“Certainly Krisna! Could we continue  our narration soon Krisna ?”

Of course but before hand shall we watch what  humble generous life?
"Wow wordless!"
"Certainly Christina "
"Why you speak like that Christina we all are at least learning to be man of principle?"
Because we often discuss of Krishna why not Christ ?”
"Alright as a dedication to our Christina , we would love to share a tiny teaching of Lord Jesus okay Christina all the religions are exactly like streams and rivers only when we become Holy 
...and reach to the ocean Krishna?""
"Yeah !When we are self realised pure persons, we are  entitled to   the liberation"
"Who said Krishna?"
 "Our Originator's guru"
"Ohhhhhhhh  you mean the greatest   Bona-fide guru who is the 32nd descdescendant of Lord of the Lords?".
 "The rest of the religions are the  rivers and streams  only Krishna? "
"Appreciate it Subathra "
"Any ...any way please share our dedication Krishna  ?”

Enchanted, delighted and admired krishna !”
"Krishna we wish Marina spoke to us as a speech and advise us in standing in front of us ; encourage us elegantly and say that the Supreme Power protect us publicly "
“Why kids?”
Because we haven’t heard anyone who has almost all the attractions which a hero ,likes"

"Of course, everyone expect to be perfect,who is perfect ha..,ha....?"

"Ha...ha... we all are imperfect it's something like we all sorry somehow some of  us are  at least know that God is great  ,but nevetheless ,who knows who is who Krishna?"
"Better.. better we hear what a similar heroic and highly achieved godly girl says …
is it okay?”
Our treasure krishna “

"Sweet Krisna! This...this is how  the author authentically described her decently Krishna "
"Excuse me krishna we really really regretted regarding the dangers of the contraceptive pills which killed many and killing the rest Krisna did Marina speak  about it”
Generally speaking, the pills were extremely dangerous Krishna."  
"Why  the doctors had been suggesting these types of contraceptives Krishna?"
"Because there are always some positive and productive aspects in terms of contraceptives isn’t it Krisna!?”
"Evidence the world Health Organisation authorised children?"
"Country like Srilanka,India, China have been benefted in terms of pathetic population Krishna" 
"I too wonder why it's wrong Krishna?"
"Was it illegal Krishna?"
"But  luckily or unluckily it's being allowed Krishna". 
"The contraceptives killing the innocent peoples pathetically students".

"It is also affecting the economy Krisna ".
"Why   we are in danger ?"
"Because the victims were and are the highest and even the  the  lowest taxpayers means it's affecting from the gate keeper up to the prime minister ".
"Pretty proud to have you as Supreme Science teacher and we all are not only know the inner Engineer, but also we know how the government supported by  us, the citizens".
"One who has taken his birth according activities of life great 💕hearts "
And after finishing one one term of activities, one has to die to take birth for 
 the next task which is the worst  witche🧙‍♀️ work of ,Mother   Nature ".

"This cycle of birth and however not stop without the Supreme Personality of God Head influnce or intervention Krishna?"
"Appreciate it Subathra adherence of the  God of the Gods only make major diffrence"
"Which is  transparance in our path way of  of perfection Krisna ?"
  "In this way , one is going through one cycle of birth and death one after another without   liberation Krishna?"
"Definitely!, These young ladies about whom the young joys journalists  are   talking about as they are the highest earners and  highly educated" .
"Like tutor's children Krishna  ?"
"Ha...ha...more  or less you are correct their salaries have been deeply deducted".
"How much krishna?".
"Handsome money have been deducted  from their salaries".
"What percentage please krishna?"
 "From 20 percent to 40 percent".
"Let’s back up the rest of the story Krisna we are getting nervous in hearing how the innocets people penalised pathetically  Krishna ”
"How many of these kinds of people had been dying Krishna?”
Sorry Sarah”
"Due… due to deadly distribution of the poisonous substance so called  contraceptive please?"
"We have not much ideas exactly how many have been treating for the rest of their lives Sudah?" 
"Isn’t it affecting the economy Krisna "
"Unfortunately it's the fact Retna". 

"How many have died Krisna ?"
"So many Meera so many became disabled". 
"How many have been vomiting in blood Krisna?"
...have... have you heard any Mary?"
"Yes Krisna “.

 "Krishna we learned  there are  different  ways to prevent this happening". 
"What was it Krisna ?"
"Didn't we study about the  biological remedy".
 "You mean such as  restricting of the days?"
 "What are the  days krishna? “
"I know it Krishna!"
"What's that Rudra?"
"The number of days after girls monthly course Krisna ". 
"Oh we learned in  biology Krisna " 
"Of course, we have to use what we learned  not abuse Krisna ". 
"Are you talking about the periods    12 to 13 days time  takes an egg to be released in the tube where the sperms meeting to be fertilised Krisna ?.
"Yes Krisna "
"Wasn’t it enough to entertain their club life Krisna?"
"Certainly Ruby for us , it’s like colourful bulbs no question of God but throughout some colour bulbs, current  of Divine empowerment ".

"Sure Krisna according to the material science it’s a matter of certain bulk of chemical and physical composition of elements let’s us allow for our club entertainment ha…ha “
“Of course that’s why no one lament on the destruction or disappearance of our body Krisna ”
"However,people must  be aware of the killer, HIV is another threating krishna “
"Of course, because the HIV causes by joining with multiple partners in intercourse".
"When the people are going to realize the cause of all causes Krisna to stop these types of clubs multiple partnerships?"
"The divine dislikes this kinds of multiple intercourses  works Krisna “
"Advising them, is our course work Krisna like school 🏫 course works krishna".
" Ha...ha...!
...Factually and actually the human body is especially for holy study and
 understand the Supreme Body to be liberated from the eternal tragedies".
"For instance, the judge is well paid we know why?"
"As he has qualified so he must do qualified , difficult jobs Krisna ".
" Correct !At the same time,the clerk is underpaid why Krishna?"
"Because he has not intellectual things to Krisna “
"Excellent effort. Similarly,the human beings are intelligents.The humans have the highest responsibilities as they have the  highest qualities than the animals particularly their brain ,intelligence and discrimination."
 "The reasons why, they have been promoted or upgraded from animal bodies to human bodies Krishna".
"But still following  the animal principles Krisna!" 
 "Is it  humanity  ?".
"No Krisna “
"The human beings have got a boon. It's should not to be used like a child playing with a bloon".
"We people must wake up and realize the reality which is part of our original  responsibilities Krisna " 
"Obviously! Krishna Eating ,mating,learning,earning,defending offending, are simply an animal principles.

"Which is better Krisna ?"
Me…me….! Being single is simple...ha..,ha.. by watching multiple women similar to a garden of fragrant flowers no harm to any one” 
"Which is bad Rudra ?"
“Marrying one woman and dying thereby leaving  everyone at the end "
"So what... that's what... that’s what everyone does on  dailly basis Krishna!"
" Isn't...isn't it only to extend our  cycle of births as recycle of used materials Krisna?"
"Ha…. Ha…but our father  said that he became millionaire after marrying my mum "
In in Srilanka?”
"Yeah Krishna "
"Really ?
"What about before his marriage?"
“He was a billionaire”
“Ha…ha…being billionaire in Srilanka is not that easy Krisna”

“ Stop being naughty Rudra.
"Being fidel and faith to each other and being an example of a godly mother or finding filthy faithless friend after friend back to back booking appointments in the clubs and restaurants are the consequence of the unbearable out come by becoming  struggling single mothers  without fathers Krisna “.

"Definitely Durga".
"So   this is  the reason why, there are consecutive  consequences of  , family break down Krisna ?".
"Yeah consequently, leaving the innocent children to become the unwanted citizens and filling  the prisons and  the social cares?
Absolutely !!!Doesn't it causing the Government massive miseries?.

"This is called Karma?"
"Undoubtedly our lives are not a cinema or a drama.It is a Dharama isn't it Krisna ?"
"A duty was designed by Divine just by  following the past karmas".
"Sure other words, The Divine Law".
"Because of the ignorance life style,humans have been suffering in the horrible hands of the Nature".
"If we expect healthy births,we must respect the Divinely designed Law".
"If we accept unhealthy and filthy life,by following the reckless life style, people must pay a heavy penalty to the heavenly Authority Body,mother nature who hamonitoring by Papa Krishna".

This is the Supreme Science.

"The people who are the  fortunate  know the value of human bodies."
"They must remember to remember even a pig can enjoy the silly sex life, which is capable of eating the human toilet, waste Krishna".
Our Guru said. 
"The humans beings  already had animal births previously great hearts "  
"They had to live in many,many living entities in the process of evolution before involving in a perfect pretty human bodies Krishna?"

The DNA evidences are sharing the facts Krishna".

"Of course, the pity people ought to accept that their ancestors were the chimpanzees krisna ".
 "Shame on us .In fact,  step by step the development of evolution based on creation."
"From when Krishna?"
"This had been said 120,400,000 years ago in the “Bhgavad-Gita As It Is”
"The sex life should not fix any one’s fates to return to the basic state of the evolution to start from the complex life from zero with perplex Krishna"
"That's  what both Sam had written in the news paper  article as report". 
"What is Sam's argument Krishna?"
" Both... both of Sams were challenging that is the  holy chance to get rid of the cycles of pollution and get liberated from the dangerous evolution which links with the Nastiest  Natural Slection". 

"Have  they both wrote simultaneouslyKrishna?"
Yes this is how it reads:
"It is the poison.The unwanted over population is the creation of  pollution. In turn, it is  poisoning  the entire populations.
They strongly highlighted in their article about the 
  the words of the Supreme Lord in Gita.
More over,the near death messages have been describing  over 2500 people in Europe.
"The Boy Who Lived Before”,can be checked on the web page.
The D.N.A evidences in 
1) chimpanzees,
2) mouse,
3) fruit fly,
4) cat,cow and
5) banana have been proving that the relativities of the humanity".

Did any one cares that the fish brings up its offspring simply by looking at them?
"No Meera".

"Did any body thinks about the tortoise?"
"Pardon Peter?" 
"How it brings up its offspring sir?"
"You mean the tortoise??"
Simply by meditating towards their eggs?"
"Did any body cares the eggs of the tortoise are laid on 
the land and the mother tortoise meditates on the eggs while in the water?"

On the other corner, James,Rajesh and Menan were  watching the wonders!”…wow… wow!”
They were standing smilingly their  mouths were opened automatically! As though they were in heaven.
Being educated,  graduated in building designer,James  was amazed.
Particularly  he had appreciated the  supremely  white tower.
Apart from that, the domes and the paperless hall was awesome amazingly awesome! Incredibly  attracting.  Millions of visitors and devotees .
All in marble and lime stone, art,tradition,religion and philosophy all have been mixed in  this Temple construction.

In fact, it is a miraculous temple.Extremely attractive. Extraordinarily expensive,making increasingly impressive impact, rich looking all around the area surrounding it.

"How on earth the Guru, Bhacktivedananta, the greatest Guru, and a  chemist.  Although, once he   was penniless Sanniyasi  as long as he renounced everything in order to achieve the target of his own Guru’s order , he had left India.
Where he went ?"
 " America".
"When was it sir... was it when he was young ?"

"Not at all!
 "It was At his 69".
 "Did he travel by  flight ✈️ sir?"
"No ". 
"Only  in a goods ship with a bag full of Bhagavad-Gita and other books. Can anyone imagine that he had  bought 108 Krishna Temples in all over the world within  10 years?"

Asked mother of Sam to his father ,professor.
Mr Charm was wondering 
"sure…sure he must be the greatest Guru out of all the gurus in India during my life time. 
"And  he had bought all these within 10 years". 
"How sir".
"Mostly by selling the Bhagawad-Gita and Bhgawadam which are the words of the Lord of the Lords.
Because of him,lots of knowledgeable people came to know the purpose of the human form of life”.
Both Marinas were wearing    pretty velvety golden and  glorious long princess like garments. 

To be honest, they all were hesitating to enter inside of the Temple ,a richly carved entrance which leads in to a majestic wooden courtyard with soaring teak columns and oak panels ,elegant peacocks, delicate lotus flowers and royal elephants beck on in greeting.
Marina had a divine dream seeing the palacious temple with Lord Krishna in white marble ,
"Could we watch it? Feel free to open the veil"
"Fantastic ! Romantic and heroic!!!"
Unexpectedly they saw colourful ,beautiful and joyful children singing the Maha Mantra . 
It was the peace place which is to provide people pleasant peace of the peaces.Without peace no point of working learning and saving.
The auspicious place was so nice,very neat,magnificent Place.This was built by Sam's superior  Guru who knows how the material mattes generated by the supreme power.
Stunningly smiling Sam(s)not only wrote just an article of some young girls who were the victims of pills, but also divinely advised them in thousands of thousands times with the help of internet technology to encourage them to follow the biology as the cosmology controlling them  and the astrology is the evidence.
Otherwise, there is no question of seeing the identical twins acting accurately identically".
"How sir?"
"It is because of the planetary moments in the cosmology's control linking to our times of births and times of deaths ".
So this is how the METAPHYSICAL Mission work sir?
"Correct plus AURA Christina"

 "Does everything has aura energy ?"
"Definitely Durga".
" Even a  plant 🪴?"
"Yeah "
"Does it increase more AURA by pursuing prayers ,chanting mantra ,
  sharing our Mission and teaching?".
"Surely Sarah for instance, some doctors, nurses , gurus and even ordinary peoples experiencing auspicious AURA operating them".
All of a sudden,they saw a disabled, a tremendous teen,
"Who was it sir?"
"He was related to Benz family. A Sinhalese who was over excited in seeing Sam's greatest group in the krishna Balarama Mandir".
"He was his fan a regular reader of his story",
"THE GREAT HEARTS", on line...unbelievable fan. 
No one could be such a fan like this fan.He adores of them.
 Especially his Divine Mantra.

"More over, he was the one who was kept on saying the krishna mantra during 69 days ever since he heard that the 33 miners had been buried alive in Chile!"
"Pardon sir!?".
 On the  69th day ,he stood watching  the T.V gasping at the adorable child of 7.
The way he was weeping was unbearably hurting. He was over whelmed when a lovely compassionate  7 years old child was watching his kindest father who was the first man to be rescued was named as Florenclo Avalo. 
"Was he  buried under the earth sir?"
 "Unfortunately yes Meera!"
"How deeply sir?"
 "500 meters deep or 2040 ft."
"His pain was over the limit his spine was replaced by ice".
"Had they been rescued sir from 2040 feet?"
"Absolutely!...was unforgettable event for him not only because it was the  bravest kind of dangerous rescue operation,but the  gracious prayers of the 33 men was incredible".
 "Even though they were trapped under 500 meters,they did not stop saying the mantra! 
"Are you sure sir?"
"Nonstop ! It was simply a heart stopping event. Their  consecutive prayers on daily basis with 100% of  hope during 69 days was unforgettable event" .

For every one's amazement, he was wiping his uncontrollable tears by sitting in the wheel chair.His face was turning as rose  as a rose.
Meanwhile,his body languages were surprisingly very,very exciting.Again and again tears washed his cute innocent face...
 The people who watched him,automatically end up being  in emotions. 
He clearly knows that Sam has been serving so many in advising them the reality of the divinity. 
To be fair, it was something like Lord Krishna did in the incarnation of Lord Buddha,
the Buddhist beautiful boy had been devoted to Krishna.He learned a lot about Buddha.
He suddenly thought what Lord Buddha  said...
"Buddah said that everything in the world is dukkah means sorrow.

He knows perfectly about the reincarnations.

Buddah described desparately that the people are born in many times and each time a person is reborn,he suffers for his actions in the previous lives.  

Buddah was saying for the very first time about acting to get rid of the dukkah to his four first friends and followers 
"When was it sir?"
"As soon as he was enlightened Meera.

He says the things we have done in life are called karma and these are carried forward from one life to the next.

According to him,the greedy of the people in materials is the cause of the dangerously poisonous related to previous life.

He said that people should break the cycle of rebirth by selflessness because the selfishness is the unconsciousness of our temporary body, which has inner power of permanent divine body within.

He says we must please Kanna:
How Krishna?
Below is an amazing video which echoes how

1)  The right thoughts; right speech; right actions;
2)  The right awareness no gossip right career;
3)  The right concentration 
4)  The right effort of controlling the mind. "

Sam approached him and hugged him beautifully and blissfully with overwhelming happiness and sweetness.
Even the atmosphere shares and inspires with temple aroma. 
He was trying to hide his wheel chair behind a beautiful white  wall of the temple and was wiping his welling warm 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 from his elegant eyes.

He did not understand the reason why the cute disabled fan was shivering while he was hugging.

He felt breathless pity for him watching his eyes closely They were musical they  were swimming in tears.
He was so silent.The boy was compassionately 
compelling comfortable with the warm feeling of Sam’s healing like Marina does. 
The closeness of him resembled  Sam is a Kamadhenu,
Yeah Kanna’s fabulous friend 
The greatest godly wish fulfilling heavenly  cow,
The boy knew why  Sam being a differently , distinct and delightful personality.
"Why sir?"
He practices SamKirtana path and realised it was 
because Sam drawn the divine crown of Lord Krishna and tied to a pretty post.
"How sir?" 
by means of his Maha Manndra 🧘‍♀️ 
Yes Sam he has a Ruby Robe  called the NAME OF RAMA 
His Strong post is his own tongue 👅. 
Weather he is personally and visibly  dancing or not, 
his happy pink tongue dances 
with  the Names of Kanna.

He was Obviously breathless pity of him. Then he looked at Marina both Marinas and then he gazed at London Sam!!!
 His eager eyes inviting them closer and closer for his hunger and thirst. What a Good Class cutest boy!
He learned lessons on line and followed it as divine line each of his action follows in line of SamKirtanas
His food is not for his body, but both for his  brain and for his body, energised in Vedic vegetarian marvelous meals. 
Yes we are what we eat his brain bridged in divine line in line of Sam’s Science. 
His musical eyes were swimming in tears,was so silent.
He was comfortable with the feeling of Sam’s closeness.
He was dressed delightedly with a banana yellow T shit and a bottle green shorts.
Oh gracious !!!
His eyes were shining like diamonds.
Sam had used every kindest words in the world to console him.
The more he spoke the more he broken down in tears !!!???
He cried excitedly,he cried loudly his mouth was widely opened looked like a cheerful child.
“Don’t worry Sam God bless you both”
 he added, he was sobbing, unable to speak still speaking eagerly!
Man proposes and God disposes”

"Every one from the watch man to the Prime Minister,in the capital is interested in married life,but you interested in divine teaching like the buddah did leaving his young wife in the middle of his happy married life”.

Some others were with Marina,too just behind him 
In the fragrance beautiful building admiring the inspirational and traditional works of the auspicious place.
Marina had a day dream:

All of a sudden,the cute boy  kissed Sam in saying:
"Grace of your articles and advises,I understand why I born disabled".
Whoever saw him hearing his reason of terrible tears were extremely emotional. 
Could We imagine how the viewers hearts 💔 💔 💔 💔 were broken down !?
"Grace of your tremendous  torch of Supreme Science,I am certain that the poor to be poor is because of their past and present poor knowledge of the Divine"....
Marina... both Marina went and hugged him motherly while both Sam s were mopping their welling eyes unknowingly and compassionately. 
"The disables to be disabled is part of the past ignorance of the Divine’s words Sam."...
sadly he was wiping his non-stopping fluid by his disabled palms…

...."My parents are alcoholics and chain smokers.
 Consequently,I born as a disabled... 
to be boned to such parents was my past ignorance of the divine’s words…"

"To be fair, to be born like you and serving the innocent like me   is your obeisance of Lord's words.I love you".

Then he paused a while...was speechless ...struggling for wording and breathing 
Unexpectedly,there was an unknown American voice behind them:
“Excuse me!"
 Listen!There is no question of a divine here in connection of your disability;it is all about Science.
This is because of a faulty gene caused the negative outcome because of a faulty immune system in the embryo.
Certainly not because of the storage and the reactions of past actions".
Then he glanced at Sam arrogantly,
"Over all, an ordinary journalist cannot understand what is the science".
"I am a scientist from America graduated in a first rank university and lecturing in the university of Cambridge in Britain that’s it”.
The smartest Sam replied promptly,
Can a person refuses to taste the sugar understand 
that the sugar is sweet”…
"Can a person interested in material science only, claimed to be an educated?”
His Britain brother was delighted to hear his twins brother’s philosophical quotation after quoting of girl friend's greatest guru.
"Can a person refuses to understand the material science ,claimed to be a knowledgeable?”
The Prof. smiled.
Suddenly both of the twins girls appeared in expecting an interesting impact of this out come.
Smiling Sam gladly glanced at his British brother,
another Sam.
"Of course, you may have some fossil records and the DNA evidences to say that the chimpanzee is our ancestor not the creator".
But the same DNA and the fossil evidences also supporting the divine relation following the cycle of many,many millions of years transmigration”
The Prof was a bit astonished then he asked the evidences of his involment of cycle of birth,the theory of transmigration.
He gave the Bhgavad-Gita As It Is.
The prof. exclaimed.
"GITA" .

“Yes…the words of the Lord of the Lords
This is the Universal Bible”
Listen!The Bible words about creation of the world in seven days had been denied by the studies…you approve or disapprove,we have the proves of the sea spreading under the oceans since millions of millions years”.
“All right sir,the meaning of the science is knowledge…
Am I correct?”
 He nodded.
“So having half knowledge is not the full knowledge. 
"I mean we must have both knowledge,devotional and material.
The Supreme Science and the material science.
Knowing only the outer energy and ignoring the inner energy is not the complete education”.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean the outer energy is the Nature and the Inner energy is the Divine called souls”.
The pro. was a bit confused hearing his talks.
However, knowing it was an ancient Sansrit Science, aged 120,400;000 years,he was a bit inspired as he alreasdy interested about it when he was in America.
He looked at the cover of the cutest brown book carefully and returned it to him respectfully.
"Sir it’s like a coin which needs two sides to be called a coin”
The material scientists should be helping to find out more and more evidences .
The So called scientists hadn’t taken in to account of the Universal Bible before deciding any conclusion. 
It is important.The old is gold.The oldest words of the God is the strongest evidences for the best decision.

Otherwise it is simply a discrimination of the Divine”.
For some reason,the professor was in silence for a while.
Somehow, he was smiling negligently any way.
"I know why you have been smiling…of course,I shouldn’t have told you this kinds of stupendous science.
In fact, originally this message was spoken to Vivasvan,the King of the Sun planet.It was millions of years ago.
Then this message passed to the greatest King to King to back to back to  the descendants generation after generation.
It has been mentioned in the Gita that is to say,it is especially for the saintly Kings.
They were to execute its purposes in ruling over the citizens by dedicationg their life in educating the children.”

Could I borrow this book?”
"My pleasure,you can read what I spoke in the pages 192,193,194”.
London Sam was calm ,but came up with evidence on his smart phone and saw it to the professor smartly about the 5000 old flooded Kingdom.
“I would like to know how the divine has been controlling the  people in the planet?”
“All right sir just short and sweet OK?”
He smiled :
the time of the fertility always linking with the divinity…every single micro second or even a nano second is counted.
If the sperm had a chance of joining the egg in a wrong time,there is only a negative results.
For example,negative chance of having a positive result of a healthy baby…
…At that point,even a dominant defective cell could change in to a negative or recessive.
At the same time,if the time was an auspicious,even the recessive cell could change in to a dominant.
That is depend upon the decision  of the time provided following the Karma”.
The prof. was thoughtful.
The moment of the nine planetary system is controlling us mathematically.
Mainly the calculation of the circle,360 degrees has been playing a big roll.
It called astrology.It is the mathematical formula.
See the chemical reactions taking place when a substance is burned…doesn’t  it react with oxygen in the air to form a new substance called oxide?
At the same time,if one of them,water or oxygen was not there,the reaction would’t be there. 
The iron will not be stained for example .
Bad action incur karma like the reaction of the chemicals :when the magnesium is burned in air ,it reacts with oxygen to form the compound,magnesiumoxide.This is science,but material science.

The moments of the planetary systems are controlling us divinely has been connected to the cosmology.
The correct calculation of astrology will give you the definite descriptions”.
Mr Charm clapped happily by presenting himself to the American university professor working in Cambridge.
He shook his hand ,
“you have got great children”
“Thank you”, 
smiled Mr Charm charmingly.

It was the first time Marina saw him smiling.He looked handsome.
Wow! See the smile costs nothing,but it produce a lot.
Who knows the value of a smile?
“I know Sam… God is great and It speaks in many ways…
 Please bless me Sam… to get rid of this body".

Sam was struggling to control his happiest emotions.His extreme emotion was expressed in his elegant eyes.
It was a fondest feeling to every body.
(the expectation of the child was sky high).
 Sam always faced any type of difficulties with courage and humorous,but when he stood in front of him,hearing heart broken words, his happy smile said a good ,good bye to him.
The boy was considering him as a guru who has the power of any kind of wish fulfilling .
Words blocked in to his throat.His heart was broken…within the short time, all were   so attached to the Buddhist best boy.
He was repeatedly clearing his honey hurtful voice.
Suddenly, Marina …both marinas were wiping their water falls emotionally.
They straightaway smelled Sam was nearing to a river of tears.
 Her prediction was like an expert scientist perfect  conclusion .
He was crying after a long time in public…
“Absolutely I feel sorry for you
...After all, I am an individual like every one .Only think, I have been trying to realize the divinity as part of my responsibilities”.
"Thank God"
 Both Sam  hugged him happily .He had an impression of satisfying the divine in some way.
A few moments later,there was another poor man,who was watching the event in extreme, excitement then watching Sam, and turning towards another Sam wearing white and white sounded super warm people both were talking the same things.

But surprisingly his face was as angry as tiger 🐅 🐯 🐅 Unexpectedly he appeared in front of every-one!

However, behind him, there were a few guys seemingly his friends.    Their appearances warned Benz badly!
 She called the fire fighters from the near by temple 🕍. 

Hi! I am from Srilanka showing the incredible event,listening the marvelous witnesses of your DIVINE'S  consciousness,I just want to ask you a few questions.
All about the disaster of the disasters. So called tsunami-and the recent civil war"....

"Can you explain the reason behind this disaster?"
The people were puzzled and thrilled and worried in hearing an unexpected violence voice.
"Why your Lord being as hard as a stone.Because he wouldn't or won't understand what we want. 
Even though he has been living in every one and separated from every one,what is the point of being a stone?
What is the point of taking the poor borne's  lives?. What is the point of talking about the boon?
What we need after losing the entire families?"
He was furiously waiting for the answer ?
It was hassle (annoying inconvenience situation involving arguments. 
Complicated and compassionate scenario, most of the people puzzled!.
worried and felt sorry for them. 
He glanced at his brother,Sam from London.
However, for every-one's super surprise,
London Sam's  face was so nicely illuminating; a power as though he was just empowered by the Lord.
He politely smiled at him in holding his hand because he began to realize how the empowerment of metaphysical  power cells works like the solar panels  cells which absorbed sun energy. 
His Heavenly knowledge too absorbed divined power from Papa .
As soon as he hold his hands, already,the unknown Srilankan boy felt something special!
It was quite crucial! 
Unable to explain kind of Divined energy injected through his body heavenly.
"Can you sit down please?"
He heroically and kindly asked him to take the place in between his Srilankan Sam and himself .
It was in side the huge building.Since the questions were tearful ,knowledgeably  thoughtful, both Sam(s) felt hurtful.
Nevertheless, the incredible,people enthusiastically interested in hearing, and sharing the Supreme knowledge. 
It's became a kind of compassionate effect !Every one enhanced enthusiastically!
Mr and Mrs Charm,the professor were astonished. 
Nonetheless,they,  too were in doubt concerning the Tsunami and the civil war overall,the  natural disasters around the world !! 
Indeed, from time to time  they too were in a confusion in this types of questions.
It's true, Nearly 50%  of the entire world population have been asking asking and asking the same questions.
Suddenly, Sam had saw him some stupendously colorful  and charmingly,fragrant flowers beds in the nearest glamorous gardens.
Then he asked,
"what was the purpose of them?
 what was the purpose of those flowers beds?"
In response,he said,
"this is the normal process  of cultivation or gardening of plants..
 we cannot sow the seeds straightaway on the field apart from certain seeds.The bedded flower plants have to be uprooted! 
And then need be replanted in the appropriate lands or places from the flower beds to facilitate their growth!! "

"Brilliant as simple as that"
People were impressed the appropriate answer of the Srilankan young man.
However,they were anxious to know the divine answer of the Supreme Science knowledgeable men,  Sam s...
London Sam smilingly glanced at him and explained:

"Dear!The souls have no births and no deaths.
They are unborn. Ever lasting.Never ending.Eternal. 
Transcendental and spiritual ...
 what they are doing? 
Simply, simply changing,changing and changing their bodies,families and countries.
The boy seemed to be puzzled !
 Sam smiled and repeated in more and more details.
"When we change or leaving a country,it's call  emigration ;when we enter in to a  country, we are immigration do you agree?"
Whereas when  the people change their bodies is called transmigration".
Transmigration means changing the body to another  body. As we are changing the clothes !"
It was an answer impressive by Sam.

The people around them were highly impressed.
The Srilankan young man was not really appreciative.
After a while,the man asked Sam:
"But, but, still I have not been answered"
Srilankan Sam smiled and said,
"Don't worry I am coming to the point... the people who had been killed were like  the removed plants from the flowerbeds, certainly will be replaced in the appropriate areas".
"I don't get that point gentleman!?"
I mean they will be taking their rebirths in different,different countries according to their Karma...or destiny. 
Is it difficult to understand?

The area they lived were overcrowded as the flowers beds.
Or Lord decided to change their bodies for some 
positive aspects or even a negative aspects according to 
their passions,ignorance and goodness.
So they were uprooted or flooded.
Both Sam (s) smiled,
“ it's simply the processes  of transmigration.".
At that point,lots of pilgrimage were astonished and amazed!
Then he carried on:
Remember Knowing the Supreme Science is removing  the fear,desire,and anger step by step".
"As long as we have removed these three qualities,there is no reason for fears desire anger only happy tears in the event of the replacements of the bodies".
"Of course,because of affections,even when we are separating from the affectionate family,friends,and relations,we must be experiencing worries and sorrows and  tears as gears to drive toward divine direction ".

The Srilankan man who was in the deepest disaster,but... but... he was  feeling fantastic wow free of fear  now he looks  like Arjuna in Gurusethra!
 Could not believe his eyes.No one in the world could not convince him.
Today he has been blissfully convinced.He was in a greatest   shock . 
He straight away hugged them both with genuine 

The Five 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 Fire Fighters....rushing towards the address Benz provided  them.

At the same time,this event put most of the pilgrimage in permanent happiness and Lord's consciousness.

On the other hand, the five life rescuing kids namely ,
1) Parana,
2) Apana,
3) Vyana,
4) Samana and
5) Udana 
were smiling sweetlythey were always so admiring about their devotional knowledge.
There was no nuisance ( thing causing annoying or difficult). 

Besides they surrounded them.
 Their heroes, Twinkle Twinkle  Twins 🌟 ⭐ like their Supreme Security Service .

Benz and her friends felt free and relaxed pretty proud of them .
This was the only time the five girls saw them clearly.
And spoke to them and asked them affectionately  why they have been using their nick name and what were the definitions of their nicest names.
The guys gladly told them their names are after five AIRS ON WHICH THE SOUL FLOAT.
They seemed shy and smiley than the girls. The girls enjoyed their company they are brave and beautiful in appearance.
" Your nice names please?" 

1) Parana,
2) Apana,
3) Vyana,
4) Samana and
5) Udana  
they said their names one by one like at collage reporting. 
Girls smiled 💓 💕 💗 💖 at them thankfully.
They wanted to be  hugged by them such cutes, but they were too shy and sweet.
 They had been appreciating both Sams and both Marinas with the Beautiful Bhuddah Boy.The event was unbelievable no one was left without tears while he was shaking and talking with Sam.
Best of all,the way both sam were  explaining the reality with facts and appropriate metaphors in order to convince the innocence,they both were gifted and talented and their  greatness expressed enchantingly.
 It sounded to many that they both had been enlightened by Divine .
They all 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 
their hands over and over as they were over joy and over the moon.

" Excuse me Sam!
 So  the estimated dead of Haiti was 230,000 a few years ago,simply had been uprooted in order to be replanted in the comfortable countries as it is a very poor country?"

Asked a British pilgrimage in appreciation.
"Without any doubt,"
replied both  Sam s smilingly and simultaneously .
"These types of facts make the hearts so relieve in believe and getting  us away from the grieves" , 
shouted another pilgrimage happily...
"What is the top most thing we have to do to get rid of desires and become a man of peace because I worked ever since I completed my university. 
Now sixty six still I have been working,but I don't have piece.
 I married a couple of times.
However,I am unable to find a  single piece of peace.
I am prepared to sacrifice my belonging as long as I feel peace " .
Worried the professor who was just challenging with them exclaimed.
Worried both Sam glanced at their Dad,understanding their body languages,
Mr Charm calmly  told him:
"The purpose of human life is arriving the status of complete knowledge if you really,really want a pretty peace,please read,read and read the Gita or read the  "The Great Hearts",
 You will get the peace because The Great hearts has been beautifully based on  Bhgawadgita for the younger generations”.
Mr Charm was not satisfied without giving him a  concrete evidence.
Then he took the Gita and suggested by indicating the
page in 232 of Gita Lord said,
" the purpose  of all sacrifices is to arrive at the status of complete knowledge".
The knowledge is the torch of our darkness.I give you the website details of the Great Hearts and a Gita.
It is 100% guaranteed you will achieve the peace in permanent.
 The one who knows himself,knows all.Basically we must know about the eternal soul and Super Soul that all."

He suddenly glanced at  divine lady doctors,  jingle bells ,Marina(s)together with twinkle twins with an amazing smile in saying,"
In their age ,I was thinking marriage was an encouraging thing as an average person. 
 Of course,because I was  experiencing   attraction of sensual pleasures sensationally".
Then he took a deep breath.
Mr Charm and Mrs Charm told him about their childish promises not to be married!
The foreign professor was silently watching them sorrowfully.

After a good few minutes silent
" Did the boys know the matters?"
Mr Charm nodded his sorrowful head; his eyes covered in  and his heart swelled in pressure.

"Besides they are being so sweet!
"How come?"
How on Earth they forgave them?"
Again the sorrowed American professor exclaimed!
"Worried mother replied,
“ they were pleased for their girls as they don't need to undergo any kind of burdens such as child births "
her voice had blocked in her throat painfully.
"Didn't they change their minds?"
"No. Not at all, they think that they are related to their souls still  going to be their  lovers for ever".
The American  straight away took the Bhagavad-Gita from his hand thankfully and compassionately hugged both of the couples like a great guru with lots of affections in saying,

"I will certainly read your story",meanwhile, without his consciousness tears drew drawing dazzlingly designs on his reddened cheeks.

They felt formidably friendly friends  as though he was their best friend since years!
He looked at James elegantly together with his Srilankan wife.
" Known is a drop of water,but the unknown in an ocean"
Professor said sympathetically.
Mr and  Mrs Charm could not meet the astrologer as they planed it was another additional sorrow for them.
Krishna whatever we discussed fortunately people are reading “
Krishna my uncle became millionaire just reading a book per day” .
It’s pretty cool that have a look what an intelligent is saying!”

Hare Krishna!

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