"Helloooooooooo Krishna !"

"Hi guy seem super glade!"

"We are pretty excited of following up the rest of the story  Krishna "

"How does Marina look like rishna?"

"She feels happy and also unhappy simultaneously ,hearing the new news of agony" .

"What does mean agny Krishna?"
" Agny or AGONY Krrishna Agny means fire?"

"Agony means distress or deepest pain  Krishna?". 
"Correct Christina you are pretty perfect student dear it’s the  object matter of Hare Krishna association" 
"Krishna! We learned the subject matter of the  persons who are learned in Vedas,"
"What's  it called Krishna?"
"Isn't it Om-Kara Krishna ?"

"Yeah  syllable πŸ•‰ although BRAMAN (KRISHNA)is One without a second, Krishna has various manifestations doesn'tHe Krishna??
"For instance krisna?"
"Is it like His  many  incarnations Krishna?"
"Excelent !it's especially for the impersonalists such as Hindus their concept is the Power not papa do not even think that how there would be smoke without fire .
"So they totally reject Krishna?"
"Not totally but partially "
"like the Canadian guy Krishna?"

"So that's means we all have to come back only to chew the chewed gum as long as we are behind the impersonalism such as Sadguru rather than Chatania Maha prabhu?" 

"Yes...yes...yes...He is the one  who recommended us the Maha Mandra of Hare Krishna instead    πŸ•‰ Mantra to be liberated?"
"When was it Krishna?"
"500 years back I'm right Krishna?"
"Is it because in Kali-Yuga there is no nice institution to be educated in order to be liberated by emerging with Bramha-Jothy( effulgence Krishna?"
"Cutest answer Meera who would welcome a celibacy life style  in this crazy world where people are being nearly clothless girls in one hand and  glasses in other hand kids?"
"How they manage the bank balance Krishna?"
"They need another extra hand of Krishna consciousness?"
"Krishna ,the Aksara, or OM-Kara -the syllable* OM* is identical with Brahman Krishna?. 
"Unmistakaly Lord Krishna here explains the impersonal Brahman, into which the renounced order of sages enter which is also Krishna...
 I mean Father's Fabulous Feature . "

"Oh the impersonalists who utter OM-kara get liberated Krishna and emerging into the  Brahman Yothy Krishna which is derived I mean  (effulgence  ) derive from  Lord Krishna??"

"Yes....yes....attention.,,,,attention...attention the persons who are great sages in renounced order, enter in to Brahman Yothy without form still It is Lord Krishna?"

"Why Krishna it does not make sense so we become an  element of God Brahman or Brahma Yothy?

2) Paraprahman and
3) Paramatman equals Bhagawan Sri Krishna ha...ha... "

"Why Krishna why we are in the riddle of ridiculous ocean of Originator ?"

"Dont be scared in our tuition class we will take you all to the first class ?"
"Yes Krisna! Its sounds like having  the smart phone ,but  worrying lack of WiFi?"
"Ha...ha...give me a Hi Five Sam"

 "  What is the point of living like a stone after liberated from the birth cycle we need the best boon Krishna "
"What is the point of having the whole world while ignoring the soul?"
Lord Jesus asked  alarmingly  Krishna. 
" What kind of  life you recommend Sarah?"
" Desiring  younger for ever like our father Lord Krishna or like the saints who learned and know Krisna who is  the Vedas Himself and get out of the life cycle by being celibacy (unmarried)"
"As simple as that students but...but...unfortunately in this  ,Godless,thankless world of  unconsciousness how it would be possible unless chanting the Maha Mantra?"
 Sure Krishna it's a terrible world of alcohol control, who cares the sacred soul control?"
"Who can realise the sacred class while we are educating ourselves with glasses from the university Krishna?" 
"where is the posibility of realizing the supreme Personality to be liberated Krishna "
"Chanting the Maha Mantra great hearts πŸ’• !"
Krisna I love  impersonalism instead of suffering in serious socialism or spiritualism  "
"Good!!! That is called Hinduism perfect Hindusim we don't need to have machine of magnesium sorry magnetism machine of  Maha Mantra  Krishna"
" So you prefer simply vibrate OM-KARA Mantra  Siva?"
"Yes Krisna!" 
"Oh remember to remember desiring such perfection, one practice celibacy "
"What else  Krishna?????".
"Learning the Vedas"
"But Sat gurus do not bother of books reading Krishna including Gita " 

" I shall now briefly explain to you this process by which one may attain salvation ,Krishna said to Arjuna "
"But first explain us in a simple way with simple samples Krishna "
"Krishna  why don't you tell an example?"

"Good idea I was walking towards my back garden or back yard after meeting Mr K.Soul. Suddenly there were  a few dogs accompanied with lonely neighbour"
"Mr K.soul moved emotionally graciously  gave him a Gita , while decently describing him the Braman how He shares His sacred  sprit throughout the entire living enties including the dogs."
"As long as we are being attracted by dogs unlimitedly  instead of having the Real Attraction with Krishna society at least occasionally  ,we will obviously be distracted from the Father naturally and automatically detached from the human kingdom and attached by the anima kingdom I mean  the dog society who cannot understand the reality of human duty"
"The gentleman seems smiling and eager  to hear further with his great  gesture" 

"Still...still we don't care what clothes going to cover up as our follow up  Sacred Soul's future  residence of transmigration as which is not subjet to decay not subjet to decline and not subjet to death in the future apart from the nature  "
"The elderly equally explaining science enthusiastically in appreciating his approach compassionately watching at the brand new book reading  loudely the title to make sure of his eye sight because of age stage "

"We all know that we will pass away and also at least some of us  know that we will return  upon our departure "
"Then Our tutor approached him friendly and told him :
Do you know that  you are a sacred soul undoughtedly did  lots of punniyas( pious )to have this bridge of blessing in your hand ?
Just try to read it at least a couple of paragraphs per day ha...ha..."

"The gentle man was wordless thinking of his own life style a kind of Godless nature with his shining eyes of eagerness. He was vegiterian, cooking non  vegetarian meal to his six dogs on dailly basis   "
"How does he do Krishna?"
"Ha... ha....ha...believe it not, even if we were in the position of the gentle man ,we would have appreciated Mr K.Soul Krishna?"
"Ha....ha...!Then he explained him the scripture briefly and encouraged him not to ignore  the lecture which is the blessing boat of lord’s treasure "
"This is how some are with impersonalism ; some are with the personalism and  some are at darkness Krishna?" 
Chapter 8, Text 11"
"Lord krisna recommended to Arjuna the practice of SAT-CAKRA -YOGA in which one places the air of life between the eyebrows." 
"Oh my God ! It wouldn't be possible in this Kali-Yuga Krishna!"
"Let me explain the remain :
"The Brahman although one without a second has various manifestations and features Especially for the impersonalists".  
"What Krishna?"
The Brahman although one without a second has various manifestations and features Especially for the impersonalists".  
"Oh goodness are you talking  about the signboard topic sign OM-KARA Krishna?"
I'm not Lord Krishna!!!
"Aks-kara or πŸ•‰ kara the sylable πŸ•‰ is identical with Brahman. The pot, the mud and the potter is Brahman "
Brahman is ... is Krishna ?"
"However,  Krishna here explains the impersonal Brahman into which the renounced order of sages enter."
"Important information impossible to ignore Krishna!??"

"Absolutely !In the  Veda's verdic system of knowledge, students from the very beginning are taught to vibrate and learn of the ultimate impersonal Brahman by living with the spiritual master 
"at the moment such brahmachari (unmarried celibate)"
"Is that  life is  possible in this terrible  social construction Krishna ?"
"Certainly Krishna said that  life is not possible the social construction of world's changed great hearts πŸ’• "
"Ohhhhhhhh Goodness so the simplest sacred remedy of this tragedy is Hare Krishna Maha Mantra Krishna?"
"Yes that is our Mission message which we are ignoring Krishna"

"Surely !Thanks Rata!"
"How come there are only nearly 2500 people remembering their past lives not us?"
 "Remembering our past Life,is a knife πŸ”ͺ and nasty nightmare of Nasty Nature!".

Inspite of finding  inspiring evidences including Jesus had 
incarnated after three days of his dead body had been buried still some people 
saying there was no question of life after death Krishna!".
Ha...ha...!It is Human Rights, but whether it is right or wrong, decided by Vedas Words at the end" 
"If we deny Vedas words Krishna?"

"We are fool number one trying to live in a house without a roof ".

"We will be paying the the charges not like penalty 
charges of the vehicle ,but perfectly penalised Krishna  ".
"Why are you threatening and frightening us Krishna?"

"Would we return to the beginning of EVOLUTION ?"

"Sorry Krishna! WHAT IS IT?"


"THEN Krishna "
"Thanks Prabhu!"
Welcome let's get together for our Original Mission OK?"
"Yes Krisna".
"Marina was worried her herat pumped loudly  ,calling Sam in the air and said,
"I am prepared to live as a single individual in your mighty miraculous memories in the event of any object opposing our original  bond of fond  like Buddah’swife krishna ".
" All of a sudden , Marina mesmerised... she commences picturing Smiling Sam as Lord Krishna"

"How krishna how ?
Are...are you kidding Krishna?"
"Video version students?"
"Yes please Krisna !"

After a few minutes thought of Smiling Sam, 
"Her tummy was shaking repeatedly" .
"Why Krishna was she running Marathan?"
"Stop being stupid Rudra!" 
"Today she would not believe that her mind keep thinking many things of her princes isn't she Krishna?"

"Sure ! Simultaneously her mind deeply remembering of her brother 
who was an inspirational roll model of her exceptional achievement."
"True krishna we have the proof krishna "
 "He was the one who had  been encouraging her to re-continue her medical study and financially supported Krishna "

"True ! Then she remembered what Sam said to her while walking 
"What was it Krishna?"
"Marina ! Tou know what your brother had told me?"
 "No Sam what was it Sam?"
"That...that he remembers you as he is your present biological brother and in addition, his Dad told that he started talking of you from his eleventh month and the more he aged the more he detailed about you?"
"What a thrilling story Krishna?"
"She exclaimed !After a while, she stood in the university ; without doubt,all  of the students were presented with their parents,Grandparents, relations or at least friends.

But… But!.. But... Marina was all alone.
All alone with some emotion ,thinking of her parents...
"Why Krishna?"
"Her hurtful curious question was, "where they had gone?"
Unexpectedly her self conscience asked her.

"Seriously, Krishna? "

"Yes hence , since a few days,her mother was not verywell. She felt so,so sorry  and 
she was worried for her. ..."

"Marina's Mom could not accompany her Krishna?
 Of course we know that her  Dad ... is in heaven... there is no doubt about it,he was always fond of  her Krishna "
"At this glamorous moment,  she would  wish her Dad was her companion... Krishna  as she would have wished her parents were there ".

"As every one knows,her  Dad was a fantastically, famous father. 
Oh God !what a poor Dad as he was acting like a selfless King?"

" Hence he became poor Krishna?"

" Undoubtedly Just by  helping to the poor people become poor too " "
"Which certainly  reduce the karma by this kinds of  good actions Krishna", 
"Hundred percent Peter "
"Suddenly she was interrupted from her past thought.As  some  of the graduates 
had been making a compassionate departure speeches."

Marina was already suggested to make a little speech by the 
professors. She was so pleased but now reluctant the so,so 
reluctant and kind of panic. All because of Sam.

She needed to be accompanied by affectionate people to be empowered ,but unfortunately that was not the case Krishna.
"Tremendous truth  ! Today apart from the divine rays kept warming her in injecting photons in a moderate intensity to energise her some divinity, no one was there "

"She glanced at every one  and concentrated towards all  directions: North, South,East and West. As an angel searching for her parents."

"God knows how badly she was missing her parents Krishna"
"We feel sympathy on her Krishna "
"Then she was searching for her love bird who saw her a prettiest path and made her bath in real education of devotion". 

"However she is in her  perfect path of human life  both,the supreme path and the material path Krishna".
"Appreciate it Pamitta”
"Where is the  the holy bird has gone leaving me all alone?" 

"Her heart hurts and her heart was bleeding beautifully thinking :

"Where is the Godly bird has gone leaving me alone?".

She was  looking for her partner and her best brother who did her parent's 
responsibilities to achieve her unreachable achievement.

In a blink of an eye, her elegance eyes were in hurtful state, very near to tears…
 "Oh dear?"
"What's wrong Krishna?"
"For some reasons, she was feeling some thing different today.
She felt somehow something miraculous like her hero and her brother were somewhere around there senses to be so close to her honey heart♡"
"It  would be  so so strange to her Krishna?".

"What happens to her  in real Krishna please?"
"Her angelic eyes were fixed in the distance and her 
diamond mind was miles away exactly like the day she first met the smartest Sam 
after a few years of  suffering in separation."
"How it dose she is going to make up her mind Krishna *"
"Luckily, luckily she had some time to wait as there were a few more students to talk before her."
"It's great Krishna let her breath a bit and be relaxed it is shocking situation to her complex and compassionate  circumstances Krishna "
"Surs !She sees not one ray of hope. However,  when she saw the coconut tree full of orange coconuts,  She was obviously thinking of her golden gate way of the Bhagawad-Gita 

Her sun rays of her success after success,she was wiping away her water falls watching the hall.

"Unexpectedly, she remembered one of her hero’s  speeches about the cruel dowry 

"Where is he Krishna?"
"No idea "
"We have to call the media Krishna ha...ha...they have got many ideas"
"Yes her mind was miles away no way" 
"He wouldn’t leave me helplessly at this particular moment What'swrongwith him?"
 "She again saw the orange Gita immediately begins smiling  in the midst of overwhelming sorrow" 
"How Krishna?"
"Yeah ! How Krihsna?"
"We...we see it ,we feel scare Krishna such a big volume of book of Supreme Science ?"
"Joy she enjoyed just reading the back cover of the beautiful orange book πŸ“™ on which what Mahatma Ghandy said:
"When doubt haunt me , when disappointments stare me in the face ,and I see not a Ray of hope in the horizon, I turn to the Bhagawad-Gita and find a verse to comfort me ; and immediately they begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow.Those who Meditate on the Gita will derive fresh joy and new meaning from it every day"
He was a  single handed kind of a kind warrior of wonder words he attacked by words and fought 
formidably  against the powerful dowry worry and prepared to do a battle by 
wonder words mainly with Lord's words! 
An amazing  man his amazing actions were adorably  affectionate like Martin Luther king.
 just wanted to hear his cutest, clink of coin, yes…his laughing lovely sound do a 
supreme sound;it is enough to wake up the whole world.
 "It dose  not matter where had he gone? 

His gladdened glance is a golden patter of rain.
Why should I feel so so  painful to 
join my beautiful bird whilehe is in the words lord krisna?"

"Where he had gone but still shone in Gita?"
"I could not reach him through the phone! Even his 
happy hello is a  dazzling, dripping of pretty pearls;
Oh Lord! My back bone is not hurting without hearing his 
velvet voice but encouraging".

"It’s  a tinkle of diamond bell for each of my blood cell. 
Oh Mummy please tell me why you both did not accompany is it to know the value of Bhagawad-Gita?"

Her mind was gladdened.Within a microsecond,she thought of 
his speech throughout her silver pearly tears just for the pleasure:

"Dear students! As the clouds hidden the rays of sun shine, the good qualities 
of the people hidden by the bad qualities such as dowry. This sort of bad clouds are 
making the acid rains and causing pathetic pains.
Suddenly she saw the clouds of flowers crowded in front 
of her and consoling  her comfortably!!!!!. She felt the 
compassionate clouds had began to cool her down.

Yeah… she felt their tears as a slightest shower on her 
heated body!!!!. She inspired 
and the atmosphere compelled her to be compassionate of her best boy!. 
That made her to feel miss him badly .Thinking about his affectionate actions of 
devotion .

On the other hand, her conscience was shouting :
Sam!!!As your Guru said in Gita, a screw which is connected with a machine is 
valuable because it's working with the whole machine"... 

..."If  the tiniest bit of screw has been unscrewed or removed from 
the machine, it is just a screw like the Divine soul had been removed from the living 

"The body is unconscious sounds like  a dead body!Could you hear my heart ❤ πŸ’“ beats Kriannan?"
 "I am in the state of the tiniest bolt πŸ”©!Please come and rescue me".

Unexpectedly some one of her mates salute her with a 
friendly smile.

She had forced a cat smile!But still her mind was still 
like the ocean during the rainy season inspite of receiving 
the multiple rivers full of waters the ocean is being still.

Her mighty mind was not interrupted she carried on 
thinking where she left,

"Sam! The body remains just a matter no matter who it 
would be. Yeah… it is a matter of fact. It has no 
value... I just want to see you Saaaaam".

"Because you wanted to see me while I 
am obtaining the  degree won't you come wouldn't you hear my heart beats Krisnan?"
"Where are you my serene soul?
Where are you my  prestigious diamond  πŸ’Ž 
My worthiest stone ? "Why you do not pick up the phone?"

She was in a pretty pain and pity panic.

"I feel nil without you Sam fo you I can't stop thinking about you Sam fo you !"

... Again she recalled the left speech of Sam:

This sort of bad clouds making the acid rain for the entire population".

Self trust is the essence of heroism that is the premium 
for a man  who had been offered by the , Supreme Man or Super Soul"...

... Our will with Divine WILL is the ardent and active that will break  a world in to 
pieces to make a stool to sit down on".

"Krishna, what is ARDENT?"
"Very enthusiastic and passionate burning or glowing ,Pamitta 

She was in deed the deepest proudest person  of him. He 
is a man of honour. Her cheeks were turned in to an extraordinary 
colour of an extra ordinary flower!.

Just thinking of his past speeches! Her reddened rosy rose cheeky cheeks were 
seems charming cherish resembled a lotus petals!

She accidentally reminded the way she sent him to the 

"Can any one forgets the way that I had sent him  
 to the hospital?"

 "Even though she adored him,she did not return to the college Krishna!!!!???"

Obviously, he was her saintly security.She sorrowfully  wiped away her tremendous 
tears of  bitterness,  considering, her honey heart has
the profound  God'sconsciousness .


She was sobbing

 "Am I a doctor !! Oh Creator, 

Oh my  amazing Administrator, Oh Goodness dazzling Divine Proprietor... 

Why you do this?"

"Oh Divine director ...! The contractor of all the proprietors...! Have you 

seen our pain?" 

"Finally, I became a material doctor, after lots  of 

dedications in my material education". 

"My goodness! How many,sleepless 

nights Daddy? I was dying daily .

How many iron bridges  I had to cross Daddy? "

"It was like Lord Jesus had been carrying the cross in blood Krishna?"

"Wipe your tears Renuga "
"However,I am all alone!!!"...Lord! Divine Dad!!  What happened?"
She recalled her divine dream :
"Really Krishna?
Yeah! In which Lord Krishna had appeared...still she had a doubt weather it was Lord of the Lords!

The wonder way He appeared He was awesomely phenomenal ;handsomely 
exceptional "
"Whe  was it Krishna ?"
"Where was it  was it  Krisna ?"
"What was ...."

" was ...when she came back from the Air Port after she sent off her heart to London".
"Oh we got it Krishna "
"It was a few years ago.Undoubtedly she was unable to sleep for several days unable to cope with her studies;even unable to eat" .
"So sad for her Krishna "
 "Definetly, Furga !During the time she had a dream of the Supreme:

"What did He tell her Krishna?"

" Dear ! Life is not short. Very,very, very, very long be 
strong this human life is like a dream just like a dress don't be stress just try to  
impress the God which express extraordinary glory".
"At the moment you are in   hardship.Keep renewing our relationship". 
"By the by!Have you seen the weather?"

This was his first question! Undoubtedly, she was numbed !She was wordless!!

Lord carried on:

"Being a material medical student,could you tell me the reason why the Earth moves following the way the clock does?" 

She was a bit confused again!

"Lord  as far as I learned,it is making such as day and night". 

"Changing the four seasons Lord".

"Ha...ha...keep it up!" 
"Assisting the solar and the lunar eclipses or orbitation".

"The  cyclical movements helping the time physics   astrology ,and supporting  

"Why Marina?"

"I think which in turn basically activates  the divined cosmology energies. I mean 
material manifestation".

 " Ha...ha...God girl  !??"

...God fearing good girl.....Do you think like material 
minded men that the materials actions are materially activated or 
transcendentally motivated?"

We have no doubt about your intervention of these engineerings Krishna!"

"Furthermore, these are quite complex and complicated  engineering!  it’s not a question of natural selection  without any God’s connection Krishna".

The Lord was astonished,listening her intelligence talk with her beautiful broken heart golden voice.

"God! Why we are suffering Lord ?"
His Belly Was Shaking 

His Lotus Eyes Were drippings the Warmest Tears 

I wish that each and every individual must be interested 
in inner spirituality to realize their eternal identity darling 

"Otherwise not wise,we have to repeat the cycles of 
births Krishna?"

Oh goodness! The Lord happily hugged and kissed 

 "As soon as He hugged and kissed  her ,she couldn’t hide any thing 

She was extremely honest to Him

Sam told me that if the scientists happened to 
discover the soul; they will certainly claim that there is not a question of Supervisor or Supreme Lord of Divinity here” .

The Lord of the Lords was welcoming her talk tremendously!

Ever since He hugged her, she was wonderfully empowered 
and encouraged enchantingly…

Surely they 
will interpret as an ordinary 
combining of elements such 
as water formula,H2O or an 
Oxygen formula O2 or a 
carbon formula CO2....

... They would end up saying a soul formula following their 

He kissed her again honestly and heart brokenly  

"Did the Lord kiss Marina?"

"Of course, in her dream  Rudra "

"Ha...ha...!Now I understand why Sam didn't invite her 
to the Airport " 

"Why was it Rudra?"
"Because she is a Gopy Krishna!"
"In that case, Sam would be more happier Rudra".

" Ha...ha... are you kidding Rudra?"

"No we are Hindu not French ".

"Ha...ha...could you keep quiet now Rudra?"

"what do you know about Gopies?"
"Ha...ha...Just for fun Krisna"

"Marina was astonished!She felt as she  was a dance professor!

"She started dancing !"

"Did she learn Krishna?"


"Then what kind of dance Krishna?"
As we all know, out of three 
classes of people,Marina has been following the best 
class called the Goodness.
"Ye but there is no connection of dance class or dancer Krishna!"

"Please Please listen there are three classes of dances".
out of the three classes, Marina delightedly and powerfully and 
successfully danced the top most best class of dances whic called πŸ’ƒ πŸ‘, 
Divined dance!!!

"Pardon Krishna?"

"Ha...ha... she was capable of converting the body towards the Soul."
"Wow cutest claimax Krishna !!?"

"Did Marina krishna  ?! 
"Sure she converted her body in to a luminous fluidity 
,surrounding it to the inspiration of the soul".

"Wow…wow…what a vow she has been offered by the Supreme Soul (The Personality Of God Head!) Krishna!"

"After watching her pretty, positive, performance,Lord  was 
“Marina !Actually, you are in  the season of summer. It's a bit better in comparison to other seasons  such as winter". 
"Nonetheless,better to be aware of the danger in the form of pleasures",
"How Marina got the very,  
very valuable Vision of The Supreme Soul 
"Simple,because she knows the most best Mission". 

She  was in  heaven.It was !!!
Experiencing the best  thing anyone  expected to happen.

. .Hare Krishna Continue. ..


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