Summary,” The Great Hearts”

"Our Mission of  Free Tuition Based On Moral, Divine discipline . When  It Accepted, Adored And Assimilated/ Understand, We Are  Free From Fear. So We  Need Daily  Practice . But   Each Of Us Have  Our Own Codes And Modes; Sects And Sets, How To Know The Brother Hood of Man and The Father Hood of Divine?   Result, Following Falsehood"  Is it Good? We Need  The Armour of Sadanna/CHALLENGE  To Battle With  Humour.  Otherwise Isn't  it a Tumour?. The Vedas , Our Parents . Knowing Nothing ,We Are Being The Children  of Many  Sects and Sets ; Chaos And Conflicts. Unknowing Our Originator's Vedic   is a Ruby River of Divine Road.  We All Are Derived From Divine.Are  We Praying 🙏  For Bless Or Bestow of Material Benefits??? When We Are Going To Surrender To Get Out Of Individuality of Diversity?,Luckily, we Are Divided By  Many Streams of The Same Ruby River River (Vedas) The Purpose of the River is Cleanliness   And Promote Us in  Consciousness. Instead, We Are in  Material Motivation! Result We Are in Chaos and Conflict Due To Unconsciousness!"

 Divisions of Devotions? Aren't We Disturbing The Divine And Destroying Our Permanent Path Way? When We Are Going To  See Goodness ;Be Good; And Do Good???When Are We going  to  Have Our Shower Of Grace To Prevent Eternal Suffer Which Carry On  For Ever?. The Streams Are from The Ruby River  is The Common Grace And Greatness.  Then Why  Division?.

" We Are Following Our Own Terminology  Unknowing the Cosmology Fortunately And Graciously We Cultivate Faith in Our Own Excellence, And Realise Each of Our Validity By Our Own Intense  Practice. Fantastic Faith.  Now or Never !  Finally We Must  Emphasise (Give value) To Our Eternal Common Greatness? Soul And Super Soul" The Awareness of Oneness of  God Consciousness" . 

This is "The Great 💕💞Hearts 💕 "

"Hi every body I'm Krisna Menan hope  you all are fine!"   


"We are Fine  Krishna Anna" 

"Hi pretty pleased to see you Krishna !"

"Could you increase the 

volume a bit more Krishna  Anna?"

" now okay!"

"Brilliant Krishna 👏 👏 👏 👏" 

"I am KRISHNA Menan". 

 “We can call me Krishna  or Menan   I'm the publisher of the Great Hearts 💕" 

" Hopefully our tutor , Mr K.Soul  told you?"

"Certainly could we introduce ourselves Krishna?" 

"Oh please to hear and it  sounds that you all are sweet students ha...ha

"We are excited to be educated Krishna  Anna!"

"Are you Rudra?".

"Yeah Krishna "

"Thanks ?"

 "Are  you  one of the characters  of the Great 
Hearts Krishna 💕!".

"Correct ...💕!" 💕!" 📚".

 "Are you sure that you are Krishna,  the editor...
 we want the unedited episodes need to be checked out Krishna?"

" Sure it's my pleasure dearest 

readers,we try to release at 

least  one revised episode on weekly 

basis now" 

"We are being informed previously that two episodes yeah two episodes per week Krishna…

"Am I correct Krishna?". 

"Yeah for sure, we are   republishing rotationally students happy?”.

"We want all of the episodes together, too Krisna please Krishna 🙏 ".

"Are we allowed to read all the episodes Krishna Anna ?"

"The full episodes are already available. It's already being shared'.

"YEEEEEEEEEEEEES  I know the whole episodes are packed in one touch away Krisna ?"

"Yeah, but please read the summary to 

make sense students🙏  🙏?"

"Thanks God bless you 🙏🙏🙏 Krishna ".

"Yeah! Fantastic it's being done after 

prove reading Krishna??"

 "That's right however my advanced apology as we might still  find a couple of  machine mistakes students”.

"Sure we are entertaining and enlightening at the same time it’s pretty worth, spending our tremendous time on the whole episodes …

…Thanks Krishna Anna".  


"We are very happy Krishna Anna" 

"Pleased to hear it Rosy"

" We can smell roses from Rosy 🌹🥀🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 

"Thanks! Krishna ".

"Wow! So, pleased Krishna 🙏 "

! Here after, we are going to 

learn lessons from  you Krishna Anna?"

"Of course, but on line only". 

"Is it still based on  Divine Line Krishna?"

" Correct  in line of Ruby Romance not an ordinary romance as the ordinary romances would drives us as a drink driver ha…ha…because of our horrible hormones changing when meeting an opposite gender and trying to seek sense gratification not self realisation”.

"Is there any body else really reading our lesson as Mission  or session, on line as tuition Krishna  Anna?"

"To be honest,  not much just a few fellows"

"Sorry Krishna!?"

"You mean ever since we commenced the tuition as a Mission dear students?" 

"Yeah  we began  from the very beginning of 

the worst PANDEMIC Krishna. "

 "Still we are in PANDEMIC students"

"Sure Krishna".

"According to the evidence we

have, The Great Hearts Tuition on 

episodes version  have been reached  over 

"60,000 readers so far.In addition, adding 6000 more ,totaling about 70, 000".

"We are happy to hear it krishna".

"No ! To honest , it's all  grace of your sharing and inspiring students".

"Thank God you have been 
appointed you as a publisher and editor Krishna". 

"Appreciate it students".

"Such person rare today Krisna!".

"Absolutely we can transmit the wisdom to our friends, families and society according to our capacity sweethearts"

"Certainly K.Soul  often says which is the priority as we have teachers in plenty only money motivated Krishna".

"Sure Krishna!"

"What to speak about insightful Krishna?" 

"What credit you got Krishna?"

"Pardon Peter?"

 " Does anyone give you credit as you are working for the purification of the Greatest Hearts 💕 in publishing the episodes in small versions Krishna?".
"Ha...ha...all are in debit".

"Pardon Krishna Anna?".

 "We all are in debt of Divine duty how we can be a creditors and anticipate the debtors to give us credits?" 

"Ohhhhhhhh Goodness! Ohhhhhhhh God!
 God bless you Krishna Anna could you tell again?".

 "In fact,  everyone needs credit. We are the people who have  to give some sacred  credits   because of the one who lives in everyone considered to be no-one ". 

"So we are introducing   His Grace to the greatest hearts to be credited otherwise we all are in debited Krishna 💕💞💞!.

"You are right  !we  treat everyone with kindness and respect even those who are rude not because we are nice , but because our Mission Lessons  are nice and wise like sun rise "

"God bless 🙏🙏 you all Soulfully ".

"For sure, Mum said that she was astonished of reading the definitions of seven Chakaras, explained elegantly as a follow up set up conversational sacred story  as glory Krishna".

"True Krishna!!!It's a lovely story such a most beautiful glory to read. The sweetest  thing to earn and painful things are  ignored automatically "

"Hummmm explained  in such a way that others love to  learn the reality of divinity Krishna".

 "We wonder why it has been taken up this Tuition form of Mission in determination Krishna".

"Could we just hear the Gayatry Mantra please?".

"Why not it's simply one touch away?"

"It's a tremendous task of discovering our own identity as a prove of reality. So apart from the soul's activity,rest are not reality Krishna?"

"Correct with points evidence and  explanation Krishna ".

"Hummmm author writes in an educational way based on scientifical method how the humanity become divinity holding Divine unknowingly within the seven Chakras'  as the aspect of our eternal energetic !."

" Correct !We must proudly promote it to be the best blessed people as it's an  eternal asset and it's  a universally renowned scientific evidence of the gretestbenergetic Krishna". 

""Why not ?".

"Tremulous Tuition if we  cannot find sometime to read ,it is our misfortune; this to be considered as a blessing permanent peace within ourselves, we will never find anywhere else such entertaining education Krishna ". 
👏 🙌 👌 🙏 

"Sure which is  The Science of Creation  learning it,transforming ourselves into  the cutest characters like 24 carats of gold Krishna".

"What Krishna?" 

"We... we have  to be elevated, educated  and promoted equal to the God's  gold Mountain ⛰ 

from where we derived divinely, using each of the episode as a step stone Krishna ".

"Correct selfishness takes and 
forgets, but selflessness gives and forgives, gurus guidance ".

" Is it Just to be a bit joyous it's being written in episodes versions Krishna?"


"Do you like the master Krishna?"

"Not really he often talks about Gita can we heara few seconds video?".

" Ha...ha...!!!

"Why not Krishna I like Krishna science "

"He gives loads of 


"What kinds of questions he asks Krishna…

For instance Krisna ?”

"A time you had your heart 💔 broken".

" Ha...ha...!!!

"Did you answer Krishna?"

"Yes ".

"I replied "yes it's happened".

"Then he asked me to write ✍ it down".

"I just wrote quickly like we usually  do hurriedly 

with friends and families regardless  lots of mistakes..."

"Excuse meeee!"

"To be fair, in our own country  we learned without accurate grammar at school. It is not an English country". 

"And then Krishna what else?"

"Once it was  being explained,  master  

asked  to write fiveparagraphs based on 

five "WH"  questions :

1) who, 

2) where,

3) what,

 4)  when and

5)  why ".

"We understand Krishna.

 Next please Krishna?".

"As soon as I completed, I was requested,

" where are the five senses which is the life of learning?"

"Pardon Krishna?"

1)  Looking
 2) smelling 
3)  tasting 
4) hearing and
 5) feeling 

"Oh Yeah !" 

"For instance,  if I write 

something happened to me in 

the past, it must be described 

not only in the past tense,

but also using the five 


"Oh we got it krishna!"

 "Oh yeeeeeees he insists us to use 

these five senses in our essays as it's the 

examiners expectation to get a 

higher level Krishna?".

"Not only that, after that, he recommended regularly to use language techniques, colour words, rules of three etc...etc..."

"Ha...ha...ha...yes he is very strict Krishna "

"Certainly I got credit in English, but was struggling with him at the beginning".

"Now you are pretty perfect Krishna?"


"He said you can manage with my students because 

they are  forgetful".

"Did he Krishna?"

"As a prove, I already heard frequent questions  that you already learned with him."

"Did you Krishna?".

...So you already spotted out that we are 

pretty perfect Krishna?"

"By the by , you don't smile Krishna Anna?".

"Who laughed last laugh longer".

"You are kidding Krishna". 


"Then what sort of essays he asked you to write Krishna ✍?

1)  A time you met a best friend"

2)  "A time you will never forget".
3)   "A time you get truly proud"

 4)   "A time unique."

5)   "A time unique of fun" 

"Oh this is how he knows 

about you so whatever we learnt of you in the episodes and the books were based on the facts Krishna?"

"Yeah .He writes from the facts"

"What about the Blind boy who has God grace Krishna 🙏?"

"Yeah Sam's friend". 

"Alright now we have to concentrate in  our   

lesson using master's books".

"If you don't mind, could we listen his music Krishna?".

"Up to you not exactly the same but a sample song taken form the cinema to describe..."

"Described what Krishna?"

"How our ctulel and continuel Karma inspiring ourselves to be evolved again and again in vain lives of repeated births  and deaths"

"Oh you mean evolutions  Krisna?"

"Definetly endlessly children our material temporary love is blind and beautiful ha...ha".

"OK we love it as it's helps fantastically 

 in improving our  English!"

Ha...Ha....ha...thanks  Krishna ".

" Definitely Durga!Are you all ready to set out 
on journey?"

"We are ready Krishna Anna"
 👋 God 🙏 Bless You All!"

"Would you like to bath in a shower of fragrant flowers?" 

"Fragrant flowers Krishna?"

"Why not krishna?" 

"In addition,  tasting the divine dishes" 

"You mean delicious dishes Krishna ?"

"Haven't you ever read divined details ?"

 "No Krishna".

"Then discover the distinct new novel of adventure!" 

"Why Krishna?" 

"To enjoy the scripture I mean the literature".

"Is it English literature Krishna?" 

"Yeah... "With pleasure of treasures ."

"What is it Krishna Anna?"

 "It’s a splendid illumination which  we need urgently as we all are in (Maya), 
darkness sort of illusion... illumination 
needed to  get out of  the pollution".

"What we do is simple, humble like temple such a sacred of sharing for the safety and security of the entire community".
"We will Krishna".

"Simultaneously we are being enlightened ourselves insightfully and  enchantingly". 

"Who are the characters Krishna ?"

"I thought your tutor  described in detail".

"Yes he did,  but also he told us that in Kally-Yuga, the present age, we have short memories, short 
life and short intelligence Krishna". 

"Alright I simply tell you the summary of the book" 

"We love it Krisna".

"Alright  a pretty Princess had been 

left in a pathetic path". 

"By the way, just a brief 

summary of the Great Hearts 

💕!" 💕 Happy?"


"However, both, her loyal friends and herself beautifully and thoughtfully bathed in the delightful divinity ".

"What is it Krishna ?"

*Sanskrit Science*


"How does it describe Krishna?"

"Because they loyally loved 

each other by knowing the 


"Oh! The greatest Originator Krishna ".

"Absolutely appreciate it 🙏 !"

"Their love of Lord's law is like a flow 
of divine glow". 

"What is ego. I want happiness  ...just happiness Krishna Anna ".

"First remove "I"


"If I remove I, what is the point of having happiness Krishna?".

"That's not the end secondly remove "want"

"Buddah only said it".

"Why we should take away want Krishna?"

"That's the desire"

"Now we will  get happiness with God Consciousness Krishna?"


"It's most difficult exam Krishna Anna".

"Don't worry it's not in a hurry  slowly, but surly " 

"Could we read the subject matter Krishna?"

"Good go ahead one by one please  "

"Our Mission of  Free Tuition Based On Moral, Divine and displine."

 "When  It Accepted, Adored And Assimilated/ Understand, We Are  Free From Fear of suffer in the future."

Excellent 👌 next please." 
"So We  Need Daily  Practice . But   Each Of Us Have  Our Own Codes And Modes; Sects And Sets,".

"Correct! How  The Brother Hood of Man and Father Hood of Divine can be understood unknowing the root Krishna?" 

 " Result, following Falsehood"  Is it Good? "

"We Need  The Armour of Sadanna/CHALLENGE  To Battle With  Humour. " 

"Otherwise Isn't  it a Tumour?". 

"Another One please ".

"The Vedas Is Our Parents ".

" We Are The Children  of Many  Sects and Sets ; Chaos And Conflicts. Unknowing Our Originator's Vedic   Rugby River of Divine".

"Any one else?".

" Love From Which We All Are Derived  .Aren't  We praying 🙏  For Bless Or Bestow of Material Benefits only??? "

"When We Are Going To Surrender To Get Out Of Individuality of Diversity?",

"Ruby River (Vedas) The Purpose of the River is Cleanliness   And Promote Us  Consciousness. Instead, We Are in  Material Motivation!  , Chaos and Conflict Due To unawareness of the purpose of human life ?"

Luckily, we Are Divided By  Many Streams of The Same 

"Divisions of Devotions?"

"Well done ;".

" Aren't We Disturbing The Divine And Distroying Our Permanent Path Way? ".

"When We Are Going To  See Good ;Be Good; And Do Good???"

"When Are We going  to  Have Our Shower Of Grace To Prevent Eternal Suffer Which Carry On  For Ever. The Streams Are from The Ruby River  is The Common Grace And Greatness.  Why  Division?."

" We Are Following Our Own Terminology ( Set of sect) Unknowing the Cosmology .Fortunately And Graciously We Cultivate Faith in Our Own Excellence, And Realise Each of Our Validity By Our Own Intense  Practice Fantastic Faith. 

" Now or Never !  Finally We Must  Emphasises (Give value) To Our Eternal Common Greatness?"

Soul And Super Soul" The Awareness of Oneness of  God Consciousness" . 

This is "The Great 💕💞Hearts 💕 "

"We are one of the three following classes ".

"You mean the general 

population are based on 

different ,different  

categories Krishna?"





"Is it Krishna?"


"So sweet  it's great seems prettuest point of reading 

The Great Hearts  Krishna 💕!" 

"Pardon Peter?"

'English with enlightenment Krishna !!;"

" Sure. For instance, do we know who we are?"

"Yes Krishna".

"No ". 

"Why Krishna?"

" It's not a question  of knowing ourselves by our outer bodies , first name and  the second name or our professions".

"Then Krishna?"

"Our bodies are our 

temporary cars we are the 

owners of  them".

"So now you are using the language technology Krishna?"

"Yes Metaphor wording". 

"Do we know why we are 

here Krishna?"

"To study aren't we

...Krishna Anna?".

"Yeah, but not only about our 

body and how to look after our body such as a doctor."

"What else Krishna ?"

" We must learn through our Mission about 


"We didn't catch up Krishna". 



"And do we know that we 

never ever disappear and 
ever ever reappear students?"

"No Krishna!". 

 "Then better follow up and 

set up our minds sets and 

set off  on an original 

journey with me".

"Where Krishna?"

"The Science of Self-


"What are  the benefits Krishna?"

"Being blessed baby".

"Sorry Krishna?" 

"Divine's favour and His protection".

 "You mean that we are going to  be bestowed with benediction of our Originator,  Lord Krishna?".


"Who is Him Krishna?"

 "Our  Vengadesan". 

"To be fair, it's inspires us 

Krishna Anna"

"You got that point !". 

"Last of all, please 🙏 listen 

kindly keep sharing 

as usual."

"Why Krishna?"

Seva to suffering  jiva ,seva to deva

"What... what... what Krishna???"

"Service to the suffering soul/person is the service to God".

"Apology Anna why we have to learn this ?".

"Alright if we see a bird with a single wing, what we would think?"

"It is in danger... danger and danger Krishna Anna". 

"Correct Christina! Similarly, we are in danger with only our degrees".

 "Do we agree?" 

"We don't disagree Krishna Anna".


"Bye ..,bye..!!"

See you soon!

Hare Krishna!