"God Morning !"
God Morning Tulsy why you look nervous today it's not your natural nature Tulsy? "
"Because you made a mistake in our previous session. I wonder  how did you recognize that I'm nervous today ?"
"Simple for example example  you're the one who often call me Krishna nonstop once you omitting pronouncing Krishna's  name,I feel your failure and recognize there must be something wrong somewhere Tulsy "
"Yes Krisna is correct Tulsy "
"Wipe up your tears Tulsy take it easy Tulsy our life without Krishna is simply a crazy life Tulsy"
"I don't care someone is cyber bullying me ?"
"Ohhhhhhhh Goodness it's true krishna the proof that there are alarming numbers of children have been  affected Krishna "
"Yes Krisna our teachers or Head teachers do not take care of it krisna "
"Krishna...Krishna ...Krishna!!! 
"What's that Renuga?"
"Your phone is ringing Krishna!"
"Oh yeah!
...Hold on a  second please K.Soul is on the line"
"Hello how can ....?"
"Krishna...Krishna...Krishna Tulsy is in Srilanka could you ask our tutor to handle 
the cyber bullying of Tulsy please? "
"Suuuu silent students "
" Hi Krisna! I'm hearng your conversation let me handle the matter of Tulsy"
"Why you risk your self sir?"
"Oh does Tulsy is hearing what we speak Krishna Menan?"
 "Of course, it's in loud peaker  mode " 
"Ha...ha...there are 37 percent of the innocence population have been affected by cyber bullying children that's why." 
"What does it mean sir ?"
"Mistreating  repeatedly, intentionally harass people hurtfully in making fun of innocence children or famous people in jealous even Rajanikanh is being badly bullied".

"On line and cell phones Krishna?"
"What does it mean Sam?"
"Yes  knowing nothing of cell boon Krishna?"
"Oh ! Yes lack of Divine guide line we are out of Divine discipline dear divine embodiments?"
"What does mean of CELL BOON Sam?"
"Simple ask  Krishna "
"Which...which is the  best boat  and it is  being  blessed eternally as long as we are with Lord Krishna?"
"I don't catch up Krishna "
"Then give up Sarah "
"Krishna what is  Cell phone and what is  cell boon ?"
"What is cell boon?"
"Guess guys guess "
"Oh  Krishna!
Are you talking about the blood cell such as stem cell from which the scientists set up baby to treat major medical condition?"
"Exactly  which carry on and on in carrying our entire education of devotion , eternally up to the end of each body"
"Oh you mean the mind set which have been preset following these sacred systems of devotional development as enlightenment Krishna which is the achievement of entire achievements?"
 "Certainly the intelligence system  ,mind system "
"And ... and the  ego system doesn't detach during the innumerable involvements of evolution transformation of transmigration like immigration and emigration Krishna?"
"Yes body after body ,  embryo after embryo which will echo in our characteristics to make our personality."
"Oh really Krishna these three aspects attached with the sacred soul birth after birth Krishna?"
"Absolutely Meera" 
" Although...although in different ,different kingdom such as animal kingdom,plant kingdom, bacteria kingdom and... and... and finally holly human kingdom Krishna"
"Yes..,yes...yes... why?"
"No idea Krishna! No idea Kanna !!!" 
"To understand the science of Self-Realisation sweet hearts 💕 
"Why then people are  behaving arrogantly like animals Krishna ?"
"Lack of learning lessons of Lord Krisna in the Gita isn't it Krishna?"

"Definitly otherwise it's inhumanity Krishna"

"Sure  we return to the cycling of repeated birth ?!"
"We are what we eat great hearts  💕" 
"💕it's  harmful and pretty hurtful uncommon comments on line sir!!!
"Why what they want ftom us Krishna  why  we are targeted please?"

" humiliate and harras even with images "
"How does it work sir"
 "Kind of unkind  manipulated pictures in transforming  the  children’s decents pictures"
" changing the body parts with some other hurtful images Krishna"
"Unfortunately it is the case and at the moment we have to handle the case of  Tulsy"

"What do you say Tulsy ask her Krishna Mena ?"
"Just leave it sir we're scared of the serious consequences   "
 "In this condition,   do you want us to be in ignorance Class  Tulsy?"
"Are... are you serious is it because of our ignorance the offence is overwhelming ?"
"What... what deffrence it would make Krishna ?"
"You mean for the peace of the  world  Tulsy?"
"Yes  Krishna it wouldn't make any difference if we ignore it Krishna?"

"If Madam Rosa Park had thought the same thing in America while she was not allowed to sit down and travel in a public bus ; if  Martin luther King  didn't interfere ,still...still we all would   be standing in the public transports like slaves"
"up to today Krishna?"
"Yes "
"Who was she Krishna ?"
"Ha...ha...the world is on our palms please use it instead of abusing it now you can see both heroes in black and white pictures."
"We have to defend it sir"
"Certainly... this is an offence it affects each citizen Tulsy "
"How you're going to tackle it Krishna?"
"By the way ,what ..."
"What was the full name of the honourable MP sir?"
"Oh my God which is difficult to describe students" 
"What ... it does not make sense  sir!"
"Alright his name is Chithathan Tharmalingam or Tharmalingam Chithathan fine I don't know how to spell it correctly ?" 
"It's sounds like sweetly a sacred  name  Krisna "
"Sure...sure  it's very vedic, yogic and heroic name "
"Can ... can we start our lession now ?
"Krishna cool down you look handsome Krishna  ha...ha"
"What's the  meaning of Chithathan Krishna ?"
"Oh my goodness that's why I was avoiding in the first place!!!" 
"Krisna you're awesome ha...ha... why don't you smile Krishna?"

"Alright ! Chitha mean purity so chithathan means person of purity in his personality "
"How we achieve that state krishna please why you changed your pretty personality cool down Krishna".
"First when we arrive from our mother's tummy ,aren't we are in pretty ignorance class ?"
"Sure Krishna my brother urinated on Papa's nice face when he was six months old Krishna "

"Ha...ha...that is absolutely the trace of ignorance class Rudra "
"Kind of innocent class Krishna? "
"Then we become pretty passion class in terms  of  education,  fashion and possessions.Correct?"
 "You're right unless we become to the state of  passion class , we would be in ignorance class Krishna "
"Sure... sure then unless we become goodness class ,we will be  in passion class children". 
"How to become to the state of Goodness Class  Krishna?
"Oh my God any of you have any idea who is a yogi ?" 
"No Krishna because we're your students ha...ha!"
"If we know the meaning of a yogi we can understand the meaning of the gracious name of Chithathan "
"Alright Krishna how to become Chithathan please krishna?"
"Conquer Thamas By Rajas and Rajas through Sathwa"
"Wow what is it Krishna?"
" Baba said great hearts 💕!"
"Then Krishna how to become Chithathan ?"

"Free ourselves even from Goodness Class" 
"Impossible Krishna!!!
 "Totally impossible Krishna "
"utterly unimaginable Krishna" 
"Then only we can understand the mind of Mr Chithathan sweet 💕hearts 💕"
"Thanks Krishna God bless you Krishna our apologies Krishna"
"Where did you learn this Krishna?"
"Chapter five Text eleven"
"Could you  describe the quotation krishna?"
"Why not it's my duty:
"The gogis abandoning attachment, the yogis are acting with body,mind, intelligence and even the senses  only for the purpose of purification".
"Why... why...why we do so  Krishna?"
"Just to satisfy our Originator who is the Creator actually the Actor and Amazing Administrator"
"We Krishna?"
 "We all are His sponsors His servitors and His Ancestors ha....ha...ha...not Administrators, not proprietors and not Creator's.
 "Are we capable students?" 
"No Krishna  !!!!???,,"
"Could...could we continue to conquer our passion class by our goodness class  Krishna?"
"Okay now only I feel fearless kids ha...ha...let's go,
Such an excellent feeling of frequencies of radiation 
vibration of auspicious current comforting 
them with charm and calm.
Indeed an interestingly impressing impact all have been compact 
within the perfect setting. 
What sitting room like a colorful fireworks 
lit up in the boys minds!.
Resembled all the Gods and Goddesses have attended for their wedding 
Was the sun cutely spun like the earth 🌎 spins towards 
the opposite side

 It's a  golden current made new, new electrons ,neutrons and protons 
affectionate atoms effected  them.

Enabling them to be engaged in inner  entertainment.

"Oh Lord Krishna! Please come down here because you left your golden crowns ",

thought Sam delightedly in glancing them wordlessly.

At the same time, , Sam was fascinated of her facial  and wonderful wow voice it was...fantastic flowery words from her pearly  pink lips. 
He was in gloom bearing some sad news all the way from London beautifully back to beautifully  bloomed. The entire room was charmingly glowing and delightfully blooming spreading fragrance !"
"Wow! Such...sucn diffrence it made in his heart Krisna?.!!! 
"Mmmm Moreover, this divine 💃 🩰 dance enhanced a chance of seeing the magnetically magical things with a romantic eye catching tone .

  Even the sun rays hadn't the chance of scanning them .

Moreover, they were decorated by a pairs of silver angelic anklets. 

He was scanning her as the golden sun rays scanning her pretty body through the middle of the closed pure white curtain. 

It was indeed eye catching event…

"Can we share a video Krishna?"
"No pretty propmatic "

"Kind of imagination version please krishna !

"Try this then Subathra"
extremely amazed;  eyes were eager to see Sam 
"Definitely Durga "
"As gracious as gorgeous and as golden glow astonishingly  excellent   she did not close her eyes Krishna? "

"Sure! The boys felt  hilarious their elegant eyes were honey dropping".  
All of a sudden, Jame's white dog!found them!
As long as he knows them well, he politely shouted at 
them ,
" Krishna? How?"
"Rhoove...rhoove" .
The high class dog's  brown  eyes expressed what he thought...
"The mind is the indication of the face Krishna "
" Correct Cristina basicall we all involved all births that include fog , dog and cat "
"Unbelievable Krishna what does the dog facial features expressing krishna because it sounds that you remember all your passed life   ha..,ha...?" 
"Oh sure ! Which mean : What you are doing like rowdies?"
"Ha...ha...Krishna...Krishna !!?"
"What the great guys responded Krishna ?"
"In return,they softly saw their fingers on their 
mouths... asking him not to shout"
 "it would have been  looked so pity and pathetic of the great guys belong to great families Krishna !"
"Hundred percent the  clever dog  straight away pointed out at 
the gate which explained them he was warning by saying ,
"look at  the gate boys.Don't you see is open... I 
think you are going to be caught by James in a minute!"
"Oh goodness !??"
"What was it Krishna?"
"I was planning to run away !"
"Pardon Krishna?"
"So sorry  Krishna Menan was out."
"Where was he Krishna?"
"In the blue car. To make the thing bad to worse, he suddenly  saw Mrs Jonathan with a grass green sary , James with blue jeans and a sky blue shirt".
"Have you been shivering Krishna?"
"Pardon Peter?"
 "Sorry was Krishna Menan was shivering?"
"He was in pandemic panic!!! Still ...still trying to share a message   hurriedly but his fingers fearfully freez!.
Meanwhile,  the innocence and inspirational guys ♥ heard hurtfullu that  James and aunty, Gayatry were talking .
"Immediately they felt  guilty!?.
"At the very last moment, they were trying to escape, but too late!"
"Why you cry Meera ?"
"I'm nervous Krishna I'm  afraid Krishna as they are going to going to be court in red handed Krishna why didn't you help them Krishna?"
"I was in a serious situation too Meera sorry Krishna Mena was in a difficult circomstances and he didn't want to take difficult decision ".
"We all feel fearful like Meera does .However ,Meera is extremely emotional Krishna "
"Why your voice has been broken down  Rudra?"
"I don't  know Krisna I automatically chanting the hare Krishna Mahatma Krishna!"
"So great hearts 💕 brilliants boys, they dashed to the grey gate in light speed:

"And thenKrishna?"
"And greeted them with charm" 
"How Krishna we thought they would have been thoughtless wordless and ...and... and...shameful of them Krishna" 
"No not at all they said :
"Hey where have you been so long?"
"We have been waiting James ...Aunty how are you doing?"
"Have you been waiting so long Sam?"
"Don't worry we have been watching Parathanaddiyam". 
"Oh my goodness!!!"
"What was it Krishna?"
 "I   thought unexpectedly no I Krisna Menan ".
"We understand your disappointment after  disappointment Pardon Menan's critical circumstances.Today Krishna "
"Sure ! Still being a barrister,and blessed Sam , they said the truth and they 
intelligently asked them to be quite and watch  what they watched honestly."
"Really Krishna they must be incredibly brilliant to do so krisna !!!"
They all delightedly  clapped their hands happily,  appreciating and expressing their impressive impressions.  
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 👏👌
Honestly, the great guys  were not hiding anything now.
"Wow.., what a wonderful work krishna !"
"Work is worship Meera" 
"Where were you Krishna?"
"Krishna Menan was silent in the car,worrying for the bad boys thinking:

"What kind qualities mark they are going to see on them!The honesty,the integrity the credibility,The dignity and beauty all grace have  gone like the forest fire disaster ".

Finally for his  relief and relax , Rajesh responded him:
"  nothing went wrong .Be strong see you soon".. 
Menan felt  someone gifted him a Rolax watch as a gift !
"Of course, divine duties.They eat good; 
They eat satvic food;
Aren't they?
Speak good; see good;and think good  Krishna."
 "They were speechless!
And felt the deepest 
delighted moment ever students"!
"What was Marina doing Krishna ?"
"Marina cried like a child  .Obviously they were amazingly  astonished.She was puzzled; she looked pathetic still romantic and divinic seeing her yogic guy glanced at her gorgeously. 
"Why was he hesitating to let her know his arrival from 
London Krishna ?"
"No one knows it's a riddle"! 
"Aren't they replacing the milky way !Or sun rays Noooo waaaaay! They  resembled to the Garland called galaxy?.
"Can any one imagine a garland of stars that is how both boys felt!!!"
It's true...Krishna both have their same charms. They  were sweetened to show their silent ,pleasant, sensational saintly personalities.
"Marina mesmerised witnessing  Sam Both gazed gladly at each other which was divinely illuminating with glowing illumination ".  
"What about rajeskanna krishna ?"
"Rajesh Kanna on the other side trying to take his seat next to Renu". 
 "Her family called her to the kitchen and reminded that her astrology has not been confirmed yet."
"However ,both Renu and Rajesh  eyes would have been  resembled welcoming ruby rivers Krishna?".
"The family welcomed Marina to the kitchen and told her gently and politely  that Sam has been hesitating a newsto share with everyone and 
friends are worried would you tactically talk and try to get the news please 🙏 ".
"Krisna ! Marina would bewarmly shock, but remained in lovely lotus shy!"
"Sure !Straight away Sam gladly glanced  at the blue sky. "
""Where James Krishna?
"Meanwhile, James joyfully joined them with some cool drinks."
"How did they react krishna ?"
"The illumination in their happiest hearts  were  unimaginable it was the  highest degree of free feeling".
"What were the others Krishna?"
"They smiled to each other  "
"And then Krishna?".
"Seeing the smiling pretty pearls, everyone amazed!"
"O Goodness! Where they are coming from KARMA Krishna?"
"Pardon Pamitta?"
"From the Supreme Abode or heavenly  realm Krishna??!" 
"Ha...ha...!!!With lots of real diamonds in their smiles.
Sweetly  Rajeskanna cleaned his throat.Oh goodness!His eyes were an 
impossible colour. "
"We love them Krishna "
"Rajesh  pulled the collar of his silky softy blue shirt similar to the sky blue and smiled at Renu again ".
"Krishna! Both of their souls would have been joined together. "
"Certainly their hearts beats rates would have increased Krishna" .
"Renuga's baby blue eyes were covered by her dark chocolate  brown 
fair hair grace of her gracious dance, hair had messed up."
"Amazing Krishna to be fair, it's the  atmosphere Krishna "
" Sure Still the air messing her  hair to be more fair state ... that fell over 
her charming face! Unimaginatively improved her femininity."
"Rajesh Kanna adores her she as she looks so nice...
"And then Krishna?"
"Suddenly, she swallowed a divine honey generated in her own attractive 
"We too can feel it fabulously Krishna "
"Her blood heated. His gaze dropped to her anklets in silver and gradually raised to her angelic shaped body."
"After that Krishna?"
"A moment later,the couples have kept their distance for some charming privacy". 
"What was he doing Krishna ?"
"Sam was with his darling in calm in the other side of the 
massive black settee in the  sitting room".
"Why Krishna?"
 "He was studying Marina's body language pretty calmly. 
He didn't show much of his fabulous fun,but unexpectedly burst in 
to silver smile" .
".Ohhhhhhh goodness what ruby romance Krisna!!!"

"He smiled at her again while she was gazing on the floor!
However..however her sensational  feet was drawing an art by her toes!.
"Why was it Krisnaha...ha...?"
"When Sam glanced at the sky, she gazes at him."
"Where were  the rest of the family Krishna?"
"Mrs Jonathan watching the couples cutely recalling her romance in London. "
"Time flew fast what a shortest  life!!"She thought thoughtfully. 
 Then they walked down the garden.
The white dog stood happily and kept on   following Renuga.

James joyfully looked at them how  
Rajesh Kanna  and  Renuga  have forgot to breath.

Sam  was amazed the way she was trying to hide her inexperienced attitude interestingly .

"It was indeed a cool reaction in her beautiful body.
"You missed the pilgrimage trip no Miss?" 

"He softly took her lovely long fingers in to his  glamorous grip." 
She kept her shy face in her left palm to hide her emotional feeling. 

This was impossible to express! impossible to describe!
impossible to make the impossible possible.

"Are you alright?"smiled Sam charmingly.

Their romantic attitudes cannot  be learnt at any institution !!!! 

"Where did they learn these beautiful body languages Krishna?" 

 He was so delighted.She seems more younger to her 
age.More prettier than earlier.

All because of her adorably amazing attitudes.Of course,he has been controlled by the Divine Will Krishna?"

Of course, he reminded his divine Will that will not make him to behave like an ordinary individual .

 Although he has the authority,he kept the distance.

"Enhancing Krishna "
" After the walk and a bit talk,they returned.
"Can I sit here on the sofa?".

"Asked Rajesh for fun.
"Please do it",
said Renuga apologetically  realizing her absent mindedness.
She immediately rushed to the bathroom and rinsed up
her face then went back in to the kitchen.
"Why was it Krisna?"
"Her body seemed electrified where she had notified her 
friend,Marina was in sweet shocked ". 
"They had to make up their marvelous  minds sets Krishna".

"That's true !Wow! Love is so powerful than they ever thought."
"How did they manage Krishna ?"

"They just realized it was impossible to behave in 

concentration.They both had been bathed 

by the wonder boys eyes!!! No wonder, their path were 

divine direction ✨ 💖 

"We know very well Krishna"

"They do  not drink tea or coffee Krishna "!!! 

"Certainly Christina".

"All Sam's friends stopped taking coffee and tea that's include alcohol or meats or fish or egg Krishna?".
"Of course,the tea and coffee are nearly 
equal to the alcohol and are the killers particularly 
the cigarettes are cancerous extremely dangerous fact, 
all are allowed drugs".
"Oh goodness meeee we all are still consuming Krishna?"
"In France,children under 18 should not drink tea or coffee Krishna?"
"Correct Christina!"
"As a matter of fact, the tea and the coffee have contained nicotine,which is a kind of  poisonous oily liquid". 
"We learned it .That is very toxin and  which is responsible for 
many,many diseases and 
deaths Krishna".
"Sure Sarah". 

"Yes! Sam is some one so divine,a silent saint working 

harder and harder to make the people better,softer and 

clever to live the life healthier and wealthier with 


"We know it for sure Krisna" 

" Not like us we are  predators just worrying about preys 

to hunt like the ignorance class people".

"Only in the interest of the present life,but not caring the future lives 


"Are we animals  Krishna?"

"Of course, we are PREDATORS means the animals which 

eat other animals so we are the PREDATORS too". 

"Marina ,she was in deed some one special.Thinking of 

her special individual who makes the Divine fearing human trying to make the real and eternal  happiness".

"She was extremely happy and supremely thankful to the Lord; almost all  her dreams come true. 
As a result, her mind marvellously thinking the power of Divine even  in this romantic situation.
Sam's phone was singing:
 Rajesh Kanna was turning the pages of the magazine, laying on the table ,but carefully  listening Sam's talks, pretending he was just reading and guessing or assuming:
" it might be  Ragu rowdy... certainly he is going to ruin our plan to celebrate this event."
Rajesh was unexpectedly  despair to hear . "
I can’t .Strange guy Ragu wanted Sam's dead he was trying to get a new plot to get Marina.
The way he  would  looks at Marina expresses his intention. 
Many students  remarked in many occasions . 

Nevertheless,after an amazing speech of Divine 
Science in the college, Sam became super student over  night!
Ragu was extremely furious and serious, he knows Sam 
must have a weakness unfortunately he quickly found out that the divine Science is his weakness.
In fact his interested because Sam fell in  love in Supreme Science.
Ever since that became a strength point to Ragu to 
disturb his stunning studies. 
Factually, Sam was genius in Science he had the potentiality of becoming a 
divined doctor, according to his chart  astrologer guaranteed that he is a 

But jealous Ragu purposely disturbed his destined doctor career .
"Still Sam is a proficient/competent in education".  
Sam ended up being tremendous with torch of  superior  knowledge.
"What is proficient and competence Krishna?"
The necessary skills for example, teaching the innocence about the Supreme Science Rata. 
As a result, Sam likes Ragu.
For instance, once Ragu  challenged with Sam that 
Lord Shiva is Krisna Himself.
Sam, being a child agreed 
with Ragu. However, being a brilliant and blessed boy, he 
determined to dedicate his time to educate  himself profoundly.
Then in one of his many speeches,Sam made the opponents candidates 
"How Krishna please?"
In brief,,there are three major managements in 
Administrated by three  
Visnus (KRISHNAS)".
"What are they Krishna?"

"Brahma Visnu and Shiva Krishna"
We are talking about God sweetest hearts 💕 ♥ ❤ 💖 
"What is His name Krishna?".

Out of these three Major Deities, 

Paramathman is Visnu. 

"Are you sure Krisna?"
"Yes it's not the end  there are three, right Ruby?"

" Thank you  could you tell us the   names of those three 
please? "

1) Ksirodaka-Sayi-Visnu.

"What He does Krisna?"
"He is the all-pervading Paramatman".

"Who Lives in each and every individual as eternal entity ".
 "Thanks so much Krisna!"

2)"The  Second Visnu called 
Garbhodaka Sayi-Visnu
"What He does Krisna?"
"He is the collective Super Soul of all living entities." 

3)" Third Krishna?"
Karanodaka Sayi Visnu.
"Who was it Krishna?
 "He is laying  in the Casual 
Ocean, Sarah" 
"What He does Krisna?"
 "He is the Creator of all universes". 
Unexpectedly Renuga had served the drinks in a silver tray to everyone. 
Finally,she asked Rajesh Kanna to drink as he didn't touch at all.
Meanwhile Marina was taking care of Sam.
Accidentally a few drops of water dropped on the foot of Rajesh-Kanna.
She was badly worried. Asked apology and wiped them away by her kitchen towel.
For her surprise,the water drops were continuing!!!
 It was a shocking situation for her. She exclaimed! It was not 

 from the silver tray. Unexpectedly she gazed  at 

him!Then only she realized it was from his eyes!
...Happy tears. He could 

not understand the Supreme obeisance of her divine discipline. 

Such a femininity and God's qualities. He simply thanked to God to have a wonderful woman. 

When the flowers blossom,the plants or the trees even the environment will be beautiful; 

When the love bloom,the whole world will be beautiful;

When the love bloom,within two greats,will cause the pleasure of the pleasures.

When the heart realized that he or she has been loved by a beloved lover,all the cells in the entire body will bloom in blossom; 

When all of them happened within his heart,he gathered both of his generous palms joined and prayed to her with lots of obeisance.

And he thought to himself with lots of affections,

" Dear lord of the Lords bless you to have a wonderful life.
I am extremely pleased to be part of your life as your life partner.

I cannot live without you.

I told everything to every body about you".

Renuga was pleased.Her heart pumped loudly in 
her chest... thinking:
"whatever you might ask,I should be doing until the departure of my soul from my body you need to be my partner even in my next 
After a good relaxed,Rajesh Kanna kindly asked  Renu. 

"What kind of wife you like to be?"
She was so shy however,was wearing a highly seductive 
smile and said :

"Mom always says that the family should be always controlled by the male, father,I mean husband otherwise it would be a disaster",   

She smiled. He nodded his head 



 Rajesh called her and he smiled then said ...

"What type of wedding party you prefer?":

" I understand your generosity and spirituality.
I will try the best to be your beloved wife.
I do not like to show off then work for years to repay the debts of the expensive party, like my brother has been doing. 

"In fact, I do not understand the reason of such party without enough resources. According to the Vedic Literature,we have to follow the rules and regulations of scripture to make the life divine."...

At the same time other lovely pair had been hearing their friends loving conversation pretending that they were not listening to them. 
She carried on with her charming velvet voice.....
."Making a party in showing off by wearing very expensive cloths just for a day, simply an act of pride or a kind of competition, all just for one 
day and keeping them in the bag for the rest of the life is nonsensical activities.

We should not copy the nonsensical things rather 
than follow the devotional path. 

But we offer meals to the poor and wished to be blessed by them." 

She said every things 

honestly. He moved closer to her in 

wearing a comfortable seductive smile and carried 

her around the house.

She was in the heaven of the heavens.

Sam suddenly requested Marina nearly the same question.

She was sweetly amazed in hearing such wonderful words from his mouth.

 He straightaway asked her so friendly,

"How do you expect your wedding to be conducted ?" 

" I prefer what you prefer. Even you wear me a string instead of a thick gold wedding chain, I will be pleased.... 

We can do that at the krishna Temple devotionally or if we expect some people to be invited,we can arrange some poor people in offering them a lovely meal",

 Suddenly for her sweetest amazement, he kissed her for the  first time but best kiss ever . 

Her body seemed electrified magnificently. She was over the moon as though the Lord came home and fed her nectar in a golden spoon.

On the other side, Rajesh had thought about his lost girl,Gayatry.  

He recalled as once very friendly he asked her the same question....It 
was  how her wedding had to 

As a response,she replied that must be the best wedding in the world.

In addition, the invitation cards 

should be printed in the real note!A cash note.Not  less 

than a 1000 Rupee of  Srilankan currency.

"Where there is a faith there is love;where 
there is love there is peace;where there is peace 

there is blesses", 

Hare   Krishna 

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