"Hi Krishna we always work hard why don't we entertain a bit please ?"

"No worries your happiness in my happiness but it must mixed up with the Science of God Consciousness Alright!"

"We're delighted Krishna you are saying like Rajani often says aren't you Krishna?"

"Am I? Cool "

Krishna! Why don't we mutch  up something to backup our tuition Mission to and at the time  enlightenment Krishna?"

"My pleasure students my pleasure "

"What we watch Krishna?"

"Three, two, one please open the green viel "

"So we are genetically cinemas oriented that's why our  characteristic  like this Krishna?"

"Obviously great hearts 💕 💕 it's   because of our parents and grand parents ❣️
involvement Krishna?"

"Why not...why not great hearts 💕 we ignore all the qualifications of  the atomic soul due to cenimatic  goals in false ego thinking that we are the body and  once we passed away, we think  it's a tragedy and nobody cares our supreme Daddy???"
"When we watched a film, the character acting as a Prime minister ,what we or especially the fans think and do Krishna?
"We imprint it ".
"What does it mean Krishna?"
"Does it mean expecting to become to the character in   real Krishna?"

"🌎Why not it's  the world Krishna MGR and Jeyalallitha are the evidence Krishna?"
"Ha...ha...Like this, in maya we are  creating a God on our own and being separatist, racist and resisting on it so the children continuing it ".

"Is it Krishna?
"Yeah....that's it???".
"So this is it! Krishna???"
"We could not comprehend Krisna ?"
"Some people have been considering Rajani as their God"
"True Krisna when he was hospitalised, they had been fasting in eating in the floor
"No Krishna it's flour not flower Krishna "
"No Rudra by serving  their meals on the sand in front of the temples Krisna "
"Ha...ha...after all, he simply acted as a powerful man or prime minister in the film only however we should apprciate that he is a Holy man Krisna "
"Sure Sarah the same thing will not applicable with other actors "
" Imagine we want to see Rajani as the real Prime minister Krishna ?"
"Ha.ha   would ..,would, he be a prime minister in real Krishna?"
"No he is an actor sweet 💕 hearts kind of exceptional actor means he is bearing that the creator is the main master , he is acting remembering Krishna as a result , he is being considered as a compassionate  individual in terms of spirituality. Obliviously...his films market internationally"

"Oh!!!! He is the employee Krishna!"
"Pardon Peter?"
"He is not the doer so he is not an actor Krisna? ".
Brilliant we have to be like Bridge of blessings children okay!"
" Who is the actor then Krishna?"
" He is the Creator Krisna who is the main  guru of the gurus ?“
 "Who is the creator ha...ha...?"
"Does He is the Originator Krisna ". 
"Who is the Original  Originator sweetie?"
"Lord Visnu Krisna “
"Who is Lord Vishnu?"
"Lord Vegadesan/Krishna for example Krisna ". 
"Thank you sooooooo much I'm sooooooo happy".
"You're welcome Krishna" 
"Now imagine we consider Rajanikanth as  the prime 
minister and asking him to come to support the 
administration of the politic in public problems". 
"It's a mirage  management Krisna "
" Definitely Durga"
 "So Super star has a resonabe reason to refuse the supporters requested him to invove i politic isn't he Krishna?"
"Ohhhhhhhh!!!  Yeeeeeeeeeeeees he had refused to be articulated in the election  Krishna!". 
"Yeah ". 
"Why he denied Durga??"
"He knows it is a matter of major mirage kind of mixed characters marriage and  like Smiling Sam with London Marina, denied her approach although he considers herself as an angel, angelic  goddess Krisna ".
"Absolutely !"
" Oh my God !!! Enenough is enough Krisna !!? 

"Why don't we continue our Mission, NARRATION Krishna ?"
"Alright one two three:"
One second please Krisna!!!”
A few words of our terrorist sorry tourist Mr K. Soul please Krisna we massively miss him Krishna “
"Good idea because the ideal idea of our tuition Mission is learning a lovely lesson of Lord of the Lords"
"What does it mean Krishna?"
"Isn't... isn’t it the goal of the goals? Isn't it the target of the targets and isn't it the achievement of the achievements sweet hearts 💕?"
"He will be and  isn't it a matter of a man?"
"Sorry  Sarah?"
"Just as  an example, he is an  individual who is expressing the sacred soul Krishna"
 "Pardon Pamitta?"
"Just as a result he is also unbreakable; he is also a man unchangable Krishna?"

"Sure the sacred Soul like the Supreme Soul ,can neither burned nor dried so we do dear divine embodiments "
"So krishna the sacred soul or the power of existence is ever lasting and He presents everywhere and...and...and..... he is unchangable Krishna?"
"Ha...ha... can I quote from the best basic Vedas?
"Yes Krishna!??" 
"This individual soul is unbreakable and insoluble, and can be neither burned nor dried.  It is ever lasting,  present everywhere, unchangable, immovable and eternally the same. 

"Chapter Krishna?"
"Text Krishna?"
"Text. !!text 24."

"Chapter Two and Text 26 Krishna?"
"Really Krishna !??"
"Certainly it is further said that the soul is invisible ,inconceivable and immutable. Knowing this, you should not grieve for the body".
"Could we commence our discussions please because Krishna ?"

"Lovely little by little our K.Soul provides pretty proves that he us a Sacred student of our stupendous Supreme Personality of God  Head Krishna "
"Appreciate it students we are not exceptional we too are similar to him great hearts  💕 "
"Thanks HARE KRISHNA however it's so painful Krishna we totally feel goosebumps and we utterly understand nothing krishna "
"Sorry Sarah?"
"Just unexpectedly watching Rahul Gandhi what a worried world Krishna we need piece at least a little bit of piece  of piece krishna" 
"Can we watch what happened to the Indian people who seem seek  peace krishna?"
"Why not ?"
"We love Rahul Gandhi Krishna not Lord Krishna "
"Let's get started our tuition Krishna:

"Alright... alright as usual, Benz was returning home from her late tuition class later than rest of her class mates who went earlier from Renuga's Home tuition". 

The atmosphere was not fair, she usually  accompanied with her class mates. However, today she couldn't as she had to do extra work  .
The road was  silent dangerously darkened area, she went through a type of wooden site to be quicker as  short cut . 
For her surprise, suddenly she heard of her friends voices! 
It was  alarming voices!". 
She confirmed it that it was absolutely her friend’s voices. 
Benz turned quickly by the side of the road- beside a darkened flat, a slate clouds gloomy colour with thicken trees surrounded by a haunted horrible house, which left her terribly shocked status like a lotus flower left in the heating weather! 
"No way!" 
No- one was talking or no-one was walking! 
It was dead silent so she can easily hear her friends' violence voices !

At the same time, her heart  was pumping pretty hard and  hurtfully !!!Such a horrible circumstances. 
"She realised something went wrong and wanted to rescue them Krishna?!!!

"Besides... wow... she went waving her hands bravely!!!.
"Where did she got such courage Krishna?"
 "She headed towards the alarming sound came from! ....ow!!!!!...ow!!!!!....ow!!!!!!...
"Who is it Krishna??"
"She sadly shouted and she was feelig fear of the dark then nervously noticed the threatening world hearing bad barking of dogs 
"Whoof...whoof whoof !!!, "
Some black  dogs unexpectedly barking badly unknowingly.
"ahhhhhh! Who was it!!!!????? "
Her whole limbs were shaking, but she did not show it 
"How Krishna?" 
"She...she was wobbling like jelly kids!!!
"Oh goodness Krishna ".
" Her heart beats rates were thundering like a stampede of an elephant ....her voice refused to speak up kids ".
She accidentally found an empty box made of tin, took it and threw it to scare them up!!!. 
"Suddenly someone chased her in return sounded like a Saturn kids. 
" Sort of satan Krishna?"
"Correct Christina" 
Then Krishna?"
"She disappeared in a light speed, running like a rabbit; landed on a charcoal black road, newly built". 
"Such a bravest girl Krishna!!!"
"Brave Benz decided to call for "!" But bad luck, no sound was found from her terrified throat!!!!
"Oh goodness Krishna!!" 
"No wonder, her hands were shaking enormously;heart was beating as though she had just ended her long relay students "
"Why was it Krisna?" 
"Factually one of her friends was about to be raped. Nevertheless, grace of her brave intervention made a massive difference!!!

" Wasn't it the case Krishna ?"
"What a girl of thrill at her age sweethearts!."
"Why Krishna ?"
"She was indeed a brave to her age....
"I'm I correct Krishna?"

"Sure !!!No wonder, Some gangsters were planning to harm her friends, but...but...but...disturbed dangerously by a middle teen age Benz brilliantly.
"Others nearly the same age group like her Krishna?"

" Exacly !!!All together five- including her kids "
"Where are they Krishna?"
"They all were running, running and running like 
Olympic winners ! They ended up seeing their feet pounded through the 
deserted streets of haunted buildings".
"We feel goosebumps Krishna we need piece what a pity world Krishna!!"
"However, she resembled quite bigger for her age. In fact, Benz was born in Germany. As her Daddy worked in there.In Mercedes Benz Car Company in Germany. 
"Really Krishna?"
"Hum!! They lived there for long. Her dad was crazy of cars especially , Mercedes  Benz. As a result, he was happy to call her Benz . 
"As memory of the car company Krishna?"
"Certainly Christina". 
"It sounded a bit funny  though....Krishna "
"As a matter of fact,, in real the first Benz car company founder was Mr. Mercedes. Named his darling, daughter's name for his car company .
"When was it Krishna?".
"Hundred of Years Ago: His Daughter's name was Benz in real Rata".
"Krishna it's incredible passion class !!?"
"Unmistakably !!!The main reason why, Mr. Silva changed her name in to Benz. As a memory of the first car company founder."
"Unbelievable Krishna!!!" 
"For her astonishment, Benz had recognized the same gangsters, who were about to kill Sam ! 
"Oh my gosh please God guide them up Krishna!"

"Whaaaaat!!!!????We.. we never heard of this horrible event Krishna ".
"She was the one who was screaming alarmingly when that happened. They had a gun kindest kids "
"They might have killed him in the middle of the interview, but they could not identify Sam because of two Sam( s) extremely identical wasn't the Krishna?"
"Seriouly !!!Sooner London Sam disappeared, they targeted Jaffna Sam . However, at the end of the conference,For everyone's super surprise, the cleverest  Marina's miraculous  monkey,a kind of  machine 
minded, technically engineered. He appeared amazingly with his own gang members secretly in  hearing Marina’s voice. 

"Wow  🐒 🐒 🙈 🐒 🐒 ha...ha oh Krishna how Krishna?"
"Of course, because the temple was near her home where the incident took place wasn't it  Krishna?"

While the rowdies were about to shoot him up under a gigantic ever green tree, the monkey Rana, Marina's mighty monkey urgently targeted the rowdy's gun silently " 

"'s  a fun Krisna how Krishna?".
"He simply urinated onto the gun !!!!


"What a simple serviceof safty measure Krishna?"

"Fantastic a target! "

"To the man who was a horrible zero of the zeroes with the gun Krishna?".
"Yes "
"Ha...ha...!!!The man was a dangerous individual Krishna?". 
"Then Krishna?"
"All ..all the monkeys smile silently!"
"We too Krishna ha...ha....!!"
"He is one out of the fearful gangsters who was targeting  Sam".
"Interesting indeed interesting Krishna?" 

"Undoubtedly, they were under the influence of  alcohol and financed by Ragu"

"Why Krishna?"
"As he hated Smiling Sam just because of his heroic actions as he loved Marina without her knowledge."
"Threatening and frightening world Krishna !"
"Moreover, he challenged to kill him at any cost from the very beginning of his college studies.
. .... Oh god!!!
 Shame of them! Benz reminded the evil event   while trying to escape from them...
"ashamed of them Krishna!!!
" That's what Beautiful Benz gad suggested to herself great hearts 💕 "
 "Worst of all, they Seemingly Just being released from the prison".
"What a dreadful seen to be seen Krishna?" 
"What a frightening world Krishna?" 
"On top of that, as we know they were under the influence of alcohol even drugs (restricted drugs).
"Oh divine please help us to escape from these 
swines/pigs who are satisfied just following dogs life style.
"Lords please, please do something to release my 
friends from this danger". 
"Krishna please stop the stress story Krishna!" 
"No Krishna please proceed Krishna!" 
"She suddenly shouted tearfully "
"How she was shouting Krishna?"

"Rama... Rama...Rama!"
"Pretty poor person Krishna "
"As soon as the gangsters saw her clearly, they interested on her,too  they began chasing her like the tigers 🐅 🐯 🐅 🐅targeting 🐯 their preys.
"Oh Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees keep it up Benz !"
".".Ram ...Ram...Ram. it’s..Your Akkah calling you Ram she did not know what she was doing only thing she began to call Krishna in various names".

 "I am coming to see you soon Ram! The dangerous animals are going to kill us Ram "

"She was weeping , shouting and running, running and running, "Ram... Ram... and Ram"

"Who was him Krishna?"
 "Why she was calling Ram Krishna?" 
"Ram was  her brother. She considers him as  Rama?" 
She was sobbing ,"See evidence everyone and study what is happening in 
the dark in our country ! This is the story of innocent population like us Krishna".

 See the way  the teen running ,running, and running to save our life 
because of some alcoholics were  following us furiously and ferociously with unregistered vehicles!!!
Unexpectedly the girls couldn't continue, fell down !!!See the way 
"Sam was threatened by Ragu rowdy Krishna ?"
"In real, her brother Ram often used to be her helper in any dangerous circumstances". 
"He sounds that he was the  bravest, brilliant boy Krishna!"
 "The reason why, absence mindedly Benz was calling her only brother childishly Krishna.
"As a matter of fact,once she called him when there was a dangerous snake following her, Ram  cleverly rescued his sister without any fear or 
"Seriously Krishna???"
"Sure!!! Such a bravest boy Krishna?"
"But ...but the animals heading to send her to the grave kind kids".

"They magically approach the girls!"
"Oh dear oh dear Krishna??"

"They were  FIVE who were wearing  masks look magnetic even dynamic suddenly they Stopped  their black bicycles  !"
"What Krishna ?"
"Who were they Krishna ?"
"All they did was rounding the girls !!!
"Behind them some more Boaring like 🐅 🐯 🐅 🐅!🐅 tigers Dashed in a flash speed!!! 
For the  girls' wonder,the masqued men warned them bravely and seriously and soundly and steadily  not to be  near the girls and run away immediately!
It was indeed in a deep confidence voices tone of talk was mesmerisingly miraculous!!! "
"But nonetheless the girls shocked!??"
"Why was it Krisna ?"
They were  thinking ,what is going on?"
"Oh God! We would be thinking the same Krishna if we were them Krishna!"
..."Who are these magical Masked guards Krishna?" 
"That's what they heard repeatedly with lovely laughter." 
"Still the girls were shaking seriously Krishna?"

"Surely sobbing, Sara they were childishly begging them sympathetically simultaneously praying pathetically especially saying the Maha Mantra repeatedly "
"On...on their guru's guide line Krishna?". 
"Correct !!!Nevertheless, the rowdies roaring and trying to disrobe  the girls. For their astonishments the five 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 
 fire fighters fought smilingly and laughingly !!The girls witnessed a fantastic fight!👏 👏 👍 👌five  masked against five gangsters!"
"And then  Krishna?"
"The rowdies were unable to tackle the fire fighters Finally,  they fell flat on their feet!"
"Next Krishna?"
"The girls stare at them, but stood still like golden statues forgotten their  mouths were opened!!!.
"Who would be Krishna?"
"Unbelievable unexpectedly best of all, hilarious "
"So fun fire 🔥 Krishna!??"

"They thanked God!"
"Wow the beautiful boys masked in red and yellow like fire, the girls gladdened because the masked men looked glamorous". 

However, seeing their sympathetic and panic, the mighty masked men/boys decided to make them smile in a bit funny way in singing childish nursery rhymes:
"If you are happy and you know it, clap! Your hands
Clap! Your hands clap! Clap! ;If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands 
clap! Clap!".If you want,  open the blue bar below:
"Would you mind introducing yourselves?" 
"Benz asked them softly  respectfully in  intimidating".
"What does mean intimidating Krishna?'.
''Frighten into doing something Balaraman".
"We only use our nicknames"
"Reasons please?"
"Our lives once had been  rescued by your brother's organs transplantation"
"O goodness me!!!"She started wiping her heated tears...
"Others definitely did the same".
"Since your brother did safe us, we promised to be your 
guardians angels".
Thanks 👍 God 🙏🙏🙏 bless ❤️ you!"
"The soul is floating on five airs 
such are our names  :
1) Apana
2) Saman
3) Udana
4) Parana
 5) Vyana
"Who's idea please 🙏 ?"
"Sam and his friends nicknamed us". 
"By the way ,we are the Karaty boys,too!"

The girl began to cry again just for joy the boys are 
growing graciously 💕💕💕.

Yeah they have grown!"

"Why you have not removed your  masks yet please?"

 The boys didn't  want to see them cry, but joy with smile:
Then the boys decided to restart nursery rhymes for fun:

"What was it Krishna?"

" if you are happy and you know it stomp your feet stomp! Stomp!
If you are happy and you know it stomp your feet 
...stomp! Stomp!”
" it Krishna !"
In return the girls: 
"if you are happy and you know it shouts 
hurry ...hooray!If you are happy and you know it shouts hurry! My Hooray!"

All together now:
"If you are happy and you know it do all three
1)  ...clap? clap!....2) stomp!...stomp!...3) hooray! Hooray!"

 Wow! They all looked like a family friends and looked 

Lord's kids.

Suddenly there was a nice voice:
"..It was not the end, there are another five kinds of aspects to be explained",
Said Grandpa who heard the children alarming voices in 
the first place and called the Karate  kids straightaway.  
Then he carried on:
"Who  which Grandpa?" 
"Rajeskanna's Grandpa" 
“That is to say,
1)The  BODY
 2)  The  PERFOMER
3) The SENSES,
 5) The God , KRISHNA...."
"I repeat why because of the bonds of the boys souls and your brother, Ram's soul
"Look at those  are five flat fellows on the green grass". 
 He adjusted his strong throat.
"The reason why these Karaty kids are being brave as they are blessed".
"How Krishna?"
"We better listen the conversation right Rudra ?"

Grandpa left his blue cycle 🚲 💙 against the 🌳 🌳 🌳 🎋 trees with the boys 
black bikes  and said:

1) The body, 
2) the Performer
3) the senses,
 4) the endeavour and finally 
5) the Supreme Personality of God Head 

 "The gangsters for example, unable to control their material mad minds". 
"Why Grandpa?"
"As they are the servants of their senses". 
"We all are serving our senses Grandpa".
"Yeah!!!!Whereas we are trying to be the masters of the serious senses".
"Aren't we?"

"Certainly Grandpa". 
"Secondly, they were unable to use their intelligence 

because of their animal qualities"

"Pardon Grandpa?" "Lacking the Divine relativity, their souls are out of control 
because they are ignorance of divine..."

"Oh yeah thank you Grandpa!"
"Moreover, better we go because I called the police". 
 "We talk while we walk"
"OK Grandpa" 
"Sure super guys!Be very vigilant in vedas to 
fight against the five serious senses like Sam OK? Right kids??" 
 "Excuse me why Grandpa?"

“In order to control the five senses such as 

1) Seeing, 2) Feeling, 3) Tasting,4)  Hearing and 5) Smelling....

"The first five gracious matters what I said in the first place , need to be 

controlled by the soul to be blissful by pleasing Father".

..."To do that, we must renew 
Our relationship with the soul of the souls in Lord's relationship this is the top 
foremost reason why  we must stick with Vedas " .
"If there is no relationship of the Lordship Grandpa?"

"You would've welcomed the rowdies relationship,yeah 
when there is no friendship of Lordship, 
life is a knife, but double 
sided knife". 

"Hi grandad high five Grandpa!"

" God bless you kids!".

"Take care see you soon sweethearts." 

















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