"Hey Hare Krishna!"

"Hi everyone !"

"Why you look serious Krishna?"

Hi students’ could we see our  …our gracious Guru and pray for peace of our tutor’s mind ”.

“Why krishna what'swrong?”

“He is saddened and refusing to allow me to follow up the remaining episodes  to finalise our auspiciously  missing Mission to the maddened  world in materials  ”

“It’s part of our responsibilities Krisna please proceed Krisna”

"What are these fragrance flowers signify Krishna?" 

"Oh Mr   and Mrs  .Soul Nava have been welcomed" 

"At ... at the airport in London Krishna?"

" From...from Srilanka Krishna?"

"  their children in London Krishna?"

"Yeah...after their long term Holy days of DEVOTIONAL SERVICE BASED ON CHARITY and they took them home in their Mercedes-Benz of silver colour stunningly and honorably as a silver surprise by exchanging their silver Nissan Juke  on which they sent off them to Srilanka"

"Such sacred children in this Kally-Yuga Kally-Yuga Krishna?"

"Sure , but Uncle and Auntie had no place to walk or sit and  talk at home!"

"Pardon Krishna?"

"The whole house looked upside down, seemed like some elephants entered in their…”

"Oh yeah in their absence Krishna?"

"No in their presence ha...ha..."

"We wonder how Krishna?"

!!But the beauty was, all would be  white  elephants" 

"Pardon Krishna?"

"The floors ,windows ,doors including the roof  or ceiling and walls were snow white painted ha..,ha..,ha..."

"We thought they are educated Krishna!"

"Certainly that's what they left their beds untouched students" 


"Krihsna  that …that Krishna Consciousness people ‘s hearts automatically installed happiness as we have God’s grace and everything will be added unto us such as

1) fame ,

2) fortune,

3) freedom,

4) fullness and

 5) kindness".

"Yeah, but we need to know what is what  "

" Krishna when we do not care who is...  is who and talk like doctor Frog in the well who wouldn't be hurt that's why our tutor might have been hurt Krishna ?"

"True  Krisna we must at least ask us the basic and pretty preliminary questions to be perfect person such as why we are suffering whare  we came from and where we …  we return plus how we ...  we get out of the  tragedy?" 

"Definitely Krishna when we need to wake up and...and....we have to set up Papa's principles  ;

"Exactly how can we transform our work as worship and  thereby make it as pretty pooja of fragrant flowers to do our duties as Divine duties Krishna?"

"Yeah  which direct us to the Truth  dicision and determination which are beautifully based on our material and eternal  in fact transcendental  education Krisna like two wings of a bird Krishna "

"Has Mr Soul some sort of symptoms of his previous lives?"

"More or less everyone has his past mind ,,past intelligence and past egos whic never gose children "

“Who said it Krishna ?”

“This is the information  of Vedas from the only Divine . Am I correct Krisna?”

"You mean that we can …can transform our hardship towards worship   and make our path way towards Lordship and travel on the golden ship"


"Everyone is forced to act   helplessly according to the quality he has acquired from the modes of material nature therefore no one can refrain from doing something”

"Not ... not even for a moment Krishna?".

"Sure the terrible three I mean the three modes of  cruel classes which are based on Mother Nature's maddened management Krishna Anna "

"Exacly Krisna which is preventing  us from the real root and leading us to travel towards the regular route which are leading by  our past memory cells in  our mind sets due our attachment of Karma engagements"

"Sure sweet hearts which is preventing us to be beautifully blessed"

" Krisna ! Let  the sheepng dogs  sleep" 

"Yeah and we carry on in  following our Original path way  towards the Royal Road Krisna" 

 "Absolutely we need to...  to be blessed by travelling towards the  Royal Road Krisna"

"However it's pretty difficult of changing  our maddening motivations moods Krisna"

"Sure  as a result, we are saddening even our own siblings to keep up continuing our previous life memories as though we wake up in   the morning and hurry up towards the left work undone before bed Krisna”

"Oh goodness! How to convert each an everyone into the right 

mode Krisna?”

“when we focus on the right root of Eternal Education of our internal engineering kids ha...ha...this is how our tutor would have responded Krishna"

"Unmistakably sweet hearts ! difficult to understand stupendous students ??"

"Sure...sure...sure Krisna”

"Yeah Krisna !It's being mentioned in Bhagavad-Gita  Chapter 3 Text five Krishna "

Then why some mad people are forgetting it Krisna 😡?" 

"Ye in this condition how to expect discipline from us krishna ?”

Yes Krisna we are  talking about  Sanatana Dharma Krishna

"So our tutor has been experiencing some strong science behind our krishna science?”

Yes when we are taking birth after birth, our memory cells maintaining our motivations from our past experiences before birth like we are heading bed with our daily routine memory and waking up to set up or backup the rest have a seconds video children "

"So sensational;so serious and so educational information krishna so even though we are born and brought up within one family, we are obliged to refuse the Originator  is all because of our previous experiences ,education and eternal memory cells?”

" it the fact proved by our tutor in person which caused him heart broken situations but   golden guidance to make difference in our blessing boat "

“ evidence of  our strongest  path please  please "

"This is what   hurts him unbelievably Krishna?”

"Correct Christina" 

“Let’s talk of our session krishna”

"Pardon Pamitta "

"Take as an example of Mary Krishna. "

"Appreciate it Balaraman ".

" When we Respect Our  Duty , we Journey  to destiny"

 " Doesn't it our OriginaI Identity ?"

Why not Krishna ?

"Simly our work is worship Krishna" .

"The Greatest Beauty of Rama Was the Duty  of describing the Inner Peace Krishna".

 "Doesn’t the  Splendour that fill us when we are conscious of   Dharma Krishna Anna?"

" Yeah but, When we do not give up the false identification with our body, would our work welcome honesty Krishna?"

"Does it like the , the cage of the Soul  Krishna?"

"Yeah like the cage of a bird"

"Do we  , Identify ourselves with our cage rather than bird k?".

"Surely true .Isn't It the bondage or slavery Krishna?"

iHow can we live happily then Krishna?"

" Still our  vehicles of Will be Vibrant  and valuable while using it a for  the purpose of Joyous Journey reasonably ,honestly and faithfully." .

"What Krishna?"

 "Sin Sarahsin"

"Again the Duty of Divinity is part of our responsibilities Krisna ".

"If not Krishna?"

" We Will Be  Becoming Distance   from the Destination" .

" Aren't We Doomed In False Desires ff Death Direction? 

"No Krisna".

"What We  Witness At Presnt moment krishna?"

"Pardon Krishna ?".

"Today's  🌎World?".

"Right we stop there friends you all are auspicious thanks see you !".

"We 💘 you Benz" 

"Could we  carry on our narration Krishna Anna?"

"You are right ! Sure... sure what happened  to our Grandpa who often works hard in sharing the Great Hearts Krishna ? 💕!" 💕 🙌

💕!" He is in peace and pleasant. However, he wonders watching some patients keep on sharing demigods prayers after prayers with pictures to  him in return of his episodes sharing like us".

 " May be they are under  the influnce of drugs  krishna ".

"May be they cannot comprehend Vedas krishna " 

"Yes  my grandpa is the same we cannot teach them krishna"

"Why  Balaraman ?"

"He is under treatment and under the  influence of  drugsKrishna". 

"If... if anyone does not understand what we are sharing since a few years,he or she is sick in other words ,insane or mad Krishna" 

"Meera is correct  if anyone do not understands what we are sharing, we must be  animals like wild weed growing everywhere in Karmic reaction leading our lives according to our Karma and behaving badly because of our  sickness Krishna".

"Appreciate dear students imagine some one is sending  DemiGod's Picture to Hanuman!"

"By the way, why we have been talking on this topic Krishna?"

"This is how one of Marina's patients ignored the

 Sath-Chith-Ananda-Swarupa and she is  in danger now".

"We better commence our narration please Krishna!" 

"Alright, one ...Two...three:

"Marina I don’t have a single sari to wear".

 One of her patients couldn’t talk, but she  was worried emotionally".

"Who was it Krisna?" 

"What was her name Krisna ?" "

 "She was Karma , she had been complaining of  her headache all of the times; she wanted to find out the permanent remedy of her heavy headache, but bad luck no one was capable to treat her and she was unaware of the even what sort of headache  was it .

"Pardon Krishna ?".

"No one decently diagnoses the disease".

"Why Krisna?" 

"There are basically two types:

1) the precede headache".or

2) the Recurrent headache. 

Marina told her ,

"For the Recurrent headache,a simple pain killer is efficient such as paracetamol,aspirin etc.... 

But for the Migraine,that's not good.

 It would deteriorate although it might clear the immediate  symptoms".

"Karma felt a kind of surprise of Marinas mesmerising advice/prescription!!!"

"What she suggested Krishna?"

"Better have an anti-migraine at the Pharmacy!"

 " That's all?."

..asked Karma 😲 surprisingly 

 "As simple as that?"


 Then Marina continued:

".Of course,there are other common concerns are due to the blood pressure; because of the eyes have been left untested or have got a brain tumor".

"Don't be scared at all!."

"These are exceptional cases not regular cases alright?."

"In addition, if you have more than three attacks within a month, it is likely a migraine and you must not neglect it"

Karma was so pleased.

"Now I firmly believe that I have been suffering from migraine because I have more than two symptoms out of the three you suggested."

"Alright then I  prescribed  some anti-migraine drug ,but blood test is necessity ."

Oh God...

"Her name was Gayatry Tharma seemingly she was the ex-girl friend of Rajesh Anna!.

"What happened to her Krishna?"

"That's what Marina was wondering!!!

"Why Krisna?"

"As she was limping ...

She further said to Marina because she straightaway  sensed sort of sensational while hearing her symptoms and prescribed patiently and pathetically?"

"What was it Krisna?"

  "My husband often arrives late in the mid-nights and  being drunk...Last night he asked me to serve the dinner,but I didn't have... he...he...he" 

she found hard to talk! Then she tried:

Marina’s eyes were signed in tears thinking what horror happened to Rajeskanna now simply echoes or reflects or reacts.

"My husband thought I refused to supply his dinner...he was frustrated ,disappointed and prepared to beat up me as usual using a belt my entire limbs were wobbling like jelly;my heart kept plundering,thundering like a stampede of an elephant .

Marina’s mouth numbed ...

..."He chased me I disappeared in a light speed ended up seeing my feet pounded through the horrendous haunted house".

Ever since I never returned to see him,keep thinking of the frightening moments of nasty nightmare after nightmare!

"How dare  !""Marina silently", shouted.

"The reason why,I came here, I am not going to return home I am dying with my terrible  troubles".

 However, because of my child who  was left with a family,I have been surviving , suffering it's not  living.I cannot live any more like this." 

"Marina was worried emotionally" 

I decided to see you...

Please,please prescribe some sleeping pills to kill me ...the pharmacist insisted me to have a permission from a doctor. "

Marina worried quietly by  wetting  her long lips softly...

Meanwhile she was arranging her flying unwashed ugly hair behind her dirty ears, then  cried,


Mighty Marina realized the reality what happened to Rajesh Kanna.

He,too was about to kill himself because of his love failure  with her.Nevertheless, it is not fair of leaving her in this critical circumstances and her medical condition.

"Today for her tomorrow for me.As our previous house had been left for an elderly couple,we better arrange her with them," 

thought Marina sincerely.

"Give me or not?....

 I am going to see another doctor?"

"What happened to her Krishna ?"

"Marina could not believe her eyes she had been changed a lot like Karma did. 

That was another class mate of Marina.

"Why Krishna?"

"Because of her serious sickness,she did not recognize her, it was a few years back!

Marina didn't want to remind her as she was already badly suffered a lot.

"How can I help you?" 

She shouted at Marina without any respect while making a bun with her loosened unwashed hair again and again.

"Dear I am going to, but you need to wait outside for a while...sooner I finished my duty,I accompany with  you to the pharmacy".

"Marina'svelvety voice was  broken 💔". 

Suddenly she was astonished! 

"Wait a minute! Your name is Marina! 

"Am I correct?"

"Marina I don’t have a single sari to wear...

 she couldn’t talk, but was weeping .

"Oh dear for sowing what we reap.

 In other words, cutting what we cultivated... every human soul is subject to the law of karma".

 What a Karma Krishna?


"Is there any specialist! Who would 

 conducts like a divine doctor as Marina  does???

..such a distinguished saintly doctor."

Thought Karma: 

Her heart flourished and her eyes were smiling in happiness....said a goodbye reluctantly due to the queue. And she was waiting behind the queue patiently. 

Even some of the patients were impatient lacking patience of her long time consultation.

 Again!, Could any-one would believe these consecutive coincidences Krishna?

"Ha...ha....!Her name was Gayatry Tharma seemingly she was the ex-girl friend of Rajesh".

 Marina puzzled!

"Mighty Marina realized the reality what happened to Rajesh Kanna."

"True remember he,too was about to kill himself because of his love failure  with her."

"Nevertheless,It is not fair of leaving her in this critical circumstances .

"Pardon Marina?"

"It's happening today for her tomorrow for me.As our previous house has been left for an elderly couple,we better arrange her with them."

"Give me or not I am going to another doctor?"

She...she shouted without any respect in making a bun with her loosened smelly hair again and again.

"Dear I am going to,but you need to wait outside for a while...sooner I finished my duty,I accompany you to the pharmacy".

The Kama have been affecting the people’s lives arrogantly Krishna ”. ..

"Oh dear for sowing what we reap in other words cutting what we cultivated... every human soul is subject to the law of karma Krishna?.

 "What is Karma Krishna?"

"Actions and the reactions" .

"We cannot reap the karma which we were sowing during many,many many births in a matter of one birth the reasons why we have to take many births to reap them up ,what we sowed Krishna".

"We have  to be upgraded  by waking up from sleeping in Maya's memory krisna  ha... .

" ha..Marina knows exactly


 1) the act of Dharma

   2) the act of Karma.

3) The act of Kama 

4)The act of desires 

5) the act of KRODHA (angry ).

"And also she knows how to get out of it ".  

"What an evolution based on our creation Krishna?"

"Certainly the women must uphold the sanctity/holy of marriage better than the men do".

"What Krishna?"

"The multiple knots unite woman with man in three aspects:

1) the body,

2) the mind and

 3) the soul, 

"Pardon Krishna ?"

"Like the  main three auspicious aspects in Christianity ✝️ Krishna?"

"Yeah ...

1) The Father

2) The son 

3) The Holy  Spirit/ Soul

"What is the Mandra for them krishna?"

"Sorry Christina?",.


"The Maha Mandra in Christianity?",

"The unity of Father,Son and Holy Sprit?"

"Hundred percent!". 

"Thanks Christina".

"The doctrine of the Trinity's considered to be one of the central Christian affirmation" .

"What does  affirmation mean Krishna ?" 

"The state firmly and publicly about GOD"

"Thanks what is doctrine Krishna?"

"A set of principles or trust Sudah".

also signify that marriage is a contract, a sacrament.

"What does mean  sacrament Krishna?"

"A symbolic religions ceremony Siva".

"The karma of the poor to be poor, but it is also our Dharma  to help the poor Krishna" 

"Sorry Meera?"

"That's how we remove our Karma".

she thought what Baba said...

Then she recalled an event:

"Once at her hospital, there was no storage of blood for a patient . 

"She told her husband, he  sounds like a peasant ,to arrange a person for donation of blood to his wife , 

it was as an urgent need".

"What define a peasant Krishna?"

"A farmer or a poor person".

 "Told him that his wife needs blood transfusion immediately,but unfortunately her blood group was kind of the rarest

Out of eight types:

1) O plus/positive

2) O minus/Negative 

3)  A) Positive

4) A) Negative.)

5)B Positive

6)B Negative


8) AB Negative 

The gentleman was desparately needed to find someone.

He couldn't ,but began to cry in panic !!! 

Just then, a young man who was hurrying into the hospital to see a peitcent heard the plaintive voice of the gentle man and halted near him .

He asked him ,

"Uncle what is the matter?"

"Son I came to this hospital to treat my wife ,but it was serious she has fainted out of sheer exhaustion lack of blood".

He was unable to talk after five minutes he cried :

 She...she... she might survive if some one come forward to give some blood".

"Please 🙏 help means earn the merit son".

 The young guy was moved into compassion  

but his blood was not fit . 

He contacted his friend after friend instantly as a net work the news finally reached to a correct individual who moved into compassion fortunately came to the hospital.

When Marina  heard from the gentleman  that it was her Cousin Krishna Menan who was the bridge of this blessing action, she moved into compassion. 

She knows this is how we all have to act to merit the greatest blessing ; this is how  Baba recommended 

This is  what Baba calls:

 Seva to suffering jiva seva to deva

These types of people will straightaway learn




She then thought about her Sam what he would be saying  often:  

Yeah he is a generous person would be writing to her when he was in London

: Karma carried on coming with us Marina   in a series of serious births.

There are   8,400,000 living entities in the form of evolutions. To get out of this tragedy, we have to  follow up Seva with Mandra ".

"It is the house where she has been living with an elderly family Krsna ? ." 


" ! So soft attitudes of Marina who has strong relation with God ".Sure

"It's from her blood Krishna the blood incident is the evidence Krishna ".

"What a chapter the beautiful life does not depend on how happy we are,  but how happy others can be grace of our guidance  Krishna!".

"Hundred percent 💯".

Today is Sunday!

It was a fantastic  and a phenomenally lovely romantic day  after a strong windy, cloudy and a consecutive filthy weather.

 It was at the house of joyful James, there were some special people who have been invited.

More over, it was  their fabulous newly bought ,  "Home sweet Home."

They were planing  to name it,


when they move in .

By the way, the home is not  far away from this house, 

"Has.. has it been just bought Krishna?"

"Yeah It's the  first entrance ceremony day,  some closed friends have been invited. 

The lovely lunch was magnificently mouth watering for the visitors; each and every item was specific...very,very delicious, the cooking was  smelling miles away; had been calling their neighbors automatically!

All were really pleased in enjoying their tasty balanced diet .

 Twinkle twins gracious girls could not complete their marvelous meals. 

Instead they had been  stealing their twins twinkle boys 💕 touchingly with their enchanting eyes.

 No wonder, their twins boys happy hearts had been filled in honey just by watching them wonderfully.

  They were like cheerfully charming pretty princesses. 

Wow !!Two twins!

They looked tremendously twinkle stars. 

No doubt, everything had been written in their romantic rose faces to be read by any one in the party. 

The people were simply enjoying the scene with so much of keen 

Ahhhhhh! watch out the wow views! Screamed Rajeshkanna like a little boy with lots of joy!

  In indicating the sea sides smilingly. The beautiful blazing banana sun rays had been playing everywhere as fragrance as the fresh roses.

Then they walked, walked and walked wonderfully around the surrounding of the happy  house... 

Of course, because the surrounding of their house was extra ordinary  with amazing velvet-ted views; magnificent mountains;pretty peaks ,  wow unbelievable! 

Relaxed mind peaceful souls and joyful atmosphere! Beautifully breath taking cutely  covered in velvety valleys as though the earth was wearing some ,softy and  glamorous green garment; were supremely superb!

"Look! look!! look!!! lovely lakes", shouted Renuga regularly ,She had been changed a lot looked totally distinguished, most best young lady after her transplantation and second trip to Thirupathi ! 

 Her house full of Krishna and gurus pictures and she was wearing an amazing orange golden garment often gazing at her future husband,Rajeskanna as his Grandpa politely proposed Renuga to him and her parents had agreed.

 So it is going to be a proposed marriage of Divine ,the Divine relationship.More interesting news was,their astrology was adorably applicable and they resembled related to each other honestly they deserved it.

  Exclaimed Silva's daughter,Benz .

"Wheeze!!!Ahhhhh! Have a look! She shouted directing towards tremendous views of their house.

  There were hills after hills,fields after fields, farms after farms woods after woods and even pretty ponds they were watching yaws opened so fondest !!!! 

Such a gorgeous  green, green,and green sceneries !

What a scene to be seen! Grounds roofed by a wonderfully colorful gigantic  umbrella of the Supreme.

Meanwhile, the fondest wind sounded kind of them it  was whistling,whistling and whistling just for a joke with the jingle girls.... surrounded by garden,garden and garden 

Obviously they all  relaxed their minds filled with aromatically  superb romantic feeling. 

The happiest 💓 💗 couples don't have the rights to everything still they make the best of everything they have.

They respect the truth no matter how hard it is!!!

What a sacrifice of love !

"Santhy, James' wife straightaway called Marina(s) and informed the cheerful message about Renuga's marriage matter was under progression and the date is being fixed". 

She was in the heaven... Both Marina felt fabulous , saying, simultaneously 

"so sweet we then going to have another amazing  opportunity of meeting our bright blessed  boys". 

Certainly... certainly there were no way to meet them it's difficult for them to meet their Sams often as they wanted.

In fact, Marina reminded some of their friends although being beautifully married ,they rarely meeting their husbands however having children's regularly 

"How then they do krishna?"

"Ha...ha... each time they reunion, children appearance, it became transparence of their husbands tendency." 

"What is it  Krishna?"

"Karma Rata"

"So although the twins tremendous couples  have been blessed not to be available for sex relationship, for the creation 🙏 of innocent population and leave them in this disgusting world".

"What Krishna?"

"We are talking about the ordinary couples and our heroes ❤ ♥ 💙 🙌 💕".

"As Marina thought of her relations who had been married only to be left all alone like single mothers, they are better off , in comparison to them,  both Marinas being ever  lovers never get bloated belly  turn like pillows stomach fat and early aging."

"Why it is happening Krishna?" 

 "Leaving the mothers in worldly desires of Karma".

"What they are going do better than the ordinary families Krishna?"

 " They engage their free times in  assisting the  vulnerable who are in vulnerable conditions that is their purification in  devotional service Krishna." 

"Absolutely Seva to any suffering jiva is the serva to Deva Krishna."

"So each time we support a jiva it's a Dharma like Marina did to Rajeshkanna's ex-girl friend?"

"Intersting question Meera!"

"Why not?"  

"As each Atma company with Paramatma, Divine designed 🙏 some dramas to make the Dharma".

   "Obviously it was  a sublime news for every one. Unbelievable chance of seeing them with slim  tammy for ever

Suddenly and straight away they both kissed their child a bright boy, Kanna was  fabulously joy with them.

He was  delighted and comfortably sitting on his Mum's hip he is  plump"


"He is Fair  and rounded in shape rather fat and filthy."

  While she was feeding tasty meal to Kanna,

 was saying ,"mmmmmm jummy,jummy mummy" .


In return, he too kissed them happily and  affectionately spitting and smeared on their fabulous face 

"pretty,naughty " 

...they smiled like a garden  of roses while watching the toddler's talk and walk !!!Made them feel missing their own children".

They often tend to be not jealous grace of their Maha Mandra.

Again and again they  couldn't stop watching the boy's toddler talk  and Kanna often  burst in to laughter...laughter...and laughter wasn't it a pleasing pleasure for the twins who are not going to have baby on their own  at all? 

 All the visitors had shared their pleasure .Who knows that  the best definition of Divine is the sum total of all the souls and all energy in the universe the same sensation amazingly  appeared from the baby's best smile and straightaway put smiles on every body's faces fantastically.

After his,Kanna's birth only he got the job...

James being an architect, no wonder,found an amazing employment in an amazing company of building designers. 

Actually he had been working there since more than two years now. After his  boy had born.

His Boss was an amazing man, Pamitta's husband,  so and so he doesn't want his name  to be  Known   a smiling sincere Sinhalese man.

Factually, it was an interesting coincident Krisna 

To be honest... it was his wife,who had recommended him to this employment.

"Who was she... did we already know her,?


We have the shortest memories in Kally-Yuga.

 "This was the lady once had been surrounded by the street robbers and rescued by James like James bond in western film".

"We know him,  was he the son of Gayatry and Mr Jonathan sir?"

"Honestly this is Metaphysical motivation such a"...

"You mean metaphysical , grace of Maha mandra Meditation Peter?".


The reason why ,there is always a blessing bond means a connection of each and every incident sir".

"Definitely Durga including accident relating of our previous pious lives or impious lives that is the main incredible  divine dealing dear children".

"When how this happened sir?" 

"Once Pamitta's husband and herself met him in a festival day of Krishna Yeyanthy, finding his unemployment state, and being a Boss of a successful and popular constructor company".

"This is Undoubtedly Krishna Leela sir!"

"Pleased to hear it Rudra...

plus an adorable boss ." 

 Moreover  was a distinctive director.

"Best of all,a proprietor of the big company ,he straight away employed him with a handsome salary" .

"Not only because he rescued his wife and his son ,Krishna,but also  James was a graduated engineer."

 "In addition, the golden coincidence was ,he had been hunting for a reliable ,competent contract engineer". 

"This is unbelievable and unmistakably metaphysical power cells sir".

"Sure Sarah!" 

"In the first place, he told him that the engineer of all engineers has been engineering this kind of coincidences".

"Who told sir?".

"The boss Balarama".

 "Hence they are the  best friends ever since".

"Who could consider this contract of employment connected to Kanna this is called without a doubt  the  METAPHYSICAL PHENOMENAL?".

"Why not Mary?"

On the other side Jaffna Marina with London  Marina and Jaffna  Sam with London Sam  were  walking down the green grasses surrounding the green trees 🌲 🌳 🌳 🌲 🌴 🌲 🌳 🌲 🌳 

It is going to be a  golden trip .

Ohhhhhhhh Goodnesss!

The girls acting identically.

 Similarly the boys!

What a grace of God guidance 🙏 in this out look the family deserved to be blessed !

 "❤  🙏?"When 

Jaffna Marina was nipping her lips straight away London Marina too just nipped her long lips turned in to blood red. 

It was always their  tips of the 💘 💘 strong loves  towards them. 

Their  angelic eyes were lit up.!!!!

They  were suddenly  observing themselves on the window glass as they were standing just in front of the brand new brown wooden window!

Then Jaffna Marina was  watching her identical twin from London and wondered  the way she had  been doing exactly the same things!

She went and  pinched her in her  cheeks... as soon as she did so, London Marina  too did simultaneously to her!.

Each and every  cell in their blood was activating  attractively.

Obviously their sensitivities  become more and more  sensational,  waking up due to the activities and effects of  nucleolus reactions within the cells.


Unexpectedly they noticed them , watching   their honey hearts  ; it was sounding like a divine musical carnival in their hearts which ....turned in to a sweet💕

 What a wonderful world controlled by a divine Soul. 

In two way we can define the godly guided individuals. 

1) They are disciplined and helpful

2) They are trusted and devotional.


Rest are   forced to behave according to their Karmic reflections they are left free like trees, but  each and every-one has been controlled by the Super Nature that is the divine nature learned from scripture  .

Next day, Marina was requested to do her duty in the  previous  medical training hospital .

 "Each an every patient was smiling at her naturally  watching her pleasant appearance or divine interference that was the best reassurance of their recoveries...kind of divine resistance exactly like air resistance coherence!

As usual ,she spends some time of her lunch break time with the patients pleasantly. 

Her angelic smile could turn the bad in to good and sad in to glad. 

As most of them know, she had been crazy of Sam since quite a long time .

She always been mercy to Lord before doing any thing and every thing. Even before putting  the computer on ,she do a silent prayer, mind Madras. 

All of a sudden  there was a patient who came to visit... She recalled her.

Marina has  recognized her  as  clear as crystal . 

May be because of her sickness,the  patient did not recognize her on the spot. 

In fact,she used to study in the same college.  

 Marina met her a couple of years ago with a Magazine with a picture of her Sam and holding her too young kids. 

She was Karma. Rajesh Kanna's ex-girl friend's name was  Tharma, but everyone pronounce "Karma as well"  

"What happened to her?" 

Marina thought to her self. For her surprise, she reminded an unforgettable event in seeing her classmate .

 "What was it Krisna?" 

 Marina  some times purposely ignores Sam.All because according to her point of view, he some times  did not understand her".

Marina used to see while Sam would be walking with this pretty brunette girl.

 She wouldn't appropriate  it.

Despite  of that, Karma was nice to Marina all of the times. 

The reason why Marina didn't dare to tell Sam how much she loves him.

However,today she gathered some courage to greet the patient , asking her,

Hi how are you  ?

...Do you recognize me? "

...I am Marina",

."Oh goodness you have been changed a lot ...

"Dear because of your previous past pious life ,you  got a best man out of the rest".

Marina forced a cat smile.

"Is it your lunch time Marina?"

"Yes ". 

 "I wanted to tell you some thing since all my life".

Marina astonished!!?.

"About your relationship. As a matter of fact, I loved Sam as my soul",

her voice was br💔ken .

"When I declared my love to him, he told me that he had married". 

After a pause ,she wiped her tears from her reddened long eyes then carried on with lots of difficulties.

"Marina was in a completely complicated even confusing situation" .

" I obviously  considered it was a joke",

 she could not talk.

Then after a long pause,with lot of difficulties she continued..."

"He would jokes without smiling that's would makes every one laughs.

..."I smiled and asked him how it's possible in this young age... In fact , you are in your teenage!...

 How you would have been married?"

, "he replied, “when the right time comes,I will marry her and until the time comes,we will be friends,but supreme friends not ordinary friends"...

"I was astonished...I was helpless...I was almost hopeless...

"Marina,too was wordless!" 

"I was even kind of unconsciousness...I was absolutely breathless. Somehow, I managed to live". 

"After a few days,I asked him ,

"who was it Krisna?"

he said,"when the time comes,you will come to know could be sooner or later we never know..."


"I did not say anything because I was almost dead!..

I did not say anything because I could not do it...seeing my tears, he gave me a tissue  ,saying,

do not take it as a big issue because the life has lots of surprises...this is part of the surprise of the surprises "

...his charming voice reduced to soft pretty golden and broken voice and expressed he was a wise and nice guy and also he cleverly suppressed his  unexpressed sadness for me as his eyes were  signing, too...


"I hugged him... he hugged me in return.It was like the hug of the Lord "

"Next week,I saw him following you in singing a hilariously ,happiest,Hindi song with supper sweetest voice.

 There after, I was swimming in  ocean,ocean full  of tears, but did not have the same idea any more.Because of my Grandma's devotion, I managed to change myself in engaging in different engagements.


The reason why,I had been married with another guy as a challenge a kind of revenge. Then I realized who was the DIVINE big person and who was the swine-pig person .

My married man was a pig. Lord bless you both... by the way ,have you married?"

"Yes, but when the time comes,we will live together”

...Marina was wiping her water falls her enchanted eyes had been replaced the waterfalls!!!! :

She reminded the day when he was following her , singing a happiest and hilarious, Hindi song .

 "Although it was fascinating ,I was so moody. I was just  a stupid young lady ,could not found any remedy of my long lasting moody characteristic".

In fact, I thought that  he was a  rowdy...a kind of play boy... hanging around with girls around the college as Ragu regularly would be repeating  me.

 It was a childish and also a sort of foolish characteristic of my part. 

Sam some times would tells me that suspicious is simply a horrendous poisonous snake  and also he  advised me the best solution for the suspicious poison , is the great devotion, but  I could not help my self to get rid of such moody horrendously hateful   habits .

 "Nonetheless, now I sincerely  feel regret of my  dirty habits. That was one of the 🔑🔑 🗝 of keys why I ended up making a painful promise that I never ever going to be married... yes it triggered .

"What is TRIGGER Krishna?'

"An even that cause something to happen Rosy ".

Fortunately grace of  the gracious 🙏 mantra .










Accidently Karma saw Mukunda ,Sam's Uncle, lover of

Angelika (Rata)

"Marina ! Is he your relative  ?"

"I called him uncle".

"I wonder what I saw  in the flower market:

"Are you talking about Mukunda ?"

"What is his name?"


"Oh that's why!"  


To be frank, I have a video it is such an eye catching views.

Can... can I share it it's seriously similar views which  I noticed with my friends so cute let me watch it cute .'s like Mukunda and Rata:

"Could we watch it Krishna ?"

"Hummm hum!".

"Thanks I ought to see my patients see you later bye bye".



Hare Krishna