"God bless you students "

"God Morning Krishna!"

  ""Straight to the subject matter Krishna please "

"No worries any of you know how does James sister look like  ?"

"Every lovely smile of Renuga touches someone's heart happily at any moment Krishna."

"Really Meera?"


"Woooow.. that’s how many friends described  me ha …ha" 

""Thanks Rudra Thanks ha...ha..."
"Krishna why do we  say that love is blind?"
"Sure as long as it is based on kind , I find it is pretty  blind "
"Evidence Krisna?"
“Appreciate it Krisna” 
"...Renuga looks like a lovely Luxmi, for her parents ❤ ♥ 💕 .She looks like  an unique personality and auspiciously  it's… it's a grace"
"We love  her favorite half-sari. Sort of grass green and chocolate brown blouse Krishna "

On the other hand, her happiest grand parents were standing with their outstanding out fits with  James, her brother ”
"It would be incredibly spectacular Krisna !”
"Yeah they kept on holding his hand while   walking hand in hand on the Indian land". 
"We are pretty excited Krishna" 
"The problem is.,,"
 "Oh with her grandparents Krishna?"

Ye. that  they will not tell that they are hurt,but wait for others to realise by their pretty patience". 
"Why was it Krishna?" 
"They refuse  to be disrespected sometimes with the young generation, they face difficulties not because they are doing mistake or something wrong ,but because they are doing something right!!! .Such a world to be worried !!!.
"Wasn't it the  first time they met James Krishna ?"

"Obviously which would remind them how their son, Jonathan was behaving and  looking like and they were so sensationally sentimental couple ".
"We love them krishna" 
"Their godly daughter ,Renuga resembled the wife of Rama !Real demi goddess heading towards the Thirupathi Temple! ".
"Excuse me Krishna an important question ?"
"Go a head Rosy where have you been we …haven’t seen you long time?" 
"Oh ! I was on holiday to Srilanka Krishna "
"What ??”

Such a long term holidays?"
"Ha...ha...!That's a secret Krishna I just wanted to spy Mr K.Soul Nava “

“That's All  Krishna it's awesome Rosy" 
"What is your purpose ?"
Watch out the video Krisna”

we   don’t catch up Rosy do you mean the discovery of the sacred soul?”
“ We kind of hate Mr K.Soul ha…ha…”
"Why Krisna?”
"!For instance, although we wonder  how would have Krishna married 16,000 108 women,no one is capable to answer to us Krishna ".
" Pardon Peter?"
"How hard of tackling a single man transforming in to multiple husbands of thousands of queens Krishna ...does he  kidding us Krisna ?"

"Exactly,  in addition, each of them had eleven children Krishna?"
"To be fair, it's unfair  of doubting the Vedas krishna!"

Sure best of all ,  each of them had 1 daughter who is going to trust it Krisna??”
"Oh my goodness I don’t think so but our tutor said krishna that’s why we repeatedly watching the video with  hungry and angry at him”
"He must be crazy Krishna "
"I know ha...ha.."
"Ha.. ha...ha...we all are lazy ha.,,ha..."

" Krisna, that’s what we thought at the beginning .However...however witnessing the evidences regularly which reveals that Mr K Soul is not all alone"
"What's that?"
"He has a strong relationship with Lordship Krishna "
"Ye....simply  people giving him pain, but he is using the pain as pen  to gain Divine knowledge  as torch to  get rid of the darkness it's the best teaching Krishna"
"In this timeless time ⌚ of our temporary stories in ignoring the glory guideline, at least the time line of knowing the Vedas to be elevated we have to have some interest in science Krishna "

Exactly otherwise our human lives are animals principles watch what the cats and dogs are doingmattervifeo matter of a minute video students.
"Stop insulting us we are running out of time" 
"Krishna, I saw his Athan Mr K. Soul 's Athan ...your father and him have  been working hard together to satisfy Lord Krishna "

"Stop Rosy !Where was it?.. when was it ? What ...what are you talking about?”

"Mr K Soul has been taken to a few local schools by your Dad and wherever and he goes , he issues the loving Lord’s worldin book "

"Oh you mean the ...the.,.the tiny little lovely baby blue books kind of  a leaflet Rosy?"
 "Sure   with delightfully insightful information and...and...for my cutest curiosity , people or pupils accept  him as though he is the deepest  devotee of Lord Krishna 
Oh deep...deep  down inside Rosy?”
“Unmistakably krishna”
"We thought who is going’s to take in to consideration of his devotional developments of enlightenment ,but we are totally wrong Krisna!”
"Your father and our tutor have been achieving amazing applause from the auspicious audience such as the Head teachers and teachers including the students”
"Evident Rosy?"
"The schools are performing pretty performances in order to welcome them !“
"Sure we heard that Mr K  Soul  delivering decent speeches spontaneously Krishna "

" He began to speak frankly how he has transformed in to this present personality of perfection in order to promote devotion Krishna "

"End of the meeting, the teachers recognised why a few years ago Krishna’s father had been  honored by the city Mayor publicly and happily even    wonderfully  wrapped him by golden cloth was because of Mr K Soul's  assistant of charity to the poverty community on yearly basis continuing well over 10 years"

"As a matter of fact , when we had  asked him the evidences   of Lord Krishna’s 16,108 wives ,Mr K Soul  smiled in showing this footage Krishna "
"So sweet Krisna unbelievable Krisna !"

"Now talk about our story Krisna.  
In fact, they all were in heaven ! So sweet... 
Renuga was a miraculously magnificent millionaire now!
"Whaaaaaat how was it Krisna ?"

"Her  generous Grand parents had brought all of 
the deeds of their properties from London".

"That is gracious, but Rajesh Kanna is not going to take them
as granted Krisna ".
"Brilliant 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 ".
"But they are thinking that is this country's culture".
 " Rajeskanna's MARK is on his nicest name Krisna “
"What I missed Peter what is it?"
"He  is not a cruel Krisna “
"However, , they  assumed  that  then only  their grand daughter  would be allowed to be wedded". 

  "Rajesh Kanna was  anxiously 
waiting for his Grandpa emotionally".

 Renuga's Grandparents were embracing 💕 Rajeskanna affectionately. 
 They heard about him they don't simply assume before learning the facts; they don't judge people by gossiped they feel the pains before speak to  him. Such a gentleman.
Rajesh Kanna's  philosophy is ,"if we cannot find peace within ourselves, we will never find it anywhere else." 
"you are some-one so great and we have no doubt about it. You are deserved to be Renuga's husband".
Rajeskanna is not always silent, but he knows when to be silent .

Suddenly, they were emotional  having  read of  his 
saddened chapters in his lonely life story books.

 "His Grandpa's chapter had hurtfully heart breaking 💔 climax after climax like cold countries serious and glamorous climates "
"True krishna !The most intense care of an orphan child. His 
story has  important chapters Krisna”
1) first love lost. 
2) He attempted to suicide 
3) His saved gold powder from his 
teen dream of  making an engagement ring failed,
4)  His parents  jewellery was saved in his girlfriends 
bank locker but  had been lost, vanished by her hidden boy friend.

5)  Worst of all, he had   lost his  innocent parents 
during the civil war of separatists. 

They sympathised and empathised 
embracing him emotionally. When they heard that he is 
man of principle,policy and personality  doesn't 
accept the deeds!.

"That was a compellingly and also a compassionate 
state to them". 
They listened what he sang sooner seeing him,seems they are hearing the melodious music mesmerisingly:

"The tremendous treat for the couple , Renuga and James are going to have their grandparents assets fifty fifty" .

 "Thank God we are happy for them krishna he is going to 
have donations generously from foreign!"
"Correct Christina". 

"Having heard that, beautiful Benz was worried and 
pleased  emotionally  it  was indeed heart  touching 
circumstances for Sam and his friends especially Benz".

"Why Krisna ?"

"She was the one who worked as a middle man in 
Rajeskanna and Renuga's friendships flow as glow and 
anchor of a friendship".

"What Rajesh Kanna said to Renuga's Grandparents when they gave them the deeds krishna?"
"His face had been changed as red as 
a reddened mango!
"What a Hinduism?" 

"He knows in  the entire world, there is no question of 
humanism, but materialism".
"You mean  capitalism Krisna ?"

"Definitely there is no more real socialism Krisna “
"Is there any communism Krisna?"
 "Yes. No. 
...Not...  not really Sam "

"Then where is the  humanism krishna “
 He said,
 it was an insult for his 
attractive associates, following his godly  friendship.

"Perfect  perspective (understanding of the relative 
important things) 
"What kind of person he is krishna?"

"He is the  top best, kindest person ever that is the 
remarkable SOUL MARK".

"A major MARK man has to leave to his following 
generation as divine donation 💖". 

“Certainly not the CLOTHES MARKS which are not permanent like our outer body they are subject to decline, decay and die.

"KKrishna  your phone rings". 

"Thanks Peter".

"Hello is ....

...Could I speak to him?

"To Whom am I speaking please?

"Hang on... hold on ....suuuuu"

"Okay krishna "

"Sorry to keep you waiting".

"Can I call you back?"
"By the way, your  name please ?".

"Oh my God!"


"Could I ask you to spell it  please?" ,

"Alright call you later in the evening 
"Mukuntha Sithathan". 
"No... no Mukantharkashikanthar"

"Oh my God!"


Ha...ha...Call you later gentleman".

 Are you alright?"
After all, you couldn't even pronounce his name 
properly and trying to teach us Supreme Science ?"


"Only a bad work man quarrels with tools. ",

"Am I correct Krishna?" 

"That's why we have to blame ourselves Rudra ".

"Why Krisna?”

"Human is err, always committing errors is our natural  nature.".

"Correct Christina!" 

"Krishna ,is correct when we grow up without  being matured mind set, we will be penalised and  punished" 

"Who said that I am teaching you properly?"

"If it was the case, you wouldn't have  messed-up God message with man message!.

 "Would you krishna ?"

"Ha...ha...Yes Meera "

"We don't catch up that point  Krisna ?"

"Could I mess-up fiction with nonfiction that's what 
Meera meant?" 
"Oh you mean Vedas's fact with novel non fact story Krisna?"

"Absolutely Subathra"

 "We are in aware why you do so krishna".
"Why Retna?" 

"You think that we all are spoilt"

"Could you repeat I didn't catch up the point Retna"

"The children are interested in cinema and as a result 
we insult Vedas". 

"Thanks souls that's what I meant you  all have to take 
this Mission as the greatest consult of the greatest
"Sure we understand that you cannot come up with Dharma only without mixed it up with cinema as we are made up of material and our mind set up in CINEMA krishna" .

"Yes Krisna Peter  is correct".

"Why Siva?"

 "You do not get messed that up, but 
using your skills to set it up Krisna “.

"Ha...ha...!!!What did you say?"

"I mean maintaining the man Mission totally before 
men  end up in the deepest danger during the pathetic political 
pandemic krishna “

"Appreciate you  soooo much wouldn't you like to 
return to Mission message today ?"

"Hooray...we are happy!".
"Why Rajeskanna refusing the materials Krisna

" It is one  of the basic Vaisnavam "

"Sam's policy is   not touching money of the   partners 
unless ...unless it was a donation of their generous for 
the safety and security of the wedded couples".

"Definitely Durga" 

"But  the way her Grand 
parents brought their 
deeds,considering as it was a 
must,not appreciatable by 
him Krishna". 

"Excellent effort 👏 👌".  

"However,he looked like a happy Hindi hero with his 
worthiest  dress and which wonderfully 
expressed his family background ".

"He has a gracious handsome heart.It was indeed made 
him more and more attractive in front of his  friends 
and families" .

"Sure Sarah!". 

On the other hand, his law collage  friends were kept on 
writing, messaging and calling in  saying him that they 
are coming to visit to his wedding from London, Australia and Srilanka 
especially for their wedding according their secret plan.

Above all, most of  his friends  had stopped drinking 
alcohol grace of his honourable great friendship that is his teaching tremendous trategy "

"What is strategy krishna?"

"A plan designed to achieve a long goal ".

"Wow how people denied the clay and trust on the pot.
how can we have a pot without the clay or Potter Peter?"
"They are not intellectuals". 
"So  the clay is Divine?"

"Hundred percent! We tend to  trust in Truth Science 
where as some tend to trust in Material Science only!"  

"Ha...ha.. ." 

"So Krishna before sleep memories and  after 
sleep memories keep up dating our  memories  
cells similarly before death and birth  keep up 
dating our repeated lives memories?". 
"Sure !Unfortunately our minds setting ups are only one strand of 
the DNA 
"Which has two strands krishna"

"Yeah that's why the modern world of technology we 
tend to believe that the science can solve all 

out of knowledge that's mess-up and mystifying to find 
that COSMIC energy".

"Hold on hold on krishna!!!"

 "You mean as long as    the  SOLAR energy can  be 
trapped through cells, the spiritual practices can also
gradually grab the God energy?"

"It's intertwined means (interconnected)". 

 "So provide prove in practice krishna?!"


"OH we got it that's   reminding you to remove 
the phone as soon as it's being charged ?"

"Exactly 💯 ".

"See now how on earth most of their friends and 
relations  had gave up meat eating ?"
Because of his association, connection and relation of 

Excellent effort Meera👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 

So , following the  Maha Mandra Meditation 
principles of Papa's
1) Relation   
2) Passions in 
3) Connection as our 
4) Mission which work as  
5) METAPHYSICAL Phenomenon 
 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 

"Could we continue Krisna?"

"Of course , since Renuga asked him a sweet simple 
wedding,his soul mates 💕 have  
been organizing her wedding in a 
pretty secret way, but in a wonder way with delightful 
dancers, romantic singers, sublime speakers".

"Could you share the melodious music s
"What was it Peter?"

 "The one blind boy  sang long ago". 

 "No objection!" 
The pretty pathetic part of the wedding party was ,he 
has been waiting for his Dad/Grandpa who was 
admitted in the hospital.
And...  and his French fashionable 
grand father unmarried uncle ".

"But he has a girl friend  now."

"Are you kidding Krisna?"

 "Now only we know the secret of his activeness krishna".

"I didn't get that Siva".

 "Ha....ha...!!!That's why he plays tennis 🎾 
badminton 🏸 🤔 wearing smart dresses and dancing 
like Kamalahasan  just to show off krishna ".

How you know all these details?"
"Video Krisna".
"A widow at the hospital often inspired at him and 
concerned of his health and  safety 🏥."
Ha...ha... and the video witnessing krishna".

"...let's get started please 🙏" 
"Apart from that,  
the five factors of the  supreme winds fighters  who have 
been named following the five fantastic factors of the 
soul which is floating in five kinds of airs:
1) Pramana, 
2) Udana, 
3) Vyana, 
4) Apana, 
5) Dhyana,
Are the most enthusiastic active  
arrangements workers in the future wedding . 

The phenomenally tremendous teens had been 
training as distinctly delightful dancers; 

they were  interested in their inspiring 

"Impossible to describe how they are energetically 
 Wow! warmly worked days and nights 
to fulfill Rajesh Kanna's reasonable request.

"The  most best thing was,the twinkle twins- pearly 
pretty girls have been running out of time , teaching 
dynamic Paratha Nadiyam to a Group of
 girls and women for the same purpose."
"At the same time,,James and Krishna Menan were 
trained to be the dazzling dancers kind of  doles 
dancers !"

"What dancers?"
"Robotic dance just for a few seconds"

"Who is the  choreographer?"

 "London Krrishna, Menan's cousin".

"cinematography krishna?" 


"Both men are going to  
mimicking Sitty or Rajanikanth in Enthiran film.
"Just to make the impossible possible."

"We know what is choreography 
but we don't know what is  cinematographer  

"Camera work in film making Rudra". 

"Oh yeah shame on me!".

"Marina was with Sam London Sam and London Marina walking behind others who went in advance to Thirupathy Vengadesan Tirumalai.
 They  all  remember the Kalli 
Yuga, the present time:
 Each step we make, is in danger. 
On top of that, the 
time we live .They knew  in this Yuga it is 
very short. Maximum  below 
100 years of life span."

"Unlike in the past Yugas, sir?".

"What was before the  Kalli  Yuga krishna?"
  "There was Dwapra Yuga"
"Life span Krisna?"
 "In which the 
life expectancy was 1000 years 
Before that sir?
 "It was Treta  Yuga, 

"life expectancy krishna?" 
"It was 10,000 years maximum".

"Before that ?"
 "It was Satiya Yuga."

" life expectancy was? "
"Minimum 100,000 years. 
"Thanks sir I am going take my next birth  us Sathya Yoga ".
 "What only Maha Mandra Meditation 🧘‍♀️ is the  wish fulfilling Kamadhenu ."
"Thanks Hare Krishna krishna"

"This is Supreme Science  
not material Science. Bearing 
this in our minds ,we have to carry on 
our life with spiritual 
foundation and divine’s 
Both cutest couples could not find any remedy of their childish vows or promises they made at their mid teens.
They have been told by the greatest astrologer that ...
you luckily did not make this  errors in  
1)  Sathya Yoga or
2)  Tretta Yuga or
3)  Dwapra Yuga.
After all, in
4)  Kally-Yuga life is very, very ,very  short-term so be the best blessed by being friends for ever  ." 
"So they are lucky krishna!"
They can be 💓 beautiful and love longer 💕 and younger for longer".
"Certainly, but their parents were worried". 
 " Apart from them, rest of  all felt relieve now". 
Of course , they made errors, but in comparison to the previous three tremendous Yugas, Kally-Yuga is nothing just like three hours cinema.
1) Child
2) adults 
3) old
  "Marina was in heaven the 
aroma of fresh smelling of 
Thirupathi prasadam spreading and  was melting the 
karma on which both love 💘 💘 💑 💑 birds have 
been in romance  for ever.

"Of course course, it was an  outrageous (shocking bad) but the way the astrologer explained was much ...much more relaxing. But bad luck their parent were frozen fearfully:.
both Sam and both Marina consoled them cooperatively.  

All of a sudden Marina recalled her divine dream on which Divine Dad spoke to her.

"What was it Krisna?"
"Could I ask you a question ?"

Please proceed daughter",

"Why on Earth, the life expectancy 
have been  diminishing, diminishing and 
diminishing step by step ,but in Kali-Yuga only few 
years of  life ?" 
Again Lord smiled:
It was because of  lack of 
The Science of Self Realization
 or Mantra 🧘‍♀️Meditation...
As simple as 
Hare Krishna 

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