"Hi Divine embodiments !"

"Hi Hare  Krishna long time since we meet each other!!!"

 "Nice ...nice and wise  to hear  Hare Krishna instead of hi or good morning students "

"Thanks sir"

"You are right delighted to be here we both my student and myself love your dedications songs Hare Krishna students". 

"Really sir?"

"Yes my student wowed wonderfully could you show it ?"

"It ... it in writing  Hare Krishna sir?"

"Yes in Tamil version ?"

"With pleasure Krishna sir!"

"By the way ,where is the other dedicated song of our Hare Krishna students?"

"No worries ,but not in written version sir" 

Does not matter  its meaning is stupendous “

" no matter whatsoever, we appreciated Hare Krishna"

"Why sir why it's so important Krishna ?"

" As you said, the tremendous theme is count and the situation of his father including his attitudes in sorrow and gratitude in disappointment "

"Pardon Hare Krishna sir?"

 "I mean  his action before alcohol consumption and after alcohol consumption ,the complete concepts of  his mind set are challnging"

"Sure Krishna sir we took our time to take into consideration of the pathetic Papa's pity personality due to difficult time and crual circomstances sir."

"What is the morality of the song for the desperate student?"

  "No words ,but love and affection will speak with Divine Grace"

"Could...could we watch  it again ?"

"Good idea Krishna ".

"Thanks it’s heart ♥ touching I need to go now pleased to see all of you "

“Excuse me why you often give a Bhagawadgita to the young women?”

“That’s assurance of insurance sir”

 "Good…good bye I'm on the way to Colombo chocolate 🍫  "

"Bye sir!"

 "Krishna ! Hurry up !'

"Why you look sad Krishna?"

"It's all about his actions  with big head "

"What's wrong Krishna?" 

  "He went to the tiny temple  with Sai Vikasan"

"Oh one of the  twins Krishna ?"

"Why you did not attend ?"

"As... as I was busy, tidying up our  house once in a blues moon when we get good mood some more family members from foreign are coming"

"Don't be sad next time you can have Annathanam ha...ha..."

"Because I missed an opportunity "

"What is it Krishna?"

"He was the one who did the pooja"

"What the hell our tutor is not a bramana Krishna!"

"It was not his decision ''

"Actualy the Pooja delayed the priest  was 2 hours late "

"The pretty people proposed him to do it cordially Krishna?" 

"It’s a demigod tiny temple how would he ...

"Yeah he is a God devoted not demigod devoted Krishna!"

"Of course, he didn’t accept to do the Pooja to the demigods".

"What a stupidity  !!!!!!He... he is a racist Krishna!"

"Sure a  separatist Krishna "

"Exalyhe is an  egoist Krishna "

"Cool down ..!Instead he arranged the white RadhaKrishna statue on the milk white massive meal table or   dining table" 

"What about the devotees Krishna "

"The entire devotees were warmingly  gathering around him leaving the table in the middle with their fragrant flowers, gorgeous garlands and other necessary items to carry out the pooja “

"How did you know Krisna ?"?

"Through the CCTV then Sai Vikasan adjusted the loudspeaker with Hare Krishna Maha Mantra happily which was usually left in the temple "

"What was the reaction of our tutor krishna?"

" K Souls studied each of the audience's body language which encourage him to take the tray full of fresh flowers and fresh garlands". 

"How he appeared Krishna like in the picture Krishna ?" 

"Ha...ha...He smiled thinking last time when he brought the statue with me ,it was left ignorantly so he put an orange flower under the  feet of Father regrettably".

"We love it Krishna we wish we ,too were ...were with them that's what you are saddened Krishna?"

"Sure !!!So he happily asked everyone to listen the record and repeat the Maha Mantra, Meanwhile he showered God and Laxmy with garlands and  fresh flowers in chanting the stupendous Maha mantra "

"Sooo happy Let's learn the back up Krishna 

"Sure every living  entity under four types of   of material nature has a particular type of body and particular type of psychological and biological ctivities .

"Like the four Vedas Krishna?

"Wonderful which are classified according to our clalifications and qualities ?"

"Brahmana Ksatriyas Vaisyas and Sudra Krishna?"

"So our tutor is he  a Brahmana Krishna?"

"Why not the followers  of Krishna by studying the  Science  of Self Realisation is a real bramana "

"Thanks for the education of eternal service Krishna "

"Now we understand shall we backup Krishna?"

"It was next week,they all went to 

celebrate Marina’s and her  mates graduation ceremony in the church. There ,
they  all were to be felicitated with awards for 
their lovely life time achievements as a surprising gift .

"What does mean FELICITATION Krishna?"
"Is it a French word Krishna?"
"English is a cousin language of french.
To be honest,  knowing French, is an advantage of speaking English. I think  Indra Gandi enjoyed it as she speaks both ".
"Felicitations is another word of congratulations". 
The Children were clapping  where ever Marina goes, they too go♥ 👏 👌.
 "Was it a graduation day again in a church ?"!
 "Sure on her friends' friendly request?".
"Yeeeeeeeeeeeees it was the next week,they all celebrated Marina’s and her mates  in the church there, they  all were to be felicitated with awards for their lovely life time achievements" .
Nearly the same crowd crowded  like  crowded cloud of colorful flowers.
 Sam too was there with some of his   friends,   welcoming  the crowds with  warm smiles, at the entrance their  we can trace the graces on his   friends faces which were  transparent.
At the end,there was a dancing performance kind of competition, as one of their friends celebrating his birthday so obviously there was  a rewarding competition  🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 presents were going to be given and the final decision would be taken watching the children’s perfect and positive performances .

The judges are  from different countries . As a matter of coincident, they came to visit for different  programmes so simply popped here friendly , all were well seated.The performers were overwhelmed, they too were eagerly  enthusiastic.

Out of them, one of the judges  had been giving 
highly acclaimed (praise enthusiastically ) by the 
children of the  performances and 
audience. As she is well 
known or  renowned all over 
the world, had different,different 
experiences decent degrees 
in dances and lecturing in a university,too.

At the ending stage,watching a child was weeping because she had been denied to be selected or elected within the  winner's group ,there was an unexpected argument. 
That was a group Parathanaddiyam performances, looser was the singer.
Best of all, it was Marina’s favourite melodious song 💙 ❤. 
This is the song she was singing while Sam and Rajesh Kanna were watching through the window kurtain.

The child was worried. Even though she did the best,only the dancers have been considered to be winners except her,the singer.
"Why she had been denied she revealed her entire  kills?."
It was a curious question!!!
Marina and her mates politely requested the main highly qualified judge to reconsider her decision, as they found the little girl did extremely well, splendid in comparison to other winners!. 
Nevertheless,the main popular judge denied definitely.
In addition, spoke to the doctors irresponsibly!,
“ Did any of  you get any degree in dance to discuss in this matter?... 
"I am the top most best judge and my decision is the determined decision of  Lord Siva,who is the King of Phrathanatyam”.

Marina’s mates have  disappointed disgustingly.

Could you challenge with Marina Akka in dancing!!!!?"
"The sweetest singer girl challenged weepingly!
"If you loose, would you  change your decision?” 
Another little girl from the crowd!!! 
Do you know with whom you all are challenging!!!?”
The judge shouted furiously .
Doing is better than saying”,
replied children all together ! Marina’s mates apparently appreciated ”junior doctors' eager eyes were in a  challenging mood and motivation remembering her dream:

Then Marina was astonished, witnessing what was happening and politely asked the top most best judge an apology apologetically. 
Nonetheless,the proudest judge refused any kind of excuses or apologies !.
   Sam smiled at Marina!
Suddenly she heard a favourite song and she recalled the melodious song by the blind beautiful beard young man, Sam’s  favorite friend. 
"Apparently she felt that she  was in her local Krishna/Visnu temple with a brass pot full of water, pouring it on  the writer ".
"Are you joking Krishna Prabhu 🌹?"
"I mean Ganesh is the writer of the scripture ".
"We never heard of it"
"You did not hear what I say ha...ha...?
"Then she poured the rest of the water to the author ".
"Are you Kidding Krishna Anna?"
"No Visnu I mean Krishna is the author of the scripture ".
"Oh my God it was Viyasadeva"
"No he was the collector and narrator  and incarnation of Krishna". 
"Let's carry on please". 
She was bathing author ,Visnu with her favorite yellow 💛half sari along with  a full flowery blue long skirt .
Sam knew somehow  Marina had been empowered  divinely in divine dance.
Because last month only Sam refused to believe his eyes while watching  mighty Marina’s divine dance delightedly.
When Marina saw Sam’s supreme smile, she felt like she had been empowered even more, reminding her divine Dad's dream.
Now she understood it was her divine Father’s arrangement.It was a purposely prepared cutest coincident as an accidental event. But not an accidental, intentional!.
She smiled unknowingly! The whole world smiled at her unknowingly.
The proudest judge already felt the frequency of victory waves of  winning. 
The judge  was fearless and the proudest.She had the complete ,concrete confidence in her own pretty performance!
She was wearing extremely expensive fashionable and fantastic feathery garments and world worthiest jewels in diamonds . 
To be fair, the atmosphere was admiring the inspiring and which is   impossible to imagine winning  her such a famous or fame professional dancer.!.
She had begun her performance after praying to
Lord Siva.

It was awesome!In deed 
splendid!Yes…she did it.So supreme dance.
People were cheering up for several minutes on her behalf.
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 
"Hi sir are you going to narrate now?"
"Undoubtedly Krishna has to Go now".
"See you soon Anna!".
"Bye...bye see you later".

"Wow…Now Marina’s turn.
"Let's go ahead?"
"Yes please 🙏".
"Marina  prayed to Lord Krishna, the main divine who deliver divine 
energies to every single atom and administrators such as guardians angles.The 33 
million of demigods. 
Some of the people even criticised mighty Marina  because the phrathanatyam invented by Lord Siva according to Hindu Culture even Scripture. So she prayed to Shiva as well.
"Why on earth Marina was praying to Lord Krishna?"
Sam knows how some minority Hindus  minimising  Lord of the  Lords and maximising Siva lack of torch of knowledge. That's become our  Hindu Culture.

" Smiling Sam sadly  reminded an event". 
"What was it?"
 "An event about   Krishna Menan and his  father at a Primary School not long ago it was the matter of ego ".
"Pardon ?".
 "When they went to visit to  offer a godly gift    an expensive lovely Lord of the Lords,a beautiful blue baby statue of lord Krishna on advanced  permission".
"Why was it?".
"On a yearly event   of Mr S. S Navaratnam,  but all of a sudden, at the very last moment, they disagreed it ! deeply  disappointed  Krishna Menan's father walked away but politely". 

"Sooner reaching  home, Krishna Menan's father asked him  to bring a small beautiful book from the bookshelf ".
"What book Krishna?".
 A book of the summary of his uncle's history as a memory book in which his uncle 's major , generous activities had been mentioned just  a bit brief in Tamil.
"You all  can see the book above". 
"Yes we do!".
And asked him to read a particular page in which it has been written that years ago, in 1948, how a massive crowd of different department pathetic people  had been left hopeless ,and homeless just in front of the same school" .
 "Oh we got it Krishna".

"Where was it Krisna ?".
"Suuuuu in Jaffna, Srilanka"
"The inhabitants irresponsibly protesting, saying that  the low cast peoples destroying the beauty of the city and community". 
"Concerned uncle, Mr S. S Navaratnam consulted  the government departmental officials and described the way the community had been discriminated and left homeless and their hopelessness".
Unfortunately the departmental  government officials were on the side of the high cast   unity . Left his request aside besides it was an urgent.

Meanwhile  Mr S.S Navaratnam  a unique personality was researching the details of the land where the people were residing, near the Primary School ".
Yes they were occupied in a free land.
As a result of his consult,he was informed that the land where the poorest were  occupying was belonging to Mr S.S Navaratnam's step father. 

When it was being confirmed, the city head officers agreed them to stay there on the kindest request of an honourable proprietor of the land Mr S.S Navaratnam .

In addition, at that time , the Primary School  was situated in an insignificant area . Later grace of Mr S.S Navaratnam and his influences including goverment and friends , , the  same Primary School was constructed comfortably and significantly with a new sign board
"What was it Krishna?
The first little learning center was called "Maddathu Palli"
And then the new name Krishna?
"Saivapiracasa Vidiyasalai"
"What kind of names Krishna?"
'Ha...ha... Sanskrit"
"Then Father said to his son, Krishna? ,

"can you imagine... now see the Head teacher doesn't know who we are, then how  they are going to know our Originator, Lord of the Lords? " 
"Doesn't it called Ignorance Class Krishna?"
"Of course, the Blue Baby Boy which had been offered to another school who know  the value of Vedas. "
Sam smilingly glanced at Krishna Menan thinking:
"We  just put Lord Krishna’s pretty pictures in our funeral family trees books at the last pages because of bondage in this iron age".  
" Isn't it insulting?"
"Of course, without  consulting the vedas ,it is indeed insulting sir!"
"We appreciate your braveness of naming them and  shaming them! What kind of irresponsible behaviour of the school Head teacher  sir?"
"Let's  carry on our narration please 🙏"
 Sure Marina’s garment was golden colour without any gold in her angelic body. 
May be some pretty plastic bangles and a pair of anklet ,suiting to her suitable clothes.
"Who knows who is who?"
 Marina knows that is why she is the best ,but not the rest. 
Her delightful cheeks  dimples dynamically danced before her dance ; Her simple smile smelled miles away grace of Chakras cheered her up her insightfully! 
"Could we watch what you said because we are kind of visual students "

"No problem Open it please!"
"Wow 👏lovely thanks!".
She suddenly converted her flowery beautiful body into a luminously gracious fluidity and surrounding it to the inspiration of  the gracious soul and the Super Soul towards the Supreme Personality of GodHead! As her 6th Chakras was near the 7th Chakras which witnessed miraculous grace of God.
Oh Goddess! Oh Goodness!!Oh God!The Goddess was there!.

Every one stood up with goosebumps! Including the judges, hugging her apologetically some of the   authentic audience forgot they had their pretty palms to mop up their heavenly terrific tears drawing designs. 

"Suddenly Smiling Sam hugged her in honour .She was astonished amazingly!!". 

"She was overwhelmed worried wordlessly! " Her heart bloomed!"

"On the opposite side ,watching the pity people who were entirely interested in drinking, smoking and dancing just in front of the church hall,Sam was unhappy witnessing the weird situation,caused him disappointment! 
He preferred staying  away from the pity party.

Unexpectedly at the end of the party,some people gathered together,interested  Sam’s company, attracted by him.The children compassionately comprehend his worried state,witnessing the horrendous bar!". 
The worst thing was some of Marina’s male mates ,too were drinking and smoking besides of being doctors!
Sam was  wearing black and white,glanced at the kindest kids and asked them unhappily,
Do you aware of the  illusion?”
They shook their heads unhappily realizing Sam's state.
He loved to teach the whole world how to escape from the terrible cycle,but people were behaving blindly.
Sam adores of the blind boy, his friend better than any body else.
"He still remembers his song in the middle of his speech".
Grace of that boy,there were generous money collection had been made to many disabled children.
From the Prime Minister to the gate keeper,we all are drinking, smoking and dancing...
Oh Goodness witnessing the weird, wickedness,Mosses was maddened after his hardest worshipable work for the libration of the slaves. Finally what happened ? Moses was left all alone.

The children were pleased to be there.They were pleased to be near some one who realised the Divine One.
 They had hugged him happily.They tried to console him soulfully.
"Please do not take it easy....
It is simply ignorance ,we have to be careful in human life otherwise, we may end up falling in the filthy lake of birth again and again.
This human form of lives have been obtained after many, many animals births.It is our best duty to get liberated.”
“However,some one interrupted,
 There was a blind professor had shook Sam’s hand smilingly 
“I understand your worries you have been left  all alone and Marina was celebrating the party” 
No…no…she is here”
Oh I see, thank God…Can you direct me to  Mr K.Soul? "
“Sure…Sure here he is there over there”
"Hi ! Happy to meet you Mr Soul “

"Sam introduced the professor to him as well. 
He was gladly hugged him without knowing that he was blind as both were wearing sun glasses, sitting in the green grasses, having a glass of cool water and watching the wandering people.
To be honest,the way you expressed a glorious quotation of Calcutta’s doctor and his greatest experimentation, was indeed splendid .
"This is what we say,the one who knows himself, knows all”.

Marina and Sam were pleased to hear it.
Their faces were beautifully illuminating every body around them and everything around them.
At the end of the party,smiling Sam gladly gazed at the cheerful children  
“Children! Please be aware of the goodness class …we all must try to follow up to  the divine gate  to change our fates.
The Key is ,
"The Great Hearts "
On the other side, the writer’s darling daughter  was accompanied with her brightest brother, Krrishna who had 17 G.C.S.E. in London. 
All in high grades.Happily hooked many in the sunny day.
All of a sudden,one of the children in the party hall asked,pointing towards her father,
"was he your father?”
She had nodded her head .”
“Are you coming from London?”
It was another teen.
”Sure sure”,
Alright could you tell us something that we should not forget your face in our life?
She suddenly glanced at the diamond studded clouds and looked at the children charmingly.
Alright!...I wish everyone in this world had a Dad guides them in line of divine line like mine”.
“Why you think so?”
Because that's called  love
 Don’t we think the ignorance style of life  is a kind of threatening and even a frightening either by natural disasters or diseases or old age?”
What do you really mean?”
Have you ever thought where we were before the birth?.".
"Did you ask yourself what is going to happen after the death?"
"If we do not care of these two questions, we are just like the animals”.
Smiled another guy removing his mask.
He was one of the fearless fighting formidable winds called Udana,handsome awesomely handsome.7
We must be taught what is the top most purpose of human life”.
“Oh I see, you are talking about the libration?"
 "We thought that you wouldn't understand any thing about Sam’s Science”.
Daddy had been practicing the Supreme Sanskrit Science."
 I mean Supreme Science  at home first. Then only introducing the best inspirational impact of the important to the whole societies as Sam Science…

"Apart from that,one of the greatest things and gifts that any parent can give to a child is to spend time talking to them as an equal person rather than patronising them”

She suddenly took a pink tissue and wiped her long fingers as she just had been carrying some chocolate and it started to melt for the heat in Srilanka.
 She did not eat,wanted to share with the children.She always would practice the science what she studys at college and what her parents teaching her.
If we miss this chance of having divine knowledge,we would be in danger of the dangers of having another terrible cycle of evolution in the ocean of transmigration…"
"Do you like it ?”
...she smiled angrily…

That will be  leading us towards many,many millions of births.Out of them, at least half of the births would be in the animal kingdom...
 you know what I mean Krishna?”
The boy supported with a sacred smile 
"We adore of it…we have been dreaming to be like you” .

A teen smiled.
"We wouldn’t even have a proper sleep.I have been passing lots of sleepless nights…
 you can ask my brother, Krrishna”
she  glanced at him.

He agreed Pretty promptly , plus at the moment in London the tuition fees is sky high in comparison to any other countries in the world.
Minimum £50,000 to complete the degree.
Of course,we have the facilities of borrowing,but Dad often would say,
 “the borrowing is sorrowing”..."Believe it or not, he likes to find out the remedy of all tragedies about our human bodies before the end of it".
Reason of being human being is our past actions in our past lives whether we are poor or rich;happy or unhappy educated on uneducated;pretty or ugly all because of our past actions”.

To be fair ,understanding the divinity is part of each and every one’s own main responsibilities….otherwise it is not humanity”.
Some one exclaimed.
Because we never ever escape from the Super Nature’s cruel grip which reactions regarding our arrogant actions.  Carry on and on !It is called Karma”. 
She suddenly stopped for a while,
“didn’t you realise that…
"Nearly half of our lives times we have been spending in studying only about the materials,the rest of our times, we ought to work till   die and run behind our children regularly… we…we…
Simply following our parent’s activities!
Don’t we?"
The boy questioned smartly.
"Doesn’t it like chew the chewed?"
Shame on us.
"We should not chew the chewed…could we?”
Her brother smiled.
She smiled like Marina and spoke like Marina.

“My Mum is a good Mum like every one’s mother,skilled in sorting out the present problems to make the present life pretty and enjoy the best."
She does not worry much about  the future life or after life”.
One of the children said .

Unexpectedly,she happily gave them lovely London chocolates to the crowd.

“Delicious! Oh goodness! What a lovely London taste!”
They exclaimed…
“yummy… yummy we never ever tasted such delicious hmmmm…hmmmmm”.

One of the obese was so greedy,eating like an elephant.

Seeing it, she decided to give them an advice in terms of obesity and health condition and follow up risks.

Listen everybody  as you know,every cell of the body needs energy to survive.
Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas is a tiny organ in the body.
The hormone is critical for cells to take up glucose sugar to use it for energy.
 The cells in the pancreas produce insulinand controlling the blood sugar level.
But unfortunately the hormone is produced very, very slowly.
If we eat a lot of sugar, the sugar level will be unleveled in the blood, you become obese which can lead you diabetes.It is the worst disease in the world.
"Where is your parents. Ha...ha...?”

The obese had shown her father. He was a doctor, sitting on a chair…a wheel chair with his only leg! The obese told her father’s leg had been removed because of the sugar disorder.
Every one was moved. She was not glad, glanced at obese’s  father so so sorrowfully. Because he too, was eating the chocolate generously!
“Sir,as far as I know, the parents are the guardian angels to their children".

"They often sacrifice their lives for the sake of the childre’s lives."
 "According to the Supreme Science,every single atom has been controlled by the Divine energies".
For instance,we have certainly learnt about the sacrificial even ...even  the 
sacrificial metals just metal : such as 
Because they are more reactive and being protective”.
She unexpectedly consulted her watch.

“The reason why, these have been used for protecting the iron corrosion or gold."
The iron is protected at the expensive of the more reactive metals sacrificial protections". 
"Especially in the construction.At least you have to follow up the instructions of the material science,but you have been eating chocolate with your daughter!”
The doctor was so seriously thoughtful.

“What you have been saying all these metallic actions and protections are only matter of material science O.K?”

"My Dad often quote the page 714 in Gita to challenge in this matter". 
"Here it was said by the Supreme Personal  that one who thinks himself the only doer,not considering the five fabulous factors, it certainly not very intelligent and cannot see things as they are".

"The five elements had been produced by the Divine.The living entities including the human beings ,too have been created by the Supreme Being in order to put these in order O.K ha...ha...!”
She smiled"…

"This is why my parents often being restrictive with us and advice us to eat a complex meals".
Here they have been behaving like the protective metals such as super zing whereas Mum is magnificent magnesium.
Their advice are the scientific and divinity  advice. Such as the complex meals will take time to digest. 
Meanwhile, the insulin will be produced to tackle the process perfectly.
Best of all, everything would be fine with a fantastic sport activities and a best balanced diet, contains lots of fruits and vegetables based on starchy food to be fairly fit”.

The doctor was in a complete sweetest shock!

"Why? "
She was worried for him and advising using her fresh educational facts?
Taking the sacrificial metals as example of the parents was cutest ,it's a concrete evidence .

The doctor already had read the story,
The Great Hearts and recalled how smartest Sam argued against the professor quoting the same page as she did.
His face was illuminated immediately. Promised her that he will look after his daughter as the sacrificial metals zing and the magnesium protecting the gold against corrosion.
He then opened his arms welcoming her  and  hugged apologetically. 
At the same time,her father appeared realising what was going on,he straightaway smiled at her! 
To be honest, he adores her. Whenever he looks at her,he will be smiling automatically.
Some times, when she sleeps, he would be watching her smiling; gathering his palms as though he found the Goddess in the bed.
My daughter darling never answered back and always did whatever asked without complaining.
Our son did exactly the same. However,she lives so much of father’s individual attention and affection more than our son.
No- one wouldn’t believe,I still wash her hair happily.Some of the times, feed her breakfast while she would run out of time”.

Marina had hugged her  and kissed her , was indeed a glorious scene to be seen.
Such an attractively affectionate situation.
Unexpectedly her famous brother,Krrishna  hugged her and kissed her simultaneously while her father did . 
He often would do that, especially each time her father would kiss her,he would be doing the same thing. 
He learned it from his child hood.He adores of his sisters .One was Marina another one was his London sister.

“Had she born in Srilanka ?”
Wondered Marina’s Grandma welcoming her in her opened hands.
“They were born in France    and learned the highest intelligence of divinity from their childhood.”.
Mother answered promptly. 
At the same time,the professor was so,so eager to learn about Krrishna’s relationship with Marina again and again.
He inquired many,many questions.He was pretty pleased to answer all of his mysterious questions marvellously.
They were discussing about
 1) the environmental,
2) variation,
3) evolution,
4) mutation, 
5) natural selection,
6) selective breedings,
7) The evolution of humans theory,which significantly increased professor’s confidence  in creation.
He totally ignored the theory in the explanation of natural selection.

He further explained,

” the more I study the more I wonder  the way of natural immune systems as which cannot be foolishly happened randomly without an engineering ".
He wonderfully indicated the percentage of genetic facts found in the blood like:
1) banana shares of 50% human DNA;
2) fruit fly 75 percent 
3) cow has the relativity more or less of 80%
4) Cat 90%, 
5) the mouse  98% 
6)Monkey 🐒 99 percent

Etc...etc...are considered to be the common ancestors.
He  explained the facts by producing points evidences and excellent explanation like a teacher .
All in all soul in all.
Expressed the many,many millions of years transmigration of  creation.
The first and the best ancestor was Lord Krishna

All of a sudden,
the wonder of the wonders was the rowdies surrounded them with respect  , apologitically :
"We chased to kill Marina Princess, on the request of Ragu, but she stopped to rescue Ragu’s life…we never ever believe in divine despite of having Jesus’s living prove of reincarnation after three days of his dead".
"The children had already taught us a lesson…please could you forgive us of forgetting the formidable creator".

"We would be grateful if you could provide us 
Bhgawadgita in Tamil as we do not read English".

Mr and Mrs Charm gave them the BhagawadGita from their car.

Two months had been past ever since the bad incident took place.

 Today is the fabulous Sunday.   The shining sun was rose  on the colourful nice as the fragrant roses.  In fact, it was a lovely blooming day in Kandy.

Now a days Ragu has been distributing Gita  to his patients and helping part time in “Krishna Home Surgery”.

He stopped smoking and drinking and his friends, too have been following his principles faithfully.He is a very good vedic vegetarian now.

Wow!As a result,people love Ragu a lot better than earlier .His treatments became miraculous.
His patient had begun to bring him beautiful presents 
Could you believe it?
 He became an example of a kindest father,husband,brother,son and a good citizen.
Once Ragu asked Marina:
" Marina! 
..Why did you safe me although I was chasing to kill you?"
He exclaimed.
"The university  lay down the  rules that a student is entitled to a degree holder when we get much less than the full marks prescribed.I mean out of hundred prescribed for question paper we are passed in  fifty .
This means that we can get the distinction of being educated even if we committed several mistakes and the rest failed fifty percent????? Aren't they allow us  to make further mistakes? Aren't we subjet to commit criminality?"
Are we educated? ",
Baba said that.
"Then how can we ignore ?...
Aren't we are   pretty   prone to make mistakes ?
 Are we totally educated? ".
 "Thank you dear Marina  ".
He worriedly wiped away his tears reminding his arrogant attitudes.
Marina when I came to know you fell in love with my class mate,I hated you both and my monkey mind maddened all because of my life style.
I always eat meat and hate vegetables. Some times drink alcohols.Cigarettes is my oxygen although I know it prevent the oxygen in take”.
He said apologetically.She worried for him sisterly.

His phone rang:
dong… ding… gong… ding… dong.
He could not wait as it was an emergency call.
Waving his good bye to her ,he flew away.
One month has been passed .

Sam phoned her:today he was going to pay a visit . 
In a blink of an eye,she had changed her dress after having a  sensational shower of sandal woods super soup.
She was wearing an adorable rose blouse and a blue skirt as soft as silk.
She did not forget to use his favourite soap sandal wood and watching her great green gate.She looked so fascinating.

"On the other hand, delicious cooking smell  was  filling the whole pretty city and even they were fighting with the flowers like people foolishly fighting in racism such as Hinduism". 
"Don't touch there sir".
 "Ha...ha...because they  were proud of them in assuming their sweetest  smell were more gracious than any other  aroma that’s include the flowers fragrance" .
"Of course, the people are assuming the flowers are more charming and satisfying our senses. Whereas the cooked curries are against their arguments".
"Ha...ha... because they think they are better".
 "In spite,it will not be acceppted as the flowers are prettier for our eyes,softer   for the feeling  and pleasure for the atmosphere sir".
"Nevertheless, the curries aroma arose and make  mouths watering  which are the most attractive for the nose  than anything else".
"Good....good...we know food is first let sir carry on the story please ".
"Thanks Meera!!!"
Meanwhile Mighty Marina was at her home green garden with her Grandma and Mum, 
Grandma gladly helping in watering the gorgeous green plants ; both were very busy ... in cooking. 
They were, gardening in looking Sam’s arrival.
As usual ,her hair was softy playing with the  fair air.
Actually the air often fond of her hair. 
"Why sir?"
"Why not?"
"As long as!we realize the reality of Supreme Personality, the completeness of God  of God consciousness focus 🙏 
"She  knows how the gigantic elements are working in combination of the sacred souls".
"Doesn't she?"
As long as her hair  was hanging loose,the pretty air playing Messy Game with the busy girl.
However, that boosted her beauty beautifully.
No wonder,they were dancing and drawing an artistic art on Marina's magnificently inspirational fantastic face and displaying her charms with warm still in calm.

Her softy, pretty, pinkish, fingers were trying to control the uncontrollable pretty naughty hair, but still which was making her better and better or fairer and fairer even prettier and prettier.

"What a pity!" 
 "What was it Ruby?". 
"Often she misses Sam...obviously it’s a quite painful to her".
"Ha....ha.... but still she looks charm which counts a lot" .
"However,sometimes it was indeed heart-rending or  heart rendering thing sir".
"Pardon Peter?"
 "Sometimes she feels as though a fish had been left out of the water sir".
"Somehow she is someone not like everyone. She has the Lord consciousness more than anyone else.
"The fact was,each time she studied material  science especially the biology,her Divine knowledge had been increased having more and more evidences in the way each and every atom and cell work on their own".
She straightaway confirmed what Sam informed her with evidences.

As long as there is an engineer behind an electronic instrument,
similarly there is  Divine drives behind every atom of any element  of the five main elements such as 
1) air,
2) fire,
3) water,
4))earth,and the
5) sky…

"Hundred percent which is universal"

 "If the man do not understands this or misunderstands relaying only in outter knowledge following  the science study, its a disaster sir". 
"Correct it will be the corrupt and incorrect Christina".
 "What would happen to those who 're in the ignorance Class sir?"
"Sorry for them,they must engage in the recycle of the life  cycles like bin recycle."
"That's what Sam's Guru interpreted the lords words and  describing as in the "SRI ISOPANISAD"
"Could we continue sir?"

"Why not? 

Suddenly she smiled by herself  recalling an event:
” last time when she was at his home, working in her lap top,  keeping on her laps”.

Sam warned her politely. It's true most of the intelligent students often practice what they studied,but he do not allow any one do wrong and hurt themselves. 
Sam advised strongly:
“Marina! What ever you learned you need to put in to practice. The education is just not for living, but also for our life safety... see what you are doing?" 
"What was it sir?"
"Let's listen their conversation Rudra". 

"Actually resting your laptop on bare knees can cause 
"Toasted Skin Syndrome"-a rash that can result a permanent damage and even cause cancer”.
"Is it sir?"
 "I always ignore the instructions of the catalogue?"
"Sure sure the Bhagawad-Gita is the catalogue and are we taking care of the dialogue of it?"

" Marina, she straight away  asked apology".

Suddenly she noticed the pearly gate!
Oh goodness!
 He was there!”
 Oh  you are here!!! 
She thought!  it was absolutely so sweet of feeling her great heart makes her heart sweeter in generating honey in many ways. 
It was so hard to bear when he was near.
” Oh my share of love!” 
Her eyes were  happy . 

She resembled a Divine, distinguish,  flower spreading the perfume.
"It was the best thing in the world she could ever expect to happen sir!"
His pearl teeth were glittering magnificently.
 "He might be resembling the sun light in the dark night to meet his moon light with so delight sir".

"That is your perception Siva.No one cannot express how deeply she loves him".
She felt like the entire silver stars lights have been carrying the fragrance garlands and heading towards her with a welcoming smile which can smell miles away!

Such a  glamorous and greatness! What a happiness? 
Which  tremendously thrilled her without finding the fondest  word in the world to tell about this moving  golden temple.
Her golden blood cells belling; seems like a garden full of golden bells ringing and  dancing by laughing and belling!

Wow! Indeed the Supreme dwells in each and every cell of this marvel angel!
   watching the inspirational man of exceptional with transcendental knowledge.
Such an  inspirational glance!
 Best of all, her greatest, sweet, heart seemed similar to a smile of the Supreme power.
The hospitality which she saw to him seemed as though she had seen the Supreme Personality Himself.

The grace on her thoughtful face was as good as the charming flowers laughing in the garden of the gardens! It was as good as heavenly music. Such a romantic! extremely,extremely fantastic. 
It was something like the grace of the Divine dance!
It was exactly like thousands of beautiful babies have been smilingly by calling her to feed them all with her own hands such a grace.
Oh goodness!

Her mother had been watching them through out the white  window, behind the beautiful white transparent cute curtain .... 
Now or never Wow how her vow has been realized!. 

How cheerfully Luxmi too was welcoming him by waving her hands.
What a seen of the sweetest serenity?” 
Yes she meant it.
Oh goodness, what a grace of the graces? 
She found the heavenly heart;the leader of the leaders was at the door step.

 She was unable to bear the heavenly feelings heating her  happy blessed blood cells with stupendous frequency. 
A lovely godly man! Really she has shown her wonder, kinder and tender warmth, welcoming ,words through her nice eyes.
He had come with a genuinely , winning  smile of the smiles.

Her Mum welcomed him like her own son. 
Mighty Marina was a bit shy when he said, a
She was ,   running her angelic fingers through her flying fabulous hair in the air with inspiring of fire  in her breathed air, a wonder wedding smile. 
Her heart bloomed in to fragrant flower glamorous gardens,  beauty.
He took off his elegance sun glasses and hugged her with all his affections.
” I missed you Krishna”, 
she smiled…showering him with spit.
As her mouth was watering as though she wanted to eat him.

“I already had my shower in the morning ”. He joked because of her shower of spit .
She laughed laughter and lovingly like a little like girl!! 
Her cheerful cheeks were reddened as an apple while she was approaching him her diamond dimples delightedly danced .”

"I am sorry! ",
She apologized kindly. 

He smiled blinking his impressive eyes which had made an impressive impact interestingly on her.
She enjoyed the greatest pleasure in his company after many days dried like a garden deprived from
Hare Krishna 

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