"Hello everyone have a happy  day one ...two...three let get started guys :

"Wow what are these pretty pictures Krishna is it your father in blue shirt ?"

"I  don't know it's all Rosy 's under cover filming ...look all are in rose!!!...

when I found them, I'm saddened because non of them had pictured me only my dad and the mad, our mental mentor ha…ha!!

although ...although I did  eventually everything no one cars me and every one cares them"


 "Don't worry Krishna we know why because you only might have used your  own phone to picturethem.Obviously no chance to be photographed Krishna "

"Nooo!!!!It''s my body camera as actually  Krishna doesn't like advert or  advertising neither K .Soul Nava to be honest" 

"Thank you so much let's see all the pictures please Krishna?

"Krishna, what are the paper cuttings are here ?"

"Better ask Rosy"

"Oh yeah I have collected from many  paper reporters! It took a while to have them all ."

"What is the  important Rosy?"

"Ha...ha...being a Krisna  devotee or a Krishna Bhacktan is not a piece of cake he is ... he is an important person for Kannan not just a couple of days ;a couple of  weeks; a couple of  months or couple of years ,but fabulous fifteen long lovely  years of devotional   services yeah simply the news papers reports revealed regularly"

" Alright  stop advertising only them all of the time at least talk about the characters some of the times "

"Exactly  what is the qualification we need  to talk about Lord of the Lords Rosy?" 

"Please open the veil in pretty pink”

"You are right Krishna?"

"We are not  jealous men Krisna hana .... ha...ha...I'm joking "

"The professor,  Mr Charm proudly proved that he is an educated both material science and supreme science Krisna". 

"Oh you  are correct he was Mr Charm , Smiling Sam's fabulous father."   
   "By the way, !!!does our existing medicine of vaccinations  going to be effective of 100 percent Krisna?” 
"Oh you mean effective if the pandemic returns Peter?".
"Yes Krisna" 
"Possibly Peter Probability of 50 percent possibility  the rest 50 percent have to go . However as long as we go with Maha  Mantra Meditation ,  we are liberated in the  event of a failure "
"We didn't get it Krishna ?!"
Ohhhhhhhh otherwise returning reqularly, but what types of clothes on return ?????
"Oh you mean what kinds of body aup on death body ?"

Yeah that's the question ?" 
“What a perpetually perplexing of life cycle Krishna?"

 Cetainly the cycle will not stop unless we  are self realized 
"So does it continuou for ever  for  the innocent population who are relying on daily labour work Krisna?"
" The reason why conversing in enlightening every one?
"Is the recent variant is  deadly dangerous Krishna?".
"Sure,  but friendly and familiar  with the previous viruses still different family members sweet students ". 
"Of course, other underlying diseases like elderly and  some  cannot afford  vaccination or refuse to get vaccinated Krishna ?
"We are in due to ?"

"CORRECT due to cruel circumstances  all we earned eternally as karma Krishna?".
"We wonder how  we got them please tell us how we are being as we are for instance, not listening  the greatest people's  advice although they have been advising affectionately krishna?”
"Our original 
1) mind
2) intelligence and 
3) ego joined us  in evolution on and on dearest kids !".
"Why we ought to chant Krishna's names please krishna ?"
" is  it  because our monkey minds have donkey imaginations Krishna? "
"Ha...ha...our materials memories and of course our irrespoinsible imaginations   are the  missing  parts of a mad man Krishna ha...ha..."
"Exactly Krisna a mad man is much more  happier  than  a King  "
"Yes Krisna although he has nothing, a  mad man is being happy while king has everything he is believed to be unhappy "
"Like us , we are sad in worrying   of our futures; worrying of our education' and worrying of our families Krisna the end ,worrying like  our tutor  with Bhagawad-Gita and Maha Mantra to stop wasting at least others times"
" Simply,you listen what a western guy playing in the guitar"
“Everyone forced to act helplessly according to the qualities he has acquired from modes of material  nature Krishna ?”
"Oh my Goodness that is why we didn’t listen Mr K Soul and suffer  seriously for ever krishna ?"
Sure... sure therefore no one can  refrain from doing something ,not even for a moment like the youngeters never listen advice of ... of Appah?”
"You got it!"
"Does refrain mean stop krishna are these words had been spoken by Lord Krishna?”
Evidence please  Krisna ?”
"Ask Rosy Tulsy!
"Chapter 3 and  Text 5 Krishna"
 " If we give up family life to take up devotional life Krishna ?"
"Certainly amazing  Christina deffinetly our original Appa will protect us but …but bad luck our nasty nature will not allow us  so better be with her and bit by bit become better step by step it's called Karma Yoga!”
"If  someone takes to Krishna Consciousness Krishna?"
"Ask Rosy because she loves K.Soul Nava "
"More  than   us krishna?"
"Yes Meera " 
"Mr   K.Soul  is fond her Krishna?"
"Correct Meera ever- since  they  went to Srilanka "
"It's  called Pudhi -Yoya and Karma -Yoga Krishna?"
"Yes Meera the same karma-Yoga ..,in... Krishna Consciousness called intelligent Meditation or Pudhi Yoga"
"If we follow up her footstep our mountainous karma totally excused Krishna ?""
"Yes as we are...we are  in   Karma Yoga as we are materially motivated sweet hearts💕 "
"REALLY!!!Even...even though she is missing out our human responsibilities of Four Foot Steps of Purification of our filthy mind sets Krishna?"
"Yes you are right we have the ruby esponsibility by nasty nature to pass  these steps only to be able to understand the gorgeous God Krisna Lord Krishna "
"What the hell ? It's sounds like a worst spell of a worst witch??!!!
we never ever heard of it krishna these Orders of Human Society Krishna?"
"However Certainly these are ever existing”
"What are they Krishna please?"

1) "The.. the Student life Krishna like Sai Vikasan and ...and Sai Vikasini for example?"
Excellent response Next please?"
"2) The... the housholder life Krishna"
"For instance Rosy?"
" a married couple of responsible with Mantra in their mouths
like Kanna in France  ?"
"Fantastic fact and then ?"
3) "The  retired life  like  Sri- Rangan in France although living in a magnificent mansion, and a palacious house ,mighty mantra  in mind no reluctant but with  concrete confident".
"What a  wonderful finally??
4) And..and  finally    the  Renounced order Krishna "
"Example Sam ?, 
"Our tutor is trying to leave the family and being the servitor of the creator Krisna "
"Yeeeeeeeeeeeees yes..,yes...!!!These are the four orders of human societies in Vedas Sam where have you been we haven't seen you long time Sam?!!!???" "
 " Ha...ha...goodbye Krishna better we come back when we're retired to back up when finishing our duties as family hardship then only we can easily commence our worship towards Lordship Krishna “
"Yes Krisna does renounce  means detaching from attachment of materials Krisna ?”
Yes renounce our life and be devoted to Lord Krishna like Mr K.Soul we cannot do it can we ?"
"Krisna , we will not forgive you are  so stupid as you… you have been wasting our golden time before become old enemie like our tutor "
"How on Earth the nasty nature's orders can be more powerful than Papa's Orders sweetest students?"
"We have been passing successfully step by step the four human society orders  by being beside our Papa's pathway Krishna?"
"Yeah you are correct Sam 100 %!!!
"And we can be happy Krishna?"
"Then  why people are ignoring our original Originator's footstep Krishna?"
"Everyone forced to act helplessly according to the qualities he has acquired from modes of material  nature  therefore no one can  refrain from doing something ,not even for a moment "
"Chapter 3 and  Text 5"
"Plus point is the five elements also continuing us  from many,  many births to backup sweet hearts 💕".
"What are they Krishna?" 
1) The sacred soul, Atma
2) The Super soul, Easwara
3) The time, Kala
4) The karma and 
5) The Nature, (Parakrithy).
Can we remove the karma by being beside Our Papa Krishna?”
"So sweet ! The Science of Self-Realization is our liberation from the cruel karmas Krisna?”
Undoubtedly great hearts”
"Thank you thousands times krishna !"
 "What is the subject matter of Bhagawad-Gita please?".
" which is the Studies of the Supreme Science of five fundamental functions .Basically what?”
"" Ohhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhh!! Ohhhhhhhh!!! Our Originator's operational  elements Krishna?
"Excited aren't you?"
"Exactly Krisna !"
"What...what are they again Krishna?" 
1) The science of Atma
2)The Science of Easwara  (Paramatma) 
3)The Science of Kala  (Time)
4) Karma the science of  (Work)
5) Mother Nature the science of administration 
"Appreciate it Krishna so we always fabulously following the goal of the goals automatically Krishna ".
"Definitely Durga I really really appreciated your conversation with Renuga pretty proud of you all ".

"Could we catch up our narration Krishna?"

what was Dr Marina thinking ?”

"Pardon Sarah?"

"When she saw the unbelievable transformation of Ragu rowdy, she had reminded the best doctor krishna “

"Correct sadly the doctor  saw the saintly lady’s  husband was  in the fragrance pray room 🙏 .

"However the doctor told them  that he doesn't do any kind of prayers .
Then  he carefully noticed there was a teen age boy behaving strangely Krishna?. 
“What’s wrong with him Krisna?”
He expressed  severe epileptic  seizures/disorders with the central nervous system.”
"And then Krishna?"
"When he asked what's wrong with him, her husband told him":
"We saw our son  at Jamshedpur hospital and the chief doctor said the only hope for him is a callosotomy operation to split the left and right hernispheres of the brain and the only doctor in India 🇮🇳 who is competent of performing this surgery resides in Bombai".
"Dr was numbed his eyes were shining ".
"Was it their grace of  worship welcomed the doctor  up to their home Krisna?"
"Yes like coincidences; Yes like Force of change of circumstances; yes like.. "
".... by causing   inevitable incidents as accidents and finally the doctor reached to the right destination Krishna?"
"Why not ? Could we imagine !
"How technically manipulated his way all the way from Bombay up to their gate way Krishna and the same way our tutor went to visit to Srilanka  in order to attend a couple of his senior  students weddings parties but ended  up doing divine duties driected by divine Daddy Krishna!!!???".
 "Definitely Durga!His name  is Dr Prasad right? 
"It was the same person the best educated busiest person the chief  doctor was talking about the Atheist Krishna?"!.
"Certainly Christina!" 
“Her husband did  not know that he was  painfully telling him but decently and detaily .
After a while, the house hold gentle man said,
"I honestly    told my wife we are too poor we are unlikely to afford... cannot treat him"  .
Then he added,
"Never mind God is in charge let us leave this at the  Lotus feet  of Lord Krishna. 

If He decides His decision, the solution, will knock at our door 🚪. 

"He was silently watching and thinking the encountering elements and  events of   ecouragements as coincidences of connections and correlating incidents as force of circumstances!." 

"Has this coincidence are  accidentally happened Krishna?"
"It's a Co-occurances  or  Co-existence or fate or chance students "
"To  be fair, Mr  K.Soul is not all alone Lord Krishna using him as a key "
"You mean Mr  K.Soul is the tool in the  hand of Krishna kind of a key to open people 's minds like  a bottle opner good joke Krishna?"
And...and  closing  the doors of people's maya minds like a key like Lord's Yoga Maya maintenance ha...ha... ?"
."We  couldn't comprehend the METAPHYSICAL PHENOMENON Krishna !!"
"Exactly 💯 Meera!"
"However, the doctor  was prepared  to discharge the duty as  his divine duty and takes in charge 🙏 of the patient.
Later he did the  necessary actions to transfer their son to the  hospital 🏥 🙏 on his responsibility .  
"Hence transcend his ignorance class to Goodness Class naturally Krishna" 
"How Balaraman?"
"Ha...ha...seva to the suffering Jiva Isn't  it the seva  to Devadi Deva?"  
 👏 👌 
"On the other hand, the Buddhist ☸ boy, Jeeva adore Sam
Matter of Kind. The Buddhist boy was scared of Ragu".
" The boy behaved like Sam was his father Krishna ?"
"That's we learned krishna often touching his hands ;checking his temperature and looking at him sleeplessly."

"Oh goodness! The doctors  found a fracture in Sam's  right leg.The boy  began to cry compassionately".
"Pardon Krishna?"
 "Oh goodness his little kindness every  day goes a long way with pray Krishna Krishna" .
 "Everyone was worried what a best Buddhist boy who  was just beside the 
bed of Sam!. Chanting the maha mantra meanwhile someone, a teen was playing his guiter, hanging his head down emotionally."
"What he does Krishna and does Sam fighting for life Krishna?"
"Has the boy  found Sam's pink lips have been dried and his sensitive  skin is pealing off Krisna ?"

"He often fell as sleep. However, seemed soft and sweet".
"The boy saw sympathy on him empathetically. Just looking at his kindness 💗 is the mark Sam becomes fondest of his friends and families  even if he happened to leaves the world,his kindness  is a matter it will not melt away or evaporate Krishna!!!". 
"Hold don't our  tutor requested to test your English comprehenion level before the end of our long term tution not all just stick with ... with only the  Buddhist boy ".
"For example Krishna ?"
"You..,you are racist Krishna ha...ha...."
"We  appreciate the cutest characters   take away  their selfish position of I and My to the position We and Ours Krishna" .
"We don’t get that Krishna?"
"We just have a look at the top of this episode dialogue how the characters handled their position ,you will understand our positions are SELFISHNESS OR 
"Oh Yeah apologies Krishna" 
"Sam's smile serve the world so kindness  💓 above everything Krishna". 
"There are a few who are following Sam's view and appreciating his point of views". 
"We are acting in that view, too Krishna"
"Smiling Sam  ! threw a few words of worship describing that why 
we should be gratitude 🙏 and kind in Krishna by being in compassion 
and consciousness through out his journey in the form 
of  sparks of speeches which are in turn ,turning 
the lights of the dark of his few fondest followers ✨ ♥ 💙 💕 "

"That is the relationship Lord Krisna  is expecting 🙏 from everyone Krishna?". 
"Correct Tulsy"
"Krishna could I say something about our nealy ending episodes Mission?"
"Please proceed Peter!"
"The  plot of this sacred story is exciting  and dramatic Krishna".
"Well-said 👏 👌 👍 😌 🙌!". 

 "It is a story of being lost and still love  Krishna".
"Is it?"
"Yes ! It has been narrated entirely from the victim's point of view so that the  reader can identify closely with him Krishna " .
"How Ruby?"
"When Jeeva ran for  Sam forgetting he was disabled,there was a miracle happened. As he was in selflessness state Krishna" 
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 Thanks Pamitta!"
"Can I Krishn?"
"You can Subathra". 
"In the setting, I mean location,  there was a sense that the landscape begins to turn against him I mean Sam".
"You are right. I couldn't describe how Bhudish boy   felt fear of it '.it was not easy to run a car in such thick... pouring of rain where the wipers stopped working seemed like   once  my dad had cought up    in  in  stalks bunched together because of the tractor ruts Krishna".
"Is it?"
"Moreover a stone had scratched dad's car Krisna".
"These  aspects made a double build up of tension to the Buddhist boy Krishna".
"It was heart touching in reading how he became so attached to Sam Krishna"
"The characterisation of the Buddhist boy is important because which helps us to  understand why he is so frightened Krishna".
"I know why Krisna".
"Why Meera?"
 "He obviously has a  powerful imagination perhaps he is so scared as hearing and seeing to what people do and easily frightened due to his  sensitivities mostly remembering terrible stories about miners buried alive under the earth and the Titanic ship disaster Krishna". 
"Wow 👏 😮 👏 this is how we have to  improve both English and Supreme Science this the righteous education".
"Thank you Krishna".
"I really, really appreciate ...Krishna "
"His  relationship is developed through the boys faithfulness in Father Krishna".
 "Yes as Meera says, the power💘 increased through  boy's bless  based confidence on Maha Mantra this makes the boy seems not very isolated Krishna."
"Let's get restarted Krishna".
"He noticed on Sam’s  face some of  Lords Krishna's attraction attributes Krishna "
"What does ATTRIBUTE mean Krishna ?"
" Belongs or caused by Sarah ".
"May be grace of his Vedic vibration, transfers to Sam from Krishna".
"That's makes sense of attribution Krishna".
 "That's what we learned in today's topic.
"The boy, Jeeva can recognise energy the frequency of Father’s favour waving on Sam."
"Why it doesn't work  in us krishna?"
"Ha..ha...!Who said???"
"We all can see the attraction from you Rudra "
 "Come on Krishna!"
"Suuuuu just to boost him up Balaraman". 
"I heard it Krishna I hate you Krishna!".
"Coool down "

"A person might be expert in many materials fields or medical fields  like Ragu, anyone may be mastered in merely material books accomplishments, but without inner cleanliness and God consciousness, his brain is in a desert, waste or a massive stone no trace of grace Krishna".
"Sure... sure". 
"Out of the nine sacred steps of approaching The Science of Self-Realization, Sam's service in Nama Samkirtan is so powerful Krishna". 
"Absolutely Sarah it is the right road of our greatest guru who is the greatest scheolar  directly descendant of Sri Krishna ". 
"As a matter of fact, in Christianity ✝️   number of saints had been empowered in attractions of attribution from Father such as Mosses, Virgin Mary,mother of Jesus Christ, St John St Peter etc...etc.."
 "Undoubtedly everyone thrilled why Sam's right leg has been fractured ,Marina managed to recalled an event."
"What was it Krishna?"
"It was  in India during their last pilgrimage period, 
Sam appeared  with an injured hand hiding behind his brother ,Sam.
"What Krishna?"
"Everyone   concerned badly!. Then  they were informed that a couple of street robbers in India 🇮🇳 had threatened and frightened them while both were walking."
"What ...why was it Krishna?"
 "Unmistakably some robbers were asking money !in gun point!" .
"Kally-Yuga Krishna each step we walk ,heading plot  you told.... Didn't you quote from the Gita Krishna?"
Sam pretty promptly reminded Mukunda Uncle's incident,as he had  single  handedly tackled we are double." 
 "They thought Krishna?"
" both Sam had turned into twins robots".
"Suddenly Krishna?"
"What Krishna ha...ha..?"
". played all the sports they could .
In fact,  from them only the Karate boys practiced sport fight".  
Now Marina was sure it was because of that bad battle. As she remarked his leg was slightly swelled when they took an x-ray , it came to light  that there was a fracture.

"Oh my God that's why ....She was alarmed Krishna?". 
"Why not Krishna?"
However, the senior doctors doubted upon her statement"
.Damp... !!!I Doubted Why??"
They guaranteed that there must be something else triggered his fracture.  “
"We are puzzled Krisna" 
They refused to believe such  a simple kicking would have left him  with broken  bone 💔 Krishna !!!???"
"Absolutely Siva!"
"To.. to obtain some sample of Sam’s bone to investigate in the laboratory to find out what was the  real cause,then  they had to carry out an immediate surgery"
"That hurts Krishna!"
"Then Krishna?"
"The operation was unavoidable, Marina carried out it "
"We could not catch up Krishna!"
"She had to carry out the  surgery on  the spot to avoid  further delay which might deteriorate and delay   the treatment" 
"Definitely they will take time Krisna".
"Luckily the laboratory was not far away from the clinic".
"After that Krishna?"
"From the result reports, the doctors discovered that he has been suffering from TB". 
"O h my goodness it's dangerous 
"and Krishna .!!! 

"Marina had collapsed on  the spot!!! Sam's cancerous TB fortunately was not contagious "
(spread by contacts like corona) . 
"Why not Krishna?""
"When the lungs affected only it is contagious 
cancerous,but his bone only was affected 💔". 
"So far ,away from  scary then why he had blood in his lips Krisna?!"
"Sure !Still they have examined his family members for the  purpose of precious measures and Marina's safety and security  was 
also examined . At the same  time, her sister called her emotionally describing another catastrophe ! ,
"What was it Krishna?"
"The same disease attacked his brother!" 
"Are you  serious Krishna?"
"Hundred percent Meera".
 "Fortunately it's just commenced in their bones Krishna."
"Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa had been attacked by the same 
Said the senior doctors. Then Marina saddened as she  thought of Bernadette of France!
"At the same time, Marina's mind was filled with fears  
As she was thinking of Bernadette and her death so so seriously".
"Who was it Krisna why should she think of a dead person?"

"Some of us may have known there are some people from all over the world pay a pilgrimage to France especially to visit "Lourdes Mada", 

"This Temple or Church was built on the divine (godly) request ".

"Evidence krishna ?”

"We almost know who is Mary".

"Are you talking about Lord Jesus’s mother Krishna?"

"Correct Christina" 

"She  appeared not only once or twice ,but 18 times".

 "in front of Bernadette Krisna ?”

"Who was Bernadette Krishna?"

"At that time she was a very  poor,young girl of her teen age. 

She often would go to pick up some wood to cook food."

"Where did she meet Mary krishna ?”

"Just near the area where the temple was built!" 

"Oh my God!".

"And then krishna?”

"She would go in search of wood to cook for her mother.

Those time, the  modern cooker was not available". 

"Oh long long ago Krisna?”

" Yeah! 
In that that point,unexpectedly the Mary was appeared in tree."

"One second 
Please krishna please 🙏 ….

 I straight away ask her as a prove". 

"Mary did you know how to climb onto  a tree?" 

"Come on!Not her... krishna talking about Saint Mary Rudra “

"Rudra don't be naughty". 

Could we get commenced Krisna?”

"She looked like an angel that cannot be described...Gloriously beautiful girl ....Heavenly wonderful woman !!!!",

"That's what the faithful  Lilly lady, Bernadette  thought to herself. ".
"Next Krisna ?"
“When was the first appearance took place Krisna please?
"Actually it took place in 1858.
"The first Goddess appearance  to the little teen girl,  Bernadette was on 11th of February 1858."

"Wasn't the angel was visible to the ordinary public Krishna?”
"Only to those who are in the state of the Science of Self-Realization, can witness wonders like this.
"Second occation Krishna?".
"The second event was on the 14th of February 1858".
"The third if you don't mind?" 
" Third one was on 18th of February.
"And then Krishna??"
"You want to know the forth one?"
 "Undoubtedly Krishna !"
     "The  forth   one  in  1858  was on 19th February.

 "Certainly the fifth one was on 20th February 1858 Krishna?"

"Surely !The sixth one was on 21 February 1858.The seventh one was on 23rd of February 1858;The eighth one was on 24th February 1858;

" ninth one was on 25th of February 1858 Krishna?
Accurately. tenth one was on 27th of February 1858.
The eleventh on 28th February 1858.
"So Krishna the February is the favourite month to pay a visit?"
  "Ha...ha...Don't jump in to a conclusion without sufficient information Rudra". 

"The 12th one was on 1st march 1858  Krishna?""
"Correct Christina.The 13th one was on 2nd March 1858."

"The 14th one was on 3rd march of 1858 krishna ?"

"Certainly.The 15th was on 4th marsh 1858;The 16th was on 25 March 1858;
The 17th was on 7th of April 1858 .The last one was on 16th July 1858".

"Had  Bernadette was questioned by lots of authoritative people such as great priests, Scientists and doctors as they wanted to confirm the divine information with witnesses Krishna my mum said.".

"That's pretty normal  krishna in Kally-Yuga , there are so many claimed to be Gods and so many behind them as followers .Obviously it becomes customs even though non of them telling them the TRUTH WISDOM. APART FROM THE BONA-FIDE PRABHUPADA. 
"Correct there are cruel corruption impossible to  improve the impersonals in materialism Krishna". 
"True Tulsy".
"Finally ended up agreeing to fulfill the Godly kind requirement of   Mary Krishna?"

"Absolutely !She was told to built a church in the place where she appeared Krishna?". 

"Yeah!In addition, she was insisted to mention a phrase in french:


 "I mean Marina thought of her Krishna?"
Didn't I tell you that she asked Mary peace of life?".

"No Krishna "
"What Mary responded krishna?"

"I cannot help you unless you leave this materialism". 

"Then krishna?”
Following illness Bernadette dead.
"Mary Guaranteed her Mockhsa,, Liberation".

"At present million of people all around the world visiting to pray the Saint  Mary Krishna”

"Sure Sarah". 
"Thousands of Srilankans visiting to Lourdes, but we must  know the real history of that glamorous church".

"It's exactly like their understanding of Bhagawad-gita Krishna.
"Bhagawad-Gita was recorded 5000 years ago while Lord was instructing to His best friend and devotee called Arjuna".
"Why krishna?".

"Because, cause of time people forgot the reality of the Supreme Personality."
"Fantastic 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 as she thinks the peace what Simling Sam expected is not a piece of cake" . 
"The God decides to take him away Krishna "
 "Pardon Peter?"
"As people are not taking away his information, Marina considered God going to take him away Krishna ".
"God bless you all are amazing!!!Unexpectedly,Marina's mobile was ringing as usual singing her Mantra,
"Om BhoorbhuvahasvahaThath Savithur Varenyam Bhargo Davasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yonaha Prachodayah"

Suddenly she heard  blessing the big bells at once from all the temples and churches such a pleasure 🙏 she felt.
🕍 🕍 🕍 🕍 🕍 🕍 🕍 🕍 
🕍 🕍 🕍 🕍 🕍 🕍 🕍 🕍 🕍 🕍 🕍 🕍 🕍 🕍 🕍 
"Along with Gayatry Mantra Krishna???!!!!
"Yeeeeeeeeeeeees...Oh God!!! She was in paradise of the paradises; heaven of the heavens; surprise of the surprises...

"She was walking , wearing a seductive smile.It was a stupendous situation , wearing a white blazer on top of her attractive beautiful navy blue sari. Her white sandal were beautifully matching to her supreme white blazer with a slim dark blue border in her soft and silky sari Krishna?"

"Yeah !over,her teeth were as white as the jasmine flowers sweetly ...suiting to  her cutest cloths". 
"Her darling Similing Sam was calling from down stairs who was looked after by  the senior doctors for a complete medical check up thought to be nearly or Near Death Krishna?." 

"Why not because the  whole Days  passed he was in comma wasn't it Krishna?".
"Ye Now .... only he woke up Krisna?"
  "Then who was in the wedding hall hall Krisna "
"He was London Sam Rata".

"To give him a supper treat, the crowd from the 
wedding performances "

"what they practiced many months to wedding day Krishn?".

"Ha...ha...!!!The entire patients including parents, relations and 
friends were the hidden golden audience". 

"We wish we were with...with him krishna!"

"If you wish to watch, in cinema version ,you can press and hold and click on You Tub please".

!" long shiny hair was in a bun shaped that make her  more and more sublime.What a fabulously, glorious girl was anxiously waiting for a tremendous call from her Charm Sam while seeing her patients with compassion ? "

Exactly !Wow…wow…wow...Patients were passion to see this 
angel's glamorous smile at every angles...which has the power of smelling Divine's perfume!Yeah…!
"Can any thing smell miles away Krishna?" 

"Which has the pretty power of  melting any one's  heart as the butter is  
being left  in the sun rays. Supreme’s illumination. Wasn't it Krishna? "

"Absolutely!!ha.....Each of her,"Hi"to any of her patient was a"bye"
.a good bye to any kind of illness!!!!
"You are kidding krishna ha…ha!"
Such a Krishna consciousness!Expresses in her gloriously grace  face.Which leading the patients in realizing  their unconsciousness of Lord consciousness which causing them frequent sickness.
At the same time, understanding her glamorous Krishna awareness,make them divine consciousness together with heavenly happiness.But…but…but…today all of a sudden all of the staff and patients were impatient.
They were  worried.Her rose face was dried.They could not cope with it .They heard the alarming shouting .The senior doctor did not allow her to be there !His medical condition  was not stabled.She was always providing each and every one
The greatest Mantra…"Hare Krishna  Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna  Hare Hare  Hare RamaHare Rama Rama RamaHare Hare”

As a result,each and every patient impatiently chanting the mantra in their minds without panicking their heroine.In addition, she had been freely issuing them Gita wow...
All have arrived such as Rajash Kanna Renugha,James,
Savitri (this is the  very first time Savitri had come to visit,she was Krishna Menan’s mother.Her name as same as Gayatry according to the Sankrit Science,

1) Savithri,2) Gayatry and 3) Sarasvathi are so significant 
explained within the Gayatry Mandra as definitions,
" Please 🙏 play it that's what everyone says "
statement of the meaning.
so powerful names.
 James family,Silvas family,Krishna Menan,
Mr and Mrs Charm,the five fabulous winds and and.Fortunately,for their formidable amazement,
Marina was happily walking together with Charming Sam hand in hand...
James Hugged them.
“What a man of humour!" 
Marina recalled what  Sam said, last month in his orange orchard when she asked him while she was walking in his rear garden,

"What was it Krishna?"
“How many oranges grow in your orchard on average?”
All of them”
"He responded immediately without a slightest smile".

" Being near you is the greatest gift of life.”
 "Thought Marina mesmerisingly .
It was like thousand of thousands flowers showering smellingly and smilingly at every one".
"True krishna !"

"Meanwhile,Luxmi, the mother of Marina was with her polite pretty priest,
wearing golden clothes and sacred thread and sweetest smell ...

For every-one's astonishment, he 
declared delightedly and authoritatively with an authentic smile.

Hearing it ,everyone  enchantingly smile that would be ever lasting in every one's mind...
"What was it Krisna?”
"No one needs to be worried about this cute  couple's astrological aspects".
Why not Krisna it’s amazing Krisna!”
"Actually and factually the  astrology controls only the materialists who do not care of the divine direction".

"However, not the transcendentalist who always care of the Divine  discipline..."
Rama demonstrated in his Avatars Career that  
are the finest and the most fundamental virtues (morality) that man benefit by.
Like two wheel of the cycle.
Our school education and our soul's education are like two wings of the blessing bird.
Rama was known and is adored as the person who never strayed away from the spoken word". 
All of the people were watching them charmingly ,
astonishingly, gladly and faithfully.Meanwhile the priest re-continued:

These children are spiritualists doing devotional service as it is the supreme service of all services to get rid of the cycle of births."

He adjusted his throat whilst   watching the audience smilingly .Then he said,

"As long as they are attached to the divine,they are controlled by the Supreme Spirit."

"So,  the sweetest news is whatever they do, is not their responsibilities”.

"We... we must be pleased to leave them on their own way," 
smiled another retired volunteer doctor pleasantly" .
"Most of them hugged them and some of them kissed them what a wonderful world! 

The best Buddhist boy was over the moon his smile was awesome spreading at every one's lovely lips! They could not believe what their ears heard and their eyes viewed. What a Vedic verdict!

 None of them could not say anything,but said every-thing by their eyes...enchanting eyes excellently enjoyed !

Her long hair was suddenly down,which pleased every one. 

They could hear the hope in her voice. Her blood was heating up and making her more and more seductive, attractive and positive!

Oh God! Dazzling doctor was enchantingly walking like a moving golden lamp from the heavenly abode of milk white stairs with her miraculously survived sincere man of divine each complement each other. 
 He was an extra ordinary man of Rama's principles.People pleased to see the director who was  introducing the creator.

"Suddenly smiling,  senior doctors accompanied them and introduced to every single person :

" They were the directors to all the doctors; they are from the greatest Inner  
Divine Doctor, Thirupathy Vengadesan."

Even the previous rowdy Ragu doctor"Ragu kindly kissed the kindest couple compassionately with his family 👪 . 

Unexpectedly the senior doctor's-voice was broken down in to golden pieces...

Then another doctor,Ragu, carried on,

 "Sam made us realize the Creator.So we are pleased to be their servitors, understanding who is the main divine administrator and the creator..."

"Thank you... thank you... and thank  you. It's pretty easier said than done the direction of ...of Divinity . So we better watch our original devotee of our Originator "
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 

Hare Krishna

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