"Hello Krishna we love your demonstrationof water cycle"

" Really why?"

" it'sdescribed decently how every single thing has to undergo terribly troubles under the vigorous law of the   nasty nature!"

"Undoubtedly what a worst cycle of repeated regrets .In addition, the states laws of cutting our salary unreasonably in giving us a false impression of building our older live better ha...ha...what a manipulation Krishna!!?"

"Hi have a happy day with The Science of Self Realisation students" 

"We wonder why you keep on repeating that Krishna ?"

"Because in the Second Chapter ,verse 39 ,the Lord explained two kinds of procedures namely Sankhta Yoga and Karma Yoga or Buddhi Yoga ".

"What does mean Sankhya Yoga Krishna?"

"Analytical study of the nature of spirit and matter" 

"What does mean Krishna Consciousness?"

"As it is explained in the 61st verse of the second Chapter, it's a matter of working while worshiping like Arjuna . 

"Why Krishna?"

"It interprets the indirect way as  intelligences  who are in real , intellectual trying to study in an analytical process which is called philosophical great hearts "

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees Krishna like us Krishna ha.,,ha..."

"Whereas Krishna Consciousness is directly connecting everything with Krishna ?"

"Absolutely !"

" Krishna consciousness?. "

"Correct Christina!

...Of these two, the path of Krishna Consciousness is better because it doesn't depend on purifying the senses by philosophical process". 

"So krisna consciousness is itself the purifying process?"

"Exactly elegant Rata elegant" 

"We're purifying  in pursuing purifying process Krishna ha...ha..."

" Certainly !So that all our monkey minds sets don't up set us students"

"Ha..,ha... as we  set up our preset destiny , engaging our minds sets enchantingly in Krishna Science ha...ha... "

"Correct Christina ".

"What does mean by working by the principles of Bhuddhi-Yoga or Krishna Consciousness ?"

"The same ...the same meaning students isn't it the whole process is to understand the real... the real position of ourselves in relation to the Supreme Self ????? ..."

 "Excuse me Krishna!"

"How can I help you Peter ?"

"We are pretty curious seeing a new student Krishna !!!"

"Sure ! We have a new student she will explain in an easy way of the two troubles 

... is it okay?

"That's why we wanted to ask because she didn't want to say a word Krishna!!! We are pleased to hear it Krishna "

"By the way,  she already contacted me via email and telephone with her parents, but I asked her" can you come to the on line lesson and speak what we spoke to me via telephone and email?"

"She agreed with lots of hesitation now can we get started ?

.....Are you ready Angel??"

"What what is going on here Krishna?"

"Silent please !"

"Can we do our dialogue as we talk for the very first time Angel?"

"She nodded her head Krishna" 

"Oh hello what's your name?"

"Angel Krishna"

"How do you know my name Angel?"

"Because of my neighbour  Krishna "

" Attention student as usual you can clear up your doubts as she is going to be one of our new student from today onwards?"

"Fantastic thanks Krishna" 

"May I know who is your neighbour Angel?"

"Rudra ".

"Oh Krishna,  we can guess who is Angel don't we Krishna?"

"Suuuuuu silent please!" 

" Okay Krishna "

"Oh I seeeee take your seat Angel why are you standing"

 "How long do you know him Angel?"

"Quite a long time Krishna "

"Do you know where is him Angel?"

" Perhaps he is not well"

"How it would possible he was perfectly alright Angel "

"Because my mum shouted at  him Krishna ".

"Was it because..."


"Yes Mum thought his behaviour was ... but ...but..."

Why? When she pulled out his white earphones and angrily listened, thinking it was filthy film song and flowers in hand. However  for her surprise ,it was 

HARE KRISHNA Maha Mantra!!!"

 " Are you joking ?"

"Followed  by Sri Vengadesan Stotram mummy was ashamed on her arrogant attitude and asked him apology" 

"Could we watch it Krishna?"

"Of course Meera !"

Interesting !What happened then Angel?"

"Basically we ...we wondered whenever he  stands , gazing at the atmodphere in his upstairs balcony and monitoring our home "

 "That's okay it is his human right isn't it Krishna !".

"Sure Peter "

"Even... even though sometimes it seems prettyb cold and ice has replaced his spine Krishna ".


'Even though the cold air envelope his whole body Krishna."

"Sorry to hear it Angel ".

" Apparently he loves nature naturally and he often watches the multiple layers of multiple colours clothing the clouds illumination Krishna".

"So sweet of him Krishna ?"

"Undoubtedly Subathra  "

 "To be fair, Rudra loves the atmodphere Krishna". 

"That's what it sounded he often  watches the moon light casting the glowing  million of golden star s  ⭐✨⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Krisna."

"Certainly he is so different from others Krishna exteriorly he behaveslikean ordinary personbut interiorly he is uncomprehensible "

"When did this happen Angel?"

"When he was calmly standing and watching us while having our dinner "

"So you mean he is often left helpless and  hungry Angel?"

",Some times the only sound to be heard were  the drip drop of the melted ice from the green leaves and the pink flowers Krishna" 

"Oh are you serious Angel?"

"I thought that he has recognised me as his childhood friend but bad luck he isn't"

"We really, really wonder what's going on Angel!!!" 

" He forgot that from his childhood I was his friend while living in Srilanka"

"Oh goodness then what happened?"

"And... and he left Srilanka. However, we too moved to London after a few years beside we never met each other ever after "

"Of course ,meanwhile you both  have grown and became unreconisable ?"

"Exactly Krishna,  then recently our parents rented a property next to his house unknowingly ". 

"Oh really!!!!He... he is kind  it's a mistake he is our humour Angel ha...ha...he oftenput smileon our lips ?"

"Sure I was struggling  to recognize him, too due to his facial hair and his bushy  hair style . !Each time I'm in the garden, eating my meals ,he will be  watching at me like some one already known to me" 


"It's true Mum too mistakenly misinterpreted if his attitude often with his white earphones ..."

 "What happened ?"

"Krishna holddon't Angel is emotional" 

"Oh sorry anyone got a tissue Angel it's not a big issue 

give her a tissue please Meera?"

"Krishna, we did not know that he is home alone and he seems he doesn't  interested in cooking or looking after himself  ".

"Sure he behaves like  a child still  cheerful boy and he is loosing his weight significantly Krishna then onlyI started doubting that he can be Rudra by drawing several pictures without his beautifulbeard". 

"Are you good at drawing Angel?"

"Hundred percent! When we realised that he has been  , watching  us hungry  whenever we have our   mouth watering meals which Mum cooks undoubtedly spreading smell miles away I felt heart broken Krishna as a prove , I have brought some food for him Krishna"

"Ohhhhhhhh my God Krishna we are soooo sad for him!!!"

Now our dialogue with Angel is over and start our casual class" 

What is SANE OR SANITY Krishna?"

"NOT MAD Rudra".
πŸ‘ So sad Krishna,apparently we all are mad Krishna "
"Pardon Peter ?".
"Long life dream could end up in a disgusting   nightmare in mixing up with a  wrong partner like we just witnessed in the combination of Goodness  Class and Ignorance  Class in the video Krishna?". 
 "Sure that's why we need to be known  necessarily what is our constitutional position and get rid of the rest which  are recycled".
"Ohhhh like chew the chewed the chewing- gum Krishna?" .
"Definitely Durga!Would we welcome them  it ?"
"No thanks Krishna" 
"Why we have this complicated conditioned of life Krisna?"
" Stupendous inquire Rudra it is our test to be unconditioned from our uncountable Karma through out our numerous births." 
"Haven't we got alternative option Krishna such as doing charity exactly like Canada tutor?"
"Why not when we are in unconscious of the Unit or unique out of the Unity or multiplicity ,We ... we have to do some charity in goodness and face them up with awareness of Seva to Suffering Jiva is equal to Serva to Deva"
"You mean Visnu ultimate Krishna?
"Deva means demigod Devadi Deva means Krisna "
"And then Krishna?"
"In our future births we might have a parent who in in KRISHNA consciousness "
"Do you think the good charity might manage to make up our future life with great parents Krishna?"
"Yes having parents of Krishna Consciousness is the motivation of doing charity Krishna? "
"Sure to be fair, only... only the holy gurus know which is the best welfare to get out of the worldly warwell fair Rudra "
"Is it the main motivation Krisna?"
"Yes...yes....yes...we are part and parcel of God Krishna so automatically our minds sets are settled in management, maintenance and motivation of caring other people" ".
"Oh my God so we behave like bosses knowing this, some gurus guiding us investing in charity according to our capacity which intern, return our memories to back to original Papa God Head Krishna? "
"Certainly to  be promoted from devas in other words demigods worship to Full Father worship which is the golden ship, ".

"You mean by... by being Self-Realised Krishna we trust in you because each and every religion promoting pretty charity πŸ™ ❤️ πŸ™ Krishna πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ’• πŸ™ πŸ’• πŸ’ž?". 
"Oh my God !!No one introduced me my neighbour Krishna!!!!
"She wants to talk to you about your past life"
"I'm shy Krishna "
"Ask what's her name?"
"Thanks Krishna" 
"What's your name please?"
"Are you Hundred percent sure that you forgot me Rudra I'm Angel Rudra?"
"His belly is shaking Krishna "
"Are you my Angel I couldn't believe my eyes Angel can I hug you?"
"Now we are going to concentrate in our Mission OK !?"
Could we watch Rahul Gandhi's  delicious dinner table talk?"
"Mmmm mouth watering Krishna "

"Let's learn who is him and whether he  has got the talent to tackle the present situation in India like Rishi Sunak has been engaged in England as a prime  minister, especially in this serious situation okay?
"In that case we have to invite him for a lunch first Krishna "
"No problem then only Rahul Gandhi will understand how hard to struggle with my  intelligent  students 'intellectual questions and ...and....and I can relax a bit ha...ha...ha..."
"Which colour curtain we open first Krishna?""
"Which meal we take first lunch or dinner?"
"Lunch Krishna"
"And.., and we want to know why Mr Rahul Gandh decided to walk and talk Krishna ".
"What else sweet hearts?"
"What ...what changes it made him Krishna"
"Alright then open the black viel Meera "

"Hooray we are so excited Krishna we love him Krishna because he didn't marry yet Krishna"
"Now time to take our breath with little break before haveing our dinner and as soon as ready,  please open the green viel "
"Krishna we are impatient we have been interrupted long time could we meet Mr Rahul Gandhi?"
"Alright then open the green viel please "

"What a fascinating fellow Krishna so the life is a filthy frightening karma Krishna?"

"Including the filthy water on the street struggling to be purified in many paths".
"Pardon Krishna!"
"See the sea water turn to rain πŸ’§ water to feed us" 
"What  Rudra?"
"Doesn't the nasty  nature turning the purest water in to smelly water ?" 
" Yeeeeeeeeeeeees?"
"At the same time,the  nature changing the waste in to fragrant flowers and food"
"Apology Krishna"
Whatever we saved in our bodies ,not us, but the nature ,the FIVE ELEMENTS.
We are Brahmans the body is not our temporary IDENTITY, BUT permanent SOUL "
"Doesn't the water become ugly Krishna?"
Ohhhhhhhh you  mean the rain  pouring on the dirty 🌎 earth ,such as roads, ponds toilets ?
"Certainly Krishna" 
"We are making the world water ugly and filthy ".
" Ha...ha...! Haven't we noticed?" .
"Sorry ?"
"The wonder water after struggling by passing through plenty of paths,
 Mountain, streams, ponds, rivers and... and... and   finally successfully reaching where the water was originated as it's divine duty even for the πŸ’§ water drop".
"Sure " 
"What is moon sir?"
"It is a deity Durga. 
"What is the use of it?",
"Ha...ha...we are using our entire electronic devices 
grace of satellites πŸ›° around the natural satellites".
"Oh yeeee moon and earth are satellites" 
"More over,it is sharing the energy in turning our inner energy ✨ πŸ‘"
"Brilliant Balaraman πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ !"
"How many artificial πŸ›° πŸ›° πŸ›° πŸ›° πŸ›° πŸ›° πŸ›° satellites are there?"
"About six thousand five hundreds Mary?"
"Are they orbiting the earth clockwise or anticlockwise ?"
"Both ways Meera"
"Why the scientists are being sooooo  greeeeedddyyyy?"
"Until unexpected disaster destroying the nature sweet πŸ’• πŸ’• "
We carry on damaging them because we are not the creators "
"Bad luck,we are  not sane, but being distructive Krishna!
"Could we carry out our  Originator's Mission Krishna?"
" Oh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees  thank you for reminding !!!
One... two... three...

"Months rolled up" 

"Marina had been trying to contact Sam since longtime, but unfortunately 
he is busy.
"Why Krishna ?"
" Being a journalist, he often found himself in catastrophic 
circumstances in travelling, reporting, witnessing wars, refugees, 
homeless and hopeless people all   around the 🌎 πŸ—Ί 🌏 world"

"So Marina is going to be sad ?"
"We are  going to see what is she doing OK?"

"We appreciate it πŸ™" 
"She was struggling , studying medicine.
 "All of a sudden, her mobile rang, but it was a wrong !"
"She was worrying missing him, unintentionally glanced at the garden where they both were sitting and talking" 
Then she reminded the blue bus 🚌 joyous journey πŸ’™:
" While taking her cool drink.  In deed it was the right time of drinking due to the long study.Reminded her long journey, journey with some  honey 
hearts πŸ’•She pictures how Sam was  drinking mouth watering original orange juice:

"Sam took a sip and enjoyed the delicious taste in compressing his long lips  lovingly for a second". 

"She glanced at him politely trying to stop  him from leaving the country". 
"He smiled , reaching her softest  palm kindly. But she pulled her hand out of his reach as she was angry at him".
"In fact, his  mother Sitha has been sleeping". 
she was shooting Marina for a while through her machine guns what kindof eyes she had?""All of a sudden,she had fallen asleep on the blue πŸ’Ί. She has been protecting  him as an  elegance egg ".
"Unexpectedly Luxmi distracted them innocently, but 
smilingly  serving all of them some hand made orange juice mmmmm 
"It was sort of downhill on Sam's side. Pretty pity was , 
although he was near her,she couldn't talk to him as she 
"However, he had a bit of doubt of his mother's unsatisfied attitudes. All due to her unhappy body languages." 

"Particularly her eyes language was like a gun each time  she would 
awoken, she monitors like an examiner watching  the students during the exam whether they are copying  each other".  
"Marina the most suspected student to her ha...ha..".  

"When she  πŸ”«  soots Marina by her eyes". 
Ha...ha...!He returned his hand with a slight smile..."

"He blinked at her beautifully!  She did not expect the super 
shot after his Mum's serious gun  shot!!!"

"More over  it was so hot.  However she thought of 
Sam's honey pot which balanced up her serotonin level like adivine 
antidote  and she felt fantastic" 
"By the way, happily their unforgettable blue 
🚌  journey teaching us how our destiny designing our life journey whether 
it is joyous or dangerous, we never to be discouraged dearest 
"Sir can I ask a secret?"
"What is it ?"Come over here near ....Right now tell me  softly". 
" We wonder  you beenbeing managing with us!" 

"You have been calling us  so sweetly such as chocolate , roses 
Great Hearts, sweetest hearts?

" Why not why   you wonder Rudra?"
 "Because all other tutors are calling us   only by our names ?"

"Oh you want to know why? To be fair,  I often forget your 
names that's why"."Ha...ha...ha... 
 Ha...ha... ha.....

"Sir we heard it you have to ask apology now!"
"Why apology?"
" Is it because I have been calling you all using  Nice names ha...ha... with fragrance?"
"Ha...ha... ha...Sir better back up the follow up"
"Can I drink some water πŸ’§ 🚰 🚿 πŸ’§?"
"Yeah quick... quick Krishna"
Marina has been exchanged in to a rose face as the moon rose in the night 
and bright grace of the sun radiant or rays"
"She dearly loves her mother. Her mother kindly took her softest hand in to her warm grip!"
"She was unable to believer Mom's understand-
...her sensational mind muddled 
up thinking seriously Sam 

" You should consider yourself lucky. But until your successful marriage, keep inyour divined distance OK... Good people are always 
pursued by difficulties  and troubles... a fine diamond 
even if is in a heap of garbage (bin), will not lost its brilliance Marina". 
"Mum,Luxmy said with double distinct meanings to her darling daughter, 
Marina" .
"A small soft sweet smile played around Sam's  lovely lips while hearing her mother's whispering". 
"Ha...ha...we can feel it sir"
"Did I ask you Rudra?" 
"Ha...ha...apology Krishna"
"There was a beautiful 
blessfully πŸ™ carried some sensational perfume from 
the fragrance flowers of the atmosphere ✨ 
 "His ever-loving eyes met her accidentally again or unintentionally! It was  excitingly enchanting kind of  smiling eyes !"
"But  her energetic or sort of  magnetic eyes splashed diamonds' radiant 
rays on him".  
"Are the diamonds were erupting from their eyes sir?" 
"Suuuuu don't distract him he will start talking Vedas whole day Suda ha...ha..." 
"What is going on in silent please ?" 
"Nothing sir please πŸ™ keep it up"
"Such an  inspiring and incredible brown eyes were lit up with a regular  inner 
fire,sort of jolly and  holy illumination  which glowed all over their sweet soft faces with graces.
The passengers couldn't take their eyes off from  them".
"Marina's  happiness winged up. She has to catch up lot of 
things,  she did not give up her πŸ–€ leaving the country". 
"James  glanced at them through the side mirror of the blue  πŸšŒ  .
"Ragu was studying them through the middle mirror with his horror evil eyes".
"Krishna Menan was warning Ragu through his watchful eyes through the corner of 
his eyes" .Here Marina remembered 
how compassionately Krisna Menan concentrating her safety and security. 
But she has no clue whatsoever who he could 
be?. Impossible to imagine; impossible to forget and impossible to doubt on his words
"No one noticed Ragu except Krisna Menan!" 
Sam was in sweet silent and swallowed a sudden infusion in confusion...."
"The blue bus was her fantastic fan so obviously the 
🚌bus bounced ,bounced and bounced beautifully helping them to be 
closer and closer".
"What a wow fan in the form of a best friend as a bus form, behaved like a fantastic 
friend." "The coal black roads were cool by helping the bus to jump hump after hump!.
"It was the capital of the country in early days where they were heading  . 
It was in  central province of Srilanka knowingly Kandy a 
touristic additional attractive 
Yeah! They made the roads  not comfortable neither nice  nor leveled to make the love birds enjoy a bit better".

Bouncing  made them move a bit closer and further they felt better and better  throat 
went a bit drier and drier .
Unsurprisingly, the fair air out side the blue bus fanned them fabulously 
throw the windows.So fair her hair were on the air.
The kind wind blew as usual, ameliorating or increasing  
her beauty".
"The trip was exceptional.An adorably grip of Mum's healing hand made her calm down again".
"From time to time she had been forgetting to breath".
 If she had a rhyming word,she would have written a wonderful poem 
about the journey such a heavenly 
"Fabulous. Indeed their  faces frequently flushed as rose fantastically."
"Eventually  everything Marina looked turned gold, gems and jewels".
"Eventually her heart leap with love! Seems  thousand 
of butterflies beautifully flying in testing the best taste of the heavenly flowers by their hands!"
"Pardon me are the butter fly tasting the honey by their hands sir?"
 "Sure Subathra"
"It's true, they are capable of tasting the food by their hands and selecting the best honey to drink like her hand to hand kisses to Sam just a moment earlier".
"What a wonderful world 
"Correct Christina!"
"The fish for example, bringing up its offspring by just... just  looking at them students ".
"Like Marina's love looks hooks her lover Sam".
 "Definitely Durga!" 
"You know the tortoise brings up its offspring simply by meditating?"
"Stop being crazy sir!"
"No Balaraman isn't it like Marina's long long strong  meditation although being in separation,  kept and keep up 
her Sam's love stronger and stronger for ever ?".
"πŸ‘" "So why the tortoises 🐒 🐒 🐒 🐒 laying their eggs πŸ₯š on the beaches sand Krishna?"
"That is animals past MEMORIES Siva".
"Sir, who cares who is the guardian for the safety and security of them Krishna?"
"Wow worthy words Ruby! 
"True the eggs of the tortoise laid on land or under the 
sand or beach's silver sand and the tortoise meditates on the 
πŸ₯š πŸ₯šπŸ₯š!" 
"This is too... too... too much sir why you interpreting irresponsibly can an animal maintains Mesmerising 
Meditation 🧘‍♀️ Krishna?"
 "Ha,,,ha..,while they are  in the water  concentrating On their πŸ₯šπŸ₯šπŸ₯š they meditate whether you appreciate or not its the fact ".
"So Krishna!
 "Once the kids got out of the eggs, who cares them?"
 "Qualitative questions brilliance" 
"They simply walk down to the ocean to join their 
miraculous mothers!" 
"What thematerial scientists going to say for this formidably miraculous act of Divine Krishna?"

"They would say it is evolution or natural 
selection ha...ha... or they may take their 🧠 brain 🧠 to analysis...ha...ha...
"As a matter of fact, there is a shad-guru who always talks 
of Meditation upon Lord Shiva in this Kali-Yuga it is extremely difficult, 
but notimpossible, Ha...ha...
"What Krishna?"
"The scientists asked him whether he agrees to be a doner of his brain 🧠 "
"Are you joking Krishna?"
"Similarly, star ,Sam is  a devotee of Lord Krishna although far, far away from Lord Krishna,he can elevate to his abode by  knowledge."
"Like the turtle Krishna??"
"Ohhhhhhh yeeeeee you have spotted out the greatest evidence"
"Ha..,ha... not meeeee it's Vedas sweetheart 
 ♥ ❤ πŸ’“ πŸ’– πŸ’• πŸ’— through our Bona-Fide Spiritual Master, 
Backthi Vedanada Swamiprahbupada!"
"No wonder! Marina was comfortable with the feeling of his closeness". 
"O goodness!"
"What's wrong  Krishna?"
"The touchings of the cool 
air  through the windows, made them feel as good as gold ..."
"No sir gold is so strong and it's a metal we thought you 
are an intelligent"
"Ha...ha.... I do apologize me down "
"You are being fool sometimes Krishna"
"Pardon Rudra?"
 "You are being coolHa...ha..."
"Why you are being rude against him Rudra?"
  "πŸ™ Welcome sir you can make mistakes"
"Ha....ha...thank you Meera for your intervention 
however mistake is mistake that's  what Rudra was furious forgive him".
"Needn't to say that she was pride of being beside this heart touching human who understands the Super 
Human or the chief living being of all living beings".
"Her thoughtful heart talks more in silver silent because 
of his mesmerising memory of past life  closeness 
gladly glowing her nucleus delightedly as his great warmness".
"So sir  OUR MEMORIES are born and  brought up through out evolutions?
 I mean from many many  bodies?" 
"Why not?"
Wow! So  his tenderest tenderness and his 
greatest gentleness and best of all his Lord consciousness made 
from many many memories ?
Definitely Durga πŸ‘ 

However remember to 
remember we can achieve the effectiveness by mantra Meditation 

 For some reasons, the way the driver was  driving was 
uncomfortable for her ever-loving golden egg in terms of 
her sitting state...each time when the bus bounced, automatically Marina has 
been moving towards him because of the shape of the road to be blamed, 
"But her mind sounds diamonds rain" .
"Pardon sir you taught us the diamonds erupting from the 
volcanoes why you changed your mind now are you alright?"
"Ha...ha...we all are living in maya Rata sometimes we mend the truth to 
make it beautiful colorful πŸ’• ✨ πŸ’– and helpful".
"You mean like cinema Krishna?"
"Correct! What a splendor! She heard his breath 
sounded to her ears, she had felt even the warmness of his 
breathed  air fantastically fabulous as the perfumed tenderest fire:
"unexpectedly she 
remembered what Baba said, 
"dear the divine should be in the form of man kind enough to save the mankind".  
"What Krishna?"
"If the divine represented as a super human,like a ROBOT,  
men and  women would keep distance from him!"
"Why Krishna?"
 "Thinking He is an Ealien."
"It's absolutely πŸ’― true Krisna"
"Sir!!!!In fact, Sam  is someone sounds like the 
number, one (1) the digit number".
"Make a pardon Meera!"
  "Ha....ha...the one digit next to many none digit number,I mean  zeroes, 
makes them great value".
"Ohhhhhhh goodness you are  praiseworthy  amazing 
 πŸ‘ πŸ™Œ πŸ‘ πŸ™Œ !!!"
"Why ??,Can  you say exactly Meera what you meant?" 

"I assume , his association with his friends make them 
the greatest people like him with supremely sublime charm"

"Excellent evidences give me five πŸ‘ πŸ™Œ πŸ‘Œ πŸ˜€" 

"So  without this one,(1) his friends are  simply none because the invaluable 
zeroes which have no value by themselves that's  what you 
"Definitely Krishna!"
 "Thank you sooo much".
" Obviously she did not  understand where she was 
sitting" .
" It was as some cute clouds playing hide and seek with 
the silver moon. She bit her lovely lips smilingly". 
"Her fragile,  face grew with glad glowing radiant romantically".
"Eventually the kindest wind was  fond of  her by 
producing slightest  brilliant breeze". 
"Wasn't it cool it made him feel good ?".
"Impressively sir  it was phenomenal".   
"It was like a pond full of lotus flowers spreading the 
fragrance air to inspire the 
pair!Watching it,the entire passengers admired". 

"The kind wind  fondly blowing again her light 
delighted air to be fair with her. She looked more and more charm and hooked him extraordinary."
"Somehow,her heart hurts hardly as-though some 
golden needle pursing her".

"Why was it sir ?"Remembering her nightmare 
πŸ’”in which because of her behaviour ,Sam was angry at her and shouted angrily." 
"Are you joking did Sam get 
"We would like to watch it please". 
"No you may hate him".
 "No he is our real role model we won't our parents 
are πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†champions with alcohol we wanted to witness a soul realised saintly person's inevitable 
incident because of Kama !"
"No "
"Alright  in next session please.
at the end let's get  watched" 
"Thank you so much sir πŸ™!"."Could we complete it?".

"Yes please."



Hare Krishna 

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