"Hello Krishna we often wanted to ask you and we thought you didn't show the baby size brown Buddha wearing golden garment but you haven't forgotten?"

" Sure...sure,this is the one in the pray room of our tutor guys "

"What a gigantic golden size reflects Krishna!!!"

"Sure he is Krishna's incarnation". 

"So Krishna like Lord Buddah mirrors his image in the mirror , Lord  Vishnu I mean Lord Krishna Himself attracted affectionately  the athiest by transforming  His heavenly body into Buddah?"

"Really that's make sense Krishna ha...ha what a leela of Krishna!!!!My goodness...Ohhhhhhhh my God why we have been against the Buddhist?!!!

"Lack of torch of knowledge "

"Hi Krishna could you  tell first the distance between the earth and the sun?"

"I'm not a scientist Peter "

"That's what I'm asking you Krishna  who said it first?

"Pardon Peter?"

 The scientistn or the spiritualist Krishna? "

"Alright have a go on this piece of information please insteadof abusingthe technology,  we use them as ideology"

"Incredibly inspirational Krishna in deed inspiring in sharing Krishna" 

"Excuse me Krishna, we were interrupted in the middle of Rajeskanna's  story ".

"Could we continue it as  was an emotional emotional aspect Krishna !"

Cut off

"We cant forget  him  wiping his uncontrollable  shedding drip... drop...drip... drop following Renu 's telephone  call!"

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees "
"Oh goodness Krishna we knew that's what you interrupted Krishna "
"After a good five minutes silent in holding the phone, 
 Rajesh was able to pick up the phone ".
"We are saddened for them kind "
"She was struggling to respond. Somehow he understood everything emotionally!"
"See you soon Renu!",
"He said affectionately. It was a magnificent magnetic and a marvelous moment ever .
By the way , he always calls her RENU".
"Restaurant Menu Krishna"
"I said Renu Rudra ".
"She would be  in heaven Krishna as she would have badly missed this word from his mouth Krishna".
" Certainly Then  by curiosity,he  thought what Sam told  his friends 
while waving 👋 his hand ✋ before the departure ".
"What was it Krishna?"
  "I ‘am just a wire God is the power", 
"Then he looked at them tearfully". 
I did not say it,but madam Teresa only said it".
 "Rajesh Kanna's throat was blocked beautifully. He glanced at the blue book, 
"Mother  Teresa A Simple Path". 
"Soon Rajesh Kanna was hurriedly drying his hair by brown towel because Grandad was worried."
"Then he touched the book which Sam gave him ,one of Sam's favorite books".

Named, “Mother Teresa” Simple Path it was right next to Bhgawad-Gita 

He remembered another worship-able words from the Bhagavadgita As It Is:
"What Was it Krishna?"
"Can I say Krishna?"
"Why not Subathra?"
"To act or not to act ;to be or not to be, should be within the control of the divine director". 
"Exactly excellent effort Subathra .
"Can any one measure the ocean?"
"Can any one could understand the Divine unless associated with someone like him ?"
"Krishna! Have you seen the rivers flowing to the ocean especially during the rainy season ?"
"Why Rudra?" 
"Have you Krishna?"
"Yes I know  where are you coming from"
"Still haven't you seen the ocean being still Krishna?"
 "Oh you mean no change ?"
"Yes Krishna"
"Why what does it mean Krishna?"
"Likewise, we must be still whenever we are attracted by the desires and angers not like our government bodies  ."
 "True Sam Krishna because Sam described him that it was absolutely his Karma so that,  he had to be separated from his 💘 love ones wasn'the Krishna?".
"He was a self realized saintly characterized human Krishna"
'"Correct Christina to be able and to be able to maintain
to be a devotional person by dedicating ourselves  by 
educating divinity in saying the Mantra on regular basis is easy, but if 
we are a karmic,  we are not going to be a person with this kind of perfect perspective of godly guidelines Krishna."

"Certainly Durga and by respecting the self realized individuals such as genuine Guru, BhathvedantaPrabhpadah, we will 
eventually enlightening ourselves means enhanced us in everlasting 🔦 
of education".
"Absolutely Meera" 
 "Rajesh's face was brightened!

"So I want to be a Sam is my role model.
I decided to be Sam's best friend by giving and forgiving rather than getting 
and forgetting ".

It was the first time he was going to meet her after her departure for the kidney transplantation and arrival from London finishing her successful treatment.
He did not take his magnificent, shiny, beautiful, black motor bike. Instead,took his inspiringly elegant black sun glasses and his beautiful blue bike.Happily selected some melodies to listen on the way to her 🏡 .

"Yeah life is a song that's what Lord sang even in Kurusetra." 
"Was it a Sacred song  Lord sang in the battle field sir?". 

Absolutely enjoying our lovely life as a vedic song is vital Vitamin 
 "Unexpectedly  he recalled the song which Renuga sang on the phone looking at his picture.In addition, Sam played on his fantastic flute over and over" 

"Last time Sam sang in the Skype from London,too!".
"He dressed up... yeah  exchanged his clothes with the most splendid clothes that he had ever worn , still simple, a 
Mixed Match "

"Excuse me Krishna!?"

"He doesn't wear Match Match like a suits in same colours. It is his personality. 

"Of course, good  clothing ! In hearing the song, 
immediately made him a Smart Sam ha...ha... with lots of charm considering his bike as a golden chariot of Lord Krishna with white horses...

"He was singing the same song which  she was singing over the phone".

"Oh God the way he was riding the bike was cutely  welcoming anyone and everyone! 

"In real, he was dancing delightedly while riding like Mukunda"
"Who is him sir?"
"Remember we learned about Mukunda who was Angelika's lover and ended up marrying with someone else?"
"Yeah he is Sam's uncle Krishna!"
"Sure Subathra "
"Yeah… just he was standing and cycling looked like a phenomenal dancer .Some of the children on the way noticed his prettier personality with pleasing way of pedaling adding sweet smile".

"We still Remember his uncle Mukunda Krishna he did exactly the same"

" Didn't he Krishna?"

"Ha...ha... happy to hear that you recalled him Rata"
... kind of happy smiled in his face loaded with lord's love's entertaining energetic and heroic energetic,  certainly looks like  he could succeed in any kind of competition!!!"

"Krishna, he just had been enlightened in his inner or divine soul energy to  overcome any type of problems and achieve golden goal".
"Ha...ha...correct Meera". 
"He could be very,very persuasive now."

… wow... wow... wow 
the newly lovely constructed shiny black road 

decorated with great green trees either sides of the charcoal 

road were clapping and dancing smilingly in seeing 

the new man reminding every one that,

"tell me your friend ,I will tell you who are you"

A gentle breeze was touching him lovingly that would put any one mad of him.
His fair hair was waving, waving and waving as same as the shape of the curly, lovely road.

 Even the charcoal  black of his hair was similar to the road , It was a heart stopping scene besides of his simple style of life.

Actually, it was their characters that were counted, his heart was filled with silver whereas his friend's heart was filled with gold. His breathed air was so fragrant, people admired his new prettier personality.

His Grandpa appreciated his fearless, beautiful, bold 

determination to meet ruby Renuga today with 
differently decent idea.

At the same time,he decided to follow him 

in taking his holy horse.He smartly dressed and jumped 

onto the horse like a hero;he always consider him as his child.

Suddenly Grandpa recalled what his class teacher told him"
"When was it Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...when he was in Primary School...Tulsy "

"What was it Krishna?"
"When she asked him a question about  a calculation"
 "The question was,
" I give you two rabbits first then another two rabbits and then another two rabbits.What is the total number of rabbits?"

"Rajesh Kanna answered,
" seven ,7"."She repeated smilingly in a different way" . 

"Alright! Firstly I give you two apples then secondly  two apples and finally another two apples." 

"What is the total number of apples? "
He answered,
 "six teacher".
"Well done!"

 "Now listen carefully, first I give you two rabbits right? 
"Secondly I give you  two rabbits OK?"
"And finally thirdly I give you another two rabbits".

 "What is the total number of rabbits?"
"I already answered teacher ,Seven teacher".
"Frustrated teacher angrily shouted ,
"Why on Earth you could not understand this little Maths whereas you answer correctly in terms of  apples ?
"Because I have a rabbit already at home teacher".
"Grandpa smiled in looking at him softly and sensationally".
"Then he speed up his horse riding in waving him laughingly."
Just to make sure he was heading James joyous home 🏡 
then he happily returned to 
his green  home. 

He realized that the laziness produces risk and 
dirt which soon turn man in to dust; experiencing the 
physical exercise rather than riding motorbike.

"So he often suggests him to ride cycle not 
motor cycle to be fit and preventing at least a bit 
of  polluting  of the atmosphere... man must get rid of this 
kind of dirty laziness  of man  made pollution to protect the 
environments to our own generation sir?"
 "Surely Subathra" 
"Rajesh looks smarter than ever with his butter colour  colourless shirt and a navy blue trousers with a leather black belt".
He changed his dress to impress Renuga to express his happiness.  
It's a happiest day for them plus it was a Sunday a free day for them.

"Rajesh Kanna had  just stopped thinking and worrying  concerning his ex- girl a mysterious girl friend".

 "He couldn't imagine it would happen in this life ! Miraculously his worries have been disappeared, vanished and all the pleasant feelings had been reappeared as though nothing had happened ".

 "As the gray clouds being removed by the  kind wind and replaced by the beautiful blue sky, Rajesh become a Self realized man"
"Hooray...hooray...hooray... He reached her silver ray charming home! 
Some thing miracle happened! Renuga was quite cheerful to his eyes today. "
 "Usually he never felt in this way her house filled in delicious vegetarian vedic meals of mouth watering" .

"Any way, she was his gladdened gate way or a kind of  illuminating sun ray in the path way of new life line"
"Her baby blue eyes were seriously seductive and sympathetic .
 Simply more and more prettier than earlier days ,caused him happier and happier as the silver pearls 🌧 🌧 ☔ rose water!
 His happy eyes which replaced the waterfall; his happy rain  because he thought she might not return in life… 
He was worriedly preparing his mind strong enough   to take her body to the chemistry on deepest last desire"
"Her affectionate activities were amazing  to his enchanting broken heart ."

"She smiled sensationally in waving her ✋ to welcome 🙏 

At the same Gayathri guided him  up to the brown settee in the living 


As Renuga was quickly wording with the 

class children" Of course, she has to relax, 

but the students   came to visit just to 

confirm and  reconsideration of their tuition classes.

 "Benze was sooo pleased   studying both of their ruby 

reactions". Benz business is beautiful, she is the happiest girl ever.

Her eyes carefully watching  without taking 

attention what Renuga was telling of her new times tables for next week 


 "Renuga accidentally noticed Benz,she 

smiled in eyeing towards Rajeskanna."

That put a sweetest smile on 
her redden lips charmingly.

"On the other side near the brown window, he closed 

his eyes and reminded the Mighty pretty Mantra thankfully with 

a lovely long breath".

"Hare Krishna 
Hare Krishna
 Krishna Kishna
 Hare Hare
 Hare Rama
 Hare Rama 
Rama Rama
 Hare Hare "
Yes…he sang the Mantra in his mind which  George Harrison produced long ago and it was featuring  in the London Radio and reached No 12 position in the UK singer chart.
So exciting exceptionally illuminating ,undoubtedly she longed for this opportunity as every-one knows she belongs to him.
Rajesh Kanna showed nothing,but kindness from her it grew in to a garden of gladden roses; he had been enjoying the fantastic fragrance from the fabulous flowers of her gracious garden.This is called the first class out of the three classes called
1) Ignorance, 
2) Passion and
 3) Goodness.
 He never once thought of this state. It's simply called a jolly fate. 
She captivated his heart with her actions and affection towards him.
"She suddenly glanced at him and sweetly smiled O God! 
She looked like a goddess... gracefully made a beautiful bun in her hair as just being washed and not being combed . 
To be fair, that was not like a bun, but a heap of messy brown flowers bunch still stand out with her outstanding out fit. A kind of half sary in grass green with a brown chocolate brown blouse and black veil across her belly.
He couldn't figure it out the colour scar. It should be probably in her below belly .He saw sorts of 10 millimeters of port marks two or three. Being a teen, look tied and shiny.
But where is the scar of Renuga's Renal (kidney related) transplant? 
"As he wanted to see the scar  (the mark left where the wound was healed), he was a bit nervous still nice looking guy but worried for her wound"
How to look at it  throughout her veil attached to her half sary?. 
"Ha...ha... so pity of him sir" the same time it 
shouldn't be  misinterpreted like some one trying to look at a girl  eagerly with  eagle-eyes . 
 She was overjoyed and hooked in the way she looked.
"The sun  light lovingly brighten her immediately through the widely opened white  window". 
 "Her  hair was sparkling so thrillingly. Her inspiring cheeks had been  turned out as pink as an apple".  
"Her lips resembled a pretty cute colour cannot be explained ! As rose as a rose and her hip was as seductive as her lips". 
"Look at her  heavenly hair on her fairy forehead so sublimely and superble .
"Where is the scar gone?!
 Oh gracefully  she approached him!.
 Some of  her  hair  were welcoming in waving and  drawing,  an amazing art of attractive ✨ 
"  It was indeed splendid. Yeah she has been reborn to a new life so she is more and more happier. However , non of them are normal"
Hooray! He has found her alive! She was a perfectly fit for someone like him who was cheated by an arrogant attitude ugly girl.
As soon as she sent off the students, , she hugged him with lots of  love of emotions then in order to hide her emotions, she was trying to help her Mom to complete her especial cooking for her special visitor.
 It's so funny... It does not seems that she care of her beauty.  It was filling Rajes Kanna s feeling fantastically  
It was quite bizarre... as though he was in the bazaar of colorful fragrant flowers... 

Her mother  didn't forget to serve him a glass of fresh drink.
  He was in dream world 🌎 supremely attracted by her activities  and her duty in remembering what Sam often used to say,
"Beautiful is  dutiful or dutiful is  cheerful":
"Anything to eat?"
(As James had gone  out his Mom suggested)...
" take your seat I am fine".
Happily she escaped 
"Who was it Krisna
Mrs Jonathan Ruby still she  gave  him something delicious which he deserves . 
He thanked her with a respect smile in bowing his head and had a sip,running his fingers through his black shiny uncombed loosened hair because his role-model is Smiling Sam. 
For some reason,he thought of Sam constantly because he remembered what he used to say:
"Do not see your beauty...Do your duty which will make you beauty".
Another one ...He often used to say was,
" your heart must melt in compassion when the eyes sees another person suffering"
Of course, it was because of his ex-girlfriend, he compassionately compared by curiosity :
"What was it Krishna?" 
Imagine that, while having a plateful of delicious eatable before us, unexpectedly the cook announces that a lizard had fallen in to the pan while cooking and was  being cooked alive. 
"Can any one expect the same fascination for the food?" 
"It's not a good food it is poisoning Krishna."
"Good! Lord was there as he was following the Goodness class that is the best class of a best man.His file had been closed with his ex-girl".
"While we were  in this situation,feeling extremely hungry but…but…but…then the food was spoiled. Imagine we were  served with another newly cooked delicious plate by an angel!!! 
"Certainly any one willing to have it Krishna".
"Sure Krishna" 
"In addition, this is a miracle. He asked the Lord a boon of forgetting, Kama. There is no other alternative way to turn his attractive affection without an alternative,seductive, a ruby relative such as Renuga".
"More over, the priest of the Lord krishna temple, told him that she often makes pooja on his name ever since she had heard that he had been undergoing hardest periods of time according to the astrology".
"On top of that,she has the complete confidence how the cosmology controls the astrology!!! That made him feel to be loved by some one while rejected by other one".
"Sure sir is an enchanting unimaginable coincident of Divined destiny".
"He  smells jasmine in  renuga’s  actions as a result,he had changed. He is a new man now.Wow! Wordless.
"Wow he easily understood that he was merit with divine boon of replacing the metal spoon to a miraculous  golden spoon or moon".
Accidentally he watched her hip throughout the transparent veil 👰 there was a tiny bit of 🌙crescent at the right side of her slim hip it is exactly like the third🌙 crescent day divine cutest  crescent almost in disappearing state"
He breathed in relaxation, such a relief.  
"She merits the divine blessings"
"How Krishna?"
It's by dedicating ourselves sincerely towards improving ourselves faithfully by  rectifying our defects or our wrong doings to right doings Meera."

"The reasons why  Lord Krina  declared,

"Whatever it's happens, happens for our goodness not 
for the badness".

"As long as we are following the Lord's 

Commandments or restrictions on the Gita, or the Christian Scripture". 

"We remember Krishna!"

"What was it Peter?"

"As Sam always say,to be or not to be ; to act or not to act should be within the 


"Good Rata why we have to be like that?"

 "Which will purify our hearts and leads us a blessing 

lovely life in simplicity with welcoming liberation at 

the end ".

 "It was said by Lord Sri Krishna Himself Krishna?"

 Exactly Anaesthesia 
"For example, what happened in the second world war to the women who had been ignored for thousands of thousands years without equal rights in comparison to the men.???"
"War proved that they are equal ...The second world war was the greatest gate way for the freedom of most of  them." 
"There after, they started to look after the jobs which men left. Instead of being at home  as slaves, they turned brave. 
"Now they are being a head in education,too. Best of all, they are the best in driving".
"Prove Krishna?"
"The insurers prefer the women drivers  rather than men drivers".
"This is the fact to prove all the acts are designed by the Divine".
"Rajesh Kanna  was in the pool of super cool divine knowledge" . 
"Finally he had a tremendous vegetarian meal."
 "A marvellous balanced meal which had  healed all maladies he had."
"It was a fantastic meal. Was served by Renuga.
The shiny, softest, stunning sun shone and warmed the house through the window". 
"The wind !Oh the wind was being really kind with them... it was drying the sweat which was rolling from his forehead and moving Renuga’s black veil so that Rajeskanna clearly saw the the scar from far. Looked like a lovely tattoo, too."
"Every thing he saw turned gold ". 
"All his worries were vanished."
"The girl who cheated him only to be blessed."
"Nonetheless, He had no anger of his girl friend to be punished". 
"Why Krishna?"
"As he realised these are the acts of the Lord. All are because of our past  present actions impacts"
" Is it  called karma which is making the fate...nothing to be  hated, but must be blessed by the Science of Self-Realisation sir?".
"Exactly Subathra" 
Kare Krishna 

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