
"Hello everyone happy?"
"Hi Krishna we're fine !"

"Let's learn the interrupted dialogue of Renuga please krishna "
"Krishna can we hear a modern version of Bhagawad-Gita briefly?"
"If it is  only a matter of a few minutes,  please proceed Peter "
"Sorry Krisna" 

"Now let's get started the dialogue Krishna "

"Three two one ":

"OK is your gardening going on still you do 
your own vegetables gardening I suppose?" 

"Sure...sure...darling you said that you like flowers so this year,we both planted plenty pretty, pretty plants and each time we water them, our eyes' water us in heat warming water such an emotional pretty poems growing in our gardens of golden roses rose regulaly". 
"As a matter of fact,  Renuga regularly thinks of his tender garden and its inspiring fragrance flowers blooming beautifully which made her life distict and  difference "

"We understand Krishna it was when she  stayed in London during her heart breaking treatment Krishna "
"Sure so she straight away interested to know about his charming garden with clourful pretty flowers standing like temporary reminding us the charming life with unbelievable beauty of our shortest life  Krishna "
"Sure ...!!!Suuuuuu... let's learn from their own conversation "
"Your  face  memories are always on our  eyes darling !Loves and relationships 💕 will not be separated by bodily separation Renuga".
Her Uncle suddenly stopped,  unable to talk and straightaway walked away, passing the phone to her Aunt who was already listening her velvety voice .
"Why was it  Krisna?"  

" Particularly triggered by watching a similar situation in a Vedic video which echoes her hospital horror painfully which truned them to began to  chant the glorious Maha Mantra till today"
"Could we watch it Krishna?"
"Sure by the way, her western uncle was a kind of alcohol influential sweet hearts 💕 better don't watch it"
"No problem Pamitta in this Kali-Yuga we never know who is alcoholic and who is divinic because alcoholics become yogic and brhamanical become alcoholics Krishna!!!"

"Alright delighted decent students play it please Mary"

"No choice choice they  were in an  emotional state krishna!!!
We...we........couldn't stop wiping out our sorrowful waterfall from our emotional sacred souls 's eyes Krishna".
"Sure ...Suuuuu  backup!"
"Hi darling !
...We feel all alone and longed to see you again   ever since you left us, the house .It seems empty ... empty like our hearts honey".
Renuga forced a laughing with loads of difficulties 
"Your sound of smiles are always echoing,echoing and echoing every where in our house".
Renuga moved and she was mopping her welling warm 💧 pretty pink pearls.
"Whenever we talk about you, papa would be watching your pretty picture as he was talking to you imaging ...
There was a sudden pause as she was unable to talk wordlessly.
Then she carried on with lots of difficulties.

."He has been arranging his suitcases since one year to pay a visit to see you darling".
Another unexpected pathetic pause from both sides of the telephones.
..."Rest of the time he would be taking care of your fabulous flowers and seeing you in each of the flower can you imagine and even  talking to them lovingly" 
Renuga was ruby reddened not because of angry but cause hungry to see them.
"ha...ha...enjoying their fragrance forgetting me who supplies water to the garden   plants honey its me often support him".
"So sensational Krishna  !"
"True Krisna" 
"Suuuu listen guys ?"

"Ha...ha...Now a days he has been doing gymnastic to be more and more fit and quickly come and play with your future children  for fun as he did here, chasing behind you"
Her voice was broken down in to  golden powder 
"Each...each time when he talks about you, automatically there would be an illumination light lit on his face as God grace what a ruby relationship such a trace of God's grace ".

There was a long pause/break!Renu could not speak at all... but her marvelous mind memory cells belling beautifully :
She was kept on wiping away her 💧💧💧water falls as they both were the walls in her blood cells, building blocks of confidence and acted like perfect  proves of love of Supreme Lord. Yes although the God is aloof from the material world ,He is the roof of our house of temple boon bodies  !
" I do not trust in the proverb,
Out of sight,out of heart” She thought to herself thoughtfully.

"Hello darling are you alright?".  

"Thank you  I am absolutely amazing ",

That's what she was trying to say.

But...but...but... no word likes to welcome her. She was speechless! 
She was wordless she looks like a goddess!

Her happiest  jingle,ding, dong, bell voice had no choice suddenly blocked in her  throat and caused a divine pain with rejoice in her every single cell of her boiling-blood cells which hurt her happily.
Her nice voice had no choice it stopped! Even though it knows it was not wise of interrupting  her happy telephonic conversations ,all stopped totally .
"Honey ... honey! What happen dear?"
I sense you are in emotion..."She nodded her head ,but  they did not 
see her welling 💧 💧 water fall!" 
hurting nodding! Her  happy heart, hurts sweetly silently and  emotionally but lovely .
"Did she know that her father's parents were planning to do a miraculous thing to her?"
She was kept on wiping her ❤ 🤍 💙 🧡 heart heated tears so ,so sweetly.
"Wasn't she borrowing jewels and ended up losing everything with James , her brother,Krishna?"
" Wasn't she was suffering from kidney failure for many years Krishna?"
"Didn't she offer her saving  for a miraculous of Rajeskanna's  reunion with his lost girl friend Krishna?"
"Wasn't she was searching for her lost Dad year after year only to see him before her departure from this world Krishna?"
"What a wonderful world! What a cheerful day was today students!!?"
The  warming banana yellow divined rays radiating Renuga's ruby road!
She suddenly  reminded how quickly he understood the father hood of God,  brother hood of humans and the mother hood of material nature 's managements 
"Knowing... knowing this  is ,is called enlightenment Krishna?".
"How dose she recognise it Krishna?"
"Yeah he is a western Krishna!"
"Even the   Eastern find it difficult to realise the reality of supreme personality Krishna "
"Because her uncle   said  the briefest Bhagawad-Gita to her in a matter of minutes while she was in the hospital as he heard that   it is the right time; it was  the  right place and it was the  right person . 
"Could we hear it Krishna please?"
"Why we often waste our times in such videos Krishna?!!!".
Because Mr K Soul's brother challenged with him"
"Challenged with whom  Krishna?"
"Our tutor Krishna?"
"What kind of unkind brother  he would be Krisna ?"
"Sure  it's the cutest coincident not an accident such a  great incident  great hearts💕".
"We wonder why his own brother challenged with  our tutor Krishna ".

"As he had been transformed "
 "You mean changed from Hinduism to Christian Krishna?"
.Sure !More over it's not an ordinary  Christianity but extraordinary no one heard of it ...ha...ha.."
"What kind of challenge Krishna please?"
"As we all know,  there are five different sectarians in Hinduism, there are over five different classes of Christians as well "
"We saw only one CHRISTINA "
"HA...HA....sure only One God ,but He  represents in different distinct divines as there are different continents due to the different locations; different peopls and different colours ".
"We wonder  !How did he change the religion Krishna ?"
"Through his wife's brother  he had been converted Renuga"
Oh  goodness own biological brother  Krishna?"
"Correct.! He is on his holiday now in Srilanka  "
"Was he a priest krishna ?"
"His wife 's brother who became father how come Krishna?"
"Certainly "
" Wait a minute Krishna !!?"
"Was he a Srilankan priest  Krishna?"
"Absolutely kids "
"Was .,,was...his...his  wife's brother was hospitalised Krishna?"
"Undoubtedly Sarah "
"He  passed away  krishna "
Absolutely nevertheless Mr  K SOUL'S brother was 
 challenging with our tutor that he does not  care of Krishna ,but cares of Jusus .
"Was it is because lord jeusis allows us  meat eating Krishna?"
"Who knows who is who  ...
Further...further he challenged in  saying there is no question of evolution I mean rebirth"
"Oh goodness what a mysterious  world Krishna!"
 "Ha..ha...!!!...He says it's by chance we  Just simply becoming as humans and no existence of after birth ; no existence of  before birth ...."
"So sweet of him Krishna what a wonderful world if we have only birth, we would  be grateful rishna "
"Sure it would be amazing if we don't have this complication of after birth Krishna!!?" 
"Yeah for him it's a matter of only birth on this earth then we take the birth in God's earth "
"We would like to joint in his secterian Krishna "
"I too was convinced by his priest like my  cousins did but " 
"What Krishna?"
"When we return from our  tour , the priest passed away in heart attack "
"Oh my God are you serious Krishna?"
"Today Mr Soul's  brother and his family have gone for his funeral "
"What ? What is the warranty that he ,the priest has been settled in supreme abode Krishna?
"I have no clue I have only one guarantee of the priest ,but once he doesn't exist no more ,I have no idea "
"This is ridiculous Krishna talk about Renuga Krishna" 
"Alright her uncle was  telling the Veda as the worrentee and guarantee of free from  the birth by hearing the  dialogue of Krishna and Arjuna.
"Could we go a head krishna ?"
"Three two ...please open the green viel "
"Fantastic Krishna stunning torch Krishna !"
"Back up Krishna time rollup Krishna?" 
"However, seeing her saddened shower,  the greatest grey clouds clouded and there was a sweet shower of pleasant rose water💧 💧 💧 💧 💧 💧 💧 💧  🚿  💦 of the nicest Mother  Nature... 

"What a wow ! What a Super Nature ! Wasn't it a Supreme pleasure to  Rnuga Krisna?"
"By the way, who are the three maintenance deities dealing the main administration Krishna?"

"1) Visnu
2) Brahma 
3) Shiva Why Rudra?"
"We are going to protest against them".
... What's went wrong to Mr K Soul's brother to be against Bhagawad-Gita Krishna?"

"As he was triggered by the wording in the Bhagawad-Gita Chapter five
:" The steadily devoted soul attains unadulterated peace because he offers the result of all activities to Me whereas a person who is not in union with the Divine, who is greedy for the fruits of his labor, becomes entangled "
"Brilliant we don't need to be described Krishna "

"Yeah overall , Lord said to Arjuna," do your duty remembering Me result may be whatsoever whatsoever"

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees so for Mr K.Soul's brother, game over Krishna"
"Krishna who is richer his brother ?"
"Ha...ha...Good joke  better we backup great hearts "

" No wonder we wonder why on earth the unknowable, Lord Krishna who has no beginning; no ending .In addition, He is an unborn and Unbelievably eternal One".
"What you are trying to say Rudra?"..

 "Still  He likes  to see the tears of Marina and Renuga. Why didn't He use His Will to please them up Krishna? ".
"What  ?"
"Rudra is correct  when we saw Miss Marina and  spoken to her,  which really  revealed her unbelievable knowledge and her heartbroken 💔 passage Krishna".
"Like  the filthy  rain  flood flows up to the original ocean, by over coming every obstacle in the terrible journey ,Marina and Renuga travelling successfully to their goals Krishna." 
"Brilliant !!!".
"Still I did  not finish! Wasn't the Lord was  teasing Rata for fun or was attempting to provoke her  and test her and hug her for pleasure Krishna?" .

"Hum...Hum...He loves loyalty, sincerity 💘  as an expression of purity in Divine devotion " 
1) So krishna,  Visnu is responsible of conservation;
 2)  Brahma is responsible of creation.
3) Shiva responsible of destroying and
"What Lord  responsible about krishna apart   from enjoying while we are  crying ?"

"Ha...ha... correct,Lord Krishna 🙏 is responsible of the total. He can do the three administration".

 "Can anyone attack Him by any means, words?
Or...  or by swords or any five elements Krishna ?"

"Ha...ha...Swami Vivekanada said that we all are within Him."
1) Needn't to say the cup is Him 🍵 
2) The tea is Him ☕ and the 
3) people are Him .

"He is the cause of all causes of the unique universe ✨ unquestionably krishna". 
" Correct Christina!". 
"This world is a shadow of the Real Royal  Realm of the  divine world".
"You made a mistake Krisna ".
 "What was it Rudra?".
"Widow doesn't mean world it's mean a woman whose husband has died and she is not remarried".
"Ha...ha...he has mistaken Krisna “
"Yeah!We are talking about shadow he  doesn't talk of a widow"
"Please go a head Sam"
This is a temporary  story similar to  our bodies which are temporary Krishna.

 "However ...however....however... our bodies are the best boats of rescue from the tragedy and take us to the real realm where we live younger for ever; no rebirth means no death, no old age and no disease etc...Krishna???
 "Correct Liberation "
"Exactly ...excellent ...effort 👏👍👌."
"Listen Ruby , Renuga  became the sweetest soul who understands the soul who never ever disappears and ever ,ever reappears ? !"
"What does it mean Krishna?"
"Man must utilise all his physical , mental, intellectual, moral and material endowments that has been granted to us , for the goal of enlightenment not only for the  entertainment of up keep of body"

"Oh that's what these girls are doing Krishna?".

"How?" Again like the heavenly flooding water, watering the entire living entities, turning dirty by   cleansing the earth as  its duty on Nature's request and purifying itself like  its own duty  as a  qualification to  return Tiket ".

"Does it similar  to our Science of Self-Realisation Krishna?"
"Yes, the purification process called the science of Self-Realisation"
 Does it returning to the ocean is an example of our  goal of  soul study?".

"Brilliant!!! Hope we all got it as a  simple slice of bread 
and butter!!! Ha...ha...ha...ha...ha...ha...ha... 👏👌🙌!!!"

"Shall we carry on the narration Krishna?"
"Yeeeeeeeeeeeees thanks 😊!!!".

"MeanwhileRenuga's white dog watching her worriedly , shouting slightly to her 
father's  parents , thinking it was them who caused 
tears on her.He warned them up and walked up and down


The dog was trying to calm her down , rounding and 
rounding around her  and then surrounded her feet by touching and attaching  her furry skin on her by wagging,wagging and wagging. 

She was moved compassionately ; it was impossible to hide her 
emotional feelings like the golden sun rays couldn't be hidden Krishna "

"Definitely Durga the sun reappeared in angry with the grey 
clouds.It  cannot  be hidden more than a little 
moment under the crazy grey clouds  . 
Her marvelous mouth went dry; she felt as though she wanted to cry...just for joyous joy yeah!"

"She has been following Bakthi -Yoya in other words ,Krishna Consciousness and released from her unconsciousness grace of her greatly gracious  associations dosen't she Krisna ?"

"Sure !She was honestly, emotional and her heart broken ,reminding the way how  she had been treated by them just like a princess while she was in London"
"We don't catch up Krishna "
"Oh God!!! following her kidney transplantation Sudah do not interrupt  Krishna please "
"Her eyes were swimming in the  tears tenderly and she had been wiping ,wiping and wiping in her bare hands."

"Then krishna ?"

"Her..her nose began to run and run was there to give her a tissue 
or understand her pathetical issue, she was glancing 
everywhere then had found a used pink tissue she had brought from London."

"That would have  made her more and more emotion because she didn't want to throw it and keeping it as a memory or souvenirs/a thing kept as a reminder of a person Krishna!!!"

"Correct !Wow ! When she was in London, her  Aunt gave it in a full packet  .
"So compassionate we appreciate Krishna "

"In addition, she was wearing London clothes which they bought to her just to keep them remembering.
"Really Krishna?"
"Suddenly for her astonishment dad was on line!
"Dad....Dad...Dad are you...  are you coming?" 
There was a pause I miss your guiding hands   ; I miss your laughter Dad , your 
smell ,your hug, your jokes, your voice ? ",
And then she began  crying!"

"You told me, "never ever  to cry... 
 "How Dad? "How can I tell you how many times I've cried since the day I had been separated from you Dad 💔😔?"

She asked to herself. 

"Wasn't it  glamorous Krishna?".

 "She was unable to understand the unexpected and unimaginable thing 
going to happen appreciably Krishna "

"Correct !was a crucial  circumstance out of all circumstances in her life Krisna "
"Sure. Sooner she realized again that,her  throat  was  beautifully blocked again and again in her tremendous nice neck.

 "Her  heart would be weeping in  searching for her dynamic Dad Krishna "

"Exacly! wonder... he was someone originally exceptional."

Suddenly She recalled the happiest hospital life for 
moment :

 Pursuing/following  a successful  
surgery by brilliant British doctors, could any 
one have easily forgotten this kind of golden moments of the moments? "

"She was speaking to herself Krishna?"

"Yeah Such a Dad had been forbidden  to be seen many years by her maternal 
family. Wasn't it an mischievous act Krishna?"
"It was indeed an intolerable act Krishna  ".

Then she automatically thought of the hospital treatment:

"It was on Sunday, as soon as she had awoken from the surgery bed 
in the operation theater,finishing supremely successful surgery, she wanted to thank to her best  Dad first ...but ...but...but... for her regrettable surprise, he was still in bed who offered his prestigious kidney to his lost daughter since many,many years.

"Could we imagine how she would be feeling and fearing?"
 "No Krishna not at all Krisna" 
"Her Divined dad was unconscious whereas she was conscious."She began to call her SOVEREIGN
"Who Krishna?"
 "An ordinary  King or Queen  who is the Supreme Ruler"She called her Supreme King of the 🤴 🤴 🤴 🤴 🤴 🤴 🤴 🤴 🤴 🤴 🤴 🤴 🤴 🤴 🤴 🤴 🤴 🤴 Kings!

The Originator!!!!His snow white bed was 
just next to her, pretty pink  bed  just beside to his bed .


She suddenly burst in to tears ; she kissed him several times by monitoring his heart beats,  rate ,but her heart beats were increasing higher and higher.

Then she took her rosary felt his breathing in touching his nice nose by her flowery fingers out of panic and  curiosity. 

Mouthful of Maha Mandra... 

Unexpectedly Sam appeared .He was behind the 
two magnetic and heroic souls thoughtfully watching the unbelievable and  unbearable even extremely intolerable event of the events!

He was smilingly thanking to the doctors and the owner of their souls provider ,Divine Doctor .

However, his eyes were swimming in stupendous rose-water .
" there is no fears!.... wipe away your tears Renuga",

he requested Renuga without  
bothering  his own tears.

That made her to think of an incident in the  flight by thanking to him respectfully...

Oh goodness! It was awesome when they both 
were in the fantastic  flight, which was playing hide and seek within the milk white clouds.
They both were seated next to next for several hours which was a kind of delightful moment.

Such a  remarkable  incident was ,when they 
both traveled ,she noticed water 💧😅dripping from Sam's eyes even though he was  indeep asleep,holding a journal in his handsome hands...

She  affectionately wiped away his tears 
regrettably and emotionally. 

But she found it was a bit strange because she could not wipe it away in one go . 

She kept on wiping his silvery tears sisterly or motherly...unbelievable!

"Without doubt, it was lovely scene of a 
sympathetic poem of the poems in the whole realm Krishna!??"

"Some of the passengers eyes were  pretty poetic  they emotionally watching her adorable actions.
"Sorry Krishna?"
"In fact,  she had promised to Marina  that she would be taking  care of him .Obviously she was taking care of him .She was a mother."
"OH my God incredibly impossibe to   imagine Krishna "
"Suddenly she hooked by his news paper as it was unconsciously dropped  down from his hand on the seat" .
"Why was it Krishna?"
"Seeing an amazing article ,she was stunned for a while!"
"Oh really Krishna what was it ...what it would be Krisna ?"
"She took it and looked at him again seriously...whilst he was sleeping like a baby boy leaving the toy from his hand ,put a sweetest smile on the youngest mother's Lilly  lips lovingly."

"She started reading curiously and enthusiastically.
Her curiosity increased"
"Krishna !What would it be ?"
 "Because ...because it was an impressively impressive subject matter. Which was the object matter of Renuga "
"In what respect   Krishna Anna?"
 "Actually  she was  doubting like everyone else unknowing about the soul story even-though she knows it is an undoubted glory following the points evidence,explanations and his point of views like a professor by taking the  history from the Lord's words of the Bhagawadgita. 
"It's true Krishna....
the Krishna Science is a mystery Krishna "
"Besides, from time to time  she could not stop  confusing about the approval and appreciation of the sacred soul so, so seriously " .
" Why Krisna ?"
"What was it Krishna?"

"She often thinks,how it would be possible for the soul to survive in spite of the body destroyed".
"Definitely Krishna !"
 "Especially in the event of ching fire or harmed by dangerous and poisonous war weapons Krishna ?".
"What was her reaction Krishna ?" 
"Her  softy, sapphire, elegant eyes were in pleasure by reading the miraculous article.

"What was it Krishna?"
"Yes Krisna what was read Krishna?"

"It was all about strange  new organism discovered"
"What was it Krishna?"
Scientists at the university of  ,Germany,have dis
covered an interesting microbe on the volcanic 
ocean floor North of Ice Land.
It thrives only in scalding-hot,oxgen -free water that is rich in sulphur :

Notes ,The New magazine “Der Spiegel” scientists at
The bacteria owe their name ,much bigger organism.

Namedlgnicoccus ,or fire be Or fire ball,on which they 
seems to depend for growth  with a diameter of just 400 nanometer ,the microbes are so small that,according to the report,Over six million would it on the point of a needle.” They are also unique in theat their DNA does not even contains 5000,000 base pairs.
Thus the primitive dwarf  is the creature with the smallest  known genome,says Derspiegel” ,

Renuga was amazed !!Wow? How??

 Any way, now she was crystal clear of her cruel condition of doubting theDivine 's words.
Seeing the living organism within the volcano,she was amazed jaw dropping; the soul cannot be destroyed because out of five 
elements  any kind of  elements can be destroyed by volcano 🌋

the melting point .As long as  the living organism surviving,the soul cannot
 be destroyed as Lord Krishna declared 5000 years 
in Kurusedra in Bhagawad-Gita ,that the soul never ever disappears and ever ever reappears.

"Unexpectedly she noticed his mobile was on the floor...she did off  it immediately!Then she read another amazing article "
"What was it Krishna?"

" Wasn’t it a miracle Krishna?"
"Sure !She could not believe her eyes .
The five years old Scottish  baby boy was 
talking to his mum  about his previous life!" 
"Amazing article Krishna????" 

"Definetly it was .Asking her to take him to his previous mother in 
explaining every little details of his house and area even the time place of his dead day and the cause of his dead."
"Finally Krishna?"
"He was taken to that particular house by a professor who was an expert in that kind of research.In addition,he has got over 2500 files who have been claiming about their previous lives memories."

"Ever since ,she considers Sam's words are the genuinely genius and 100% worthy words and  distinctively  Divine Facts because whatever he speaks ,spoke by the Divine Krishna?". 

"You are right !She eventually remembered what Sam was talking about the stars."

"He said that the stars are not suns as the material scientists had predicted,but they are the moons the twinkle stars are twinkling moons.
Out of them the moons are the more glowing satellites.It is Supreme science facts.No one takes in to consideration as the people think the old is not gold."

"Krisna! Grace of it,  the scientists had set up  some artificial satellites to activate the technology. All are kind of  intellectual  cosmology mimicry as the divine in every one and separated from every one?" 

"So if we are intelligence, we  wouldn't be claiming proprietorship Krishna?"
"Certainly like Mr K.Soul on contrary, his husband has been worrying only considering the proprietorship proprietorship and keep on hurting his siblings sincerity, purity and duty.
"No wonder, no one cannot understands the relationship of the Lordship the reason why, they refused to worship Krishna "
"As a consequence, ignorance are travelling in a hardship and thinking that they are traveling in a golden-ship."

Actually all are travelling in boat bombarded with heavy winds and waves Krishna "
"No way,it is a way of circulation round and round  life cycle but the danger is what body going to be given by the free Will ?Anybody cares? This is the tragedy for everybody Krishna".
"Free Will dose it mean Nasty Nature Krishna?
"Absolutely we bring the nature Will to Divine Will".
"How we will Krishna?". 
"By realising the multiplicity to unity ".
"What Krishna?"
"Not even a blade of grass will not move or vibrates without Daddy's Will this is the pretty purpose of people in this world.Man manifested by him; Man  created for Him and man made from Him".
 "Then why we are against Him Krishna like his brother?".
"We can conclude that we have a long way to travel".
"I didn't mind to travel on Papa's path ."
"No did  we Krishna ?".

"We moved in to compassion while witnessing worried Marina's broken heart Krisna"
"Can we understand the cosmology Krishna? "
"After all, a four degree holder ,person agreed she knows  only four percent 
of technology of the tremendous cosmology" .

"She gazed at him faithfully for her astonishment, still he was  in deep sleep Krishna?!"

"Unexpectedly she came back to her reality!Reminding how her father said a sound "Hi!" to Smiling Sam and a heavenly 💕 hand hold as a hug to  Renuga!!!"
 "What a wonderful day hearing her father's parents voices!.
She was feeling to beloved by the beloved  parents of her paternal and maternal including her Hero's Grandpa, his name is Rama Krishna on which the  RAMA KRISNA  Mission was established.
French grandpa finally  financially well off as his pension fund has been transferred to his account. 
In fact, Rama Krishna is Vivekanada's guru.
Smiling Renuga thought of the way Rajeskanna's french grandpa had jumped onto his running red bike beautifully !!!!
 It was incredible.Once there was a dance 💃 
competition in the muddy water.All fell flat, but grandpa carried on dancing successfully. 

"Could we watch a resemblance video ?" 
"Yeah that what we have been asking from the beginning sir".
Danda ... dang!!!
"He was someone so super and sweet man"
"Certainly Christina ".

French Grandpa especially his grand daughter and grand son were his godly 

Like the video we watched,  french grandad wears white and white with a  folded fantastically coloured bordered muffler as a complement /the thing that complete or improve  the traditional dress. 
Sooner she hung up the hand set, she smiled again in remembering another incident in the was  
It was when she had  refused to eat the carrots  curry, Sam advised her,

"Eat it... to eat it!"... He was saying it seriously without smiling.
She replied politely with a slightest smile ,
" I am sorry Sam .... unfortunately I do not appreciate it's taste and the smell or the flavor of the carrots "
As a response,he said, 
 "It's  fabulously fantastic for the eyes you cannot eat only what you like to eat, but in order  to maintain a healthy,happy life,balanced diet and healthy blood are the golden keys, we are what we eat we have to eat what we have to ....not what we like to OK!"
"Renuga glanced at him whether he was that serious...he looked amazing running his fingers through his shiny hair which often end up troubling him by falling on his front head that's often dancing, but decently.

 "Have you ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses?"
"Have you Renuga?"

She was shaking her head astonishingly.
That had put a sweetest smile on the  passengers faces
Factually, some of the passengers had been amused by seeing the sweetly strange couple.Because  their activities were  adorable absolutely admirable ...

Renuga remarking the pretty passengers ,smilingly she had eaten the entire carrots slowly !.
 "I am sorry I promised your family members that I will take  care of you"
"I feel sincerely sorry Sam Anna what happened for the jewels we will refund you, but in the event I don't return" ...
"Please complete your meal God bless you" 
After a beautiful smile , thinking of her journey to London, she was energised she looked heroic and certainly a lot of romantic remembering her fiance, Rajesh.She loves him a lot including his heavenly name .
To her amazement, automatically she started to dance delightedly, what dance it could have been called a delight dance or Divined Dance.!!!!

She always loves to dance, but there was no chance! No chance at all. Although she had  learnt dancing,no much practice had been taken due to the health condition. 
The Parathanaddiyam that  she learned was something very traditional even devotional  and extremely
 inspirational .Most importantly spiritual and original originated from 
"Paratha Nadu".

It was named after a Devotionally dynamic King who had to ruled India, was called Parath. 

Accordingly,one of the main scriptures called Maga Paratham which contains the heavenly history . 

"Today since no one was at home,she was so free like the fresh air." 

What  a fairy feeling whilst the breezes beautifully dancing in her silky dress , pink  and  white colours blouse.

"The  beautiful blossoming flowers  trees graciously dancing feeling her senses .  

"Are you kidding Krishna?"


The Super Nature supervising her  . She was freshly free to do dance today. 

Her Mum and brother  phoned that they are going to be delayed . 

She was thinking of her friend Marina in this marvelous moment  .'

Oh goodness!For her astonishment,Marina called and told her that she is on the way home!!!.

"What is happening today!"
What a Supreme surprise!!! 

Hare Krishna

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