"Earth,water,fire,air ether, mind intelligence and false ego-all together these eight constitute my separated material energies." 

That's the subject matter of this couple's novel Jewellery story bast on glory .

The science of God analyses the constitutional 

position of God and his diverse energies. 

Material nature is called Prakriti, or the 

energy of the Lord in His different Purusa 

Incarnations, (EXPANSIONS). As described in 

the Narada Pancaratra,one of the Satvata-


"Hello everyone how are doing?!"

" Morning krisna we would like to see the 

pretty parrot please".

"Oh !Would you like to meet Marina's bird?"

"Hooray we always wish that we met the 

intelligent bird ever Krishna".

"Alright then please open the video who is 

the charming little boy next to you looks 

like me when I was young Renuga" 

"My brother  wanted to clear up a few 

grammar and punctuation in English Krishna ".

"Why ?What's important even we have grammar issues have we  ever bothered ha....ha...."

"I'm afraid next week his exam Krishna ".


"Krishna would we help him to sort out please ?"

"What's wrong with you we are running out of time Renuga have you got any pass out exam papers how old is he?"

"She is talking to Krishna Rudra "

"Yes Krishna he is six years old Krisna "


"Krishna ,basically first starting with present and past tense :

"We'll try because you know what I mean 

Renuga ha...ha..."

"Ha...ha...first of all,  brother has to spot out 

what tenses are they at least Krishna ".

"Alright read it loudly Renuga "

"Peter laughed at the joke.

Peter enjoying jokes .

Rubby caught the ball".

"Okay hi beautiful boy 

...can you find out the past sentences ?"

" it's easy Krishna!!!Peter enjoys jokes Krishna "

" Ha...ha...We asked you what are the past sentences what's your name again"


"Ha....ha...suitable name Krishna because you love grammar ha...ha..."

" Did I ask you can I bring the video from India? "

"No Krishna ha...ha... "

"Ruby caught the ball Krishna  "

"Peter laughed at the joke Krishna "

"Excellent effort next question please Renuga ?"

"Another question.Which is correct?....

"Read it loudly "

"We're going on a treasure hunt 

Or were going on a treasure hunt?"

"What's the correct answer Mena?"

"were going on a treasure hunt Krishna?


We're... going to the treasure hunt... got it Mena?" 

"It's easy Krishna I already know it Krishna ".


"Next question?:

"Robs team found the treasure first.


Rob's team found the treasure first?"

"It's the first one Krishna ".

"Ha...ha  what's your name please just for fun Krisna?"

"The correct answer is the second one alright ?"

"Rob's team found the treasure first?"

"...follow up questions please Renuga "

"Add a suffix to the word light in the 

sentence below to make an adverb Krishna "

"What are the sentences?"

"It was raining playtime today,

"What's the response Mena?"

"It's easy Krishna what is the point of adding 

risk ,it is already correctly written 

Krishna "


"Listen please! Actually suffix mean adding 

additional letters at the end of the word 

and prefix mean adding at the beginning to 

make sense now you try Mena"

"Ohhhhhhh goodness meeeee if you know 

how to do it,do it Krishna why  you're 

bothering me Krishna?"

"Alright The answer is  lightly ha...ha..."

"It was raining playtime today,

"Next question please Renuga?" 

"Use only the words in the box below to write a statement. 

[Flower the  grow will]

"The flower will grow Krishna". 

"Good "

Now ...Remember to use the punctuation. 

"What type of word is flew in the sentence 

below tick one of the below:

An adjective 

A noun 

An adverb

A verb

"Alright Mena what's your reply?"

"That's easy the bird flew away Krishna "

"Ha....ha....ha... take him away Renuga it's an 

action word alright so it mean ...Verb right Mena ?"

"Okay Krishna "

"Next please Renuga ?"

"Add one question mark and one full stop in the correct place: 

Can you swim yet Tom can swim without a float

"Can you swim Krishna?"

"Alright at last you correctly answered brilliant  ?"

"No Krishna I asked whether you can swim Krishna "


"Right now at least add up the full stop 


"We usually use  it at the end of a sentence Krishna "

"Brilliant baby !??"

"Hurry up Renuga before we get fed up 


Tick the sentence with the correct punctuation. 

We saw sheep cows ,and birds on  our walk.

We saw sheep,cows and birds on our walk. 

We saw sheep cows and birds ,on our walk. 

We saw ,sheep cows and birds on our walk.

"The second one Krishna !

"Thanks Mena "

"Any other questions Renuga?"

"Add the exclamation( ❗) mark in the correct place.

Our school play was amazing I love the costumes.

"Easy Krishna after amazing !"

"Excellent effort  hurry up Renuga he is in a 

good mood in a goodness mood ha...ha..."

"Rewrite the verb in the box to complete the 

sentence in the correct tense.

Early school and met Sam at the gate.


"Ran Krishna "

Thanks God bless you at least at last your 

ignorance mood transformed into 

goodness class have some passion class to 

improve your grammar in English okay?

"Thanks Krishna "

Which sentence needs one more capital letter.

The talented dancer moved gracefully :

They moved their house last March. 

They lived in a city  called Cester.

Their friend is called ben Edwards.

Their school play is on Tuesday. 

"Easy Krishna the forth Ben capital because 

it's a name "

"Brilliant boy ".

"Tick the correct word to complete the  sentence:

We go cycling.............we arrive home in time.

Tick one of the following words:





The last one Krishna" if"

We go cycling......if.......we arrive home in time".

"Bravo....brilliant boy!!!"

"Krishna. ...Krishn....Krishna Krishna Krishna get started watching the video!!!

"Suuuuuu ....

Finally what is needed in the sentence below?"

the boys raced to the park. 

A capital letter 

A question mark 

A comma

An apostrophe 

"The boys raced to the park Krishna "

"Where does it Mena?

"It's at the beginning Krishna ".

"Fantastic So sweet hearts when we transform to the goodness class step by   step from the help of the passion and ignorance classes , we will have the will of Divine will to find the seed of succeed plant "

"Krishna. ...Krishn....Krishna Krishna Krishna get started watching the video!!!"

"Suuuuuu let's go Renuga not much time okay?"

"Oh goodness miraculous parrot incredibly 

unbelievable  Krishna!"

"By the way, what is your complete first name Renta?"

"Retna Krishna"
"What is  the meaning of your name ?"
"I don't know Krishna "
"Who is your family deity?"
" Lord Siva Krishna"
"Of course,  we don't consume meat I mean uncooked  like animals Krishna"
" Ha...ha...!!!
...Oh we see, we are  pure Hindus Krishna". 
"Aren't we Krishna?". 
"Yeah we only  eat 🍖 🥓 🥩 🍖 🍖 meats to meet our needs Krishna ?"
"Only we eat fried meats Krishna"
 "On Friday what do you eat Retna ? 
" On Friday, we fast Krishna"
"Ha...ha... but I eat meat in the fast food restaurant Krishna"
"Thank you Retna "
"Let's carry on our narration Krishna we are running out of time"
 "All of you are ready to visit Marina's Happy Home 🏡?"

"Hooray...hooray...hooray let's go Krishna!!!"
"Months have been rolled up  ever since Sam’s unpleasant departure day".

Marina was in her beautiful brown bed in her light sky blue duvet,  softest blanket, she wrapped on a dark brown shiny velvet  🛌🏩.
"When was it Krishna?"
"It was about four o'clock  in the early morning".
"Where was it Krishna?"

"Coming to the point Peter". 
"Suddenly she was awoken…burst in to tears!". 
 "Seems something went wrong she was shameful. Then she smiled sweetly and softly and then she was Laughing  laughter  " 
"Why was it Krishna?"
"Such a  relieve and delightedly her senses were in good mood her happy hormones in her blood flood her brain cells to ring the golden bell 🔔 beautifully", 
"What caused her such saddened mood and again gladdened mood  Krishna?"
"Excuse me Krishna! I cannot tolerate Ruby's nuisance questions any more , she keeps asking stupid questions I better kill her now or never Krishna "
"Ha...ha...!!!Do you work in the slaughter house Rudra?"
"You mean the animals killers house Krishna ?"
"Nope my apologise Krishna just for fun Krisna"
"It was Marina's  lovely, but angry laughter ever?"
"What happened Krishna?"
"A nightmare 😫😢Krishna!".
" No idea it was  a sort of  sad story. However, she experienced something extraordinarily unpredictable".
"We love to watch it in video formant   Krishna would you mind Krishna 💞🙏?".
"Better don't do it sweet hearts 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 ...if you watch ,you may be disappointed"
"Any clue Krishna ?"
"Telling you after testing   your own comprehension  in Tamil okay?." 
"Agreed Krishna 💞?"
"We don't like comprehension test in Tamil Krishna". 
"We would appreciate   if you could help us Krishna ". 
"Alright then open the blue curtain  to be worried and  read their red life".
" Pretty pathetic, but sound sweet couple Krishna !".
"Please give  some clues Krishna what went wrong"
" Alright !Because of Ragu's cruel and consecutive rumours, she thinks Sam has changed students."
"Dammit how would it possible it would impossible to Provide proof  what went wrong Krishna how would she doubt about him Krishna? !"
"Worst of all, Ragu had  shared some pictures of a girl said she often companies Sam".
"That's what she experiences in her nightmare Krishna"
" 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏!!;"
"What happened please Krishna?"
 " Her thoughts, her doubts  reflected in her dream regrettably".
" Now your comprehension competition..."
"Ragu rowdy triggered her mind set seriously against 
Sam Krishna".
"Absolutely Meera!".
"So sorry to hear it Krishna".
"We would like to know more of it Krishna".
"She has been forced to  disbelieve  Sam".
", Rama demonstrated in His Avataric career that Truth and Dharma are the finest  and the most fundamental virtues (morals) that man can earn and 
benefit by."
"Brilliant 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏!"
"Bad luck Ragu's rowdy's  road is not Rama's route Meera ".
"Who did these terrible tragedy Krishna?"

 "Who else  could have done this Krishna?".
"Sathya and Dharma are  like  two wheels of a cart ;two wings of a bird".
"Yeah Rama was known and he adored as the person who 
never strayed away from the spoken word".

 "Does she know it Krishna?".

"Her mind seemed to have   been manipulated Krishna".
"It sounds in her mind that Sam has another friendship and both get married secretly very seen their attitudes Krishna?".

"Yeah living  together, but they haven't have any 
sensual or sensational relationship  as Marina is in double doubt of the picture Krishna "

"But in the dream Marina lives together with Sam how Krishna?"
"Sure kind of  silence  romance  although saddened,  but still golden makes no difference in their romance Krishna".
"Excellent effort   everyone !". 
"Oh my  God!" 
"What's wrong Meera?"
"We love to see them again Krishna?"
"Would you mind telling us why would they are in a worried world all of sudden Krishna ..aren't they seem like a married couple Krishna?".

" Why on earth  they behave like strangers why would they like to keep distance Krishna".

" We don't get it krishna are they  going to get divorced like in the film Krishna?".
"Ohhhhhhh goodness they are living thousands of miles away what nonsense you all are talking irresponsible idiots!!!". 
"Rudra is correct "
"Why Krishna?"
 "It sounds like Marina was thinking that Sam has an affair with another girl in foreign as Ragu roared with a picture as an evidence which created a rumour". 
 "A love affair Krishna?". 
"Yeah we can understand Rura that will put some innocents life in knife". 
"Of course, our dreams could be anything and everything , but we still wanted to go through it Krishna please explain us furthermore". 
"It's seems so  realistic though still so cute couple Krishna" 
"How Krishna ?"
"May be she has some medical condition ha...ha...for fun Krisna?"
"However, realising that was a nightmare, Marina was over the moon she felt so 
sorry for her attitude lack of  gratitude such a  nightmare????". 
"Sure Sarah ".
"Thank  God it's just a nightmare  Krishna. " 
"Sure  she felt relieved now Krishna!".
"It was as fresh as the showers of diamonds were falling on the marble floor to her when she realised it was a nasty nightmare" . 
"However,  she disagrees Krishna?"
"Hummmmm Hummmmm".
"Now no more nightmare we come back to the reality".
"OK krishna?"
"Unusually her  garden full of fragrantly  flowers .They were mesmerising so musically blooming ! What a colourful and still blooming joyfully." 

"She remarked  them only today , how  beautifully they have been blooming".
 "Particularly today?".
"Meanwhile, the road side river was smilingly rushing not silently musically!
"Wasn't it a wonderful way of waving hands to the princess, Marina?"
 "It was a kind of warming welcoming moment of the moments.The crystal clear and cute water was watching to welcome the wonder woman".
"Oh God ! Looking  at her  pretty parrot was  thrilled watching out the nature's gentle great act and rushing to confirm about the reason of her happiest  mood from sad mood".
"Today was the nicest navaratry's ninth  night. By the way, what caused her such delighted laughter wasn't it the best music for her loviest Grandma?"
"Yes she was smilingly and sensationally hearing her granddaughter's marvelous music that is causing her energised  her physic such a sophisticated "
 "Wasn't it the greatest pleasant sound ever for her mother, Luxmy Krishna?"
"Ha...ha... why not Ruby"
 "Wasn't it her hilarious laughter?" 
"The prettiest parrot 🦜 💓 was curious to hear her happiness just like a baby boy found a favorite toy."
"The parrot pleasantly practicing the way Marina was laughing it was so comic"
"It was as good as a mesmerising melody sort of magical music in a carnival" .
"Her monkeys,were noticing everything with an inspiring curiosity,especially of hearing her stunning charming ✨ laughter made them a sudden feeling of shower of pearls on the river of rose water!"
"Look...look ...the  beautiful blue 💙 and white sky formed a romantic roof to her glamorous home like a dome of divine".

"The monkeys found the whole universe had been turn in to diamonds in seven colours!"
The greatest happiness on her gracious face was still remains.
 It was  not as a grace of a baby’s smile Krishna 
"It was a kind of divine music with dynamic drum!"
” Oh Mum!”She called her Mum accidentally.The greatest fascinating face was not as the grace in the motion of music.
"Thought of her heart who lives his life as though his every act was to become a universal law and prayer".
"Her mood may be like delightful dance 💃 or  dancer Krishna"
"Possibly Peter" 
There was no word in the dictionary to be described.
Ha....ha...You better create a vocabulary sir like William Shakespeare" 
"Ha...ha...sure some times we do so Peter, but we don't want to leave the readers in confusions " 
 "The  house was fabulous; the garden was glorious!"
"Why Krishna?"
"Each complementing the other. She was similar to a golden goddess or a golden lamp" 
"Are you kidding sir?"
" gladly glanced at the grace of a running brown deer from her fresher and greatest garden".
"We love this atmosphere to be fair sir"
"Do you Mary?"
"She was the one who had attracted the yogic man, who realized the 
Supreme Energetic Man who provides the atomic souls and controls 
us via His Super Soul!"

"And Krishna, the energising Engineer  enhancing from the atomic atom up to the  cosmic"
"Sure Subathra" "Excuse me what is COSMIC Krishna?"
"Which is relating to the universe ✨ Mary"

  "She suddenly closed her cutest eyes  just to continue  the discontinued distinct 
views as a prestigious stone to ask apologise. "

"We told you she had dreamed Krishna!"

"No idea whatsoever Sudah" 
"She swallowed sweets an amazing infusion !As the silver sun brights the 
milky moon light,his appearance  might have delighted her Krishna"
"Must be a  a sweet dream Krishna"
". I understand...I understand"She glanced at the parrot pleasantly and asked her to be silent in a polite manner,but the parrot was, singing and dancing deliberately and marvelously in saying,
"Dum dum dumta… Dum dum dumta…
" cute Krishna!!!"
No wonder, it sounded that might had a sweetly delightful dream like a child enjoying a deliciously colorful ice cream in the beach.
"Are you all right Marina?"
"Mother,luxmy asked her pleasantly ".
She couldn't comprehend the uncommon  reality from her honey moon journey with her golden   super 🌞sun ! Why I was a moody?"
"She suddenly felt a bit guilty,still she looked quite pretty...
She glanced at her lovely Mum in shy, a sweetest smile was hiding from her prettiest, pink lips.
"She looked at the mirror to find out any trace of the grace event  by wetting her pink lips."
"No Krishna" 
"Anyone  knows what Marina looking for ?"
"No Krishna do you?"
"It was Marina's most remarkably marvelous ✨ moment even though sadly ended".
"She   couldn't believe it was such a mesmerising matter because it seemed  as real !"
"Such an unbelievable event, in an enchanting evening...what an  event like a torch of sublime beams beautifully injected some sorts of  phenomenal photons to her memory!
"What she does Krishna?".
 "As soon as she completed her morning duties, first she had made a kind of pattern it's a kind of pretty pattern in front of the happiest house" 
"Krishna, we know what is it.... my mum do it Krishna"
 "Its a kind of drawing an adorable design in the front ground of the house Krishna ".
"Yeah that's what mum does Krishna"
"With what Rosy?"
"With the mixture of rice flour and cute colours which are very effective and attractive decoration during the festive periods Krishna"
"Thank you Rosy " 
 "As long as it was the ninths day of Navaratri, she did it so that Goddess Laxmy will be tempted  to visit them".
We wonder why she didn't come to our house Krishna ".
"Who Renuga?"
"Goddess Laxmy Krishna"
"Hummmmm can I carry on sweet hearts 💕 ♥ ❤?"
"Yes Krishna"
"Whereas her Mum ,luxmy was in her Shrine" 
"What is shrine Krishna?"
"Means a place set aside for worship Peter "."There, she had lit a tremendous incense, "
"What was it Krishna?"
 "A type of fragrant sticks , which filled the glamorous house with divine smells isn'tit Krishna?".
"OOOOOH we do and we know that aspect Krishna" 
"Did Krishna ask you Rosy?" 
"Ha...ha... it's alright let her carry on we have to appreciate the curious children  inquiries  as they want to learn a lot Pamitta."
"And then Krishna?"
"Then she  did her  Yoga exercise as part of her daily routines".

 "After that, Krishna?"
They both decided to have  a hugging and giggling even cuddling with grandma who was practicing Karaty". 
"Ha....ha...Good joke Krishna" 
Watching her with her jeans joyfully practicing Karate, they were joyous oh goodness it  was sooo amazing 👏  
"Ohhhhhhhh goodness are you serious Krishna?"
Ye !They enjoy looking each other with laughter  ; the sweetest sounds of laughing were the jewels kind of  jingle bells to Grandma besides it was worried her!" .
"All of them Krishna?"
"Marina too tried her  best to keep up her fitness on the kindest request of her sweetest soul who often talks what the Super Soul Spoke"..
"We know him isn't it Sam Krishna?"
"Where was it Krishna?"
 "Hummmmm!in  their house which  has been surrounded in lovely, jolly greenly lawn apart from their home's greatest gardens and  it was in a beautiful town,too". 
"Pardon Krishna?"
"An area admiration of mown". 
"What Krishna what does it mean Krishna?"
 "Mown means short of  plenty green parked top  town".
"Oooooh Yeah" 
"She was wearing a brown softy, silky ,pretty gown. 
Obviously she  was not much known to this  town." 
"Krishna, previously she wasn't like that Krishna !!?"
"On her kindest brother's request, they have bought this new house unexpectedly."
 "Why was it  Krishna?"
As some one related to them insisted them to buy it regarding their successful foreign employments...

While jogging with her Mom who was as steady as a young lady apart from some charmingly silver hairs either sides sounded more intelligent and elegant lady.
"We love your narration Krishna "
"Moreover grandma's navy blue spectacular spectacles were  matching to her navy blue blouse .Whereas Marina was following her ,  leaving her long shiny hair down in the air!" 
"We wish we were with them Krishna "
 " Surly !Blown ...blown and blown... to make it prettier,she was  wearing her milk white trainers ; a beautiful T-shirt ,as rose as a rose and a  pretty light purple jeans .So so sweet with her dark chocolate brown elegant eyes and her light brown softy skin".
Grandma is their gaudian angel 😇 💓 
What was the time Krishna?".
"It was early in the morning though, varieties of magnificent birds singing and welcoming them. They were gorgeously colorful and cheerfully cheering them up". 
"We are going on holiday soon Krishna"
Really don't come to my home ha....ha.....
"On the other hand,the greatest green grasses were taking care of their soft foot not to be harmed while they were joyfully jogging and happily talking."
"How Krishna?"
 "It was  magnificent and  eye catching ... as though they were welcoming the great hearts with sweet thoughts. Sort of splendor atmosphere" .
Love to live in Srilanka Krishna 
"The fascinating drops of pearly melted icy water by tender expectation of kinder  sun rays were fascinatingly fantastic  ...dripping...dripping... dripping from the blossoms of the colourful flowers, simply a magic and magnetic" 
"Have they been admiring them Krishna?"
"They even stopping a while  to see the charm of dripping of the  silver pearls from the softest fresher and tender flowers".
"Anybody else were there Krishna?"
 "Some of the other joggers gazed at them particularly at Marina  as she was an unknown golden crown to that lovely town"
"And then Krishna?"
 "Suddenly,  Luxmy introduced Marina to someone she knows her."
 "Who was it Krishna ?"
"He was one of their new neighbors, was an  elegant elderly man in his pension age."

" In spite of that, he is an active; a hard working, enthusiastic individual...still has been working,working and working nonstop worker".
"Talk about him a bit Krishna "
"Last week only the gentle man had told  about an incident to Marina's Grandma 
"What was it Krishna ?"
  "How...  how he had  lost all of his saving by cash!"

"What why he carried cash Krishna??"  
"When was it Krishna ?"
"When she was on the way home after shopping".

"listening the compassionate story today,Marina was sorrowful. Moreover seeing his
spectacular personality  reminded her own Grandpa".
Then she softly asked him whether she could do something to him
"How this had happened to you Grandpa?"
"Marina asked him in empathetically in an emotional manner"

"Immediately he was emotional, near  to tears!"

"Why Krishna ?"
"It was as soon as she called him," Grandpa" because he had remembered his grand daughter to whom he had been saving a handsome capital due to her wedding proposal to donate her ❤ as her dowry".
"Ohhhhhhhh goodness !!!"
"He then spoke to her politely considering her as his own grand daughter honestly".
Listen my honorable daughter! Each time I used to go to work, I would be carrying all my money as I had no confidence of bankers after experiencing some bad experiences in the banks administrations".
"They all would be saddened Krishna ,"
"Sure !Unfortunately,one day all of  his money years saving had been lost!"

"Not stolen,but lost”. Her Mom was sorrowed her face was darkened and narrowed , listening the horrible story...I had  tried to find at any cost,but couldn't."

"I wouldn't forget that disaster of the disasters."
"When did this happen!!!?"
Marina exclaimed.
"It was a few months ago"
"How ?"
 Mother asked him sympathetically,

"It was a kind of foolish story, too.When I left the money on top of the car just  before loading all my shopping in the boot, but accidentally I had driven the car without taking the money back out of it!"
"Ohhhhhhhh Goodness!!!"
"After a few hours only I realized the money had been left on the top of the car,I went back,  only to be  found the empty bag on the street in which the money was kept".
"Where was it grandpa ?"
"It was in France 🇫🇷 darling" 
"Actually every month he had been saving considerable money during many years " .
"Oh my god what a passion class Krishna !"
" Certainly! He nodded her head sadly in considering about the filthy passion and possession in an inappropriate way." 

"He carried on ,Meanwhile Marina consulted her watch unexpectedly".
Luckily it was Sunday she was not that busy as usual. 
However, she had been waiting for a call from Renuga about her medical condition" 
"All had been lost in total." How much was it Grandpa?" 
He didn't answer as he couldn't she he wouldn't wound them .

"Luxmy and Marina were seriously surprised .They thought that would be a few thousands that they could  
 "They might have been  terribly terrified and worried for him as was a catastrophic Krishna?"
"Krishna, nobody came forward to assist him financially?"
"Obviously grandma might have  horrified extremely worried for him and offered him some money to express her sympathy and empathy .
However, he refused to accept it...he is still not a poor person.

"Luckily it happend a few months ago he smiled sadly and gently like a gentle man.Then he carried on hurriedly in brisk walking with them, not to interrupt their morning jogging".

"Experiencing that incident , he some times praises Marina's father".

 "As he knows her Dad, how great of giving, giving and giving to the needy instead of being selfish by keeping,keeping and keeping as he did".
"Hearing that,Marina looked reddened like an apple the way her Dad was being praiseworthy,"but how did he know my Dad?"
"She thought to her self".
"At the same time, Krishna we   suddenly realized the people's material mentalities and remembering Sam policy, who always recommends people about Divined insurance policy" .
"By the way Krishna Krishna there have you ever remarked how the Divine energy enhancing the people who are enlightened or engaged in devotional direction personally please "

"Yes Krishna we learned from the topic statement which are quite... quite... quite conquering victory in our field of consecutive battles I mean the cycle of birth burden Krishna?"
Yes Krishna, 

The science of God analyses the constitutional 

position of God and his diverse energies. 

Material nature is called Prakriti, or the 

energy of the Lord in His different Purusa 

Incarnations, (EXPANSIONS). As described in 

the Narada Pancaratra,one of the Satvata-


"Brilliant boys !!!Basically Lord's   plenary positions of expansions assumes three Vishnus."

"Ohhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees how on earth we ofyen being forgetful what a shame on us awful and shameful on us Krishna" 

"Don't worry  repetetive study of Supreme Science is productive remember kids the first one Maha Vishnu creates the total material energy, known as maha tattva.????"

"Absolutely Krishna you are amazing Krishna" 

"The second one ,Garbhodaka -sayi Vishnu, enters into all universe to create diversities in each of them."

"Definitely Krishna  we are indeed indebted to Krishna "

"The third ,Ksirodaka-sayi Vishnu, iss diffused as the all -pervading Super Soul in 

all  the universe and is known as Paramathman. He is present even within the atoms. "

"Unmistakably Krishna "

"Anyone who knows these three Vishnus can be liberated from material entanglement sweetest 🍫 " 

"Thanks Krishna ".
"So the people ignoring Krishna, paying penalty like the Grandpa as example Krishna?"
"However,the devotees  sympathised on him as long as he had realized his mistakes by giving him the Maha Mandra and promised him they will meet soon as she was rushing , expecting an important call from Renuga on her land line".

Thanks Krishna evidence Krishna?
"Chapter 7 Text 4 kids ".

"You're genuinely genius Krishna !"
"I know there is no one better than Krishna ha...ha.... 



Hare Krishna 

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