"Hello happy hurry up we better begin the lession without any topic talk as usual as an introduction okay!?"

"Who is on the picture Krishna ?

Is.. is it Marina in her divine dream Krishna?"

 "Oh what a lucky girl of being next to God Krishna ?"

"What a divine dream incredibly inspiring Krishna !"

"Why Sarah   ?"

"Luckily you did  not come up with any backup work Krisna for the English exam Krishna".

"Ha...ha...just follow up our  normal session okay !".

"However, as a stater plate or a glass of drink "

"Sorry Sarah?"

"Why...why don't we have some kind of appretive to appitite to improve  our hunger for Father Krishna?"

" in  a  restaurant meal ?"

" Sure Say something about Mr Bean Krishna ...

sorry Mr K. Soul Nava please Krisna Krishna ha..,ha..."

"What does ..!??"

"Pardon Pamitta?" 

Proceed Peter

“Tremendous I thought it was his wife who is ma…. Krisna “

“He is not Mr K. Soul which is Mr Bean “ 

"What does mean aperitifs Krishna?"

"Aperitifs and digestives are drinks typically alcohol that are normaly served before or after meal  "

"Does it stimulate the appetite before a meal Krishna?"

"Certainly Christina which increas our hungriness "

"What action has our tutor taken to get rid of the clashes in cast cases at the tiny temple  of annathanam Krisna please?"

"Oh yes!!!  You meant that  cast clashes cases  ?"

"Yes Krisna "

"  Mr.Soul   has been handling  it handsomely".

"Really Krishna?"

"Surely with it…it's so systematic indeed he is  decently dealing it ''

"We wonder how  Krishna ?"

"One…one of the biggest reasons for success is to be at the right time; to be at the right people right place to fix the puzzle piece of Papa  Tutor told us Krishna ".

 "Unbelievable Krishna how it would possible for him Krisna unless having Krishna's bless ?"

"Absolutely !When I saw  a dozen of lovely leaflets in sky blue, milk white  and golden colour books distribution program , I was sweetly shocked !"

" Really how come Krishna?"

" realizing how the  fabilous five Factors of Father following him "

"So you mean Lord  Krishna working through K.Soul Nava?!"

"Yes each incident inspiring him to improve his devotional service stunningly to win the grace of God bless"

 "Wow! Krishna  wow so Mr K.Soul requested the poorest caste community to read them up to be upgraded from degraded status ?''

"Yes in order to pass the border of slavery situarion students "

"To be upgraded ,we have to reach just up to the Lotus feet of Lord  Krishna?"

"Correct Christina that is the purpose of all us"

"Incredible! Just surrendering to  the lotus feet of the Lord of the Lords Krishna?"

 "You got the pretty pot of people's perfumed purpose of lawful life style "

"What kind of   leaflet Krishna?"

....Was it  in order to cancel the competion of lawless social  class cruel clashes  due to Godless  life style Krishna?"

"You understand the reality Meera "

"Krishna,  are you mad how the hell  you tell them to learn Lord's Law after all ,they are uncivilised?

"Are... are they capable of caring Krishna?"

 "Can... can the Gita give or grant them food for feed their  families even a single day or pay for food at least once Krishna"

"Pardon Peter?"

"Forget about it Krishna !Are they capable of understanding Krishna Science after all, most of the audience always reading our conversation as dialogue ,but they keep on sharing something totally different aspects Krishna?"

"Krishna , we are safe as we are  saving enough wealth to feed us when we  even turn old   have they can they  ?"

"Why...why you insisting them to put their interest in Gita  ?"

"Do we care that the death is at the door step sweetest students?"

"What ...what is the point of worrying of another world for them while their  presents world  life is in danger Krishna?" 

"Krishna ! Storing our entire  wealth for our  health is right or wrong we don't care we have no spare time  to inspire Krishna by sharing our hard earnings "

"Krishna,  storing our wealth  is the human  history through out   our  generation"

"So   generation after generation saving ,it's our duty children?!"

   "Yes...isn't it for our safty and security Krishna?"

 "Thanks what is the point of having the whole world while ignoring  the soul ?"

"The whole world considering it as our  permanent glory Krishna "

"For our temporary  security, for  our   future Krishna ?"

 "Oh yes now we can comprehend what you all are talking about it's simply sickness lack God  consciousness isn't students?" "

"Yes Krishna! Have ...have they got the mind of purity  Krishna have they been at least chanting the Mantra krishna to improve?"

"Don't worry about it without reasonable reasons, our tutor would not have done such gorgeous guidance students". 

"How Krishna  doing is better than saying Krishna !"

"That's what they are doing and saying Pamitta"

"Let's learn what kind of action have they taken so far  Krishna please!"

"Mr K.Soul inquired immediately with a perfect priest of nearly 35 years experience in Hare Krishna Temple located in the heart of the city 203 Kanthaiya Master Street, Kandarodai ,Chunnakam, Srilanka". 

"That's tremendous Krishna how on earth he has all   everyone he needed around him Krishna?!" 

"As he has been surrounded to Lord Krishna as simple as that.On his honorable request , they all  have been provided such leaflets Krishna?"


"How  they are going to impress them krishna; how they are going to convince them krishna and how  they are going to handle such sacred project krishna ?"

"Ha...ha... Mr  k.Soul leading them lovingly   to learn it as a competition with  prizes"

"Would you mind reading the topic of the leavelet Krishna?"

"Why Bhagawadgita Unnmai Uruvil?

"What kind of language Krishna!!?"

"What’s that Krisna you speek your own language   ....

English please Krishna?"

Krishna, how do we call a lover in Tamil Krishna?"


"Kathalli isn't it a type of banana Krishna?"


"And a person going to be married is she call kalyani   Krishna?"


"Shut up silent please Rudra "

"What sort of language is Tamil Krishna?"

"Why what's wrong with you Rudra?"

"For instance, when we called our  elder brother’s wife  "Anni" then the younger brother’s wife Krishna?"

"Thanni...ha...ha.... can you keep quit Rufra  ?"


"We are pretty happy Krisna" 

"Why Bhagawadgita As It Is Krishna why we must study it doesn't it talking of fight and death what worth of reading it Krisna?"

 "The simple leaflet answers all our questions great hearts 💕 "

"Why Krisna we too wonder why we waste our time meanwhile my girl friend sorry my  Kathalli is complaining of my ignorance of her Krishna please???"

"This is the catalogue to use the man machine properly "

"What about our dialogue we thought that our dialogue similar to Arjuna's with Krishna!"

"Could you cool down please Peter let Krishna talk?"

"Sure thanks Retna appreciate it. Because previously pity people who woke away in the middle of their meditation,  involved and interpreted the Bhagawad-Gita in their own onion options and opinions without a tiny bit of  torch of knowledge".

"Are you sure Krisna?"

"Hundred percent Retna "

"Then Krishna?"

"This Information is interesting Krishna !"

"Our guru interpreted it honestly with only Holy wordings which the Lord spoke and  sold in highest ,best selling rank in 56 languages in a matter of 11 years all around the world"

"Interesting indeed splendid ...interesting how does this leavelet look like Krishna?

Have a look at it guys 

"In fact, Father's Five Facts working with Mr K.Soul Nava Krishna "

"One last  question what is the extract of the leavelet please krishna "

"First of all, the object, matter  explained why we need Bhgawad-Gita 

"Then Krishna?"

"How to find out  the qualified content of Gita?"


"And then krishna?"

 "How to study the selected  literature "

"After that Krishna?"

Next please please Krishna?"

"As soon as we ,understood  what kind  of principles we ought to follow up in order to wake up our innocent friends, families and... and...and...Krishna?"

"Exactly Pamitta" 

"What kinds of prizes to the poorest people to begin with Krishna because first of all, they have to prevent their hungry?"

"We undestand we offer them 10kg red rice whoever answer a few questions about the leaflets then we offer the same 10 kg  to  those who are unable to answer as well in teaching them according to their knowledge boundary ".

And giving  a Bhagawad-Gita As It Is  to those who are faithful "

"That's tremendous coarch of coaching Krishna!"

 and step by step direct them to the Hare Krishna Temple locally situated. "

"That's great aid Krishna !"

"Thanks krishna let’s learn what Sam talks krishna " 

 Sam's talks what Lord spoke like our guru speaks ,

Is he is  a guru Krishna 
"Sam is representing a real guru .His advice is an honorable holy way"
"What's that Krishna?
"A Divine devise delivered through his vedas knowledge and his own way of description such a descriptive to the Shudra students"
"Superb Krishna superb answer Krishna" 
We know, the life is  derived /coming from the 
life .Sam's advises  are  the divine sunrises"...

"Marina  knows now clearly   that Sam has the wise wisdom about the cause of all causes."

"Smiling Sam us a student of Krishna. He is a servant of Krishna while studying Bhagawadgita while witnessing the whole world saying that they know who is Caitanya but ignoring his Maha Mantra Meditation, he is just reminding them”
"Oh out of all sorts of Yogas, Bhakti Yoga is the right yoga to Devadi Devas Krishna?"
"Sure Subatra" 
 "Such sacred souls are   very seldom in the human kingdom Krishna". 

"Any way, it is the only easiest way for freedom of all animal kingdoms  
and happiness of all happinesses Krishna? "

"Marina faithfully glanced at Him in gathering her lotus shaped lovely palms in glamorous calm and serene."
"She doesn't Krishna she looks down in the pretty picture "

"That's what Lord said to her as a final words 🙏 Krishna?"
"I think so "
...."In deed Sam is the Supreme seed of all the creation up on their past and present 
deeds Krishna".
Said Marina mesmerisingly 
"Some young students are very speed in their actions by attraction. Result, they have been making mistake after mistake which can be repaired with the Mantra only". 
"Marina mindset is no longer  the Sam krishna ?"
"Yeeeeeeeeeeeees 🙏 ✨ 🙏  "

"That's what's she thinks admiring Father's faith and inspiring words on 
Originator's Sanatana Science Krishna?"

"Nevertheless, many,many men are simply licking the outer surfaces of the honey bottles with the association of some half gods krishna".
"Whaaaat ???"

We are doing wrong things without thinking  that we are doing the wrong things.   
“It's  so pity of us lack of bless krishna “

"...Marina realised that we all are  like the  cashiers in the
banks we  could be counting, counting and counting millions or billions 
or trillions of money, but nevertheless,we are not allowed to claim proprietorship....

could we? 
Likewise,the whole population have been provided duties-
according to their passed credits  and debits?

Our Dad expects our love that’s it in order to promote us .
She fell flat Infront of  His feet and ask Him to say it was not a dream".

"Wow 💘!Love is God. Win the love through the love;affection out of affection;love out of love.

"Is it hard for us to comprehend?”
Marina was miraculously mesmerised and remembered!

 "What does  mean a worship?"
She used to ask Sam ,
Papa just wants to be loved by His children this is the worship", 
"Sam told her so shortly and smilingly. "

"Isn't it natural Marina?".
"Surely Sam".

"Does Daddy   dislike others Krishna?"
 "No Meera".

 "He only allows affectionate children to His abode the Krisna Loga.

"The Rest Krishna ?"

"Look at the mad man in yoga without Krisna" 

'The rest,   rest in different abodes Krishna?."
"Correct !"
"What is the difference Krishna?"

"Apart from His abode ,rest 
are rest in  deadly world with deadly dangerous people like Putin." 
"We don't understand it Krishna "
"Pity people have to have various bodies sweetest 💕♥️hearts "
💜💙🧡 . 
"However, how do we call that Dharma Abode Krishna "
Sanatana  :
"Definitely what is the definition Krishna?"
1) No rebirths, 
2) No deaths 
3) No old age and 
4) No disease. 
"Including Jesus,Siva,Bhrama,Vishnu,Narayana, 
chimpanzee,or Obama.All are His  children 

"Well said 👏 👌 👍 Christina" 

 "Krishna, luckily we are not the children of the chimpanzees"

"Fantastic 👏 👏 👏 Rudra" 

"Marina! Now knows",
"What Krishna?"

"The more we love 💘 Kanna,the more Kanna 💘 loves  us 

"What we would like to take away?"

"Would we like to to take away the repeated: 

1) births, 
2) deaths 
3) old age, 
4) diseases  or take away the 
radiant torch of knowledge and liberation which is up to us children!,"

"As soon as we detach from Father,we  attach to the 
materials desires Krishna?."
"Surely Sudah "
"Results Krishna?"
1) Anger 
2) desire and
3) fear 
"How to conquer them Krishna????" 

"What  does CONQUER mean krishna ?"

"Overcome and take control weather a country or problems, Subathra "

"It’s the miseries.As a result, 
we all will be swimming in the ocean of illusion sweetest students ❤ 💕 ".

So krishna anger ,desires and fears are destroying our real value of the libration?.”
"Definitely Durga 👍" 

"Stop the mystery which involves all the 
What was it  Krishna?” 
Stop The rebirth BABA'S WORDS.”

"Wow! What a wonderful man is Sam !!!He says only Vedas words!!!

Just try to live like the leaves of the lovely lotus in the pretty pond”

She was amazingly excited hearing the same words of 
her smartest Sam talks what the Lord Spoke in the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.

Marina's beauty with divinity has illuminated all the things around her!

She felt more and more charm and faithful to Sam could not comprehend whether it was a night or a day,summer or winter,day or 🌙 night.

"Marina repeatedly burst in to laughter she smiled 
sensationally may be grace of her enlightenment",

Of course ,the sun light fell through the window on to the floor .The sun light was illuminating through the opened door.

She adored to touch Lord's lotus feet to be blessed"...

"We all are always students of you Krishna".

"Our dream of the deepest desires are actually a knife 🔪"We must know how to handle it ".

She reminded that's what  Sam said 
last week 
Then she recalled her conversation  with Sam:

"Marina, as a matter of fact, what I learned from my own parents"
"What was it Sam?"
 "Ha...ha... the first year of our parents' wedding my mother
was listening to my father"
"Then Sam?"
"The  second year of our parents'wedding ,my father  was listening to my mother"
ha...ha...!Humm humm next Sam?".
"The third year, of our parent's marriage,  the neighbours had been listening   both my  parents".
"What about your parents Marina?"
"I think during the  first year, My Mum was pregnant
So I didn't have any tip"
"I understand Then Marina?"
Sam compressed his lips
 "I was born next  year obviously I was  as a baby 
girl... Ha...ha..."
"And then Marina?"
"I was still a in my three ,  toddler Sam". 

" are kidding I am not your friend any more". 
He seemed helpless. 
"So we  have to travel in this path with the foundation of the devotion Sam".

"Both  smiled the whole universe were twinkling tremendously".
"During the pandemic what did   you do which  make  proud of you Sam?"
" I had  been doing the right things"
"What was it Sam?" 
"In the wrong negative situation, I was 
advising the right positive information  of Vedas "

"To whom Sam?"
 "Friend, families and the community Marina".
She looks lovely smiled lovingly looking at him sensationally 
"Wasn't   it the rightist thing Marina?" . 
"Certainly being positive in  negarive situation is productive kind of heroic even Yogic  Sam .But remember that Lord Krishna stopped Arjuna's attration of Sanyasa or celibacy life style Sam"
Sam was astonished of her seductive  she was correct she looked so attractive as an angel !
Requested Arjuna  to involve in ordinary life doing extra ordinary service even Lord Krishna arranged Arjuna to be  attracted by Subathra Subatra "
"Did he Krishna's sister Krishna?"
"Yeah ?"
" By the way, I learned there are eight eternal elements 
following us continuingly Sam" 
Yeah I really,  really feel proud of you 👏 ❤Marina even a Primary girl knows the fact !"
Sam said as a joke 
"Of course, obviously I still remember the five elements Sam".
"What are they Marina ?".  
Sam saddened unexpectedly as something terrible happened but he has been hiding her hurtfully and trying trying to get rid of the marriage with Marina "
2) FIRE,
4) AIR,
5) SKY, 
Sam glanced at her sorrowfully because he loves her so much. 
"Would you know what are the rest three Sam?"

"I don't remember Marina can you remind me a key word  Marina?"
 Sam's velvety voice was broken down still trying to force a shoft smile to hide his "emotions  ".

"Oh I think you are talking about the
 how can I help you 
Marina!"  He thought. 
 "Why often cinemas are ending just after marriages?"
"Oh it's easy Marina".
"What is it ?"
"They will be busy".
"Pardon Sam?"
 "Actually they will  be crazy  the audience enjoy only the positive aspect".
"Why can’t we be happy in married life?"
..."Marina it is like a fish out of the water. Yeah,just like you took  a fish out-of he water and put it on the land and supplying all manner of happiness possible on land ".
"Do you think the deadly suffering of the animal  is  capable of relieved?" 

"until it taken out of its foreign environment, it won't be happy"
 "Why what's wrong wouldn't we see all are living happily Sam".

"All are suffering Marina!". He thought thoughtfully. 

"Marina ,the spirits and the matters are completely contradictory/opposite."

"The soul is God not the body Marina 
we have to teach the Sanatana Dharma to reach the Sanatana abode Marina "
"Why Sam?"
 "In there ,the entire living  entities are eternal whereas here we are typically terrible in  temporary story .
"Marina,the long memories of Pòor mind set because of Karma, causing us multiple issues " 
Sam thought again in pain .

"1) MIND

 "Brilliant thanks 👍 appreciate it Sam"
 i"Marina, aren't we are suffering long for short 
"She was cutely concentrating in his mighty mind set." Gladly glare at him mesmerisingly!.

Marina  straightaway danced unexpectedly!

Sam was  pretty pleased !!! didn't get upset ?
"Sam was trying to make her  hate himself due to the astrology aspect 
but on contrary, she was in the river of diamonds.

"She lovingly  led into the rhythm of a divinely desired emotion and 
converted her flowery beautiful body in to a godly gracious( abinaya), gracious gesture!"

Sam sensed it was resoundingly golden godly guidelines 
✨ 💛!!!! 
What type of typical and technical aspects of her💃 divinenic dance!
 He was absolutely astonished!  He was stunned and stood still like a golden statue.

He never knew that Marina 
dance!!What aspect of  attribute/characteristic !!

Such the nicest natural ability. He  naturally in adoration of the godly girl !?
"What  kind of aptitude (a natural abilities and tendancy)".
" showing in her atmirational attractions makes her 
seductive  ".

"Oh my God !!!"
Sam said  , admiring and inspiring  in clapping his👏 hands👏 👏 

He was excited , noticing the angelic expression of her body with her orange silk sari 🥻
her body languages were unrealistic,  distinct devotion!.
He couldn't concentrate such heavenly happiness of God consciousness!!!

This must be the dance of godly empowered. That's what he thought on the spot!. 

He grasped (fully understood) her godly quality!.
"Sam gathered both of hishands ; joined his palms and respected  her in keeping distance. 

Marina! you are spiritual,transcendental and inspirationally exceptional living entity".

"Knowing this knowledge and doing your responsibility is the real 
humanity to qualify for the eternal liberty from the cycle of births".

 "Thanks darling!"

 smiled Marina" 

"All of a sudden her name was echoing in the microphone 🎤 !"

". She was called she walked to the specious state 
smilingly gathered her angelic palms in illuminating her dazzling eyes for her astonishment, her miraculous brother,Krrishna spoke to her over the 
phone and said something unbelievable !

She cutely closed her elegance eyes just to see Lord Krishna to be fortified.

"What is fortitude or fortified  Krishna?"

"To be encouraged especially in the challenging circumstances like this, Balaraman. 
She again  smiled charmingly thinking of her brother .

"Hi every one ...First of all, thank you all 
particularly for the professors ,staff and 

For some reasons, the audience gladly welcomed  her automatically.

Her way of using the state fortitude formidably. What an amplified echoing her velvet voice !!!
🎙 🎤 

"What is amplified Krishna?"

"Make a sound or electrical signal stronger, Peter".

Simply it  was an award winning event.

Which  describes the perfume of God of the Gods, Sri Krishna in all divine things of life.

Of course !It was her who had given the charm in Sam's warm heart to make the whole world to be Self-Realized. 

Best of all, promoting the greatest sacred secret of the mantra to  each of the student.

To be Frank, he is a Yogi, Marina only knows it. Formally or in the ancient time ,yogies were selfish. 

At present they are selfless 
grace of    Lord’s Bless  . 
However, ordinary people can't comprehend them only they are Being  competitive in comparison of half gods  . 

Nonetheless her angelic look was a magic!...She suddenly burst in to tears!

 "Everyone was worried expressing their emotions 
compassionately!" Each  an every one was eager to know why!!

After a good three  minutes or so, she asked apology. 

am all alone I feel helpless. I thought at least my miraculous brother would be here by now  or at least my class mate ,Sam would be here by now, but I wonder why he isn't or they aren't here.

She wiped her tears. Unexpectedly she heard her miraculous brother’s splendor voice … ,
"Akkah!... Akkah!!... 

This was how Krrishna would call his previous life sister.!!!"

It was an unexpected  emotional state,but inspirational situation!

No choice she immediately hurried ,rushed ,ran…ran… and ran towards the vibration!" 

She was running leaving every one in alarming state behind her.

The   vibration was in acceleration…somehow she knew it was her reincarnated brother,Krrishna.

The crowed was following up behind her by curiosity.

The voice went louder and louder.The sun light had been disappearing quicker and quicker!

She was so, so excited to see her brother;her long, long term dream comes true.

Why on Earth the sun was setting seriously?

She was desperate to see her brother any way.

It was an unexpected thing to be happened,she was rushing breathlessly.
Could any one imagine her previous birth brother who lives in London was on the way to see her?

Hearing her velvet voice through the loud speaker,he had been calling  
her excitedly. 

"Where was he??".

He was in the van ,kept calling her breathlessly!!The innocent crowd were 
wondering, walking everywhere!.

Suddenly, there was a strange Loud barking  human shout,sounded serious and even anger???.
For her bitter surprise, it was Ragu rowdy with his gang members!?
“There… there… she is there…follow her catch her up !!!”
Ragu was shouting to his gangsters!! 
In fact, he wanted to revenge Sam and they were planning to kidnap her or even prepared to murder her.

Ragu had been chasing her with his surgery knife!!!???
He had turned crazy because of jealousy.
 brother heard her voice louder and 
louder while she was reaching him nearer and nearer.
The university was Surrounded by woods after woods sort of forest.
Looked dangerous;the sun was almost setting,leaving them in the dark although some of the areas were like pretty parks.
It smelled some thing serious going to be happened.As every one knows,the fox,rowdy Ragu had promised the death of Sam.
He said he was going to be given death penalty as Martin Luther King.
The material,medical education did not describe the divinity or about the inner eternal identity. 
Obviously he was in the ignorance class.
Actually,there are  average individual are at least following the second class called Passion Class. 
But he was in the third class called Ignorance Class.Whereas 
Marina and her friends were following the first class called, "Goodness Class "
Oh goodness!!.He was going to kill her! Ignoring her devotional direction .He thinks like the scientists that it was not a question of creation,but  selection,evolution and illusion. 


HARE Krishna 

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