" Krishna!!!...Krishna !!!

"Are you  there ?"

"Suuuuuuu silence...

 I' m trying to escape from you all guys ".

 "Ha...ha...overall ,you are pervading everywhere, nowhere you are not there Krishna ".

"Pardon meee what you all are talking about...

 are you crazy 🤪🤪🤪?"

" can anyone going to believe Krishna?" 

 "After all,  at the temple of Krishna could we believe that there no Krishna?".

"It's ridiculous of asking Krishna ARE YOU THERE in the temple of Krishna Rudra ?"

"Ha...ha... amazing...ambiguous language guys ...glad to hear it !"

"Ha...ha...finally  we have  found you at the temple of Krishna!?

"How can we leave you alone Krishna aren't we humble students Krishna?"

 "We wonder how can we make a compound sentences with a single sentence Krishna ha...ha...?" 

"Yeah! Just guest Krishna how does the same atom join with another atom become a compound can a guy and another guy make a compound or a girl and a girl Krishna?"

Don't   they are the  same element Krishna?"

"Doesn't  it make sense Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...I ask again  what you are talking about greatest hearts 💕 💕 ?".

"An atom of  the same element atom mixing together, doesn't...doesn't it still  the same element Krishna ?"

"Sure in chemical reactions elements combine together that's involve two or more chemicals  to make what  Krishna ?"

"Aren't we called it the product Peter?".

"Ohhhhhhh goodness!

"You... you are amazing Krishna?".

 "Aren't you  talking of atoms of the same elements as our teaching  simple sentences without compound sentences ?"

"Yes Krishna "

"Oh my God !"

"Why you are astonished Krishna did we ask any wrong question ?"

"Although the atom may be joined ,but there is still only one type of atoms,so it's still an element Krishna ?".

"What is the correlation of your inquiry Sharah?"

"What to do without proper practice of the co-ordinators of conjunctions ,Krishna?"

"Yes Krishna  it would be the same as an element which is made up from the same molecules of the same atoms Krishna!".

 "Yes there is no  question of a compound elements Krishna ".

"Sorry I didn't catch-up that point?" 

"The particles are  the same what is the point of joining up Krishna ?"

"You all are complicating me  just... just... minute...wash room please "


"For example CO2 molecules in a compound  atoms from different elements to make the chemistry work Krishna, but  how long we are with the simple sentences Krishna" 

"Ha...ha...brilliant I didn't expect your scientific comparison in this simple sentences of coordination grammar ". 

"But we didn't get  the point Krishna". 

"We have learned how  a single sentence  can be made up compound sentences using  coordinating conjunctions... .

...Haven't we?"

"Krishna Anna let me sort out the puzzle...they are challenging in comparison of  simple atoms with our simple sentences Krishna ".

"Yeah Krishna  you speak Supreme Science, but not even know that an atom joins with the same atom cannot be  compound and  it's simply the same ?"

"Didn't we understand that unless we joint the simple sentence  with another sentence (element ) to  make a compound sentence (as molecules)

like compound co2  don't   you get the point students ?".

"Don't  worry Krishna let me sort out the confusion in conjunctions 

"And also didn't Krishna describe decently that from the mixture of different joining words  or bond, we can  make a mixture of  elements I mean simple to compound and compound to complex guys?"

"You mean from the simple sentences we make up compound and complex sentences to construct cutest contents Meera?".

"Oh yeah could we revise them a bit because we are brilliant and we do not forget what we learned Krishna...ha...ha"

"Sure love your sarcastic humour Rudra "

"What does it mean SARCASTIC HUMOUR Krishna?"

"Saying things which imply the opposite meaning for fun. "

"Does he, we got it  we often forget instantly Krisna ha...ha...ha..." 

"Alright now we create compound sentences from these simple sentences using the best co-ordinating conjunctions. " 

A) My grandparent's house has two spare rooms. 

I've got to share my sister's room.

B) The day been well .

 It got worse and worse .

C) The ducks were very well fed .

 They waddled constant out the park.

D) Tom knew he had a late night before him.

He Had been up until midnight the  previous day.

E) the spring blossom makes the green look gorgeous.

 It only lasts  months.

F) Learning to play  music instrument can be hard.

 If you practice,it gets easier. 

"I'm not going to support you because you  are too much argumentative these are such a childish examples you do them as home work then we revise in  the session work" :

"Apologies Krishna Anna ".

"God Morning Krishna Anna!" 

"God bless you Krishna Anna."

"Krishna the economy continually contract all over the world what about Srilanka?"

"Thanks for being kind of our country currency and 
unfortunately it is depreciating over and over ".

"Why Krishna ?"

"Would you able to understand if we say why Rudra?"

"Why not Krishna?"

"It is again the pain  of GDP."

"Ohhhhhhhh  we ...we never heard of it Krishna." 

"See... that's what we do not bother to discuss of economy   any more ".

"Please Krishna we are dull headed, but great minded ."


"Even in Londen the economy contracted consecutively in the third quarter Krishna!". 

"Why was it ?"

"It is because of PHd Krishna?"

"What does it mean Rudra?"
"The same what you said Krishna ".


"It is GDP didn't I bracket the three letters Rudra?"

"We  apologise Krishna ".

"We are in recession, too  Krishna. 

 "We understand it and may be soon ,  the new chancellor going to read his  new budget in London Krishna"

"How the government surviving please Krishna".

"They have to penalise us as  the citizens and public".

"How Krishna?" 
" asking us to pay pretty  taxes and other government resources such as water rate, electricity, road tax house tax employment charge fuels charge etc..."

"Yes Krishna. Bank of England reports  that the market reactions are pretty bad Krishna". 

By the way , we would like to share something important Krishna". 

"With pleasure what is it Sam?"

"A video of a balanced arguments of Russia and Ukraine war Krishna". 

"After watching it, we worried and woke up from sleeping krishna".

"What's wrong with you?"

 "As... as we all are the victims of  ego of Europe, the western and America Krishna who support the war against Russian Krishna". 

"We wonder what was it Sam are you talking about peace talks in a polite manner?"

"Please watch Krishna:"

"Every one agrees?"

"Indeed we agree Krishna we need to get the point KRISHNA".

"Then open the black veil please". 

:// watch this video. 

" It's an unpredictable nasty news of   blaming but balanced arguments Krishna?"

"Why we all are victimised Krishna?"

"All in all, we all are in competition not corporation Krishna ".

"Excuse me Krishna Anna , 

little break we feel bad Krishna better talk of  Marina".

"Yeah change the chapter a bit is  better for our mind relief Krishna ".

"Did Marina ever deliver any public talk Krishna  ?"

 "Why not? "

"Have you  forgotten Rosy?"

"She once chanted the maha Mantra starting with,


"Each time I try to chant the Maha Mantra, my neighbours are complaining Krishna "

"Why try Rudra please ?"


"Stop .... Stop....stop... please 🙏!"


"Stop....stop...stop... please! "

"Oh goodness please stop Rudra please ha...ha...!!!!

"He a

"Why Pamitta why ?"

" Let.... Let... let him chant the Mantra ha...ha...?"

"I'm scared  Krishna ha...ha...!".

"We too, we all scared Krishna ha...ha... deep voice !". 

"It's seems like my puppy barking whenever he gets angry Krishna Anna?"

"Rudra are you  going to chant Maha Mandra  now?".

"Sure first trying to say Aum Meera like Marina did"

"Please stop Rudra please!". 

"Krishna  Anna can you  tell him how to chant?" 

"Pardon Pamitta?" 

"Aren't you   roaring Rudra?" 

"I'm not roaring Krishna Anna "

"I'm going to chant"

"Noooooo !!!"

"Alright...alright let me flashback Marina’s evening event happy?"

" Marina chanted  "Aum...Aum...Aum...!

"Then she chanted cheerfully the  Maha Mantra three times during an event of comments in devotion!"

The public were wondering and pretty puzzled in peace .

The students  straightaway realised, that it was  the most major mantra in the world with her   sweetest voice of goddess .

"Oh goodness!They recognised that the chanting of" Om" was not a matter of competition" 

"Pardon Krishna Anna?"

"I mean do not think  as to who can hold his breath longest".

"Why is not important Krishna ? ". 



.... when we chant Krishna  Anna, our neighbourhood had complained to their land Lords and we received warning letters  Krishna ha...ha...".

"Aren't you talking of  Maha mantra chanting Rosy?"

''Yeah together with Aum" 

"Suuuuuuu let's learn what Marina is saying Rudra OK?!" 

"Okay Krishna Anna ".

Right !The location was  surrounded by fragrant flowers gardens which time to time spreading them stupendous smells.

Marina smiled after saying the Om, she then expressed the definition of the Om:

"The Om PRANAVA, sacred sound is already widespread "

"Sorry Krishna  Anna?"

 "Yes Marina was saying THE Sound OF PRANAVA OF OM it's pervading (spreading ) the atmosphere."


"Suuuuuu listed what Marina was saying".

"We will Krishna". 

"To be fair , the Om sound  has been there ever since creation began".

"Krishna Anna!".

"Suuuuuuu  Marina is saying something again Siva!"

"So sweet hearts, when we chant, 🕉,we are actually trying to merge our individual vibration with the Divine Vibration in the atmosphere softly and soulfully to be fair and share our devotion".


"The most important is, the Om PRANAVA is not the sound we make, but the silence we follow  ".


...We don't remember from the episodes may be from   the follow up episode we could encounter this enchanting event Krishna Anna". 

"Yes that's fantastic now we like the flashback Krishna"

"So the sound is not so important, but the  importance  Is the silence we follow?"

"Hum ...hum".

" Does it to  upgrading the PRANAVA Krishna Anna?"

"Definitely Durga ".

" Excuse me!!!

"Yes please!"

What's forth stage of ....SANNYASA?".

"Is it to be peace in this life and finally  reach Sanatana Sky ".

 "Correct Balaraman". 

"OHHHHHHH goodness does the brother of our tutor   in that stage ?"

"He is already passed the  serious stages such as Students life,married life and... and... and wow now being at the end stage Sannyasa.

"Is he the one who had founded the temple, Kurinchikumaran in Germany?"


"So he is  a kind of man following Vedic Culture and Hindu Culture together Krishna".

"Sure, Rata"

"So tutor's brother is in a Sannyasa state?"


"Did he marry Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...No not at all".

"Nevertheless, to make sure of his gracious 🙏 destination, he guided him brotherly and blessfully".

"He is already in the best 🕉 Hindu Culture why on earth our tutor  interphere in his path Krishna?"

"Ha...ha......ha...he ..soulfully suggested him our Originator's Maha Mantra Meditation 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️ ✨ Mission". 

"Does he submissively  accepting?"

"He doesn't reject or refuse  like his nephew,  Canadian Physics teacher?"

"He completed even the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, only...only  during the Corona and he comprehends the correlation of Corona and consider it as he did a coronation in devotion".

'' Ha...ha...!! What does it?"

 "What does mean coronation   I already forgot ?

''The ceremony of 👑 crowning a monarch".


"Does he follow Mandra Meditation?"

"Hundred percent 💯 👌" 

"What does mean comprehend Krishna Anna?"

"Understand, Subathra" 

"What kinds Hindu cultures Marina and Sam going  to follow up Krishna  Anna?"

"Sorry Sudah?"

" Vedic Culture or Hindu Culture".

"They have been following  Varnasrama-dharma.

"What about you Krishna?"

"Krishna Science Rata" .

"We thought the same,Varnasrama-dharma, too Krishna Anna ".

"We all are going to be in the same Sanatana Dharma like  you, Sam and Marina and our tutor's  brother if possible".

"But we must be careful sweet hearts 💕 ♥ ❤ 💖!!!". 

"Why ?".

"If we don't interest in Maha Mantra Meditation, we are not going to improve our life style".

"Why...why....why... Krishna Anna???"

"Because once we are married, the attachment automatically will be increasing, increasing and enforced by Nature" 

"Can you give us a clue or a fact Krishna Anna".

"For instance ,we become  interest in buying a home, 🏠 making more money, big bank balance, interested, country, friends, society, charity etc... etc."  

 "So what ... what's wrong with it ?"

 "That's the life no Krishna?".

"Ha...Ha...ha... Imagine just imagine under this illusion, or maya, we retire and  die, our rebirth recycling unprecedented body isn't it a stragedy?"

"That's how each and everyone lives and have  no choice Krishna Anna!"

"Alright then according to our karma, Rata".

"We have to accept  another body "

"Sweet hearts, 💖💓💖💓💖💓💖💓we are entrapped in different types of bodies. It is the concept of Hindu Culture . ".

" Sure Krishna we know how frankly  we have been sharing and inspiring because it is the best way of the blessing life style Krishna?"

"What is the best remedy for everybody Krishna?"

"Keep saying the Maha mantra and following the Bhagawadgita As It 

'Yeah we love it  go a head God a Head"

"Can we continue our narration?"

"Alright Pamitta is correct let's get started 👍" 

"One two three":

"" Now every one  said , "wow" in the Krishna temple when Marina was watching the sky with overwhelming joy"

"Did they Krishna Anna?"

"Yeeees she heard even the animals were  pronouncing,

" WOW" ❤ 

"Lord Krishna was watching her emotionally his lotus flower 🌸 shaped enchanting eyes has been turned as red as Ruby".

 The kindest wind blows in saying, 

"Hello... Marina!

Hurry up and  say a hello to Sam" 


"Sure  Krishna  she can call SAM now"...  

She excitedly replied ,

"sure! Sure I will

 "First I got a vow of vedic master of the masters, Lord KRISHNA am going to say thanks and  hello to Lord KRISHNA first like Arjuna then I start my battle.... 

...I know that Krisna is the one who is representing as  my Charm Sam and my  blessed brother". 

Meanwhile,the  barking and roaring street dogs were saying," WOW!!!"; 

"Marina was easily smiling like elegant angel now".

"Her mind was miles away." 

even the frightening and threatening  snakes were laughing,"WOW"

"No Krishna they say hissss... hissss".

"Noooo they don't make kisses".

"Sometimes you are crazy Krishna!"

"Sorry 💖💓 did you say something Rudra?"

"No!!!! I said you are busy Krishna ... please continue!"

"Ye but  instead of saying Hiss..hiss...hiss!!!Unexpectedly they were saying Wow".

"Now it is confirmed that you become crazy Krishna "

"That is hilarious 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁!"

"Why you all are laughing?"

"Krishna  Anna we all are becoming brilliants!".

"Absolutely the green and brown ducks were saying," WOW" instead of saying  quack...quack... "

" are funny Krishna !"

...more than anything, did you know what the clock were saying,

 "WOW " Krishna so fun and funny Krishna"

No they say, flip flap...flip flop Krishna!!!"

"Ooooooh  noooo the vehicles on the streets were sounding," Woooow!!!"

"Whereas  a car was crashed in hearing everyone's," Woooooow!!!"   

"She had a feeling of liberation from all sorrows". 

 "Unexpectedly all of a sudden Marina smiled sacredly!!! It was the rain colourful  priceless pearls for  every one!!!

"May be she had grapped some Aura energy from  Baba  Krishna!"

"You all are talking intelligently Balaraman!" 

"They all participated her pleasure , smiling together".

 "We too say wow Krishna Anna!"

"Good idea ha...ha...👍".

"At the same time,everyone felt happy tears burning their eyes beautifully." 


"Yeah!!! In addition, with their School teachers they all came to Krishna Temple it was not only because she is a teacher in the same school ,but also the way Marina explained them about the Supreme Science".

 "What the pupils did Krishna?"

"What does it mean pursuing Krishna?"

'Following "

 "Happily the  pupils were singing to praise Marina for a great fun in eating their prasadam.

 Now her dangerous gun life style turned to a beautiful fun life style Krishna Anna".  

"Correct !"

 "The brightest golden  sun shines   as she had won the greatest blessings with ruby rewards and awards". 

"Best of all, she merits the Divine Degree of the Degrees blessings of a greatest saint !!" 

"What does it merits or merited Krishna Anna?"

"Deserves and deserved,Mary ".

"Thank you".  


 Children's sweetest song commenced/began on Holy saint's kindest request.

"Where was it  Krishna?"

  "They were in front of a glamorous garden of the temple of Lord Krishna, Sarah ".

The children were pleasantly pleased to sing , welcoming their Saintly Marina teacher... 


 🐦💘🐦🐦🐦💘🐦💘🐦 : 

🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦"Saint Mary! 

St Mary! 

we are from Primary, 

don,t worry 

don't worry 

We are from Saint Mary 

Don’t worry! 

Don’t worry! 

You are our real Mary!" 

The teachers continued with lots of smiles on their happy faces… 

"St Mary! 

St Mary! 

We are from Primary! 

Don’t worry! 

Don’t worry! 

You are our real Mary! 

No tears! 

No fears! 

We won't bear 

your tear 

Please dear! 

Please dear! 

No tears! 

No fears!"... 


Divine ,Baba on by holding her angelic hand 

"Why you fear! 

Why you fear! 

I am here... 

I am here." 


Children follow  together with all devotees of Krishna 

"St Mary! 

St Many! 

We are from Primary! 

Don’t worry! Don’t worry! 

you are our real Mary"... 


She indeed cried for joy.... 


At the end,Saint waved and beautifully blessed everyone. 

Needn't to say that  all were extremely exciting seeing the supremely exciting event. 

"All of them had awaken from sleeping from the  darckness to brightness Krishna."

"Ye from sadness to happiness Krishna"

"Definitely from unconsciousness to consciousness Krishna Anna".

"Well said Sarah".

 From entanglement 

to enlightenment sir; 


From unnecessary attachment to necessary attachment Krishna Anna. 

"Certainly Christina hold don't please...

Next day, was the loviest Sunday . Marina decided to call Sam"

"But  still... still  her heart beats rates increased more and more because of a sort of  hesitation and heavenly happiness?".

 Why on earth her mouth had gone dry ! Her eyes was watching the school children with exactly her school uniform reminded her a few heart touching incidents ...

just an uncomprehensible mess...

The theme of this video  will echo her dreams of them such a charm please open and see how she dreams  Sam on her eyes.

Wow what a HELLO!!!

"All because she does not know who is going to attend the phone... It is his land phones number Krishna".

"Is it Krishna?"

 "Yeah!!!In addition, Sam has not only one phone 📱 the reason why James couldn't recognise his phone number accurately " 

However,  she feels a bit more hotter than usual as her body was turning hotter and hotter... 

"For her, Sam is the best and the last...she doesn't want anyone else.

in fact ,she  prefers being a nun in case she happened to expect the unexpected...and decided to face the consequences now or never". 

 However ,her eyes sparkled with an exciting emotion

" Because Krishna she never expected this types of situation". 

"Exactly Durga"

 "Unexpectedly she thought of  the horrible day?" 

"What was it Krishna?"

"The last day how she had left the bed and went to the back garden and  sat in the green grass, unfortunately the wind was not kind wasn't it Krishna?".

 "It was cold… on a muddy field in the freezing cold wind was blowing very strongly". 

"Moreover, she had not worn properly except a silk, light, night gown.... didn't accept the terrible weather."

"She started sneezing and coughing". 


"No  people were talking; no people were walking through the street; no birds were sitting; no birds were flying ;no monkey was chatting; no monkey was  jumping as usual around her area; it was the terrible night  so cold midnight. 

"Sky velvet the moon light and the  silver sparkling stars were hidden in seeing her sudden state".

Her heart broken tears were  sparkling through her eyes in thinking about the wounded wise guy. 

Every one was in bed ,sleeping happily. ..she was weeping sorrowfully in hugging a pink pillow painfully in her angelic arms in thinking of her Prince! But still she wasn't warm without Sam. 

No wonder Marina  was shivering  in the could. She felt wet while touching her pink pillow as it was the moisture wetting the pillow such a cold.

Her yellow Sun had gone. 

Her milk white moon was hidden.

She worried of her  wounded warrior who fights for the right like Gandhi and Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela such a  golden star.

He is so far from her. The most terrifying thing that day was being unable to find out what happened to him. 


"Worst of all,the very next day, Marina did not wake up. She was terribly  ill,  ... it was going to kill her because  she felt as though she was in the hell."

"In that situation anything could happen "  

"You are right Retna".

 "Well, she could not express to anyone how deeply she was suffering from distress and anxiety  she was sadly sympathised of Sam in his time of suffering regarding her error". 


"Fortunately, following the morning, she was a bit OK.... but unfortunately it  was the last day of school tuition fee!"

 Knowing her Dad’s financial status, Marina fell again in to  the hell and was swimming in the well of hell.

She didn't want to be humiliated in front of others especially Sam by returning to college without the tuition fees it was the dead line.( Last day). 

 "No one knows she was in tears. Could anyone know when the fish crys?"

 "NO Krishna!" 

 "Nature's nasty decision was made her to discontinuation of her higher education following her Karma".  

"Divine only knew that she was suffering as a fish is in the land-out of water". 

"Because of the family’s financial background, she was requested to discontinue her higher education by her own parents with lots of worries". 

"She had a long breath it was impossible to put in words" 

"Marina would not forget it in her life each time she sees the schools,colleges and universities how she feels"! 


Nonetheless, she did not fail to say the Krishna Mantra on daily basis at least 108 times per day. 

" Be true to God and be sure of his help" 

she usually say that ... 

"Wiping her happy and sad tears  now ....she suddenly  saw a brilliant brown boy similar to her beautiful brother with curly  hair, who had passed away." 

"Obviously she recalled her abroad mysterious brother who sent them a money order, unexpectedly again she reminded what she used to tell him when he was alive"...

 "be true to God and be sure of his help"  

"No wonder her nice eyes were sparkles in tears in reminding his  stupendous letter so he is my own brother! "

"Has he took a rebirth in a different family?!

 "Oh my God!!!! I can understand now.He is 17 years old now; his parents named him Krishna with double ”R”Krrishna...following the numerology,

She began to feel so faithful to Divine recalling what Baba keeps saying. 

He said ,

" the world today is like a school with no teacher; 

a temple with no idol;

a garden with no plants;

a wire with no current!" 

"Only the people all over the world strive to acquire power by accumulating wealth,authority,and material knowledge ,but unfortunately with all these things ,evil of egoism is too being accumulated so man is fast becoming the enemy of  man”


"Then she reminded again about her lost brother:

her brother left the country following the war with relations,but he died in France in early age!"

"Now he has been reincarnated with the past memories and best of all he got new news that her brother got 17 GCSE.

.... out of them 7 A*******, stars 8 A and couple of Bs, 

 ! Nonetheless,her Mum could not change his money order yet ! As it has to go to the Colombo head  Branch to be cashed". 


"Marina carried on walking towards the public telephone". 

"Suddenly,  she thought Sam knows a lot about the incarnation.

 Plus,he is a joyous journalist so obviously should be a specialist in these kinds of investications." 

"She just  called,


...just on the air smilingly and  excitedly!" 

"She wondered when Sam’s name proclaimed means pronounced by birds in their chirping!"

The Sam name pronounced by trees when they move their leaves! 

The Sam name pronounced by the flowers together with Krisna's name while  there were blooming their fragrance buds in to fabulous fragrant flowers! 

"The name Krishna and Sam were pronounced by the bees when they hum!. “what a charm names,’’ 

(She said to her self). 

 "Sam you are my soul!"

She said to herself then she smiled and her eyes smiled, too her heart lit up her long  rose lips turning more and more shiny  and her slim hip was slightly visible through her beautiful baby blue blouse; her  golden silky skirt was caressed  by the invisible soft air.

"To be fair,  as usual,her fair hair was dancing  with the air and drawing  heart touching arts on her angelic face!" 

"What an inspirationally invisible air making her more and more fair while thinking about the star who lives far far away".

 Her femininity has been increased; her charming feeling awaken after long term sleeping.

She had turned to supreme calm, decided to return her friend's "Hello" which he gave her when he met her with her mother....

"Sooner she reached the public phone and took the receiver or the hand set, very carefully like a treasure and dialed the confirmed number smilingly ,


 It was him!

"He said  again second hello and  smiled,


.... I am Marina speaking ’’

 ‘’Hi   Marina!"

 " I have been expecting your  call📞 every day Marina ’’

"Sam smiled Marina was wordless in an excitingly enchanting ruby rejoice!"

She was able to see  his grace 💗 face  with his nice smiling voice!

"No choice again!The time was running her telephone prepaid card was saying,

" one hundred minutes are remaining"

 So she was taking her own time. 

 "It was so pity of her. 

Marina’s voice cracked compassionatly. 

"As the little drops of water makes the ocean, his little kind of warmed words ❤ touched her heart wonderfully".

Was it a  kind of magnetic  emotionally she was unable to talk.

As obviously it  made an excellent effect emotionally and devotionally!

 "What an awesome blessed moment 💗💗💗💗 emation?"

"What a fabulous feeling!!!".

 "Sort of magic.She was  in a pool of cool pond surrounded by the fragrance lovely lotus flowers". 

"How Krishna?"

"Divine Wi-Fi internet connection ". 

Such a great pleasure!

She realized the purpose of her long,long  term worried waiting of his honey contact is worth it ❣️ .

"It  expressed her long term supressed impressions and compassion following his hospitalisation".

"It was  a warming  impact so interesting. She never felt such a pleasure of hearing someone's voice over the phone!" 


‘’Helooo ! Are you still there Marina?’’ 

Of course,because of her long term charm calmness, wordless state Sam was astonished whether she was no longer there such  long silence.!!!

"Wouldn't he wonder and worry where she was?"

"Who is him?"

"All of a sudden, she was crying !!!!

"She should not do that Krishna"!!!.

"Ye worst of all, the telephone credits are running in light speed"

" Again he smilingly, said,

 “coo… coo wakey wakey!”   

"Again his warm wide smile made her to forget to breath". 

"Her heart beat rate increased! It was emotionally ,so divinic and magic". 

"It's a matter of distinctive…it cannot  be  expressed  in words and cannot be suppressed in mind such an impression which inspiring her interestingly, but still devotionanlly".

"Her genius nucleus generously generating nectar after nectar in her mind".

"It was  a sort  of sensationally seductive ... impossible to remember any thing to say back"... 

It was not that easy for her to have an opportunity to talk to him. 

Her throat doesn't deliver any word!

 She shone like prestigious diamond manifest it's brilliance as it had  been cute, hurt and become such a shiny honey?"


  "Hadn't she been suffering like  a sugar cane in the machine?"

 "Now she became  the sweetest sugar cane juice".

 "It cannot be expressed  merely over the public phone".

 "Her back bone shone her entire central nerve system." 

 "Oh God after all, it's a public telephone, she glanced around to spy whether other people  were watching her shy state in the Sanatana Dharma Sky."

"Suddenly she smiled again in thinking no-one seemed to have noticed her unbelievable shy even her emotional status apart from the white and blue sky. 

 "Particularly, her romantic body languages gracious gestures ".

 Her blood boiled beautifully.

Amazingly the door  of the telephone cabin was a bit opened and a better breeze blew through her silky clothes  sensationally! sensationally.

  Which  made her  feel fantastic. 

O Lord ! She swallowed or gulped  a sudden infusion with  lots of confusion.What an enchanting emotion did not allow her to talk!!! 

"She could still hear the smile in his wise voice. She was in a pleasant shock pleasingly!" 


"I am sorry Sam can I see you I have lots of things to tell you’’. 

 “ Why not ! Marina! Would you like me to come and pick you up or you could  manage to make it ?"

..."I don't mind...

do you…Marina?"

"But,,,But...but  I don’t know your address’’  

Sam smiled". 


‘’Oh goodness I am not wearing adequate dress,’’ she thought... 

....she took a moment to study herself in the glass of the window mirror made her forget herself for a moment, she closed her eyes  because her honey heart pumped passionately ,

"TIC....TIC...TIC"... but it sounded like ,"boom...boom...boom"... what a bombardment it was  loud so so loud in her chest. 

However she managed to talk to him a few words: 

’Are you off today?’’ 

She smiled. 

"I am on holiday", she was wordless! 

My parents had gone on holiday, too and...and...and" 

"What's wrong? ". 

" I have been cooking nothing wrong at the moment do you want to join and share my dinner table 🥗?", 


‘’Do you cook?" 

It hooked her heart 

"When did you learn?’’

She worried for him. 

"Quite a while ago". 

 Smiling Marina sincerely felt a breathless pity for him she had to make up her mind now. 

 ’Marina! If  you don't mind, tell me your address I am coming OK?"… 

And I would like to meet your parents, too" 


"Her body seemed miraculously electrified". 

‘’Sam I had hurt you just once which have been hurting me every time".

"I am so sorry; I am absolutely asking you to accept my apology of that accidental event....very, very  sorry!"

 "I could not come and see you at the hospital because, because…  because my parents could not pay the facility fees for the complete term!" 

 "She could not carry on her conversation". 


"Sam could hear the pain in her voice his eyes heated in tears; his throat blocked; his face suddenly reddened he could not talk to her; he just wanted to see her;he had realized her real risky situation his heavenly eyes darkened like the midnight sky; he realized she was the one he has been expecting". 


"Meanwhile, her phone card was about to run out!

"Out of credit!!!!! !

"It was absolutely a cheating; she did not talk much and it was saying one hundred minutes in the first place....Oh God! See the cheating life!! 

 I have been waiting this long to talk a bit long with him,but to whom I can complain this kind of unlawful acts

"What a pity of her?"


Sam! Sam!! My phone card going to run out of credit”.She was crying like a child. ..“shall  I call you tomorrow?" 

"Thank you see you tomorrow’’… 


"Sam could not talk for some reason his wise voice was stuck in his throat". 

"He just hung up the phone as soon as she has hung up the phone with  lots of regrets  and absentmindedly,he was numbed". 

"When Marina hung up the phone only she realized that ‘’Sam’s voice was completely cracked.’’

"Oh Goooood!"  

"After all, he was alone moreover,  he was in the middle of cooking! How he is gong to manage?”.

 "She said to herself in fears as she knows him better". 


‘’The way you conduct yourself depends on the way you brought up".

'Thought Sam sadly".

 "You must be belonging to a gracious family. In deed, you live up on my expectation so I should live up to your expectation Marina,’’ 


"He thought constantly while  turning off the cooker of the burnt foods"....

"Oh dear!"

"The  whole house filled by smoke. He opened the windows in cleaning his runny nose and wet face by   a white tissue". 


‘’In this material world the material things like dowry just a dream". 

He was wordless, but not thoughtless.

"In fact, in a dream, we may think of  flying in the sky or we may think sitting on a golden chariot as a king wearing in gold crown, but when we wake up, we see that we are neither in the sky nor seated on the chariot."

"Yes Sam thinks  differently and divinely"...

"Nothing is permanent every thing is temporary. Dowry is the worst thing to think" 

His mind saying things like a Divine King. 


His blood boiled...head heated; he planted his generous hands on his heroic  hips and  took a terrific deep breath. 

"His eyes were an impossible colour, not black just a deep dark shade of brownish". with long,thick lashes.  

His eyes were beautifully framed by a pair of  long eye brows,his eyes chokets were deep suddenly  his eyes snapped with anger which made him more handsome with his steel body." 


"The windows were opened, his hair wind blew beautifully. That made him feel a bit cool.... 

"He had a straight nose. In fact a nice nose .He swallowed.Suddenly he felt a bit  hungry,but no food left". 

Had been burnt down. 

"He sat down on a brown  sofa to calm down in thinking of his Cinderella. As she is in the strongest  storm how to make an umbrella to  cheer her up my Cinderella"

'Yeah he thought of his childhood fairy tale story in which the heroine was Cinderella belonging to a poor family"

"He briskly  went down in the kitchen to find a cold drink,but returned empty handed.He started forgetting things".

"His eyes filled in dreams with thought of the past".

 "Nonetheless,he has the feeling that everything going to be alright from today onwards and everything going to be  different from now on. 


"He was proud of being able to help her", 

‘’I will do her  everything even she is not going to be my life partner". 

"His eyes were bright as the sun rose. He remembered how she react whenever she had got sight of him..."

"Why Krishna?"

"This was how she had broken his heart that he later realised when she was no longer at college".

"Suddenly Sam’s world has become golden and warm again. He felt that  can’t never be happy without this devotional Sacred soul".

He has been thinking about her .Of course,some of the time he has a doubt whether she has been already married.

Then he would be thinking,

in any case,I would be helping her as long as I am alive.".. 


....‘’All come to him who wait’’ 

‘’A pure friendship  is constructive it is positive; which will defeat the negative". 

Sam was calm

Not his mind

"The pure person ever gives, never seeks. His love is free from fear it is so dear it accepts fears and tears. He who practice pure relationship, engages in reality, divinity, responsibility and generosity". 

"He glanced at his car then he worried why I didn't or couldn't get her address".

"Real, genuine friendship is a golden -ship, makes life charming". 

"He breathed deeply".

The friendship of worship overcomes obstacle ,struggles and will tackle with them until success.

 "Friendship unite the world; which beautifies the ugly; it converts even the hell in to heaven". 

"Let the mind be established in friendship, which will be established in Godhood from manhood. I know her from childhood"... 


‘’Oh dear you could not complete your higher studies lack of many!"

Wow what a oneness, when two hearts joint together it’s the greatest pleasure"

" Yes." 

It’s like a shower of flowers on the river of rose water! Such a wonder… 

."Dear kinder, you are not poor while I am near.’’

Unknowingly he had wiped away his heating tears. He slept in the sofa in Marina’s  thoughts". 


"Sam does not say anything easily which he can’t honor". 

"When he gives a word, he will honour it .... that is why people honour him because he honour the Lord of the Lords". 

"And best of all, he considers the given words must be assumed as the Divine words". . 

He heard a music which his uncle Mukunda adores.

He sympathized on him echo ime he hardly the morality and melodious music he wa watching in emotion on his TV

Thanks 👍


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