is saying Krishna?"

 "Please read it Peter loudly?" 

"Excuse  me krishna I have a living prove Krishna".  

"We didn't get that point Pammitta".

"Krishna Pammitta  doesn't remember that whenever we answer what we have to do and kinds of evidence we have to summit  "

"Alright you mean take and use  the quotation from  the topic picture paragraph  and answer powerfully, effectively and successfully students to improve your English?".

"Oh can we read it Krishna?"

"Can I Krishna?"

"Of course Meera" 

"Hi Heavenly Embodiments! I'm the Vishnu;I'm the Vedas; I'm the Universal Father ;I'm the Mother; I'm the Creator;I'm the Administrator;I'm the ancestors and...and...and ...I' m the world means I'm the Creation.  In other words, I'm Krishna,  I'm the Potter;I'm the Clay and I'm the Pot..."

"This is not like the Private Pension Pot.Which is an alternative to the state pension which is like a little dot.  Ultimately comprehension of God is Appah. This is the worthiest Permanent pension pot of Papa ...

Dear Sacred Souls !we have been campaigning compassionately, devotionally and trying to teach the Truth to get rid of blind believe Sweet 💕 💕 hearts  "

Lord said," I consider you all are My Own Self".
"However whatever we do ,remember to remember there are three classes of people, standardised by the Mother Nature on My  control by following people's Pious and impious activities ( Punniya and Pavam) in numerous births. "

 "As a consequence, the unfotunate and ignorance people have an impression that  the devotees are under the Influence of alcohol not under the influence of Supreme Soul."

 In other words, Atman ,Paramathman and Phahawan, equal ? Visnu ,Krishna this is the object matter otherwise our entire subjects have no object like playing football not targeting goal"

"Just like playing football not targeting goal Krishna?"

"Sure we stick with Mr K.Soul everything will be pretty privileged Tulsy ".

"Of course , but Tulsy did not quote any evidence Krisna". 

Certainly Tulsy whenever we challenge something ,we have to take evidence such as  quotation from the topic    from the   text and chapter?" 

"Sure Krishna our English teacher too often say that  so I would like to quote below the second quotation ".

"Do you mean , that you are under the Influence of alcohol or under the influence of Supreme Soul. In other words, Atman ,Paramathman and Phahawan equal Visnu Vibration Tulsy?" 

"Yes Krishna" 

"Does this event has a correlation of Atman, Paramathman and Phahawan students?"

"Hundred percent Krishna "

"Krishna, how both the bridegroom and the bride astonishingly amazed while getting the Bhagavad-Gita from our tutor and smilingly , saying ,"This is the book we have been looking for?"

"We don't catch up Meera !"

"This is how Lord Krishna works in five factors Krishna ?"

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness you are absolutely right Meera...

1) the place of action (the body).
2) the performer 
3)The various sentences 
4) the many different kinds of endeavour and
5) Ultimately the Super Soul students. 

"Alright !These are the Five Factors of Father's functions evidence Tulsy!?.

"It's from  Text14  and Chapter 18 Krishna our tutor had taught us and we can easily identify it how does it  work positively in Krishna's devotees and negatively on nondevotees".

"Oh goodness what a wonderful wording; what a phenomenal quotation and what an incredible information Truly   !!!"

"Thanks Krishna! Here the  pudding prove are,  the  senses  Krishna ".

"What senses whose senses Meera?"

"In fact, the wedded couple inspired  to give a short blessing speech  ".

" You think it's relevant to the five factors Meera?

"In Text16 Chapter18,"Yes! Isn't it the  Atman and Paramatman interference  ??!!!"

"What was being written in text 16 ,chapter 18 Meera?"

"Whatever right or wrong, action a man performs by body, mind or speech, is caused by these Five Factors Krishna? "

"Exactly Krishna , Meera explains exactly how does the Divine function  quoting the German wedding event  Krishna but please describe further more about right or wrong actions Krishna 💞🙏?"

"The word "right "and the word "wrong"  
are very significant work done in terms of
 prescribed directions in the scripture/Vedas sweet hearts 💕. 

"The wrong work is done against the principles of the scriptures Krishna?" 


"Throughout our five senses Krishna ?". 

"Undoubtedly   !"

"Is it an enough event and evident that how does Atman,  Paramathman and Phahawan influence sweet hearts 💕?"

"So sorry to interrupt Krishna Subathra said that K.Soul declared that he was coming from Thirupathy Vengadeshan  to bless the well wedded couple...
"yeah...we... we wonder why he declared that although he took the flight from London to Germany Krishna?!!!".

"We too didn't get that point Krishna ?"

"I  have the answers students it was a sudden change of mind once it happened to me, too ".

"What was it Siva?"

"At the college, there was a speech competition of transcendental science I was attempting to be cooperative in a critical condition with all the audiences".
"What...why Siva?"

"As... as some of the audience were Muslims they were fasting for Ramadaan so I managed the speech affecting no one.
 God grace I came to know at least at at the last moment Krishna".

"What does it mean Siva what is the correlation?"

"Mr K.Soul had taught me the tactics and techniques of tackling the Oness.
As... as an example,  have you ever remarked that K.Soul sometimes suddenly  introducs himself as though he was required by Thirupathy Vengadesan?".

"Really he does Siva !!!!!Amazing point Siva !"

"As it is  providing pudding proves that we are  representating of Lord Krishna in a diplomatic way "
" Subathra  you only witnessed the event did Mr Soul ever introduce himself as a representative of Thirupathy Vengadesan?"

"Sure Krishna I've fresh living evidence what a coincidence of the coincidences ! I was just talking to Siva a few minutes ago about this event Krishna"

"With   especial awards or recognition Subathra ?"
"Sorry 🙏 Krishna?"
"What was it Subathra what kind of distinction which makes?"

"I was sitting and enjoying the mouth watring delicious dishes next to Suruthi.
You... you might have known the little lily flower from France "

"Yeah one of the episodes I think 16B we discussed of her Subathra ".

"Correct she was there with her parents and we were sitting in a massive round table clothed in milk white spread and hearing what K.Soul was talking to Surudhi happily ".

"Thanks for sharing the event Subathra ".

"You're welcome Siva .  Meanwhile, her father,  Sithathan gave a brown packet to K.Soul from France. May be we would be discussing of it in the near future because Mr Sithathan was mesmerising while meeting him and his family behaved like a little boy found his fondest toy."

" What Mr Soul was talking Subathra?"

"I remember that he was asking Surudhi to company him up to the wedding stage to support his speech with lots of love and smiles, but Surudhi was saying "vennddam",

...ha...ha... in Tamil (no... not nenecessar)

... it was  soooo fun Mr k Soul was reminding her speech in France and trying to convince her for fun again and again".

"Sure it expressed that he  is easily attracted by children and he also missed her a lot students" 
"Being a  clever beautiful little girl, looks like little Krishna with her glittering garments, asked him to take her mother instead ha...ha... ".

"All of a sudden  when Mr.K. Soul  informed to the well wedded couple (wearing like prince and princess for evening function) that he was going to bless them publicly, as a duty of divinity  ,there was an unexpected surprising news for him from the bride and bridegroom". 

"What was  it Subathra?"

"That the audience were at the breaking point  of their Ramadaan fasting and pretty hungry of having their missed meal  of the whole day in the wedding  hall".

"Really Subathra!!!
So some of the audience were Muslims  ?"

"Absolutely so Mr K.Soul was in a challenging position  to set up the greeting which should macth up the situation and and must not hurt any one among the audience of any religion". 

"Ohhhhhhhh so soft of him reminds Baba ...indeed it was a puzzle period for him Subathra!!????".

"Excuse me Krishna,  there must be a reasonable reason behind his black uniform as well!!!!" 

"Sure anyone knows what colour is Thirupathy Vengadesan?"

"Phenomenally incredible Krishna isn't it shining 🖤 black 🖤 Krishna?"

"Hundred percent Peter ".

"Interesting it's not a matter of delivering a speech without taking into consideration of the audience, location and different different devotions that is Baba's education Krishna". 

"We understand we understand Peter ".

"Krishna, I really  wonder what my parents said hearing his blessings "

"What they said Subathra?"

"Once K.Soul's reminding of Thirupathy Vengadesan, wouldn't the audience thought of the God of the God's Krishna? "

"Undoubtedly Subathra in Kali-Yuga only Nama Kirton is being recommended isn't it?"

"Definitely Durga ..."

"So imagine the total audience about 300 would be remembering  Lord Krishna !!!"

"Isn't it an unbelievable blessing?"

"Definitely Subathra we never  ever thought in that manner thank you soooo much Subathra "

"Isn't...isn't it not enough of caring the 33 millions of demigods and their leader Shiva as a Hindu God what else we need Krishna?"

 "Yeah Siva is correct  Krishna what  else Smiling Sam is suggesting Krishna?"

"Ha...ha... if the Athma and Paramathma leave from Lord  Shiva, he is helpless he is  soul less  students knowing this, and realising the Supreme Persnality is humanity for the liberty. Which is the most important duty

"You mean the  devotion of the Supreme Divinity is part of our responsibilities Krishna?"

"Unshakable Truth He is the ultimate Goal great hearts 💕 ".

"Shall we watch together this is the one our tutor has been shareing with some little children who could  not comprehend Krishna  but now  they keep on watching and fantastically  improving in Vedas Krishna?"

"Really could we watch together?"

"Hooray....Hooray !!!

 Unbelievable impossible to imagine; impossible to deny and impossible to challenge against the Great Hearts 💕 Krishna ".

"We are not Godless Krishna .  Are we Krishna ?!"

"Pardon Rudra?"

"Forget about it ...!
What does Sam mean Krishna?"
"Aren't we pursuing (following) our parents' pathways Krishna ?"

"  Ha..,ha...yes ...yes of course !
Who is the cause of all causes Rudra?...
"What Krishna?"

"Who is the Originator Siva?"

"What is the important of it Krishna ????"

"Who is the creator Siva?"

 "Is it the major matter Krishna ?"
"Hundreds percent"

"Why....why.... and why Krishna  ?"
"Oh my God! It is to be insured; it is to be assured and it is to be  secured that  is our enlightenment to be freed from our eternal (continues) births sweethearts".

 "'s a divine degree of devotion not the 
security of only university degree for the purpose of employability Roses  " 
"Oh you think that just securing degrees and demigods devotion for the  sense gratifications is not a guarantee or warranty of the Inner Body sacred soul's security Krishna ?" 

 "Correct Christina you correctly said" 

"We  are not being clueless,
we are not being careless,  too and we are in awareness of God's power Krishna"

"However,  we are being in unconsciousness unless we are enlightened and knowing the Energetic of all of our energies Krishna."

"Definitely Durga ".

"You mean we are considering our heavenly human forms are only to eat, enjoy and end up leaving our generations following our foots steps without any solid stones steps to realise why we are bone in human form as boon of golden boats to cross the ocean of rebirths🚢 🚣‍♂️ Krishna ?"

"Undoubtedly Meera👏!" 

"We are sorry to disturb you Krishna !!!"
"Aren't  we continue ❤ 💙 ♥ 💕 our Great Hearts' Krishna 💕?
"My pleasure dear treasures"

One two three 

"Actually Sam knows nothing is in his hand. All actions are organised  by the Originator, the Land Lord of the Land Lords" 

"A  wonderful week  passed pleasantly, but quite quickly for Sam's friends and families especially to Miss Marina!"

"O God! She was on the bus which is heading to the Air port,  but slowly she was worried whether she would be there on time".

"Still she couldn’t believe her Sam decided to leave the country".

"What a coincidence; what a wonderful world?"
"What was it Krishna ?"

"She was hearing the French song which was shared by Benz right now... just right 
"What is her reaction Krishna ?"
 "She is emotional Krishna?".
"Marina couldn't believe her eyes while watching the music
and she was worried wordlessly".

"She read the lyrics of it  surprisingly Krishna?"
"Yes ".
"What was it Krishna ?"
"La Ba" translated  in English. 
"She loves 💘 💕 the THEME 
such a heart touching scene isn't Krishna?" 💖 

" Sure ! Then she read the comments of the song  in English translations " 

"All are emotional she ended up reading the catastrophic tragic of the 
character who had played the role with the singer and composer  "JJG" Jean Jackque Goldman regrettably" 

"And then; she was repeatedly watching,"La Ba" thinking of her brother who passed away in 
🇫🇷 🇫🇷 France Krishna?."

"Correct !Unbelievable,unimaginable and unavoidable circumstances forcing us to 
be separated from each other!"

She said in her mind.
"For her astonishment, another melodious music of Sam's , was playing in the  bus radio which then played on video to echo her situation !!!"
"Would we watch it Krishna??"
"Please 🙏proceed Peter"
"Smiling Sam heading to London where my incarnated brother lives who left his previous body in France 🇫🇷!

Yes I am happy  and also I am afraid of Ragu rowdy and his gang members".
"Sam please understand me Ragu doesn't know who is divine director, creator or originator. Simply he is a materialistically maddened man"  
"Worse come worse, more over  she is not well today she has a bellyache she experiences it while heading  her period time or monthly course Krishna?"

"Sure Mary !On top of that,  she worried for Sam's safety and security in abroad ". 

"Above all, she is well aware of the horrible weather in certain foreign 
countries like London , Canada, Denmark 🇩🇰 all are horrible". 
"Oh my God worried winter serious storm Krishna". 
"Here we are enjoying  the amazing 👏 atmosphere! Aren't we Sam?"
It is unfair  of you that you would like to be there Sam?"
Marina spoke to herself:
"❄ Regular rains ,  ❄ thundery,shocking 
stormy; wicket windy bad breez, besides of these you are going to be there 
 La Ba"Marina  was saddened .
hearing relation who went to visit their daughter in six months holiday, returned in two months although they  have been  strongly suggested not to returned to Srilanka due to the present pathetic scenario".Still they returned with sickness due to coldness".
"What was it Krishna we don't catch up Krishna!?".

As they are badly affected by cold weather. Marina saw the picture of 
London Sam's  brother's house where her Sam going to stay for a few days ".
"looks like the  house has been enveloped by a white bed seat expressing unimaginable coldness frightening even  threatening her Krishna?".
"Certainly ! More over,Marina's  sister does not like that kind of life style  ". 

"Why her sister dislike Krishna?"
"Mysterious weather hard work"and... and... not 
suitable for someone like Sam".
 "Isn't it unfair Krishna?".

"He belongs to a rich 👪  family  from his childhood"
" He is  a Brahmana,  serving the Parapraman and 
Bhraman who lives in everyone.The one who entitled to be 
Self-Realised is actually a Brahman because he understands Paramathman or 
"True Krishna ".
Worst of all,Marina has her exam 📖 Sam's departure is a big barrier of her revision of her exams papers".

"She has forgotten to take the paracetamol or aspirin Krishna?"
"Yeah sometimes she takes to diminish the stomachache  
as a pain relief". 

 "Is it fair you go there Sam?" 

She was worried wordlessly: 

"How you are  going to manage without your parents 

"You are a fragile and soft Sam. How you are  going to live 
Laba /there without  your friends Sam?"
"Nooooo!Don't go please Sam"

"How he is  going  to live without his relations, house,country , pets,and 
amazing weather Krishna?"
"Definitely Durga "
"Please don't go la ba Sam"
"Marina cried in silent "
"On the other hand, no wonder  Sam can’t wait to see the wonderful places in London which he had read, saw and watched on TV news papers etc.

"This might be a good deal of anxiety and sadness before it 
offers him the greatest joy he could imagine he might earn a lot for his 
skills,talents and all Krishna. 

"Sure ! He deserves it and has the experience and qualifications to fulfil his 
remarkable responsibilities."
"But he needs to be under the shade of Marina's 
'care ❤ Krishna ".

"This is the day of departure of my Sam .The whole city seemed to be  
silent even the birds were silent; his honey colourful flowers were in 
silence in his greatest garden without a word,they would be 
most unpleasant living beings without him.
"How would his pets going to be Krishna?"
"The prettiest puppy was unpleasant, unhappy  puppy !
Roared at all of the pets at home and his 
neighbours' homes " 

" Krishna?"
"Silent...silent you all are silent  living beings today why??? "

"Why tell me why?"
   "The parrot shouted hearing the barking of  the brown 
baby 🐕 while all are in alarming atmosphere 
thinking it's not fair of leaving  Sam".

"Hey dog ! Do you understand to whom you are barking?". 
"Alright... alright... be polite man ",
replied the prettiest puppy politely.

"Then the pretty puppy raced in to the sheep pens, of next door 
disappointedly "
 "Ha...ha...why Krishna ??!"....
"He Roared"!, 
"Why  you are being so silent irresponsible idiots  ask Sam not to leave me alone "
"However,they did not understand his dog language"  .
"Neither we Krishna ha...ha..."

"So they spoke in their goat language Krishna how?"

" baa…baa… bye bye get out of here...
"Who was it Krishna ?"
 "Grandpa goat Mary" 
"Ha...ha...and then Krishna?".
"Yelled the cheers Grandpa nervously".
shouldn’t have spoken to the fools in the first place puppy come 
here I too ,too saddened what to do come down here  ",
"Saddened  beautiful bird said honestly to the pretty 
puppy who was unhappy"  

" But being disappointed , the unhappy puppy went to 
see the cow and asking:
"Hey man!  Say something black man give us white milk how do you  do you do  it??"
"Listen am not a man"
"Sorry woman !"
" Hearing unknown language, the cow shouted ,
"MOO!!... 🐮🐮!!!!...You are a racist rascal...  insulting  
my Krisna's  beautiful black colour!!! "
Ha...ha what does it  mean Krishna?
"Move away roaring rowdy"

"We better go with Sam to London …London people are 
much better"

" Krishna... Krishna did the puppy 
was saying that?"

"No the Pretty parrot 🦜 helped him in being behind 
and talking on his behave "
"Wow what a wonderful bird Krishna!"
" Yes. These all are angry  animals  please come here  , replied the pretty:🦜
 "come here Puppy"
"The parrot 🦜 pretending that  he didn't say anything against the innocent 

" However,the  prettiest 🐶 pappy was still unhappy. He ran...ran...ran 
and ran to find Sam".
"Ha... ha!"
"On the other hand, there was a surprise of the surprises !!!

"What was it Krishna ?"
"Mr Jonathan, Renuga's father had  booked her an urgent air ticket unexpectedly due to her unforeseen symptoms of   seriousness essentially pains!"
"What Krishna????!!!!" 
"Moreover,  she was joining  with  Sam too,as 
she was not quite well everything happened unexpectedly". 

"It was a coincidence Krishna ?"
"Sure  these types of incidents are not accidents, but Divine directions that's what Sam experienced every time"
"As long as her fabulous Father could not take leave from his job, plus he had 
to  arrange everything necessary to carry out her kidney transplantation in London ,
he did so in a light speed".

"He had all the authority to do so."
"More over,for the astonishment and amazement ,some 
sympathetic and generous people including his 
colleagues friends and families ❤ 💕 in London decided to be supportive in 
terms of her surgery process as it will cause a fortune for her innocent father" .

"What a splendor Krishna?" 

"It was because  of  both Sams 
secret services worked simultaneously Krishna". 
 "How does it Krishna?"
"London Sam had  published another attractive article emotionally,
The new news in the  news papers!"
"What was it Krishna?" 
 "A brief description of Renuga's reunion  of her lost lovely Dad...

"The article was attracted 
additional support Krishna?" 

"What was all about Krishna?"

"It was titled" :

 "Discovery of  Divine Daughter!"

"disappeared daughter of (fetus) unborn daughter  reuniting her father"

"Where she meets Krishna ?"

"In the International Heathrow Airport in London".

"Wow the media got an interesting idea Krishna"

As a result,the stupendous news was published simultaneously in two 
"Unbelievable Krishna !".
"The airport full of people.The interesting fact 
was, some of the crowd have been reading 📚 the Great Hearts 💕!" 💕 
Their live stories on line  as it was Divine related.

"O God! The golden  good bye day of the radiant rays Krishna"  .

"Ha...ha...The fabulous and fascinating even a stupendous  British flight was delighted to take them Krishna?".
"Ha...ha.... feel happy for Renuga Krishna "
"Of course,  the delighted British  white flight was so excited  to see the 
extra ordinary people".

"What a splendor Krishna ?"

 "It had been whistling ,laughing...”hoo..hoo....hoo” sounded like Christmas 
father's wise voice... and running,running round and round on the green grass  to 
show its pleasure of carrying such a kind mannered diamond  minded "Great Hearts " 
"Seemed so fond of them Krishna ".
"The  Supreme minded paper reporter taking Jonathan's lovely daughter on the kindest request of her mighty mother, father and brother."
"It's so exciting Krishna?" 
"At the same time, Rajesh Kanna was helpless, but not hopeless... he knows the life is endless as he is in Divine consciousness means he knows the soul is permanent whereas the body is temporary embodiments."

"He was 100% satisfied of her parents amazing action; he 
was blessing her by his hurtful  heart full ❤ wishes for her heavenly 
  success only in his holy heart yes  in his gracious godly 
mind of treasures mine". 

"He was an unlucky in his love Krishna"

"However, Renuga is extremely glamorous made him even 
more lucky Krishna".

"Rumours began circulating that  Rajesh  going to 
propose her".

"What does mean  rumours Krishna?"
"Story spread among people without confirmation  

"It killed the relationship of Kama,leaving Rajesh was faithless  man
marrying one while loving another one Krishna ".

" Of course, Rajesh Kanna devastated as his romance broke up with Kama totally." 

"Renuga was persistence in supporting him to join them up, but eventually she 
began to be Rajesh’s favourite wing and sings remembering him Krishna isn't it humanity 
"Certainly Ruby "
"As he  was hit by a heavy  romantic loss and Kama turned him down as a crown 
has been thrown in the ocean Krishna". 

"Surely Sudah "
"Can anyone ignores leaving the crown  in the ocean ?"

"Could anyone like Renuga turn blind eye at  him Krishna?
"Sure!Now he has been praying for 🙏 her ...her successful... "

"....operation...Krishna despite he couldn't bear her separation,he was already a heart broken young man due Krishna???" his ex-girl ,a heartless guilty, girl friend students".

"However,he was the proudest  person ever now to beloved by ruby Renuga Krishna!"
 "Sure Sarah!"
"Suddenly,seeing the way james was struggling to protect his sister,Renuga and his 
pregnant wife, Santhy because of the over crowd, 

"Rajesh Kanna straight away rushed and was trying to help James' family. But unfortunately lost his temper because of the bad smokers and alcoholics".
Smokers and alcoholics are everywhere Krishna ?"
"Sure Meera"
"Pardon Krishna !"
"Smokers and alcoholics filled in  the crowd?". 

Certainly he was angry like an angry bull...he just wanted to beat them all up"
"Why Krishna ?"
"Because hungry of joining Renuga and Sam results became angry. Moreover Sam stopped him from smoking showing the killing evidences  Krishna "😠 "

"Absolutely 💯" 
"One is pregnant other is patient  in serious medical condition seeing the 
unfriendly atmosphere and environment, he was worried like a warrior in the 
battle field Krishna". 
"His mindset like Sam in worrying by taking in to consideration of  full of events happening due to these ignorance class conducts:
"Who cares we are  foolishly Polluting the world Krishna?".
" Sure Subathra !!!Isn't the wonder world  🌎 🗺 🌏 🌐 
looks like a gigantic rubbish container?".
"Last week there was a disaster took place.Thousands of fishes 
killed by the pollution during the transportation of petrol 🛢,
leaking in the ocean Krishna".

"Ye and there   are night clubs have been in fire,  too  because of 
the smoking and abusing of alcohols Krishna ." 

"Worst of all, hundreds of youths had been burnt down to 
death Krishna".

 “Are we educated Krishna ?”

"For his surprise,Renuga glanced at him likelike a godly girl of 
 divine line "
"What was  it Krishna?"
"It was a carnival sort of magical carnival and 
inspirational status seeing this scene of the teen watching at him worrying 💘!"

"Just like the lotus flowers had been sprinkling their scent pretty 
petals on them Krishna!"

"Undoubtedly both were bathing in emotions".

"She just wanted to hug him happily in the event she 
wouldn't welcome back home successfully Krishna". 

"Unshakable !She thought hurtfully. At the same time, He remembered the saddest song ever ,Sam played in the flute"
"Rajesh-Kanna might have felt frighten for his dying diamond is loving him soulfully Krishna !"
Thanks for all of your soulful senses greatest 💕 ♥ hearts 💕!

"Oh God....His eyes were welling  suddenly James gave him a white tissue 
then he wiped away his sister's elegant eyes,too"
was a poem of the poems in the 
smoking realm."



Hare Krishna 

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