"Hi how do  you do  Krishna ?"

"How do  you do the topmost backtas...

"Well, we are very well Krishna "

" Could we commence with little lovely lotus Prayer ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ kids"

"With pleasure Krishna "

"It's  our treasurer Krishna ha..,ha"

"Wow worshipable  wording "

"Fantastic even Martin Luther king inspired with Krishna Association...haven't they  Krishna... and both Martin Luther King and Gandhi were learned leaders of Supreme Science Krishna?"

"Certainly Durga" 

"We really ...really refreshed  like the roses rose out of heavenly garden Krishna "

"Sure Krishna such a dedicated team work  Krishna unbelievable Krishna ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ™?"

"How did you recognise it Meera ?"

"I'm a researcher Krishna;

 I'm a regular  reader Krishna and

  I'm a reviewer Krishna "

"So what you think of an elderly man who met Marina in the green grass or meadow after loosing loads of his life saving?"
"It is  lack of divinity Krishna he safed his entire earning  in an unsafe self system Krishna"

"Yes Krishna, self study is amazing science of Self-Realisation but self safe without self knowledge not safety Krishna?"

"Look at the dog Krishna although the dog doesn't understand God, how he safe a ๐Ÿ” chicken's life Krisna"
"Yes Krishna, it's impossible to imagine Krishna please could we watch it Krishna?"
"My pleasure treasures open the black viel great hearts  ๐Ÿ’• "
"Sure superb Sarah incredible simply unbelievable Krishna"
"Didn't...didn't it providing living prove what  Lord Krishna said?",
"What was it Mary?"
"He did indeed He did He said it to Arjuna in the  middle of their  dialogue in Kurusethira "
" great of our foreign future pension plans krishna the entire world  employees even employers securing the money from young hood to old hood Krishna how good is it Krishna ?
"Is... is it believable Krishna in comparison to the elderly and educated gentleman Krishna?"
"Pardon Peter why you mixed-up our conversation with unrelated subject matter?" 
"Krishna, we backup our episodes education don't we ?"
"I'm afraid I don't catch up what you meant Peter !"
"We all are worried of our pension schemes of our safety and future finance pot Krishna ".
"Yes...yes...yes... Krishna there are over three types of pension schemes in Western countries besides, why on earth the gentleman lost all his life saving money Krishna"
"What are you talking Peter i'm forgetful?"
"Shame on you Krishna" 

"What Vedas teaches ;what Marina teaches and what the government is teaching us what is the corresponding and what is the correlation kids ? "

"Are you joking Krishna ?"

"Ooooh I understand my apology you already read  of this episode and trying to compare our future insurance and assurance aren't you ?" 

 "Absolutely Krishna what's your full name  Krishna gain ha...ha...Menan Krishna Menan no???!!!! "


"I'm sorry "

 "Don't worry  Menan ha...ha...."

"Isn't it based on Maharaja Pariksit history in Srimad Bhagawadam!???"

 "Yes at least, he knows that he has just seven days to live and asking the necessary things to accomplish to  be liberated, Krishna ".

"Accurately each and every citizen needs to be known that  the death is awaiting at the gate steps student s".

"Appreciate it Krishna !"
"Thank you Peter I remember it now ".
"What was it Krishna?"
"As soon as Marina said that ,the man who had lost his entire saving,  the gentleman smiled and saying":
"Can I finish up the rest Krishna?"
"Why not Balaraman I'm not that good in remembering the Bhagavadam?"
"The elderly gentleman was saying , 
I just  wandering  and I was seeking and searching for my materials the lost jewels and finally  found an angel to cancel my Karma in real!!!! Thank you dearest Devi God bless you"
"True that's what he said in this episode we are going to hear what Marina speaks...
Okay Ruby do you want to say anything?"
"Marina, being a  mighty Science student and understanding the worried neighbor's serious situation,looked at his eyes and pulse sympathetically and compassionately... 
"You are amazing please carry on Ruby!"
"That...that is to say, she checked,the regular throbbing of the artery as blood is sent through them....She realised something   similar to the king, he  has probably left matter of months to live. 
"And then Ruby?"
"She gave  him a huge hug  and gave him the Gita Especially the Mandra Krishna ".
"Excellent! Her Mum had  realized her remarkable reaction wasn't 
"Definitely Krishna  then Marina told her Mom what she saw on the face of the  nicest neighbor ! Which was something disastrous displayed on his  face as a trace of terrible tragedy Krishna ".
"How Krishna! Why Krishna?"
"It was not only her own decision, but also in connection with the report of a 30 years experienced doctor which our  guru told on his morning walk to his associates.
"Pardon Krishna?"
" Do you remember of reading it Krishna?! 
"Yes a world famous Canadian heart surgeon, head of the Surgeon unit in Canada General Hospital of Toronto said ": 
"Brilliant Krishna !!!"
"Excuse meeeee !!!"
"What was it Siva do you want to say something?"
"He's said that he  saw mysterious changes taking place in the stage of death .It is absolutely hard to describe the thing I saw in the particular moment."
"What kinds of changes Siva?"
"The way in the stage of sudden disappearance of the illumination of the divinity from the eyes Krishna".
"What else he suggested Peter?"
"This is not a just! It is a must and it must  be taken in to the account by the scientists' serious account".
"Fantastic !Furthermore,she knows that the worries can cause any kind of disease at any time to any body.
"Sorry  why Krishna ?"
"This is how the lovers or the partners dying as soon as they lost their loved ones aren't they Krishna?"
"Sure !!!In his case, the money of his entire life saving had been lost.In this condition,it is absolutely hard to safe him".
"Why Krishna Anna?"
"Because the money he lost was  a few millions Srilankan current currency value wasn't it Krishna?" .
"Certainly . However,it is less value in comparison to his life value sweet hearts ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’• "
"Why Christina money is more better than anything else Krishna I'm joking ha...ha..."
"As it hasn't got Divine ๐Ÿ’Ž ๐Ÿ’Ž ๐Ÿ’Žin it; it hasn't got vedic  value in it and it hasn't got   Visnu in it  isn't it Krishna?".
"What's that Balaraman?"
"Why was it Christina everything even an atom has paramatman in it ?"
"It's Divine but in a sleeping state but in human it is in awaken state  Krishna . It never ever disappears and ever ever reappears in every aspect only when we respect Lord Krishna, it  reacts."

 "So what you think of the western wonderful Pension Plans sweet hearts๐Ÿ’• I'm desperate to join with my foreign family in France ?"

 "But on contrary, we wonder does our tutor  worried of the pension plans in foreign  Krishna?"

"May be because of over deduction nearly half monthly salary of the graduated  children's hard earnings being vanished" 

"Yes he worries what is the certainty what is the probability because of the velocity sorry volatility of the currency value in comparison to Vedic values.  He...he is crazy" 

"Krishna, why we are undergoing  troubles by nature's laws and by the state 's laws?"

 "So the question of freedom is how to become free from all these troubles Meera??"

"We know the response Krishna do you ?!" 

"Ha...ha...!!!Wisdom makes freedom kids "

"Sorry Krishna we are puzzled Krishna !!?"

"'As a response,  our tutor was advised by his nephew that it's better to continue to cooperate the pretty pension pot schemes in contributing maximum possible ".

" That is brilliant materialistic is Energetic Krishna we like his nephew "

"Pardon ?"

"To build up fantastic future fund as a foundation of the children 's future Krishna"

"What does it mean we never read this types of talks in our episodes Krishna?".

"Does Mr K.Soul agree or disagree Krishna of pension pitch sorry pot?"

"It's true it's a matter of a new chapter as you all know, our episode are educational and life changing a life like facts stories   as  brain box " 

 "When did ...did this happen Krishna what are we  discussing about   Krishna?"

"A couple of days ago K.Soul  had received a telephone call from his Canadian teacher, his nephew "

"Why Krishna is it a matter of personal Krishna?"

"Sure but we can use it as professional in our dialogue doesn't matter kids"

" What was it Krishna?"

 "There was a library near his nephew's hometown and  his college where his nephew studied and now it's needs necessary assistance to be refurbished because it has been deeply damaged .Meanwhile, Mr K.Soul Nava was sharing his concern of multiple money  managements within the pension plans "

 "Oh we remember it Krishna once he told our tutor that he wish to invest in good charities like that Krishna "

 "Did K.Soul contribute on his request  Krishna I don't think so Krishna?"

"Sure he did" 

 "Was it a big deal... was it a massive project Krishna?"

"Not that big project only 29 lacks is being estimated in total after careful study and instruction of his nephew, in avoiding additional luxurious experiences ".

"How much did he share Krishna we are curious Krishna as they both are not equally educated?"

" Sure but he Just still covered only  100,000 rupees as one part out of 29 similarly there are eight people already invested and 6 more people promised at the moment. "

" What does he think of the multiple pensions plans of Western countries Krishna which is much more important matter Krishna?"

"Who does think Peter?"

"Canada tutor other words, our K.Soul's nephew  Krishna ?"

 "Excellent question  in fact, he is an excellent individual in material matters I was told by our tutor that he admitted and said,  "the more we contribute the better especially at the young age." 

"My newly married sister dislike this Krishna"

"Why Tulsy why?"

" Because...because of her -house mountenious mortgage payment, with her   husband  although both are degree holders Krisna"

"Interesting indeed inspiring !!?"

" Krishna, she says that we all are going to engage all our life time  in distributing and contributing all of our hard earning salaries to the hypothetical pensions plans of multiple schemes". 

"What does it mean we wonder what you say everyone does it now a days that's what I adore foreign line life".

"Krishna, fortunately or unfortunately the whole systems of dowry  deal have been modernised in foreign and transformed in a business way"

"What's that I never heard of it Pamitta ??"

  "Krisna , our degreed young  siblings having amazing arrangements of mortgage engagement of marriage". 

"Really Ruby ?"

"Krishna,  the payments arrangement already while entering into their  engagements contracts ".

"It's sounds a bit frightening and threatening though!!!"

"Krishna, pension payments contracts  untill retirement ha...ha...   similarly mortgage married life !?" 

" Good that's happy news  or sad news ?"

"Both Krishna happy and sad news "

"Why does it sound sad news?"

"I mean lack of  internal  attribution due to additional   attachments to the external contributions because of over attachments in materials Krishna"

"Oh we got that point like our guru Bhaktivetananda says that ,lack of enlightenment we are in the mode of IGNORANCE CLASS Pamitta?" 

 "Aren't we thinking that we are secured, but a matter of minute our mortality meets unexpectedly and we lost life earnings and knowing nothing about the self learning which is the very purpose of human life Krisna".

"Sure discovering the reality and the sacred soul insurance policy Pamitta but still I stick with nephew's policy our tutor is crazy?"" 

" Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees who is her?


 your sister Tulsy?

 "What is her name?"

"Could...could we meet her?"

"We... we need to have some blessings from her please  "

"Shut up as the  Canada cousin suggested, we must  engage in pension plans to build up our fantastic future plans to protect the life plane to fly high in pension holiday plan Krisna "

 "!!!..ha...ha...!!!Why Rudra you are being always short tempered man?"

 "He is ...I mean his nephew is correct there are three tremendous pension plans to protect our future life in Canada like in the UK Krishna "

"What do know about pensions plans Rudra?"

"What does our own tutor know about the pension plan Krishna ?"

"Sorry why you shout like that Rudra ,"

"Isn't it shame on him ?"

"Why Rudra why?"

"Asking ....asking advise from everyone we thought he is teaching us based on  point evidence and explanations krishna not like his nephew said  his uncle said or paper that a news wrote information Krishna. We need the fact from the authority body Krishna,"

"Please open the video by moving the blue veil "

Our...our tutor always provide evidence ๐Ÿ™"

"He said it's still too... too much for our innocent children leaving them waiting to get their own hard earnings money only when they get old"

"Dammit! Does... does it make any sense Krishna?"

"We...we have more confusion Krishna "

"Ha ...ha... Please ๐Ÿ™ open this by high lighting it okay !!?

"Have you read the seriousness students?

"Isn't it a business mind set Krishna?"

" On contrary, we found it fantastic Krishna...

 trust me the schemes work like Trustee KRISHNA ๐Ÿ’ž"

"In Srilanka it called Provident fund great hearts ๐Ÿ’• "

"What does it mean Krishna ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ™?"

"Both  employees and employers of the companies pay plan, overtime ,accumulating a handsome  capital and at the end of employment,pay it to the employees as a capital investment for their future protection .However , I think it is  only in private companies in Srilanka ".

"What does our tutor say about it Krishna?"

" Mr K. Soul Nava has been  saddened as his investments in France was a nightmare at least London is little...little bit better   so he has reasonable reasons to think like a king seriously about the westerners longest terms investments."

"Why Krishna it is for our own future plans...

" Correct he is not a king? "

"I said he thinks like a king I used it as a similes okay!

"Our apologies apologies Krishna" 

"For instance, Abraham Lincoln once said :


 "So tutor's talks should not be ignored he said it's too much complicated contracts ending up hypothetical lottery winning what is the probability of winning the lottery what is the possibilities of having healthy life he thinks like a philosophy pursuing his personal experiences and his guru's guidelines ? ".

"Sure Krishna we cannot understand K. Soul that's all he is a kind of Mr  Fool "

"However, his concerns and compassion have to be taken in to consideration as there are minimum three Pension schemes which are emptying the pokets of the employees until they die or ready to retire". 

"What's wrong with you Meera?"

"This is simply a  business trick or tragedy Krishna I love learning Lord's law and avoiding nasty nature's nasty law .So I'm out I appreciate Mr Soul ". 

"Really Meera ?"

" I think Meera match up master point .This is  the government smart  business like scientists Big Bang theory"

"What's wrong with you  Krishna you're hypocrisy?" 

 "As it is their own profits , it has been introduced as mandatory manipulation and earn with the employees earning as investment fund of their own safety and security such as government bonds are being purchased by pension plans saving similarly well invested for high return but not much good for mortgages .Of course,  the bank might mind the employees pension pot while granting loan".

"Indeed  head spinning but inspiring Krishna "

"Example Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...interest free insurance investment. "

"Is it true Krisna?"

"Nevertheless,  when the young employees became elderly and  come to withdraw their long , long terms pensions pots which are kind of hypothetical lottery, the schemes are demanding interest".

"What the hell Krishna?" 

"There is no devils in the hell sweet hearts  ๐Ÿ’• "

"Oh goodness have they died Krishna they didn't invite us for their funerals Krishna so sad Krishna ha...ha...?"

"No they have moved from hell to here great hearts that's why we fear๐Ÿ’• "

"What Krishna are you crazy?"

 "We have to pay  75 percent interest out of 100 percent Pension pot or pension saving at the end of the requested period 55 or 60.

"When we withdraw Krishna?"


"If the pandemic various virus happened  to  change their minds and  return to take the retired people off Krishna?"

"The trustees we trusted as pension pots protectors feel free ha...ha....and show it as company profits so that the company becomes multimillionaire  and introduce multiple manipulations managements...ha..."

"So krisna only  25 percent  interest free the rest are taxed then why  they are  misleading in saying taxfree benefits?".

"Magic management which attract additional advantages "

"Incredible Krishna so the government takes the children's saving  gold back because  they turn old Krisna?!" 

"We often confused with K.Soul's suggestions, but this one even more confusing Krishna" 


"Basically, there are three pensions plans :

1)state pension, 

3) workplace pension and

3)) personal pension in London especially for public sector, but most of the established employers have following it as mandatory"

"Really who said?" 

 "My Dad is a lawyer even-though he is unhappy with the mortgage and life long engagement of these contractors ,contributers  and conracts like K Soul  suggested Krishna., he has no options" 

"Thanks God bless you ๐Ÿ’ž Krishna "

So in our last session, we learned one of the five factors of the  Vedas Krishna ?"

"Absolutely ๐Ÿ’ฏ Tulsy"
"What is your favourite thing ?"
"Books reading Krishna....historical books reading Krishna "
Only after began to  read our own Originator's episodes  as Tuition Krishna".
"Are you sure Tulsy?"
"Hundred percent Peter "
"Who is Britain Prime Minister Tulsy?" 
"He is a real politician  in fact, studied  economics ,politics and philosophy Krishna "
"Its not simple krishna he loved married a billionaire 's daughter  Krishna his uncle  is Narayana our Prime Minister  highly educated in in the highest ranked university in Britain Krishna ".
"So his uncle's name  is another powerful Papa's name Tulsy?"
"Yeah  a wealthy , Indian actually a billionaire, business man".
"Pardon ?"
 "He is one of the seven co-founders of Infisys,  innovated software services globle company  net worth 4.1 billion USD Krishna ".
"Can you simplify it in summarising it Tulsy?"
" Would you mind spending one minute with the video Krishna?"
"Why not Tulsy?
"Indeed splendid thanks a lot Tulsy "
"What triggered you to be a good reader Tulsy ?"
Unbelievable Krishna!   although the dog doesn't understand God, how he safe a ๐Ÿ” chicken's life Krisna?!!!!!"
  "We thought lack of  knowing the reality in understanding the 
Vedic Verdicts, we waste our worthiest wonder life for the tendency of๐Ÿ’ธ cash, cash and ๐Ÿ’ธ  forgetting the sacred soul provider but why on earth the dogs being worth than human Krishna?". 
"Simple krishna you know what Neru, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and ...and ...and said Mary?"
"The  books are the treatment, enlightenment ,discovery and library Krishna".
"Excellent  thanks "
"When the time stopped all the illusion of creations stops Krishna... it cannot continue,but what we are learning in the episodes based on blessing books are like sacred soul doesn't destroy or delete Krishna"
 "True when the cyclical movements will be stopped every thing stopped not the sacred soul Balaraman".
"In that point, there is no energy for the physical activities Krishna ? " 
"Ye when the time of cyclical movements stops, there is no more physical reaction Krishna?". 
"Undoubtedly Retna".
"What about us because people like our parents who are sticking with the same messed up mindset as they materially maddened Krishna?"
"Unfortunately cause of our previous messed up cultures which continuously causing and leading the present stress,strain and anxiety doesn't it Krishna  Anna?"
""Ye the anxiety lack of clarity of the divinity Sudah in Chapter seven text 23 it has been mentioned that endowed with such a faith, he endeavors to worship a particularbdemigod and obtain his desires .But in actuality ,these benefits are bestowed by Me." 
"So the demigods cannot award benediction to their devotees without the permission of the Supreme Lord.  When we directly worship him we get permanent benediction if not all are always temporary illusory Krishna?"
"Correct Christina "
"So why we are wandering behind many demigods Krishna?"
Unfortunately cause of our previous messed up cultures which continuously causing and leading the present stress,strain and anxiety doesn't it Krishna  Anna?"
"You mean there are many layers of memories messing mens minds ups and  downs and we are with different different minds sets in following different demigods Krishna ?????
"Thousand times true!"
"Proves Krishna ?"
"Yes...yes...yes!!!Haven't....we have listed what the gentleman said?"
 "What he spoke to Marina was, because of his deepest desires he couldn't get out of the tragedy Krishna?"
"Certainly Durga" 
"Can we go back to the story?" 
"Of course Meera!"
At last, the broken ๐Ÿ’” hearted gentle man began ๐Ÿ’” to understand a bit of Science of Self-Realisation his  heart has  broken, but blessedly he was moved emotionally he asked Marina:
...Now I feel difficult, but desperate of being devotional and being  blessed. Please...please believe me your chemistry contacts with my chemistry".
Suddenly he stopped for a good moment. He could not talk; he was emotional, extremely  emotional; he was sincerely wordless and he wanted to  find a solution to get out of this continuing illusions which is cruel ๐Ÿ’”.
"Really krisna?"
 "His medical condition made him realise the conditional controlled  souls like  him  and unconditional liberated souls like marina displayed crystals clear" 
"We have to get rid of  our conditioned life style darling "
"Pardon grandpa?"
"How we stop the mystery darling I am a PhD in physics darling,  but left unemployed and I worked in different field because I was desperate to save money?"
Marina was wondering and offered him her white tissue to wipe up his non stopping tears.
After  a few good minutes interval ,  both of their emotions  beautifully expressed God in them.
They glanced each other.
"Bhakthy-Yoga ๐Ÿง˜‍♀️ prahbu!" 
"What Marina?"
"Maha Mandra grandpa"
"Why darling why ?"
 "We have to get out of the CYCLICAL SYSTEM AND JOIN UP WITH THE UNCYCLIAL SYSTEM grandpa!" 
"WHAT ?"
The gentle man was worried and witnessed the world
worship-able saint  Mary in front of him who knows the Vedas's  value thousand times more than he knows !
He was weeping and sobbing ,
"Thank ๐Ÿ™ you Goddess forgive me as I ignored the Maha Mandra in the first place dear " 
"Forgive us students let's continue no more interaction please ๐Ÿ™" 
She turned towards the cheering smiling children’s 
charming voices!"
"What a wonderful world was it?!"
It was next week on her way ๐Ÿก home, Marina heard: 
Her students enchantingly calling her excitedly and 
joyously showing her walking towards home.
What an exciting evening while the children were joining 
Marina after nearly an year of her  graduation !
She joyfully raised her  with her sweetest smile" 
Matter of minute, they all were relaxing in Marina's 
heavenly house as they had been invited for a drink ,Marina and her Mum
gave them lots of sweets and prasadams and foreign chocolates ๐Ÿซ ๐Ÿซ ๐Ÿซ ๐Ÿซ  ๐Ÿซ ๐Ÿซ ๐ŸซThey all have been enlightened from their pray room.
Teacher we missed you a lot please tell us a story today!”
She smilingly glanced at her mother  after a quick ๐Ÿšฟshower whilst her Mum,Luxmy was talking to them,
Marina nicely nodded her head happily as she too was missing them a lot.
Marina  straight away thought of the Grandpa's pathetic situation and decided to tell them a fact story , considering the silly way of saving the massive temporary materials and money only...only to leave them all of a sudden...rather than knowing the real reason of having been booned with our auspicious human body to get rid of all the tragedy of suffering while enjoying the present life ๐Ÿ’” .
Meanwhile,some parents came, searching for their children. However, seeing the tuition of her tremendous Class of Goodness, they were watching welcomingly.
"Alright kids we too,wish to  be with you today to hear the story because we always wonder why on earth Marina attracting the children what specialty she got? ! "
They were pretty curious .
Marina smilingly asked them to be seated in the sitting room taking her short eats and cool drink and fresh feel of joyful juice . 
The house  was newly white washed illuminatingly.She smilingly adjusting her  throat which was decorated by Baba's miraculous chain charmingly.
 "Excuse me are you a medical student now?"
Asked  a mother ,
"Marina nodded nicely her head similes still remains seems like a sudden  temple lamp appeared in golden colour"
"We couldn't imagine because getting an admission in the university is pretty hard"
Marina only knows that her university admission was offered via  Professor Charm's recommendation . 
The children were so pleased so silent and it was a pleasant moment for all of them.
A moment later, a year nine boy came up there  to pick up his little sister....seeing her, he frankly felt  free of clearing his long, long terms 
doubt dream:
"Teacher! I am a Christain could you clear my doubts?" 
She smiled in knotting her dark brown hair on top of her head like a sensational saint.
"I do not have any confidence in Hinduism or any other 
religions including Christianity,but I belief in science". 

She was saddened hearing the forbidden words . Some of the children 
knew him; he is indeed great in science and he always argues against the teachers even insulting them.Because no one  cannot challenge with him such a cleverest boy in science a gifted and talented.
 "I have been studying science seriously and I would like to become a 
scientist”.At the same time, studying her facial language.
the boy carried on :
I don’t trust in divine,the scientists had proved that the world was not created in a matter of six days of 24 hours clock as the Bible claimed".
Marina was wondering thinking her Smiling Sam to be encouraged! 
"It has been confirmed that it took millions of years. I honestly disappointed in discovering the facts in comparison to my parents wrong worship method that proved incorrect".
She worried badly,but smiled stunningly...thinking of Sam again.
She determined and decided to teach him with a concrete evidence like Sam usually does.
"First of all, let me tell you a fact glory,it was happened long ago 5000 years ago". 
The boy agreed hearing her confidence tone of talking with an angelic voice with fragrance filled house and around the house, the greatest garden had been decorated with fresh flowers which welcomed the , visitors with breeze of roses like a temple atmosphere .
She adjusted her throat again meanwhile  she saw the elderly gentle man came to visit.He was waiting well before and hearing their  conversation, compassionately . He instantly understood her interesting in her Mission and he was crystal  clear that she is a distinguished Saintly individual has the qualifications in Science of Self-Realisation.
"Please go a head can I joint your class?"
The Grandpa smiled sincerely and submissively 
Marina's mother seated him respectfully 
"Could I begin?"
Everyone encouraged her with their stupendous smiles simultaneously the temple bell rang smilingly 
 "Actually he was the King Of the Kings.Called Pariksit."
The boy wasn't satisfied asked her evidences 
 "I have the evidences. I must tell you about this as presently the hardest working Scientists are confusing the innocent people and pupils particularly the kids without having proper knowledge of the world."
The gentle man who is a PhD in physics smiled welcoming her words with Vedic evidence.
"I mean how it was created and how it must be administrated.What is the purpose of human life must be cleared before even start teaching or learning."
Luxmy interrupted politely,
"Factually a bird needs two wings to fly do you agree  ? Similarly,a cart needs two wheels to drive !
"Are you going to disagree ?"
"Not at all madam" 
,replied the boy faithfully.
"likewise,  a man needs two knowledge how to live happily and how to be  liberated happily from the recycles of repeated circulation due to the science of time which is maintaining the physical excistence in cyclical movements".
"Definitely we must think about the definite (permanent) soul rather than the indefinite, (temporary) materials”.
Marina had proceeded apologetically..."for example, Lord said in Gita, page 718 , text 22 that one who does not develop  knowledge through the authorities  or scriptural injunctions has knowledge 
but that is limited to the body and for him the divine is 
The elderly educated man๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘ saw his finger 
expressed, "perfect"
 then he was clapping smilingly like acheeky child ๐Ÿ‘ 
Marina took the brown  Bhagavad-Gita As It Is and read it as a 
lawyer indicating the Acts under certain section as an 
evidence in the Supreme Court .
"Our ordinary knowledge means ,the satisfaction of bodily demands".
She looked at the boy !
 Then she said:
"It is more or less like the knowledge of an animal. It is simply the product of ignorance".
Every-one was enthusiastic to hear her story sweetly and they suddenly moved forward towards her.
All were wondering hearing the unbelievable fact!?? 
"I am not talking any predictions of the material scientists about the age of 
the explosion of universe".
She smiled showing her pretty pearly milk white teeth.
"It is absolutely a theory not history.However, I am 
going to tell you a history".
 "According to the theory  universe was rose about 14,000 millions years.... 
teacher "
theory of the age of the oldest rock 4000 millions years 
 Marina surprised hearing his  memory level thinking it must be from his past lives too.
The estimation was about 4500 million years old; the estimation of the sun was 
about 4.6 millions or billions whatever…Teacher 
We  want to find the reality we must follow the facts from the authoritative bodies teacher". 
"The entire children and parents were wordless"
She was wearing a velvet long skirt in golden colour with a dark blue blouse in silk each time she moves, it reflects regularly like Ruby.
She said:
"The fact of the facts which has been stored in “Bhgawad-Gita As It Is”.
"Besides the greatest scientists have been changing their predictions and teaching the illusions and dying in pollutions lack of Science of self -Realisation" .
"Why we have been left in this category isn't it a catastrophe ma'am?"
"All because we are leading the entire population in an imagination  of our wrong interpretation of Natural Selection without any divine connection".
"Do you agree with me?"
She asked gently and genuinely like a gentle ๐ŸŽ“ ๐Ÿ‘จ‍๐ŸŽ“ graduating goddess.
 The elderly grandpa, patient was impatient he was overwhelmed  and over excited enchantingly.Half of his heart attack pain drained off .
He was thinking,
" all of my life would have been in vain without seeing you darling .
This is hypothetical darling".
"What is hypothetical Krishna?"
"Just a matter  of imagination Peter"
Meanwhile other parents had arrived and silently 
concentrating to her story of glory looking and hooking by her beauty and chemistry !
It was an  impressive impact for them that she had been 
divinely empowered smiled sweetly and she carried on intelligently,
Marina was about to stop and send the children home.
Alright... alright please feel free... consider us as your own family members  and proceed darling... actually your talk sounds that your bond with the Divine has been empowered!" 
Then some one else smiled:
"Whereas our bonds have been stained ...indeed we feel proud of meeting someone like you... we just feel to take our  both palms together to bow you in honour Marina"
 Her eyes smiled with glittering pearls enchantingly... All of a sudden,the year nine boy amazed in glancing at her long lovely neck which 
was bearing a beautiful necklace.
 She commenced again like a divined diamond :
"In fact, as you might have learned the sea spreading  had made only one piece of land called,the  world ".
"Sure ๐Ÿ‘ Teacher,"
Smiled the boy. 
"As the ocean was  only one.Then the water current or the convection current had separated the only holy world  in to several pieces called continents."
"Certainly Teacher" 
again the boy smiled 
"Best of all, they have been  securely and perfectly  protected to the inhabitants by walling in mountains around each and every continents, which was the part of the energy of the Supreme power out of the main material three energies namely "
Grandpa was gladdened and astonished the way she 
talks like Buddha unexpectedly enlightened with all knowledge. Being a 
pharmacist and knowing the chemistry,he was amazingly appreciating her adorable knowledge with unbelievable enlightenment.
He had happily keep on clapping his hands so loudly!!!
Hearing that ,her rain forest multicoloured and  skilled parrot scared ,but was silent in hearing her stupendous knowledge...
"Who is this man?"
"Asked the parrot ๐Ÿฆœ"
"Suuu!!!", signalled Marina's Mom
"Now the greatest scientists have been confusing the school children in saying that the Divine did not do it,and it happened by itself".
"Naming ,Natural selection. Still they have agreed indirectly because Nature Or natural means man did not do it".
"They are big headed mesmerising the population  purposely and wrongly  misinterpreting in comparison to the  information in the bible that the world was created in a matter of a few days  of 24 hours." 
"Sure Sarah... 
Whereas according to the evidences,the sea spreading 
took millions of billions years to creat the world.
That's what this boy questioning students ".
"In this complex condition,we must be in corporation rather than in competition.We must verify very very clearly to clarify every single evedence.Then only we can justify in order to certify the unjustified facts to be justified" .
As a matter of fact, the flooded kingdom has been found 
and which is proving the age of the Hinduism with 
32,000 years old articles,too had been discovered...
Come on over here children I shall show you in the web site…" 
She took her laptop and typed 5000 old city of Lord 
Krishna! Everyone had been watching mouthes opened and their hands crossed faithfully.
Unexpectedly her mobile was ringing,"Gayatry Mandra.. the tune was 
appreciated by all of them "
Meanwhile, Luxmy had served them some drinks.After the mouth watering drinks,
Marina reappeared with a glass of drink for the gentleman and began to say a fact ,a Divine Story of the past when the entire world was under a single King:
"Children!Now I am coming to 
your story OK?”...
They all smiled stunningly.They were like fresh flowers ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒบ.
This is the story about a  greatest King of the entire world!  Yes long ago, the entire world was controlled by only a strong,divined King,not need to say that  he was a Divinely empowered   king who was taught the divinity by the greatest saints such as Viyasa deva and his  sons he was related to Pandava. 
"Was  he was Arjuna's Grand son teacher?".
"Yeah !But knowing nothing about his divinity and the quality of Divine,a little ...just a little boy  who was a son of a great Saint cursed him to meet death from the bite of a serious  serpent within,within a single week!!!!"
"Ohhhhhhhh goodness teacher that's what we all are cursed ?"
"Correct !??
...That weakened the world .Ever since the entire population had  began to suffer,suffer and suffer for ever until today seeing this gentle man's status and understanding the lotus purpose of the human life, we have decided to bring you home and tell you some of the heavenly history".
Suddenly her mother had  brought him a Brand new brilliantly coloured expensive book which contains only the words of the Lord of the Lords.
Namely "BHAGAWADGITA,AS IT IS"  watching the baby blue brilliant book,the  elderly gentle man stood up and prayed before touching it in thanking them cheerfully.
Meanwhile,the children asked her to sit down with them.
Their parent too pleased her as she had been standing quite a while.
She thanked them and re-continued:
 "Factually,He was the King of the Kings! As good as gold... like the Supreme Power".
"When did this happen teacher?" 
A lady asked interestingly.
"It was when the noble,gentle,humble King  was  on his  way to the jungle.This terrible event happened".
Hearing the innocent elderly man loosing his entire saving had a divine link,thought Marina.
Grandpa's emotional eyes were smiling surprisingly through his shinny glasses  beautifully  with a wonderful smile was walking in his lips.
"How it  happened?" 
Grandpa interrupted by curiosity although she explained already!
She smilingly  answered,
"It was when the King of Kaliyuga appeared many,many    years ago, in front of the Great King.Unexpectedly,
the Kali Yuga King told him it was the time for the godly king to stop ruling the world as it was the right time  for him to replace the godly empire who was godly employed!
He wanted to rule the entire world and  his time had been completed according to the Vedic calendar!"
"Did he ask  the holy,lovely and jolly King to  leave the post of being king!?",

 Requested the gentle lady  with lots of regrets.
"Yeah! It's true it was the correct time to rule the world by the Kali Yuga".
Answered Marina concentration in running her angelic  fingers through her lovely long dark brown fair hair. 
Suddenly her Mum made a beautiful bun in her hair with her both hands after giving her a tremendously huge hug and a motherly kiss that she missed 
Such an  appreciation on her torch of knowledge...which had  increased her pretty gorgeously greater and greater.
"When was it? 
Did say many many million of years ago darling? 

Did you honey?"
Exclaimed  Grandpa!.She had nodded smilingly 
and repeated it was amazing
"It was five thousands  years ago Kali-Yuga started
"5000 years ago angel?"
" it  was the right time for the Kali Yuga's Government to be transformed 
 according to the commandment or statement of the Vedas."
...On contrary,the  saintly and holy character-ed lovely 
King was thrilled terribly and his thicken long eyes  brows were widened, eyes had been reddened!
"Do you know to whom you are speaking?... I do not know the fear...I always keep the entire population without tears as it is my responsibility ....
Who are you  to command me to leave the entire world?" 
He requested authoritatively and fearlessly. Seeing his ,authentic and gorgeously heroic state, the wicked King was panicked watching the  kindest and greatest  King of the Kings' braveness,royalty ,dignity and authority with divinity specifically the way he had amazingly and bravely pulling his sword and pulled it back,controlling his anger and temptation"...
"So so serious situation teacher!!!?"
A student excited Marina kept on continuing:
"Being a bravest,fearless and greatest, kindest  King,he straightaway targeted him by his divine bow and arrow to protect the population from harm of him ".
The Kali -yuga King was silent like a serious snake and sorrowfully looking at his enchanting eyes enveloped by elegantly deepened  sockets walled by bravest eyes brows.
Finally the rude King had changed his monkey mind in to a fox kind... cunningly begged him to give him asylum... in his kingdom 
"How teacher?"
"At  least providing  him a certain areas to be controlled/ governed as it was the law of the nature, Super Nature".
"Nooooooooo teacher he is ๐Ÿ˜ˆ evil ".
" Understand ,but being a gracious    gentle King,seeing the pity of him,immediately agreed to provide him to control,but only :
) The alcohol,
2) The violence,
3)    The gold
4) The lust and 
5) gambling 
The cunning fox was stunning with a wicked winning smile like a serious slithering snail undoubtedly dangerously poisonous one. 

"He sounded like the Saturn of his complexion .He only knew that he was going to put him out of the power by abusing the power of materials...which he was going to control... teacher ".
"A parent shouted :
"Absolutely   straightaway he targeted  his golden crown on his Honorable head extremely extraordinary"...
"...Innocently the divined king carried on his wow walking even the cows were welcoming with welcoming smiles and beautiful bows. Which had put an amazing smile on his royal lips curiously appreciated the way the cows were smiling. 
Another pupil exclaimed 
"Factually who used to smile only hearing the cute flute magical music of the Divine only teacher?"

"Definitely After a long walk for hunting ,he was extremely thirsty.Nowhere to go...he looked...looked...and looked, North, South,East and was a waste no-one was there!!Any where he could find some water to drink?
At last,fortunately he had found somewhere there was a Saint who was in  a deep meditation. But for his bitter surprise, although the glamorous king had kindly requested water in several occasions in a polite manner,he failed to answer!
As long as his crown was gold,obviously it was  no longer under his  control ,but controlled by the
 Kali -Yuga fox (king)... he had been controlling each and every atom of the gold through his evil power like the sun photons control by the Supreme Power"...
..."Consequently  the electrons ,protons and  neutrons with each and every atom of the gold called material energy changed his mighty  mind in to materialized monkey mind Krishna".
"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees !!!"
"Caused him so anger like an ordinary man,type of bad temper! Resulting,he looked around the ground and found a death serpent near.He took it by his arrow and garlanded it to the Saint,who was in miraculous meditation Krishna?!"
"Suuu listen Marina okay Siva?"
"Nonetheless,that didn't disturb the Saint who was still in deep meditation.Seeing the,highly destructive or devastating humiliation to the distinguish Saint,some of the boys who were the friends of his saintly son,told the matter to the teen what they had seen,
Suddenly his son turned in to a burning sun with thousand of thousands degrees of heatness !"
"Ohhhhhhh such a powerful person Marina teacher?"
"Certainly !!!He immediately irresponsibly  and  furiously taking some water from the pond and cursed him to be dead within seven days".
"Oh goodness! The God fearing holy king was innocently being cursed by a very,very powerful young saint who had got strong power teacher?"
"Done was done!"
It cannot be undone!" 
Shouted  the gentle man seriously.
Marina had nodded her saddened head regrettably... then she had carried on...
..."Nonetheless,reaching to the Palace,removing the crown only,the King of the kings was very alarming and realised the reality!
The Queen ,his wife asked  the reason of his alarming status of the greatest ,King of  Lord's consciousness.
He then replied that he had offended to a greatest saint unknowingly due to the golden crown had been controlled by the witched King...
On the other hand,the saint came to the reality after his deepest meditation,asked with calm without much surprise,
" Who garlanded me with a dead serpent  ?"
"The matter had been described to him briefly by his son's friends to his powerful father who knows the Heavenly Father ?"
"Please listen to Marina Peter". 
"Being the greatest,powerfully even perfect and  saintly charactered holy saint, straightaway studied through  his divine vision who was it.
Realizing it was  the Supremely stupendous God fearing holy king, he had shouted at his son's  sinful and even an  awful dirty act against a lawful Divined King as it was an  act of purposely provocation offend by a criminal minded wicked man...
"Ohhhhhhhh it's not fair Krishna" 
"Straightaway,he came to the Palace.At the same time,the King,too was prepared to seek for the saint.Seeing his unexpected appearance,he apologized  regrettably ."
"It's really really happened Krishna?"
"Unfortunately yes,the saint said it was too late as he was cursed by his powerful son to meet his death within seven days".
"The saint was extremely worried and advised him to go and meet the son of the saint who combined the Gita "Bhagawad Gita wasn't he Krishna?" .
"Exactly .Immediately he met him and asked him respectfully.
Listen to Marina Peter "
"My dear Sir you are the greatest of the great transcendentalists and therefore  I submissively beg to ask you about my duties at this moment as I am just on the verge/way of my death.Therefore what I should do in this critical hour?"

The greatest sage having thus pleasingly requested by the Godly King of the entire world, he replied,
"My dear King! As a matter of fact, knowing  in advance of your arrival,I called all the powerful sages to this stage as your inquiry is very much relevant not only for you,but  for all of the people for all of the times in all of the worlds .Because each and every citizen is going to be affected due to your departure from this mortal world".
"In fact,this is the DNA within the nucleus of every one's body  cells as the cells are the building blocks or  bricks of the bodies, we all have to know it specially about  the soul and the Super soul as we have to be protected by the divinity's relationship not the temporary championship because we never ever disappear and ever, ever reappear in different,different bodies"...
..."You just listen,listen and listen about the Gita that we are going to talk what the Divine spoke millions of millions years ago and rest of the time say the mantra,
"Hare Krishna;
Hare krishna;
Krishna krishna 
Hare hare 
Hare Rama 
Hare Rama 
;Rama Rama
 Hare Hare"
, mantra to be liberated lovingly leading our present life with understanding of the prettiest  purpose of permanent  life ".
"Could you say again did you say million millions years ago!?
"Certainly"I thought the Gita was written just 5000 years ago" 
Greatest sage glanced at him softly and sympathetically with a sweet smile and said,
It was spoken 120,4000,000 years ago and as long as that was discontinued over the long time,Lord Krishna had returned to speak with Arjuna 5000 years ago in Kurusethira".
"This is a greatest lesson to be learnt by every single citizen".
"What is it guru deva?"
King asked faithfully.Sage responded politely" 
"At least you know that you have just seven days to live and asking the necessary things to  be liberated, but each and every citizen needs to be known that  the death is awaiting at the gate steps ".
The children and the parents were amazed.
As soon as she said that ,the man who had lost his entire saving smiled saying,
" I just  wandering  and was seeking and searching for my lost jewel and found an angel to cancel my Karma in real!!!! Thank you dearest Devi God bless you"
Marina, being a  mighty Science student and understanding the worried neighbor's serious situation,looked at his eyes and pulse sympathetically and compassionately... 
that is to say,she checked,the regular throbbing of the artery as blood is sent through them.She realised something   similar to the king, he  has probably left matter of months to live. 
She gave  him a huge hug  and gave him the Gita.Especially the Mandra.
Her Mum had  realized her remarkable reaction.
She told her Mom what she saw on the face of the neighbor! Some thing 
"How! Why Krishna?"
"It was not only her own decision, but also in connection with the report of a 30 years experienced doctor".
"Pardon Krishna?"
"Yes a world famous Canadian heart surgeon, head of the Surgeon unit in Canada General Hospital of Toronto said": 
"What was it Krishna?"
"I saw mysterious changes taking place in the stage of death .It is absolutely hard to describe the thing I saw in the particular moment."
"What kinds of changes Krishna?"
"The way in the stage of sudden disappearance of the illumination of the divinity from the eyes".

"This is not a just! It is a must and it must  be taken in to the account by the scientists serious account".
Furthermore,she knows that the worries can cause any kind of disease at any time to any body.
"Sorry  why Krishna ?"
This is how the lovers or the partners dying as soon as they lost their loved ones.
"In his case, the money of his entire life saving had been lost.In this condition,it is absolutely hard to save him".
"Why Krishna Anna?"
"Because the money he lost was  a few millions Srilankan current currency value" .
"Certainly . However,it is less value in comparison to his life value " 
"Why Christina?"
"As it has got Divine ๐Ÿ’Ž ๐Ÿ’Ž ๐Ÿ’Ž value in it.
 It never ever disappears and ever ever reappears."
"Absolutely! But  the disastrous desire of  dowry system had also caused  a fortune for him". 
 "See what is happening to an elderly single and gentle individual, who had been suffering for saving  for dowry ".
""That is our original culture Krishna Anna"
"Sure it is the picture of our camera ๐Ÿ“ท sweet hearts ๐Ÿ’• ♥ ❤ ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’™ 
"This described in the Supreme Science as bondage... bondage and bondage even in their old-age. Isn't is called iron-age children?"
"It is  lack of divinity !Krishna?"
"Ohhhhhhhh goodness Krishna!!!!"
Unbelievable unforgettable Krishna!   although the dog doesn't understand God, how he safe a ๐Ÿ” chicken's life Krisna?!!!!!"
  "We thought lack of  knowing the reality in understanding the 
Vedic Verdicts, we waste our worthiest wonder life for the tendency of๐Ÿ’ธ cash, cash and ๐Ÿ’ธ  forgetting the sacred soul provider but why on earth the dogsbeing worththan human Krishna?". 
"Please back to Marina's home ๐Ÿก"
"Ye! At the same time,
parents and the children were astonished...they were so reluctant to return home. 
"Meanwhile the year nine christian boy asked apology 
before leaving her holy home as he was trying to humiliate her "

"What is humiliation KrishnaAnna?"
"Make someone feel ashamed or kind of stupid in front of others"..
"That's what's happened to Rahul Gandhi in the parliament  Krishna".

Continue. ..
Hare Krishna 

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