"Sam’s sudden appearance was not that surprise to London Krrishna"
...  did Sam meet London Krrisna ♥ already Krishna?
"Please patient haven't you remarked the temple , KurinchiKumaran above why you keep on disturbing Krishna be like brilliants!!???" 
"Sure …sure thanks Subathra  time flying faster and faster have a great day students!" 
"You too Krishna" 
"It is going to be an interesting chapter Krishna!"
" That is depends on the readers points of views Subathra" 
"Of course, because he is going to investigate  who is  Menan that's what you meant Krishna?"
"Brilliant 👏 ,but he has lots  of other things to do as well Tusly "
"What else Krishna ?"
"Mr Charm had requested Sam to take more details from London Krrishna about his past life memories".
"Sam going to act like a private dictetive Krishna ha...ha..."
"Why Peter?" 
"He  has to find out the relationship by spotting out some scientifical  and biological secretes Krishna".
"Is it  apart from   Menan's matter Krishna?" 
"Certainly Christina" 
"Why it is a big issue for him Krishna?"
"If they don't confirm it, it would be left as  a matter of permanent rumours"
"True 👍Ruby" 
"Why does  Marina  desperate to know the fact Krishna?"
 " Because it is a matter of  complexity,  complicated and confusing her whole life ; the same thing applies with others children's past lives memories  of the entire 🌎world population " 
"We appreciate it hundred percent Krishna!
" Unless Sam  identified the fact,...."
"Oh goodness otherwise Krishna?"
" you said, it's going to remain as a mystery rumour Krishna."
"You are right Rudra!
Best of all, Mr Charm wanted to study on this case it's a matter of worldwide issue" ."Why Krishna why?"
 " It's the important aspect of the whole world's welfare Sudah".
"Why Krishna Sam has lots to do he is a heart ❤ 💔 broken man Krishna?"
"Yeah How can they ignore the Supreme cases of soul related science Krishna?"
"But....but...but....which is above our  faculty Krishna "
"Excuse me what does faculty mean  Krishna?"
"It is a mental or physical power of education".
"Ohhhhhhhh now we got it !,,It is the King's Knife Krishna 🔪 ?"
"Ha...ha......Why not metaphorically speaking you meant the sword of a godly king don't you?"
 "Absolutely !Could we ignore the provider of our eternal IDENTITY ?"
"You mean the Athman and Paramathman Krishna?"
"Correct Meera"
"So Sam has double duty-bounded regarding  London krrishna's miraculous memories of his previous sister, Marina in his present life and the relationship of Krishna?"
"Sure Sarah" 
"What a hellucination Krishna!"
 "What does hallucination mean Krishna?"
"See something which is not actually present Rata". 
"We confused Krishna!!?"
"For instance,  Marina's brother is there,  but in different embodiment besides he recalledhis past life memories miraculously"
"Sure certainly because he is with the memories of his past soul  embodied life Krisna!"
" The SAME SACRED SOUL  in diffrent body Krishna?".
"It cannot be done effortlessly Sam needs lots of efforts Krishna"
"Exactly...Exactly 💯 !!!"
" Luckily Sam met some more people who have been involved in their past life memories Krishna".
'Did he Krishna?"
'"Of course...of course because  he wants to know the cause of the causes " 
"We trust on his success in this achivement Krisna" 
"Absolutely a he is an appropriate person in an appropriate profession and son of a professor, Mr Charm"
"Correct 👏 🙌 ♥ 👌 Krishna"
"It was something interestingly important Krishna"
  "Obviously he studies all of the times". 
"Who was it Krisna?"
"Sam and his father  Balaraman? "
"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees !"
"In addition, his target is  to complete his book once obtained all the information". 
"Who's book Krishna?"
 "Sam's father's on going research book"
"Was he researching like Darwin how all have been evolved in involving evolution development that’s improving enlightenment?"
"Obviously Originator related organisation Krishna better watch the one  minute video can we ?"
"Why not ?"
"What a process of professor!"

"Oh yeah !Needn't to remind you that  he is a Phd in science Krishna" 
"Absolutely krishna".
"Do something to the society according your capacity" ,
Baba said that  didn't he Krishna?" .
"Accurately!Today Krrishna met Sam in the library ,near by his college in London".
"Really Krishna excited Krishna?"
" Yeah even Smiling Sam stunned in glancing at his sister". 
"Why Krishna?"
"She looks like Marina?". 
"Ha.ha...yeah...yeah...not identical but  pretty similar features "
"It's may because Sam might not have heard that  he has got a sister apart from Marina. Am I correct  Krishna?".
"Good guess  Pamitta". 
"How she looks like Krishna please... please?" 
"She was a golden lamp ..."
"We thought she is a living  being Krishna ha...ha..."
"Resembled Subathra ". 
"Interesting Krishna!"
"No wonder, Krrishna was sort of  cute complexion of chocolate brown. Whereas his sister was sun tanned white Krishna"
"You are right Balaraman "
"She was cheerfully,cheered up him ; she stood still, resembled a smiling, lovely statue dosen't she Krisna?"
"Certainly she was  a saintly characteristic and magnificently decent child without much make up compare to other children of her age". 
"How they could have been  recognised  that they are saintly characterized Krishna?"
"For instance, his friends invited them for a tea,
They didn't interest  it
then some others invited for a cup of tea, they told them they never touch 
coffee or 🍵tea "
"Oh we got it Krishna"
"Would any one expect them to drink 🍸?"
"No Krishna." 
"What was she wearing Krishna?"
"Simple living high thinking, she was wearing a delightful baby blue blouse with navy blue jeans". 
"How her features looks like Krishna please?"
"Her eyes were delightful so beautiful kind of a light brown bright nice 
eyes;lovely long  fair hair; nicer nose." 
"How she combed her long hair Krishna?"
"She had a pony tail which clearly expressed her silver kind of statue shape and  like a designer child. Simply like a golden lamp in the temple under lots of powerful lights such reflections". 
"Thanks Krishna" 
"However,she was trying to escape from there ". 
"How would  we  recognise that she was uncomfortable Krishna?"
We are not wood guys for instance, her eyes were swimming like some one was  busily  working in the computer it made Sam uncomfortable,too".
"We are soooo  excited Krishna "
"Oh Goodness ! Krrisna is a teen  had got a teen  golden younger sister Subathira smiled charmingly as a valuable jewels." 
"Why was it Krishna may be you are exaggerating Krishna ha...ha.."
 "Even her  terrific teeth were not  the same sizes as her brother ,either sides of her long lips cutest and  couple of teeth were in a smaller versions".
"Am... am I correct Krishna?".
"Definitely Durga "
"Are they sitting or standing Krishna?" 

"She was just standing nicely next to  her brother. He was a beautiful boy or a handsome guy in his teen with plenty of joys and had a deep voice  ". 
"He was an average  height guy of westerners size and  a decent weight...with lovely long eyes brows and also thick eyes  lashes and  his eyes  deeply installed. In fact, I saw him Krishna ".
"Surely and his wider solder were  visible through out his softy white out layer and he had a long straight  nice nose like his sister Krishna."
"You haven't mentioned about their parents Krishna!"
"Thanks .Their parents were not there .However,they saw him their family photos on their mobiles 📱 but on mobiles 📱 phones, parents'views  apparently not clear at all!"
"Ohhhhhhhh goodness "
While watching some of Krrishna’s pictures with rewards,Sam was amazed!!".
"What about their house Krishna?"
"Part of the house was bloomed by  children’s pictures and certificates which were wonderfully framed and walled"
"Oh their pretty pictures have been hung up on the milk white wall Krishna?".
"Sure Sam happily hooked straightaway and he wanted to see them all .Then he watched his dance in his smart mobile phone! 
"Did he Krishna?".
Ha.ha...yeah !!!It was a  goosebumps oh goodness numerous short dances of  many videos views!!".
"Oh God! He had won a brilliant competition in  London Olympic dance competition.As a result, a short film was taken recently in Brazil.It was fantastically fascinating Krishna".
"Really Rudra?"
"Suddenly Sam spied  the baby blue sky ,searching to find out the divine man and he inspired to see their parents on the spot ."
"Sam  would be   over joyed and enthusiastic to collect some information from him on the request of his girl,medical student and his Dad,Professor, Charm Krishna?." 
"He couldn't believe his eyes witnessing   Marina's mighty, miraculous brother with his sweetest sister who had been recalling his mesmerising memory of his past life". 
"Could any one believe that he was merrily Marina's best brother in his past life Krisna?!?"
"But unfortunately passed away in early age,took birth in a different family phenomenally Meera! " 

"At the same time, grace of his previous pious (Punniyas)in the 
paste life, he had been incarnated in a family who were advanced in transcendental knowledge Krishna". 
 "How did he know that Peter?"
"I remember reading the book," The Great Hearts "guys .He noticed a pile of Bhagavad-Gita in their home; in a beautiful brown self against a milk white wall Krishna".
" You mean a showcase Peter?" 
"I think it's a show cabinet Krishna"
"Yeah we remember well over fifty blue 💙 Gitas📚 Krishna" 
" Indeed basically  Krishna and  his sister were on their school holidays!".
 "He was waiting for his result to enter the university in the intention of studying science was he Krishna?"
"Correct Christina" 
 The surprise was ,Sam 📰 found his results in the local newspaper Krishna!
"Undoubtedly Krishna’s wish was to do some thing to help the world's environmental disaster to save the population from the poison or pollution".
"Krishna, whereas you know what I 'm  going to do Krishna?"
"What Rudra?" 
"I decided to reduce the population ".
"That's the best idea ever Rudra ha...ha..."
"Why and how Rudra?"
"So in the future, problems solved Krishna!"
"Good  Rudra at present, most of the university leavers are afraid to be married. Nonetheless the, number of unemployment are unshakeable Krishna " "May be his suggestion is genuine and genius  Krishna"
 "Absolutely  Rudra God bless you as long as we strive it as our original duty."
"Our human life is unique and unbelievable mystery Krishna "
"What does mean strive Krishna??" 
"Ha...ha...Try and make great effort isn't it Krishna?"
" Correct ! 
"Yearn that is your task"
"What is Yearn Krishna?"
"Feel great longing like a mother and father who have no child and longing for a child leading them toward Lord's love"
"Thanks although we have easy words, why you use these kind of useless words Krishna?"
"Ha...ha...we have to use different vocabularies synonyms to improve like we learn different 📚 books don'twe Krishna" 
"Sure And we have to struggle that is our assignment"
"Excuse me what is ASSIGNMENT Krishna?"
"Task Sudah "
"You didn't get the point Krishna!
"I am not going to be afraid of approaching my girlfriend because of the over population Krishna"
"Ha...ha..!Then how you are going to reduce the population  Rudra?"
"Just scaring them up like you have been doing in  each of the follow up episodes by teaching the Vedas Krishna".
"Ha...ha... scaring oh goodness ???!!!"
"Let's start the NARRATION Krishna!"
"Alright. .alright 👍 each of us have our pretty perspective Krishna"
"What's that Krishna?"
"Our own way of seeing things 🌹 🌹 🌹 Roses"
"As long as  Sam too was interested in science they were talking
comfortably Krishna?."
"Exactly "
"The coincident was, Sam also, was on his August holiday,  he was feeling free like a bird and fresh as a fresh flower... 
"The weather was  bit by bit becoming hotter and hotter some of the days as same as  Srilanka,over 30 degrees".
"So Krishna suggested Sam to accompany his family to pay a visit toGermany"
"Why was it Krishna?"
 "In order to see his favorite families after very long time who often help each others"
"Who Krishna Krrishna’s parents especially"
"Their father's brothers and families Krishna?"...
"Sure ! Similing Sam seemed silent,but pleasantly silent. It was a kind of pilgrimage for him ,he agreed it especially he wanted to spy some kind of secrets on his Marina's request."
"Now almost one week rolled up students "
 "Where are they krisna?"
" They  took the flight with lots of  delights".
"To see Lord Krishna?"
"Ha...ha...heavenly abode cannot be reached by material machines , only by torch knowledge and travel tickets are like invisible invitations cards not extremely expensive wedding invitations cards .
For instance , in London people investing mountenious money on weddings"
"Yes Krishna we heard our tutor's brother's son Ramana's wedding meal cost sky high!"
"What why?"
"Even the wedding meal  cost them seventeen thousand pounds Krishna!"
"Sure... sure his children went to visit on Ramana's wedding on Ramana's kindest invitation although his father has some  disagreements and no contacts with them since a few years it was published in one previous episodes"  
"We would like to discuss of the wedding Krishna "
"We can talk on the topic but there are 9 steps of services of  the Thirumanam which will take much more time today" 
"Is it because of our embodied sacred souls live in the body of nine holes as nine doors or a city with nine gates Krishna"
"Yes ...yes... yes the activities of our beautiful bodies are conducted automatically by particular modes of nature sweet hearts 💕" 
"Why Krishna where is the  evidence please Krishna?"
Text 14 Chapter 5 in Bhagavad-Gita it'sbeing described,  the embodied soul lives in the city of 9 gates.  "
"Are you kidding Krishna?"
"The activities of the body are conducted automaticallyby its particular modes of nature kids".  
"Incredibly important education Krishna !"
"The soul ,although subjecting himself to the conditions of the body ,can be beyond those conditions"
"How does it make it Krishna?"
" If he is so  desires. Owing only to forgetfulness of his superior nature ,he identifies with the material body ,and therefore suffers got it  kindest kids?".
"However, by Krishna Consciousness he can revive his real positionand"
"Yeah thus come out of his embodiment Krishna?". 
"Oh my God Krishna!"
"Only...only our forgetfulness of our Originator's organisation ,we are covered by illusions greatest 💕 hearts ".
"Krishna, so we identify ourselves in the conditioned life which leads by mother nature classifies in three classes, goodness, Passion and Ignorance ?"
"Absolutely Ramana's wedding is following up the sett up service "
"What's that Krishna?"
"Some... some sorts of demigods' devotions due our culture and literature kids?"
"However ,Ramana is in the mode  of Goodness because little by little Ramana develops  Krishna Consciousness "
"How does he develop Krishna?"
"The trace is simply the grace of his parents passion in Lord Krishna "
"Did they follow up from his childhood Krishna ?".
"Absolutelt ...he was a gifted and   talented devotional he would  be often interested watche Maha Barath  to Thirupathy Vengadesan great hearts 💕
"Ohhhhhhhh oh hhhhh so Ramana and his life partner are in goodness class Krishna?"
"Undoubtedly Meera "
Our cutest congratulations to  them   Krishna "
"Thanks students could we continue?" 

"Could you show Ramana's  wedding picture please Krishna ?"
"No worries here we are happy ?"

"Ohhhhhhhh we saw him krishna he is a doctor I mean a  entist Krishna he is the fondest fellow of our tutor from his childhood krishna just like sandalwood Krishna such a good relationship of golden ship " 
"We never  heard of that kind of wood Retna apart from Holywood" 
" food,wollywood and  holywood what a life style of knife threatening students it  is a tree of fascinating fragrakba ckup Krishna ?"
"For their surprise,one of his uncles took them to the greatest temple in Germany,

Krunchi Kumaran 
Temple –Germany:

"What a golden coincident Krishna?"
"Why Siva?"
 "He is right because the next day was the special kind of  carnival. 
"Oh you mean sort of a festival day Krishna?". 
"Certainly Christina" 
"Wow with welcoming golden sun-rays and cooling softy sweet showers of of ruby  rain!
"We're excited Krishna !"
"For their sweetest astonishment,there were three phenomenally  decorated inspirational  chariots were ready to carry the Murugan idols!
"Wasn't a superb vision to vedic Sam?" 
"Of  course, he is mastered in Vedas. However, at his childhood he thought there are millions and millions of Gods and Goddess". 
"Now  he felt pretty pity  to watch them as  all are still in their childhood knowledge just...just knowing a little bit of wisdom. 
"What a Hinduism Krishna!?!"
"Anyway, he remembered his childhood life once he went  to visit on Marina's  incarnated London brother's  kindest request" . 
"We can guess it Krishna as being a Hindu, obviously he might have  amused amazingly German's Hindu 🕍temples krishna "
"He mighty  have been experiencing the similar situation as  his own country Krishna "
"Sure by visiting , Temple after Temple with the same communities and asking the demigods some material prosperity and progress in 🏫 studies ignoring the soul studies totally Krishna 🇩🇪. 

" You are right ,all were perfectly perfumed and sweetly-smelling! 
Remarking their effective efforts in devotional demigods direction persuing pretty regular duties birth after the birth"
"So Krishna demigods direction is focusing only for materials benefits 
Ye a matter of temporary illusory never mind of the Real glory!!!????"
Wondering would it be outstanding, would it be  enhancing the power of Supreme personality who is responsible of any kind of distinguished demigods'actions   krishna ?"
"Yes that's how Sam was pathetically looking at the audience who just came to visit to  the deities worship once in a year Krishna"
"Anyway, he was watching the cool crowd with  handsomely hand made,glamorous garlands spreading sensational scents!Most of them seemed to be Srilankans. Shouting:
"Arro harrraaa repeatedly "
"Each chariot was attached to an enchantingly expensive vehicle to pull the chariots around the graciously gorgeous temple by following the restriction of the county rules and regulations" . 
"Sam was serious. No  smile for some reasons! He wore yellowish white and white silky softy clothes,but without a shirt (bare chested) Nevertheless,cutely covered with a long silk clothing bordered in  golden beautiful border".

 "krishna's Dad didn't or couldn't join them in the same flight Krishna?."
"Sure Sam, being an interestingly intelligent journalist and a cleverest reporter,his eyes were slowly and carefully scanning all aspects to take some reports as he could "
"May be Sam's ears were taking attention Krishna and he might have been  hearing all types of sounds  probably he could, in the bazaar or super markets Krishna ha...ha...our Hinduism is a musical museum Krishna "
"Why not in addition, there were screaming, whispering, speechless, noisy, thunderous and blaring. All sorts in of sounds "
"There would have been thousand of thousand peoples! He was watching them mouth opened   in standing on the uphill charcoal road just behind the chariots Krishna "
"Correct leaving them  towards the dazzling downhill Road, Sam was watching welcomingly "
"..Such...   such a skilled man of Mission Krishna !"
Ha...ha...the wonder was, all had been offered delicious vegetarian balanced diet,a lovey, holy lunch at the end  of the festival . 

Ha...ha...we know....we know Krishna there would be all kinds of  items to all tastes of our five sense Krishna "
1) nose,2) mouth,3) ears, 4) eyes:5) Skin .
"However...however... most for the tongue taste great hearts 💕 "
"Oh yes Krish a:
sweets,sour ,acidic,bitter, 
appreciateable,  appetizing and amazingly spicy. 
Especially for IGNORANCE CLASS Krishna "
"Sam perhaps may have  reminded his childhood life style  repeatedly because such food items are not  good at all for God who is the possessor of the Athman/soul  and Paramathman, sacred soul and the super Soul even not for Godly Deities who we called Devas."
"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees!!!Not for Devadi Deva,Lord Krishna "
"Unexpectedly he was interrupted by his uncle, Siva an unmarried man of devotion Krrishna already pleasantly introduced his uncle to his friend, Sam in the first place".
"We wonder how people live unmarried Krishna !!?".
"Sam , being the best and joyous journalist,  his mind was filled with quite qualitative questions regular rhetorical questions.
"For example  Krishna?".
" Such as how long this temple has been constructed because he only knows how hard is it of owning  and maintaining  such a terrific temple (excellent) like this in overseas country especially in 🇩🇪🇩🇪 Germany 
 For his surprise, Krrishna’s mother replied  that the temple was bought by his cousin ,Krrishna's uncle Siva's  bank loan,and because of his enthusiastic and kindest even hardest work and request, some more associates had been associated and co-operating with some humanity and generosity "
Mr Siva was approving  with his constant smile:
Of course, it was the case. However, the administration of the temple and the mortgage payment of the building are presently shared by some  senior devotees,too 
".Mr Siva corrected he is a man of principle refused the total credit on him.
Straight away, Sam remembered how Mr Siva had introduced a gentleman with silk and silk in white and white !.
He was   watching them carefully. The way Krrishna's  Uncle, Siva was always accompanied with the particular  man happily and respectfully ", 
He was absorbing them again and again???!!!
"Why Krishna?"
For his eyes , may be grace of his enlightenment , 
Sam felt a sort of light or bulb of  bless  is illuminating through some individuals when they are self realised. 
"Pardon Krishna?"
"When we are on the right track of the Royal Road, we can realise the reality of the Supreme Personality."
"Don't we Meera?"
"I'm confused Krishna!"
"The bulb of light is illuminated by the current right kindest kids?"
"Surely Krishna!"
"By the way ,the current generated from the power station Krishna".
"Yes because of our selfishness, we deny our divine Dad 
Who is the Heavenly 🏠 Power House Originator"

Suddenly Sam  reminded the person who  accompanied  Uncle ,Siva seems to be  a familiar fellow for him."
"Ohhhhhhhh !!"
"Above all, he always gathering both of his palms politely and pleasantly as an honour to all of  them while Mr Siva introducing them".
 Not only to those who had been introduced, but anyone and every-one. It was a kind of exceptional way for a news reporter,Sam".
"Why Krishna?"
"Made Sam feel curious to know that person was it KrishnaAnna?" 
  "  hum...hum...He kept concentrating on his activities to observe more and more  in order to  find out and clarify some doubts of that person at the same time, his mind mesmerised,  arose like a fragrant 🌹 rose " 

Smiling Sam took a blue 💙 beautiful book from his red 🎒 back bag titled:
"And then Sam was watching him again delightfully then doubtfully. And then he thought what a worth  of accompanying  Krrishna’s family up to Germany 🇩🇪 🇩🇪 ".

"We hope that Sam  nearly found the key to open the door of all his doubts Krishna ha...ha".

"Correct retna !And...and........he did a double check to be  crystal clear guess who would be students?"

"We got it Krishna!Unfortunately most of us cannot understand  what kind of Vedic Value  this book carrys to lead the people towards sacred service of constitutional position Krishna "

"Sure Sarah !Smiling Sam's constant smile returned happily on his lovely pink lips,thinking,

"Wow!Now Sam smils  began to smile naturally and nicely in comparing The Great Hearts 💕!" Cover picture and the person with white and white  ".
"No wonder Sam noticed the gentleman again and again as he was carried on studying the whole temple proved  the personality of a writing character ".
"Really we guess who it might be Krishna "
"Besides, Sam was watching each of his  action continually. All of a sudden, a boy of about seven or eight years old had approached him  respectfully with wider smile . 
Sam neared quickly to spy secretly and clearly...
"Excuse me !
"What's your name?"

"I know his name ",
another little beautiful boy said enthusiastically ,
"his name  is ...
"!My name is
K. Soul Nava ...
"O.K happy ! Ha...ha..." The gentle man  responded politely …
" Hi!!! Vengadesa we are here comes oooon !"
Krrishna’s sister called him  blossomingly some one within the crowd!!!"
 For Sam's surprise of the surprises, the  same person turned towards her with 
warmly welcoming smile!!!
  Waving  his hand so happily !!!
"Ohhhhhhhh Vengadeson  missed you darling!" 
"Sam laughed... laughed 🤣loudly, wondering the way 
Krrishna's sister called him and her face was in grace, extremely 
"What does mean exuberant Krishna?"
"Cheerfully, but lively with aura and naturally not artificially Christina".
"Is it in Tamil  Krishna?"
"Ha...ha...what does it mean Krishna?"
"Ha...ha..... Yeah means "come". 
"Ha...ha... don't we called "wango" respectfully Krishna?"
"Ha....ha....Absolutely...absolutely 💯  Meera"
"Why then ...???"
"Ha...ha...may be she didn't known the meaning Krishna"
"Sam was watching Krrishna’s  sister's exuberance face witnessing the same person!!!"

"Who it might be Krishna!?"
"The gentleman resembles Krrishna’s stunning sister and Krishna ,too"
"We already guessed, it could be her father ,who took the late flight Krishna!"

"However ,he was pretty silent "

"So... sooo pleased hearing Krishna it Krishna "
"Suddenly Krisna called him ,"Papa!
"Sooner approaching them, he was hugging, hugging and hugging all of them".

 Mother was adjusting their father's dress complaining constantly 
assuming and treating him like her elder son.

Sam was sweetly shocked, but maintained his silver silence of surprise within himself.
"You resembled someone of my favorite person, too Mr Soul!"
"Sam said to their father"
"Ha...ha... thank you for your compliment !See you later"

Then suddenly he returned saying:

 “my favourite people are such as Martin Luther King ,Ghandhi, Mother Teresa ,Tony Blair 

"May I ask why sir?"
Sam smiled 💓 
"Of course, because they are greedy we all are greedy, however my favorite 
peoples are too greedy we are  not as greedy as them 
Sam alarmingly astonished thinking:😳 

Aren't we the stoppers of the greedy?
what does he is say what does it me?"
"We think that he was talking about the greatest people as extreme greedy 
people of godly guidelines sir Krishna "
"Probably Peter but let's wait and watch "
Sam saddened as he thought he may be the writer of the greatest 
godly guidelines!!!
Meanwhile Krrishna introduced Sam to his Papa

" every body we all are greedy Sam!" 
He smiled in shacking Sam's hand.
"Aren't we greedy Sam?"
"Any body deny  it?"
"Sam was frozen numbed his entire honour on him 
suddenly vanished thinking such children such a father why he talks like 
that are we maddened in materials our motivation is liberationin developingdevotion what does he talk like a nonsense?!!" 
"But...but...but...!!!"Sam stared at him sadly  😔 
"Ha...ha...nevertheless, we all are greedy of Vedas"

"Then  only Sam's smile  stunningly  bloomed   sensationally in surprise ,thinking, 
"What a greedy!!!!Which puts everyone in tragedy!
 However, using the same tragedy of greedy, there are stupendous people 
serving the innocent population by transforming their greedy towards heavenly Body 🙏!!!" 
Sam gathered his hands in thanking him  🙏 He did the same 🙏 
His children pictured them

"You are greedy of 
the Originator; you are greedy of  Seva and your students  are  the most greediest 
souls in SATHANAI like Baba's students Mr Soul".
"Thanks appreciate it!"
"Ha....ha...above all, our Bona-fide Gurus are the most greedy souls dear Sam"
By the way, no one understands Baba's broken 
heart 💔 "
"Pardon sir!?" 

"I mean, He is the most greediest person of thegreatest education on 
"The science or Self -Realisation". 
Sam said with genuine golden voice.
 "Why not! Yes! We are pretty privileged to be in this present time Sam" ...
"Why Mr soul?"

"As no one cannot imagine how easily and instantly everyone sharing our dialogue directly across the world". 
"Sam was overwhelmed, overjoyed 😍 ✨!" He carried on,
"Our talking today walking around the globe 🌎 in taking  gladly our dialogue to 
many ,many years to come so we must use it not abuse it sir we really need our original devotion development to have at least some people’s enlightenment like Raman’s engagement day tigger our inner peace interests “
YEAH!  If it was the ancient time, we would call it a miraculous matter!". 
"Sam smiled...
Mr Soul embraced 💖 him 
enchantingly and then Sam was in outstanding astonishment! 
Thinking the way he 
thinks it's simply so different and distinguish from others".
 "So sir we all are greedy of teaching to follow the 
Sanskrit Science and Bhagavad-Gita As It Is to the 
entir world ?”.

"Sure Sam proud of meeting you 👍" 


Hare Krishna 

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